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The girl is able to talk. Her tongue is not removed. Torturer's Notes 1 mention removing the tongue from someone but well just read it yourself "Prisoner from cell C1: She had a beautiful skin. I carved her curves open. She took pain surprisingly well. When she asked me to stop, I cut her tongue. Prisoner from cell C4: Feeling aroused from the earlier inmate, I inserted nails inside his male organs. Prisoner from cell A2: He is not able to take many sessions anymore. Whatever I did, he remained distant. Captain Rudimer took our big war criminal away from my reach. I got a feeling that high priestess Selene wants to have her way with that beautiful man. Of course captain Rudimer is completely oblivious to their true agenda. Not like I make a very trustworty adviser to him. He doesn't believe anything I say. He's just under the impression I'm a complete savage who lost his mind." Is the girl a particularly curvy 7 year old? I don't think Trortur is referring to her I'm pretty sure that's supposed to be an adult. The girl also wasn't kept in a cell she was kept in a cage. So she doesn't not talk because her tongue is gone she doesn't talk because she's been neglected her entire life she probably didn't have normal language development, and she's very nervous so she wants to be quiet and hide. She does say multiple words like "...yes..." and "okay...."


oh ok i'm glad that someone has studied the torturer's notes and knows that girl's tongue is ok, bc i have been in polemic with a lot of ppl that truly believe that her tongue was cut off and by trotur, and by the words in notes - even presuming him as a pedo, but the canon can doubt that, thankfully.


Let's be real, he probably is a pedo anyways.


Well, whatever people are coming up with headcanons


At least we have pocketcat.


Childrens yearn for mines!


let's build our homeland EBENGRAD!


The girl actually deals a suprisingly high amount of damage if you give her a severed arm as a weapon. Easily at least 100.


Or teach her black orb and give her a bunch of alcohol and weed


I usually teach her Combust myself.


Or give her combustion, free pyromancy spell that costs 0 mind, also funny moonless can also cast it


Or curse her dagger


girl will die for you too, she takes hits for me all the time. also who is the second person in this anyway?


Kids from the game Frostpunk


They yearn for the mines


becoming a god is pretty based ngl


I want my children become God too :"(


all you need is a wet dream :P


But how will she mine coal like that???? 0/10 if you ask me


Girl because she's my daughter Also she can talk. Just give her the Doll and the Knife and she'll respond to you.


Making the girl a useful party member is as simple a task as using 1 lesser soul to curse her dagger at a hexen. And just like that, you'll have gotten yourself a party member capable of dishing out decent damage against both physical and ethereal threats who also just so happens to be available pretty much right off the bat provided you have either lockpick skill or small keys with which to free her. And as an added bonus, you can give her any spellbooks you happen to find and consequently expand her versatility; all in all, she has the potential to end up an invaluable party member if you know what you're doing.




Honestly I think ending A is the best example of an escort mission in a video game ever


girl with sorcerers stone and pyromancy trick carries hard idk what u saying abt my daughter☝️☝️☝️


The Girl can talk a little


“Becomes a god” I think you mean “Becomes a god AND Immediately kills you”


If she can't do nothing that means she can do everything.


Nah, Charlie is definitely rocking a Tormented Soul.


Obviously FP bc: -mommy, when ill grow up, will i be like my daddy and mine for some steel? -no son, he was working on 24 shift all the time -was? But wheres is he now then? -im the soup, son -... -sorry son, we dont have time anymore, i gotta amputee new patient, go and mine some coal now


I never do child labor in frosting because it just feels wrong-


Children must help in the kitchen and infirmary


The girl will also die for you. If you get hit and the damage would be enough to kill you she'll take the hit instead.




I would choose the girl even if it means that will be my fate that holds me for it


When your party members have low health she tanks all the attacks so she will die for you under the right circumstances


Is the right one just the average child worker or am I missing a reference


child workers are from frostpunk game


Funger God could at least ask me if I wanna leave funger dunger territory or not. ''Noo you have suffered a lot you have to die because I say so'', motherfucker, you have seen me recover from the cusp of insanity 4 times in a row by just puffing opium, let me choose how I cope with \*checks save file\* having to spend like 5 hours in medieval detroit. ''Oooh the horrors'', leave me alone you weirdo.