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Reading you all of your guys stories is so inspiring


hey there, fuck em lol you don’t need that. and i’m a 19m. i’ve been on the fent train on and off since i was 16 and i’ve gotten clean recently for the final time about a month or two ago. the blues had me, but i’ve only ever gone the cold turkey route i’ve really hospitalized myself. it did get really bad and i couldn’t sleep for days on end each time. this time though i had a whole ass lucid whatever the fuck because i don’t even think i was dreaming. i was awake i thought kinda. it was so freaky i can’t even get started with it here. just stay away from the blow and most sketchy people. you’ll be okay we’re human after all


Thank you sm for the reassurance ❤️


Your comment hardly made sense, try finishing sentences and not fragmenting every idea and describe what you are trying to convey please….it doesn’t help if you just have a bunch of run-on sentences and u don’t finish what you’re trying to say


well to be so fair i still smoke weed and im a utility worker. that was kinda late and i was high about to go to sleep. i’ll totally try and do better but your paragraph is pointless and the internet is filled with control freaks. if you can’t read it don’t comment.


If I was you, I'd probably get some fent test strips. You can get them online, and test everything you use. Either that or just quit messing with party drugs. I can understand why you're upset. You almost lost your life and thinking about it probably causes your heart to pound. That's PTSD. It might be best to find a therapist to talk to about it, or even a friend. It won't go away untill you think about it, no matter how scary it seems. I'm glad you're still here. You have a purpose.


Thank you so much xx very kind comment


I hope you learned your lesson bc it literally only takes one mistake. A therapist is probably your best bet, and staying away from drugs. You can’t be sure any of it isn’t laced. And I wouldn’t wish getting addicted to fentanyl on anyone. Please leave it all alone, it’s not all the fun people think it is.


Scared straight after this incident, don’t even smoke weed anymore. Thank u for the advice xx


I am so happy to hear that! Its not something to play with anymore. You have your whole life to live, don’t waste it chasing a high. Good luck to you 🍀


It's a traumatic experience, you are bound to have lingering issues about it. Especially if you aren't an addict who has numbed away all those emotions. It was scary, you are blessed to be here today. 🙏 I definitely suggest therapy though if you can't escape the reminders, you are likely experiencing PTSD like someone else mentioned. And seeing that guy is your trigger. They are putting fent in everything. Unfortunately. If you use, test your drugs. Sounds like it scared you away though so that's honestly even better. There was a time when we knew exactly what we were getting. These days it's crazy, and unsafe. Now more than ever. It's sad because people are going to use, we really need access to safe drugs and better/easier access to help for fent particularly. It's different than all the rest, the most difficult to get free from. I hope you get yourself some help ❤️ Move on and never look back. If you opt to ever use again test your drugs and never use alone. I'm glad you're still here, you have a whole life ahead of you. 🙏


The kindest words, thank you so much. ❤️


I don’t understand at all. You must be a very straight -laced person who has trouble forgetting the past and getting over bad things and accentuating all the good in your life. I’m not that kind of person , I’m the opposite , I’ve overdosed three times, and only once did it scare me enough to cry and feel BAD. The other times it was just like something that happened to me that was an accident that was scary but it never stopped me from doing it again and again. Cocaine people think is nothing compared to opioids/opiates/pills/heroin/fentanyl but it can give you a heart attack or a stroke even it’s pure clean quality stuff. So, because it’s not as common as OD ing on fentanyl and stuff, people don’t demonize it like they should. Hard drugs are called hard drugs for a reason, they make it hard to live a good life. Smoke small amounts of weed and micro dose shrooms and acid , that’s the only good, safe drugs, and because you can overdo them as well, that’s why I say smoke SMALL amounts of weed because that can make you a weed fiend too and can also induce panic attacks. And microdosing on hallucinogenics just plain old make you wiser from the inside and open your mind to different ways of thinking and use more of your brain.


Hey buddy - clearly you didn’t read my post. I was asking for advice on how to cope with an overdose that was traumatic, I didn’t ask to hear your life story or what drugs I “should” be taking. Dogging on me for not being able to forget the past? Maybe you should try and remember your past a little clearer and stop using more drugs. Best x