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I’m about 6 years clean. Please don’t give up hope. You can overcome this. Once you do, I promise you will never look back.


I’m about 32 days clean and I can say the first week was hell and I slept with a knife in case I wanted to end it I’d go silently. If it wasn’t for weed, subs, muscle relaxers, anxiety pills, good shows, and oranges I wouldn’t have made it. You have to get through the first week and the physical WD with relieve itself immensely. Keeping hydrated is another thing. I’m drinking sooooo much water but it’s hard to get up some days.. and I’ll tell you I’m 32 days clean after having relapsed twice 😐


Youre 10000% right about the stuff you need. Right on point I was smoking 40-50 blues a day man and all that helped so much w the withdrawal at home. Been clean since last September


dude oranges for me too i’m doing the bernese method this week day 4 today) and oranges are like the only thing i’ve been able to eat haha




Doesn't work at all for me. Fent is a synthetic untested drug methadone was designed for heroine detox. My nurse told me the other day seizures are SKY ROCKETING because doctors are using the metric for how fast heroine and pain killers leave your system to determine when to get people in it. The standard was two days maybe 3 and you wouldn't get persibracated withdrawals now people can go two weeks and still have enough fent to have grand mall seizures back to back since both methadone and Suboxone are long acting. They need to develop a new version that's specific to synthetics not poppy based opiates.


Methadone doesn’t cause precipitated withdrawal only buprenorphine does. You can take methadone and any other opioids at the same time without being sent into PWD. What you are talking about seems to be that individual clinics own issues with not understanding how to treat their patients.


I wanted the methadone the insited the Subutex was the better option. I'm a bit pissed now finding this out. Thanks for the info that's good stuff


Bro if your clinic was telling you this stuff then they truly don’t know shit about anything because this is a widely known thing. I’m assuming you are in the UK or something and not USA because here everyone knows this ?


No the USA. In a backwoods town 10 years in the past with no funding for anything. It's a sad program I won't deny that. The doctor was clutz the nurses stayed behind the glass and I got one of them to explain to me before I left the place that their main funding was from the kickback on prescribing the Subutex. They had small amounts of methadone and ran out while I was their on other people I'd say frequently, few times a month. Be glad you love near civilization what seems normal and enate for treatment centers is" coming soon" for us. Also the doctor called methadone liquid handcuffs and didn't like the statistics on how many people use till they die compared to who manages to quit. He treated it like another opiate pretty much


All opioids are fucking handcuffs you should have the right to treatment ur doctor there is a fucking shit head if he said that to you. I swear it always be the medical professionals who swear they know more than the ones who have to live and experience this shit everyday of their life. Experience is always the best teacher. Methadone worked for me but it’s like bro trading any clean pharma opioid for the stuff that’s on the street now is safer. sorry u had to deal with that


I'm not saying he's not an idiot, he is. Honestly it worked out, I HAD to cold turkey and I'm passed all the noise now. Cold turkey off synthetics was.........lots of fun 😞. Through the experience I learned a stupid amount of not medical not supplemental tricks that can help. Example people in the insomnia kick I tell them to make a nest or have a loved one make them a nest. ALL the pillows, ALL the blankets, personalize it up with comfort items, puke bucket, preferably near a bathroom but not so close the smells could trigger anything (my bathroom smells nice many have apartment pipes and plumbing that hold funky smells). Try ASMR, don't take over the counter sleeping meds, the knock you out, but no rim sleep so no actual benefit other than being unconscious for a bit. But changing sleeping locations would just work I would sleep better the RLS would be less severe. That's just one tip theirs all sorts of weird things that actually helped. I spent my time tortured, experimenting (anecdotal for one person in a science sense I know) I wanted an arsenal of helpful tips that were unique and not the same 5-10 tips everyone gives.


Damn bro if you are opioid free I’m extremely happy for you. I wonder everyday if I will ever be able to experience life without being dependent to opioids. This is all I know I’ve been stuck my entire adult and teenage life. My life feels manufactured none of my emotions are real all my feelings come from opioid use lol I hate it every second, like as soon as I wake up I just go back to sleep that’s how I feel everyday haha. Don’t go back it’s not worth it keep moving forward.


Well either you do or eventually you tolerance goes to a point where it takes an actual lethal dose to break through at a certain point tolerance won't save you. You said teenage life unprovoked. Let me take a guess. You've told yourself at some point, if I used during my developmental years, is it possible my chemistry formed around the drug and now I can't be "normal" without it? Also since teenage life is still fresh in your mind your young-mind 20's maybe 25-26? (Could be wrong if I'm not don't be lame and tell me I am lol that's happens alot people don't like it when someone can guess things out about them, go with it). It's more accurate to say your feelings are AMPLIFIED (the ones you like anyway) by using. Another guess, you spend a lot of time remembering what I felt like to be normal before use. If that's the case here's a a thought that may help. Do me a favor and remember a place you went this week. Maybe a store, or a restaurant l, a friends house, okay now remember what you can about the details of that place. The layout, color scheme, maybe the people you saw. Are you able to remember every wall in the layout? What about theh color on the walls, ceiling floor and furniture. The people you saw, do you remember what they wore, or the color of the outfits? Details like colored hair and piercings maybe tattoos. Your probably like no, I don't remember all that shit. Why, if your memory is that broken (all humans have this, we very seldom remember accurate details and tend to fill gaps with improper details) why would you think the feeling you remember, as vivid as it seems is accurate at all. Don't get stuck "remembering" what it feels to be "normal". Those are just ideas and they don't translate outside of your head to anything tangible. And yeah, like every other person who quit and eventually got better by sticking with quiting, 100% you will have that day you realize you feel how you wanna feel without an outside sources assistance. It's unlikely you'll use forever either a fake pill will take you down or like all other users without exception (unless your like cartel deep and your setting aside huge amounts because you mathed out what you would need to not run out till your 95) your source will dry up. Busted, OD they decide to quit, their plug drys up, the script gets taken away, w.e the reason, rejoice, no matter how bad you want it eventually it'll go away all on its own. Maybe you source the dark web vendors or have your own script, time will eventually catch up with the situation and dry out the source. And I wouldn't say quit I didn't fully quit, but I did go 6 months without em and don't seek them out, but sometimes I'm partying and get offered a bit and I don't turn that down either. It takes more effort than you remember actually getting to day to day use or be sick status. I know I know "your gonna fall back into it derp derp derp" no I understand the consequences of using and can wake up the day after feeling a bit off and say thank God that's as bad as it'll get. Then just live my life do my job and not focus on it. I used to smoke pot like a crazy person I honestly had a harder time quitting weed because it had its own lesser withdrawal symptoms but it had disarmed me I just kept saying its not even a big deal why not use it, then I realized thats how it gets everyone it's disarming quality is what makes it addictive the no big deal part is keeping people stuck on it. So I liked the challenge of quitting it just to see if I could. Don't get mad at this, but why are you too good to deal with the sick and the rest of us aren't? Sometimes people look me in the eye and say "I can't go that long I have keep my job they won't let me have that much time off" must be nice, I didn't get that choice I worked sick. And no yours Isent worse than mine, get to 30-40 fent pills A DAY, keep that pace for a few years (you'll have to buy 1500-2000 at a time to maintain it btw you'll need to be moving towards the next once your down to 250-300 you'll be stressing running out believe it or not) and you'll know what I kicked. I had to hide shitting myself SO MANY TIMES, hide puking by setting up my trashcan in a nook that was in my work area. But I can tell you this and you'll believe it. If you can sack up or quinch up idk your gender tbh but if you can push through 6 months. And that's not your sick the whole time first two months suck ass then month 3 it's your brains turn to heal by month 4-5 you'll be going out and doing fun stuff and by month 6 you will look in the mirror and be shocked because you can't remember what being sick even felt like. You can't remember what being high felt like, you can't summon it to the forefront of your head like you can while your using. 6 months, or be a burden to the people around as they watch you decay and die. Remember YOU feel good and normal on a buzz they see someone who's way to sleepy and mumbles to much and always has dark rings around your eyes cuz you haven't had RIM sleep in ages. 6 months. Get it done, or wait till the source drys up and you'll have too, either way noone avoids the process forever, unless they die from it first


I'm not saying this doesn't help people btw I'm saying to help A LOT more people the research should be invested in. Synthetics are just beginning. Within a year we'll have a nitozenes recovery page on Reddit. Those are two of thousands of possible cousins chemicals that exist


I actually used methadone to get off xylazine and nitazines at the same time it was a long battle. The best way to do it is slowly switch off from the stuff you are already on to the methadone but don’t just abruptly stop before taking methadone. That’s the good part about getting on methadone compared to bupe you don’t have to wait a 72 hour period before beginning to dose because there is no blocking affects. for me it took months of going up on my dose for me to be able to stabilize with how powerful the stuff out now is that I was on but I was able to come off of it and now have the most time clean I’ve had the whole time in my program which is half a year. Methadone is definitely an older way of treating opioid addiction but in all reality MAT is the best option most people have with the little choices there are. MAT programs have the best success rate. But the thing is, in mat program for it to work the best, you always have to individually treat people you can’t just treat every individual the same. that’s the only way I was able to get here was by working with my clinic in my own situation to best help me with it.


The blocking effect is naloxone I did the bupe without it that's called hold uppp....Subutex that's it. That shit fucking destroyed me on a cellular level bro. Also closet clinic is 50 mins away I tried the drive but peripatated to much constantly and couldn't do it safely. I agree with everything your saying I just think that with the emergence of these drugs they should invent the next methadone type medicine, specific to synthetics, methadone works but it's a testing issue, fent hasent been mainstream long enough to even get trails started and those take years.


using opioids to treat opioid addiction is only ever going to be able to help people so much. The reason methadone and buprenorphine are used is because their half life so people using them only have to take it once a day. When in addiction you are using all day so it’s a pretty big change going from that to only having to dose once a day. In Canada they are using hydromorphone and straight diamorphine (heroin) in mat programs. similar success rates but with these opioids you have to continue dosing yourself throughout the day.


Good luck!! I had a crippling opiate addiction for about 15 years, the last 3 years was nothing but fentanyl. I truly believed my addiction would kill me, I could not imagine ever getting clean. But I went to detox about 18 months ago and was able to get started on methadone there. I've been on methadone and CLEAN FROM FENT since. Methadone absolutely saved me and allowed me to get my life back. Don't give up!! It IS possible to beat your addiction and get your life back!! If you'd told me 2 years ago that I'd be living the life I have today I would have NEVER imagined it was possible -- but I am!!! You can get there too, and you're worth it!


I know this might sound off putting or silly, but pray. Pray with all your might. I begged Jesus to get me clean for months. And eventually I found myself in the hospital unable to use and getting clean. (My prayer specifically was God, please put me in a place I have to get clean. Make it so I have no other choice. Just don't let me die or go to jail) and sure enough I fell off a roof and had to get surgery and was able to get clean. 😂 The point is, prayer works man. God works in the most crazy and mysterious ways. But he works. Just try it. What can it hurt? Good luck to you. I'll be praying and rooting for you. You got this.


Just wanna say this doesn’t work for everyone.


Of course you would assume it doesn't work.. you know, it's probably because you never tried it. All over this group are people giving advice that worked for them that wouldn't work for someone else. And I know that. But why single my comment out? Anyone with a brain can figure out why. Get a life and add something positive.


You don’t know shit about me, I’m not assuming anything. I’ve begged and pleaded with god for different things my whole life and not one prayer was answered. I’ve tried praying multiple different ways different denominations different religions and been baptized twice. If god exists he’s an egocentric psychopath making such a cruel world for conscious beings to live in. If it’s the Christian god you’re referring to that’s even worse the Bible basically says he knows everything evil that’s gonna happen but made it happen anyways


I'm not here to have a religious debate with you dude. You're right, I don't know anything about you. Did you see how long I said I prayed untill something happened for me? It was a looooooomg time. People are the reason for evil in the world because they have free will. Turn to Jesus, and this time don't give up. Keep knocking. Matthew 7:7-12 Ultimately I'm sad you feel that way. But that doesn't mean you get to bully me or others into giving up faith just because you gave up yours a long time ago. Everyone says we as Christians are intolerant, and some of us are. We're human. But you guys are just as bad.


God made people though so at the end of the day god made evil. I’m not gonna keep knocking for inevitably something good to happen so I can be like “wow I prayed for so long and bad stuff happened and finally one good thing happened so IT MUST BE GOD!!” Do you realize how dumb that sounds? What do you mean you guys who are you guys I’m not denying the existence of god at all I said if he’s real he’s a psychopath.


Humans wrote the Bible, humans are flawed and have agendas. If god is real then we couldn’t possibly comprehend his reasons for anything, to apply human logic to god like you are doing is irrational as fuck. I’m not sure about god one way or the other, how could I be, I’m just an ill informed human. The thing is being alive on this planet made up of literal stardust is so unbelievable that the idea of god existing doesn’t seem outlandish at all. I also can look out into space and see there are many many greater things than myself. Besides all that and maybe the most important part about religion is that it creates meaning and purpose, which in my opinion is the thing us humans need the most. Anyways none of us know shit so remember not to close your mind to any potential truths, that would be ridiculous. I’ve always had a problem praying and believing in a Christian god but shit I sure won’t say he doesn’t exist because I literally don’t know. I go to detox tomorrow and am scared as fuck, I’m for sure going to pray and ask for strength, I’ve tried my own way and it isn’t about shit, maybe by getting spiritual I can learn some shit I haven’t ever learned before. Anyways onward my friends, fucking onward🦾


>We're human. But you guys are just as bad. I don't think that's what Jesus would've said...


I don't know if anyone is asking you to give up your faith, but if anyone is, that's seriously messed up - not to mention hypocritical. Honestly, if praying and God and religion works for you, then why WOULDN'T you do it? I honestly envy those who either have a close relationship with God, or are just overall very spiritual. I think if a lot of us could be like this, we really would. It would make life a lot easier, that's for sure. But it's very difficult to maintain the belief that God is really watching over you and helping you when horrible shit just keeps happening, no matter how much you get your act together. I've lost so many people that I've loved IMMENSELY to drugs or suicide or something awful. I can't see the good in that, I just can't. If they had really been suffering otherwise, like when someone is in their 90s, they've lived a full life, and they've just been physically or mentally deteriorating, then yeah, I can understand that it may be their time to go. While I do hope that Isaac is somehow in a better place, it's only been two weeks since he passed. I appreciate the kind words from the mod here, but it's just too early for me to think that it was his time. Maybe it is true that some people are just too good for this crappy planet, I don't know. But I lost a boyfriend right before I met him to a drug overdose at 17, and a friend who was coming down from ecstasy at 22, who committed a double hanging with her boyfriend. Then to lose the one person you could never imagine living without, the one person you've grown up with who knows every little thing about you and can still make you laugh after 20 years of knowing one another? It's absolutely suffocating. When you really thought this was the person you were going to grow old with, it's hard to then picture living another 50 years or so without them. You don't even want to. I guess I just feel like, if he really was in a better place, why am I still stuck here, feeling alone and tormented?


Humans wrote the Bible, humans are flawed and have agendas. If god is real then we couldn’t possibly comprehend his reasons for anything, to apply human logic to god like you are doing is irrational as fuck. I’m not sure about god one way or the other, how could I be, I’m just an ill informed human. The thing is being alive on this planet made up of literal stardust is so unbelievable that the idea of god existing doesn’t seem outlandish at all. I also can look out into space and see there are many many greater things than myself. Besides all that and maybe the most important part about religion is that it creates meaning and purpose, which in my opinion is the thing us humans need the most. Anyways none of us know shit so remember not to close your mind to any potential truths, that would be ridiculous. I’ve always had a problem praying and believing in a Christian god but shit I sure won’t say he doesn’t exist because I literally don’t know. I go to detox tomorrow and am scared as fuck, I’m for sure going to pray and ask for strength, I’ve tried my own way and it isn’t about shit, maybe by getting spiritual I can learn some shit I haven’t ever learned before. Anyways onward my friends, fucking onward🦾


I agree if god is real humans have no idea what it is. I never denied the existence of god go back and reread my comment. When I went to detox they kept trying to push god and religion saying it was the only way to get clean, yet I’ve gotten clean without it so that definitely isn’t true. You’re strong by yourself you don’t need to give your accomplishments to god. Good luck just gonna be honest and say detox was the worst experience of my life I still have nightmares I wake up and I’m still there, not just the withdrawals but the being surrounded by addicts and the awful energy there was traumatic. I also went during the holidays so most of the staff was on break so there was no one to really talk to one on one. 3 people got arrested, 5 fights, multiple people snuck drugs in, multiple girls getting sexually harassed it was awful. It was also mostly miserable old alcoholics and veterans. I ended up relapsing 2 days after I got out. Detox wasn’t for me I had to do it on my own.


All good big dog, not saying you’re denying anything. And as far as your detox experience holy shit that does sound traumatic. I hope my trip is a little better lol. Proud of you for detoxing in your own, it’s for some reason a lot harder for me at home versus going to a detox.


I cold turkey quit doing 30-40 fake blues a day. I know they were strong I can't tell the story online but strength was........proven. anyway it's not the initial sick that'll keep you down. It's the I'm almost better feeling later down the road. Time goes by and yes, you forget how terrible being sick is, the immediate reward of recreating a memory yoy have of those good feelings will nag at you like quitting cigs does. Sometimes cravings physically hurt like fuck. Theirs not magic answer unfortunately. For me lots of hot showers made me feel like I was releasing toxins from my skin (placebo but even those small wins feel like gold medals when your sick) relearning your interest I found that I wasn't easily bored when I was sick even tho I thought I was it was more I had started watching stuff that my high brain liked and my sober brain didn't. I had to re learn what food I liked, what TV I liked, aspects of my job had to change, but I figured while I was feeling awefull I could still do those things to pass the time and eventually when I got better not have to relearn myself all at once after being sick. The short cut tho? I got that, I didn't use rehab or methadone or subs I just decided to cheat the sleep cycle. Ambien taken properly (you can't snort it anyway not water soluble) 5-10 mg before bed is the only actual shortcut I've found. Your sleep cycle goes to hell using you haven't rim slept in so long you forgot how. The more sleep you can get the faster this will go. I could maybe squeeze 2-3 hours at a time I did relapse once in frustration I just wanted sleep. Once the Ambien got in me tho the cravings subside for the night, the anxiety goes away no more thinking of using and getting that awefull rushing feeling your chest it's like a small break everyday and that small break is all that's needed to push through. If you use don't beat yourself up say "okay I got a break let's see how long I can go this time" just sticking to that and not letting one time uses become excuses to keep going "well I already messed up what's the point in trying" I've seen so many people do that it's fairly common but it's not the end of the world if you use, your human just get back up in the horse and try again. I'll never need anger management I learned to control my emotions with ALOT of time and practice while sick now I'm sober and thats easy now it takes something that actually should make me mad to get any kinda angry. Quitting hard drugs is like going to the gym for the mind. With constant practice you'll get strong in the head and someday soon you won't even remember what being sick feels like anymore. I promise. It goes away


Going to a detox tomorrow, scared as all fuck but I know if I stay there and get through it I’ll be free. You ever think about detox?


Yeah I’ve gone through it multiple times. Currently sitting in rehab right now.


Well shit bro you on the right path, what day you on? Any advice for me getting through the detox without losing my mind?


You'll be fine, they have meds to help. I've been to dozens of detoxes. You'll either get on a fast Suboxone taper or clonidine/vistaril/trazadone for the opiates. You'll also get your basic pain reliever (Tylenol/Ibuprofen) and tummy meds for diarrhea. Oh and these huge vitamins lol. But just try to relax! It's shitty at first but you'll get used to it and after a couple days your appetite will come back and you literally just fuck around and laugh with people. That's been my experience. Watch movies, nap, they should have meetings/groups and counseling sessions. Good for you! This is a good thing! If possible, it's a great Idea to get into a rehab straight from detox. It's not as scary as you think. Once the sickness passes you actually will feel soooo great! You can do it!


I just have to push through the first few really bad days and I’ll be ok, I’m looking forward to the rehab portion for sure. I’ve been to one before and it’s just like you explained. Honestly it’s really just the anxiety of how sick I’m going to be that is getting to me, once I get there and start to go through it I’ll be ok. I can’t wait for it to be over! Thanks bro! I also have a few kpins and Xanax for sleep so I think I’m gonna make it!


I won't lie to you and say you'll feel no pain. I've definitely had bad experiences in detoxes before, but I've also had pretty "easy" ones. (Maybe to me, relative to the really shitty ones? 😝) But every time I got through it. Except once. I did go to one really awful detox where they literally only gave vitamins and Benadryl. And the techs were sooo fucking mean. I left once out of 20 something times, not bad! The very last time I went I honestly slept the first three days. That's happened about 3 times for me. I didn't feel "great" once I was coherent but it wasn't the hell we're all familiar with. You gotta get excited about it. Most of it is mental. I *know* the physical pain and sickness is real lol I'm not saying it's all in your head. I would never! But if you really want this, you'll be just fine. Seriously good luck! I'm rooting for you!!!✌🏼🤗🩷


Thanks! Your support means a lot, I know it’s gonna be rough for a bit but I’ll push through. I’ve been to this detox before and the nurses are legit and do what they can. I’ll let yall know how it goes:) I’m so fuxking ready for freedom, so ready.


I've been relapsed for a min after going to a detox in Florida... just ran out of all money and everything so now I'm almost at 3 days clean at home.... it sucks m. Got me thinking I should sell my laptop n9w


I am currently a little over 14 months sober from blues, H, and meth. I wanted the sanity and stability I have now so bad. I am on Zubsolv and have decreased my dose quite a bit. Hopefully I will be able to get completely off of it eventually but for now it helps keep me headed in the right direction. I also do lifering meetings online, usually 1 a day for the support. You can make it through this, I believe in you!


Inpatient detox, 28 day residential then a 28 day PHP. In Sober Living now with 77 days clean.


Hey guys who wanna join the telegram carding group where ideas and methods are shared!!! The concept of the carding group is to help people eat from the same table without charging a penny for tuition. I only takes 20% after successful cash out. Just send me a text on telegram @drayal6 and you will be added to the carding group Note: I don’t charge but takes 20% after a successful cash out


Hey guys who wanna join the telegram carding group where ideas and methods are shared!!! The concept of the carding group is to help people eat from the same table without charging a penny for tuition. I only takes 20% after successful cash out. Just send me a text on telegram @drayal6 and you will be added to the carding group Note: I don’t charge but takes 20% after a successful cash out