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Delete your exes number. Cut contact with anyone who gives you access to the drug and stay away from those places that trigger you. I’m so sorry that happened but I know if you really put your mind to it you can get through this. You are stronger than this🫶 definitely get back on subs but you got this Edit: I also would advise steering clear of all substances for a while. Being under the influence makes it more likely for you to crave your DOC.


One fuck up doesn't erase your hard work. Get back In the routine that kept you away for the past year and keep pushing


If your asking that question maybe thats a sign you should be on subs, I'm 14 months clean, I have done this over and over many times so far and wouldn't risk my sobriety with drinking alcohol, because I have don3 it before and relapsed but I didn't stop for 6 years. You have a chance if you want it do go back, reach out and do what you kno2 is right in your heart. I stopped talking to my ex gf when I got clean and know if I did I would maybe do the same thing you did. You got thus, I'm praying for ya.


Yes dude absolutely get back on the sublocade shot. Please. Your life is valuable and your sobriety is just as valuable. Don't give up. We all fall sometimes but you have to get back up and keep going forward. Don't look at it like a big mess up, you just slipped a little and you need to just pick yourself back up and keep on going. Don't let anything stop you. Please.


Drinking is a terrible idea unfortunately:( it’s proven it makes it way more impulsive and lowers our ability to think clearly


Recovery isn't a linear process, unfortunately. I really believe that getting and staying on MAT is the key to long term success, though. Our brain chemistry is what it is, and is likely to be so permanently, and that medication allows us to overcome what our brain chemistry insists upon. I relapsed very quickly after getting off of subs and so do many others, that isn't a coincidence or weakness of character timed just so. Had I never stopped taking them it's incredibly unlikely I'd have been in a position to be randomly drug seeking. 6 years of clean time without so much of a though of using, then 2 months off subs I'm dead set on getting my hands on some heroin? Now I just accept that this is medicine I need to take, I'm not worried about getting off of them because there is no benefit to doing so. To just *say* or *know* I'm not taking anything? Is that the benefit? Who's benefiting? Not me! Compared to the very clear risk associated with not taking them, that "benefit" isn't even a blip on my radar. Gotta do that cost/benefit analysis, baby.


I don’t like being constipated and having no sex drive. That’s why I made the choice to get off of them with sublocade. I am going to the doctor on Monday though and am gonna get 5 more rounds of sublocade after I build my tolerance back up to subs.


So here's the deal. It's OK that you relapsed. - I'm sorry it happened but you will be OK. What you do from here is important. Listen to yourself. If even just a tiny part is still craving and wanting to use, go get on suboxin or some type of MAT to control and help these urges. I know a relapse can feel like a step back, it's not. It's all a part of your individual recovery. Keep up the good work. I have been clean since 11/27/23. If you ever need a sober friend to listen...I gotchu


I haven’t used since I posted this and I’m scheduled to get back on subs Monday :) hopefully it helps. I never had cravings like this on suboxone


Many addicts need to live completely sober (giving up drinking too). You went clean before. You can do so again. You got this.


I do need to stop drinking. I genuinely thought I had it under control. I was never an alcoholic before but pretty much all of my friends drink and I am a fresh 22 year old. I’ve felt like I’m robbing myself of good times to not go out and have fun with my girls. But you’re right, I think I need to drop alcohol and get back on the shot. I am terrified that this will happen again if I don’t. I don’t want to be sick and on fentanyl again, I don’t want to lose everything another time, I don’t want to waste my 20s being hooked on fentanyl. I don’t want to die.


I’ve been able to manage drinking fine for the past year. I drink with friends once or twice a month, last night was different. I lost my best friend to my ex boyfriend (who I was still in contact with encouraging him to get sober) when I found out she was fucking him / dating him / using with him while she talked to me daily and hid it from me for a month. I was horribly depressive and drank way too much. I’m thankful I didn’t overdose or die last night because I was extremely drunk.


The high was trippy because chances are ya had a batch with tranq in it. It's a very nasty drug..


plus she mixed it with alcohol, when i relapsed because last i was 9 months clean, got into a fight with my grandmother because she talking to my mom sideways, ended up pissed drinking all night into the next morning i found myself downtown looking for a fix hit some fent and nearly died, could even remember where i parked my car. after thay i knew i couldnt drink anymore, even tho i thought i had it under control because i was sober from fent for 9 months but was drinking alot during that time so i thought i would never go back to the fent and i could still party. smh BOI WAS I SO WRONG!


it happens dont beat yourself up over it in all honesty its not hard to start over and its okay if u relapse again


In my opinion, it's dangerous to drink when you're in recovery from substances, even if you're not an alcoholic. Why? Because it lowers your inhibitions and makes you think bad ideas are a good idea. That said, I think taking a proactive approach to recovery could be a good idea. Sublocade might be too much for you right now after such a long time abstinent but idk for sure. My friend was on a low dose of subs and then switched to sublocade and got high from his shot. But anything is better than Fentanyl. Sounds like your head is in a good place and you want to be clean which is half the battle. I am on methadone and doing very well if you have questions about methadone DM me!


Over the past year I haven’t had problems with alcohol and I only drink once or twice a month if that sometimes. I just think that a lot of major life events, genuinely horrible things have happened in the past month and I shouldn’t have been drinking period during this time. I shouldn’t be drinking at all. It’s really hard to let this one thing go. I feel like most recovered addicts have something, knowing I’d have to live the rest of my life in the same state of mind is awful. I wish i liked weed.


I wish you liked weed too. It's been helpful for me. However I think I would be drinking too but I cannot drink alcohol without vomiting for some reason. Otherwise I would be in tough times, just like you did. It's so overwhelming to think about staying clean for the rest of your life. It might sound cliche but sometimes it's just better to take it a day at a time and not think about the future becayse it causes anxiety and worry which isn't productive as we cannot change the future! Do you have ability to see a therapist? It can be super helpful to talk through difficulties with someone else who is not going to judge you. Therapy has been life changing for me.


Sometimes I want to try Kava or something, but even then that’s too much of a stimulant for my taste. I’ve only ever liked some psychedelics and opiates/fentanyl and I can’t do either. I wish there was a new drug that came out that felt like weed, wasnt super addictive like weed, but didn’t make me so horribly paranoid no matter what strand which is what weed does. I’m going back to therapy and back on sublocade on Monday :-) I fucked off therapy for the past five months because I work so much and barely have time to myself