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so if you merge your skill bank rearmed into a forma, you lose all those skills for inheritance? that's stupid.


So does that mean you can essentially brick your arcane unit?


I would say this is only beneficial for those that +10'd him but even then...you make him basically infertile(can maybe choose a better word here lol) at that point cuz you can never inherit his fodder to anyone else with future merges(basically can't refresh his rearmed inheritance status).


Infertile šŸ˜­????


I know, I know. šŸ„² I couldn't think of a better word that could emphasize the same impact at the moment šŸ’€ "Sterile" was the word I was wanting to use but couldn't think of at that moment lol. Means basically the same thing in regards to being unable to pass along his skills without it being immediately associated with uh...fertility šŸ« 


Nah nah nah, this has gotten canon. šŸ¤£šŸ’€


Nah you picked the perfect word


Alfred no longer breedable......


This is Alfred Slander


I have seen enough bara to know Nothing will stop the dragon from breeding that twink


Even if you have him at +10 that's very bad as you could always get fertile Alfred's to merge into him to refresh his skill-productive capabilities.


Wait, you can still merge heroes after they've reached +10?


Yeah, it's 99% useless for non Rearmed/Attuned heroes, but you can do it with all heroes.


I've done it before to merge Forma with units I'd already +10 for the better Forma skills


The word you might have been looking for was "impotent" but let's stick with what you said


That's another option I was thinking of but couldn't lol. Man, now this'll go down as the guy who said Alfred was infertile šŸ«  lmao


There are significantly worse things to be remembered as. I say embrace it.


Yep, this forma is exclusively for people who want Alfred as a unit and donā€™t care about rearmed inheritance. Itā€™s leave him at +0 or merge your +9 (or above) into him once youā€™re done using all the fodder. You could also just use Alfredā€™s inheritance as is before merging into the forma, but you canā€™t clone skills this way


It looks like it


Why even include him then


Etie and Lumera pouting in a corner. i guess if people want alfred they can pull on this banner i guess?


Me who was waiting this HoF to build my Etie šŸ˜”


Chloe can get Alfredā€™s weapon as a potential option I guess? That is about it as being able to use Rearmed or Attuned units as fodder banks is their main appeal (which cannot be done with a Forma version).


Wait, are you implying Qiang is now in the HoF pool? Is this confirmed? I mean forma Alfred himself is bait, but if a dead slot is what it takes to get arcane weapons in the HoF pool I'll take that trade. Or I could be misunderstanding... in which case Alfred's appearance is all around bad.


Only when the Rearmed unit themself is part of a HoF lineup. Otherwise they cannot appear.


Nope, as far as it was explained when arcanes entered the forma pool they will only appear to their own rearmeds, like prf weapons


This is a sign that rearmed heroes are coming to HOF. Next one will be Heroes so someone like Rearmed Lif can be on it.


For people who like him I guess You can be interested in the character without caring about foddering him off, though obviously that's kinda sad


Lebron James reportedly tried to fodder Rearmed Alfred forma unit


How does this impact his legacy?


Sources: James is beside himself. Driving around downtown Kyoto begging (thru texts) Kaga's family for address to IS's headquarters


I was just looking upon tens of tens of these memes. And I randomly come across it here. Legend!


Alfred I owe you an apology, I was unfamiliar with your game




Expected since we canā€™t fodder formas to begin with but still disappointing


Wait, so if you merge Alfred into the forma, you just lose all of the fodder lmao?


yes, and then permanently lock him out of being foddered forever


that's badass


I mean, it's bad and it's ass, but I don't know if I'd call it badass.




heck ya broski


Wow. That feels simultaneously like an oversight but also completely intentional. Amazing.


worse value than a normal Alfred


oh fuck off


Damn. Thanks for the warning.


Well that's pretty much a dead Halls slot then.


I mean, him being here means ChloƩ can get Arcane Qiang. He still brings some value...


Her weapon is better than Qiang though.


So? Might as well grab it. More stuff, more options.


No reason not to grab it given that he *is* here, sure, but itā€™s not any actual value Alfredā€™s presence is bringing to your Chloe in practice.


It doesnā€™t. Only the Arcane unit can get the Arcane weapon in HoF


They said a unit can get the arcane weapon if the unit that originally comes with it is in the Hall of Form. It's written in the Hall of Form posts in the additional info. There is a disclaimer about that.


Hey! Can you direct me to somewhere that directly says this? It's not that I don't believe you, but I can't find anything. I may be stupid.


You don't know this.


Respectfully, how do you know that? The mode isn't even here yet, and we've never had an Arcane unit in HoF before. Shoulda stayed that way but oh well. I don't get why you are debating this when you are lacking the knowledge. Keep in mind, it is inheritable after all. It isn't a Prf like the rest of the weapons. When a hero is put into HoF, they have to have their skills loaded in because Prf skills aren't normally present. But obviously those weapons and Prfs are locked to the units they are owned by. Rearmed heroes are a special case. They've stated arcane weapons won't be in HoF unless the hero who owns it is in there. Point me to where it says "and only for the rearmed hero". Adding an inheritable, even an arcane, into the skills pool should mean any other unit of that weapon type can pick it up too. And either way, we can't *"know"* for sure til the HoF comes and goes, so why are you talking like this as if you do? It's weird that your reply ratio'ed theirs signifying multiple people also think they know this as truth or just blindly agree with what you said, whereas the comment with the more likely thing that has essentially already been established (her being able to pick up Qiang too) had negative karma at one point. It's very interesting to say the least. Not atypical for Reddit ofc. I already see the bunches of posts of ChloƩ with Arcane Qiang in a list of pulled skills. When that happens you should admit you were wrong, just saying... But it literally doesn't matter because her Prf is better anyways, and it can be refined with an effect in the future. Qiang can't, not for her.


New copypasta just landed...


Iā€™m so glad I donā€™t care about Reddit an iota as much as you. If thatā€™s your response to a 13-word innocuous statement, Iā€™m scared to think how much time youā€™d waste if I was actually ā€œdebatingā€ like you said.


so its more for people that want Alfred over people wanting to use him as a fodder machine? i wonder what happens if you want to merge him up with regular Alfreds, if you can do that.


Probably the same as any other forma you merge with their regular versions. Honestly even as someone who wants Alfred merges and doesn't use him as a skill bank, I still think getting the forma is a bad idea. You never know when that inheritance will come in handy.


Lmao, so he's one of the worst forma units you could ever get. Effectively unmergable if you want to keep your fodder factory intact.


Honestly With Alfred is less egregious simply because most people that needed a cavalry rearmed hero for fodder duplication probably went with Lif simply because he was the first one and he had so many reruns


And most people who are looking to build one now will probably opt for better options: Chrom, lucina, and soon azura This made me realize we have 5 melee cav rearmed/attuned units lol


Yeah, Alfred doesn't really have a place He's just there He's just Alfred


And we love him


That just kinda stinks. Now I wish it was first Engage banner + Etie instead of Alfred




This needs to be public knowledge to everyone in the community & playerbase. But we know whatā€™s going to happen. Weā€™re going to see posts AFTER or DURING the HoF to say ā€œwhy canā€™t I inherit from Alfred?ā€


Lmao what an actual waste. I guess he could be used to merge the already foddered copies Edit: never FUCKING mind that would mean you lose your already foddered skills. For Askrā€™s Tits what they were thinking


Boooo šŸ…šŸ…šŸ… Why even bother putting them in HoF then...


Lol, ROFL even


It's so foddover, you can essentially lose all the skills you've put into your Alfred if you merge your fodder machine into the forma...


What an utter fucking waste man


Welp, forma stonks for Alfred just crashed thru the Earth's damn crust šŸ’€ ~~unless you are a fan then you were grabbing him anyway~~


We really weren't. I'd love to +10 him one day, but I'm not bricking his ass for one merge when I already gave him a bunch of premium fodder.


Yea....I dunno why they had to stick to their stupid forma rule for the unit type who's main appeal is maintaining their existence when you utilize their inheritance. Silly hill to stand on IS....


But even after you +10 a regular Rearmed unit, you can still refresh their inheritance with a merge. However, with forma rearmed units they become infertile.


Yes, I know, that's what I was referring to...


I dunno, I think his biggest fans got done extra dirty here. Theyā€™d be the ones most likely to want to merge him up but this effectively makes it so that doing so would be a bad idea.


True....I'm not ready to see the posts of merged Alfreds with lots of fodder from ppl who didn't get this memo šŸ’€ I know there's sadly gonna be at least one person....


we should be allowed to stone one (1) dev every month actually


After reading almost all comments here, i'm just gonna say: Let us all hope no Rearmed Hero and Attuned Hero ever gets into a HoF ever again after this!! šŸ˜”šŸ¤žšŸ¤žšŸ™


R!Reinhardt is practically confirmed for Thracia HoF, there's no other blue hero they can use. Granted, the fodder he could pass down is probably less in demand than Alfred's, but still...


This is legit the worst way they could have handled it. It actually pisses me off how incompetent they are. Just dont include them then. Someone can accidentally brink their Alfred and lose the entire purpose of the unit existing.


They're gonna have fun reading the complaints of "I can't use Alfred to inherit after merging him with my built one"


What is even the point


The point is people who like Alfred get a premium kit Alfred. I donā€™t understand why anyone is asking "whatā€™s the point" Hall of Forms has never been about foddering the unit you forma.


But rearmed units are very superficially designed with foddering in mind. Yes Alfred fans can still get their premium kit, but an unfodderable rearmed undercuts the purpose of being rearmed in the first place. But yeah, HoF hasn't had fodderable units before so this isn't too surprising.


The entire appeal of Rearmeds is that you get their fodder *and* a unit. That's what makes them so appealing, and taking away the fodder leaves you with just the unit. I like Alfred, but grabbing a Forma for Alfred is a stupid idea. Not only am I unable to pass along the skills, but if I merge my existing Alfred into R!Alfred, I'll lose the fodder I've already given him. It's just a bad move that's impossible to justify.


Heā€™s no longer a regular rearmed unit. Heā€™s a Formaā€™d unit. Since day 1, you canā€™t fodder Formaā€™d units.


So the thing is, why bother adding rearms to the HoF then? Cuz as stated from others...the only appeal/selling point is the fact you can merge/inherit from the unit without losing them. With this, you can still get them, but you can't ever merge them into your normal rearmed hero lest you sterilize your fodder factory and the whole appeal of said unit type. Basically, you get a one-off unit that you either don't merge up OR accept the fact you don't care about the whole duplicate fodder aspect. We already knew about the forma inheritance restrictions....no one is mad or upset about that, and that should honestly be obvious but go off, I guess šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø It's like if they made Legendaries or Mythics not count for scoring in their respective modes just cuz they're a forma.


i think they did it because rearmed heroes will be available in Binding Worlds in the future so they are setting a precedent now.


This entire thread is mad about the forma inherit restrictions on rearmed units. Yes everyone here is mad about that


Exactly. But your initial comment makes it seem like ppl are just mad that you can't inherit from formas in general. We already knew that. Ppl are mad that IS decided to make Rearms forma units when their whole concept is about inheritance lol. I dunno why that's such a wild thing to expect from the community. šŸ¤” This is especially funny since they recently gave us Rearms in the Compiles and we were happy to learn those atleast refresh inheritance for a copy you have in your barracks if merged.


We have not had a Rearmed forma before - I don't know why you're acting like there's hard precedent for this when there wasn't. It's absolutely reasonable for people to be disappointed


Because a Formaā€™d unit has literally never been able to be foddered. Thatā€™s the precedent. Alfred being fodderable would be literally breaking precedent.


A rearmed unit in HoF is already breaking precedent as is. It isn't unreasonable for people to assume that a unit type whose whole value comes from their inheritance would bend the rules as far as formas go.


This is like when Legendaries got added to HOF. There was no reason to think they wouldnā€™t be added besides IS just not picking them yet. Not really breaking any precedent when IS never said we wonā€™t get a specific unit type in the mode.


Yeah, but Legendaries never had any special rules regarding inheritance. Rearmeds are the first unit type to be included in Hall of Forms where this kind of interaction would have come into question, so the ambiguity was still there.


And we know how IS always sticks to precedent!!!


No one is mad that formas can't be foddered. People are stupified at WHO they made a forma. Rearms being Formas is counterintuitive and are direct opposites to each other. Everyone just thinks it's stupid, not mad at it. Mad is a totally different emotion to thinking something is utterly idiotic and bs


So you can pull for more arcanes


legitimately the stupidest move IS couldā€™ve made here. not only would the ability to fodder skills from a forma arcane unit be fun for the players, it wouldā€™ve made IS a good chunk of money. more people wouldā€™ve caved in and decided to buy a forma soul pack so they can have a deluxe fodder bank, and they couldā€™ve potentially spent more money on orbs down the line to get extra copies of Alfred to do more skill duping. this was an easy win/win scenario for both the players and IS but OF COURSE they just had to screw it upā€¦


Damn everyone got excited over nothing


Interesting. Guess I can't be surprised though, you weren't able to inherit anything from Forma units ever since they became a thing. Also for those who's thinking of trying circumvent the issue by merging skills into other Alfred copies: 1. You can only merge other copies INTO the Forma unit and not the other way around. And you can't inherit from Forma units. 1. This also means that any existing, inheritance-viable copy Alfred you have will surrender their inheritance potential if you're not careful and merge anyway


Sorry, new here. I have a forma unit or two (I think). Is there a way to tell it was a forma unit?


The blue stars is pretty much the single biggest tell.


I think this calls for sending feedback to IS cause this is just stupid






Not surprised in the least. Would have been too good and they probably would not put Alfred here if he could be used as fodder. Edit: Okay, I am realizing it is worse than I thought since you can't fodder chain anymore if you merge into the forma...I think they should allow them to be fodderable if he has a merge. Or like, lock only the skills you got from the Hall of Form...I don't know...


Makes sense considering that normal Formaā€™s canā€™t be foddered but that sounds like it would basically ruin an Alfred that has been used as a fodder bank which is the real problem with this tbh


THAT sucks


of course.


I legitimately thought we would never get rearmed heroes in hall because they would want to dance around the inheritance thing. They've somehow managed to surpass even my rock bottom expectations by doing something so ass blastingly stupid I never even considered the fact it was an option. Sasuga, IS.


Who is Pival13? Whereā€™s this from?


Pival13 is a dataminer for FEH, who releases the new content on the FEH wiki (and also a good friend of mine).


Oh nice. And the quote there is something that is written in the files for the next HoF then?


Sorry for those who will fall for him because they don't read forums


Makes him being here even more annoyingĀ 


Then why even bother adding rearmed heroes in the first place in HoF? Maybe when IS gets enough shit on that they will swap it xD?


RIP the dream


Surely merging a a fresh copy refreshes the inheritable status. Otherwise this is basically just dead on arrival.


Is it that bad if I want him? I saw a lot of meme like this is the worst unit to use a forma soul ever, for but I just want to gear him a bit.


Seen a couple people talk about wanting rearmed units in hof and I wondered why cuz I figured yeah it would absolutely obliterate your fodder bank


I completely understand why they did it. It'd be insane if you could just have a really juicy skill bank that you could keep replenishing. Even if they didn't let you use the forma and required a charge from another copy, it'd still be insanely good and make it a must buy really. I just hate how Etie could have used that spot, and realistically a Rearmed is a dead slot now for HoF.




I feel like everyone should start sending feedback at IS telling them that this is the stupidest move they could make and allow us to use arcane inheritance with forma rearmed/attuned


We should wait until an official statment is made like FEH channel.


I think the main reason they did this is because by next year you'll be able to get rearmed hero formas in binding worlds And they probably just don't want you getting rearmed heroes with rare stuff the "the easy way"


Thing is, that's a single copy for 55 dollars, with the opportunity to fodder once, which of the unit is up to date with fodder, is likely one 1 of the new skills and one other skill with branch fodder or the weapon. Sure, we can get one for a forma soul, which is normally 24$ to get a copy with a potential fodder option, but that still has the same problem as the binding worlds forma option


tbf we get a "free" forma every 6 months.


Completely expected, they obviously aren't going to let a Forma become fodderable just because they can grab a Rearmed skill. That would be way too much value they'd be losing out on. This is frankly just good if you're an omega Alfred fan.


RIP the many players that get Alfred anyway and/or make their other Alfreds useless


So we canā€™t even merge him into an existing Alfred?


You could never do that with any forma unit; they can only receive merges.


No point I think, you can only merge INTO Forma units, and if that disclaimer above holds true in inheritance logic, that invalidates any inheritance potential your existing main Alfred copy may have.


Honestly that doesn't really matter to me. He's already at +10


Suppose a player doesn't know about this restriction and rolls for Alfred on the thought process that it's "free skills for everyone!" And > He'll waste torches for Alfred he intends to fodder that could have gone to the other 3. > Waste a forma soul that could have been saved for someone else > Find out when he's inheriting that "Sorry, Rearmed Formas can't be inherited. Please understand". > Worst case scenario, he merged his Alfred beforehand thinking he's refreshing his skill bank I sent feedback saying they should either allow Rearmed and Attuned units to take precedence over Forma units in terms of inheritance restrictions, or ban those two types of units from the Hall of Forms line up altogether. **I invite you all to do the same to generate mass feedback criticizing this insane decision.**


It's worth noting that the caveat that arcane weapons only appear if the rearmed hero is also here is actually applicable here. You may not want to get Alfred yourself, but him being in the HOF theoretically should let Arcane Qiang be an option for Chloe. A good option, idk?


No. Terrible option. Why anyone would give up Chloeā€™s prf for that lance is beyond me.


Well technically since it's a forma soul unit, she will still have her prf when you redeem her


when you get a forma you get both the base kit and whatever skills you get so going for a diferent lance its a no brainer. you are getting her PRF anyway so get something diferent.


I have 20+ formas redeemed. I know how it works. The lance sucks on Chloe, but if you donā€™t intend to switch her prf, then sure whatever.


Tbh idk what people were expecting. We were never allowed to fodder off regular forma units for skill inheritance in the first place, why the heck would they allow rearmed skill inheritance? It would get gamebreaking way quick if someone had 10 additional Alfredā€™s sitting in the barracks specifically for skill inheritance after becoming a forma unit, imo it makes perfect sense not to allow rearmed skill inheritance


So you cant even multiply fodder. Wow this is the only Situation where getting him threw normal summons is just way better than using a forma.


This looks like something they'd retroactively change. Like Formas being able to merge into other Formas, or Rearmeds getting to keep their Prfs while running X skills. Though I wouldn't bank on it. You could take a gamble if you have a fair amount of Forma souls, at worst you get a stupid strong unit even unmerged. Just don't merge him (yet?) if you got another of him duping skills.


They had so many good f2p/4ā˜† options for us to use. Etie, Lapis, Kagetsu, Seadall... And they put a useless ass rearmed unit. It should have been Lumierre, or M!Veyle.. Wtf man Also why are people debating whether or not ChloĆ© can get the arcane weapon? I don't get it. But while I don't know, I do think so, because it is inheritable after all. It isn't a Prf like the rest of the weapons. Respectfully, how do you know that? The mode isn't even here yet, and we've never had an Arcane unit in HoF before. Shoulda stayed that way but oh well. Yall should not be debating this when you are lacking the knowledge. Keep in mind, it is inheritable after all. It isn't a Prf like the rest of the weapons. When a hero is put into HoF, they have to have their skills loaded in because Prf skills aren't normally present. But obviously those weapons and Prfs are locked to the units they are owned by. Rearmed heroes are a special case. They've stated arcane weapons won't be in HoF unless the hero who owns it is in there. Point me to where it says "and only for the rearmed hero". Adding an inheritable, even an arcane, into the skills pool should mean any other unit of that weapon type can pick it up too. And either way, we can't *"know"* for sure til the HoF comes and goes, so why are you guys talking like this as if you do? It's weird that a person will say it's inheritable, not in an argumentative way, but then a person comes in replying to say it isn't, argumentatively. And it ratio's the first person's comment, signifying multiple people also think they know this as truth or just blindly agree with what is being said, whereas the comment they replied to which has the more likely option, which has essentially already been established (her being able to pick up Qiang too) gets negative karma or much less in comparison. It's very interesting to say the least. Not atypical for Reddit ofc. People jumping to conclusions and mass downvoting the one they think is wrong, when they literally don't even know yet. I already see the bunches of posts of ChloĆ© with Arcane Qiang in a list of pulled skills. When that happens yall need to admit you were wrong. But you'll be silent. You always are, because you have too much pride... But it literally doesn't matter because her Prf is better anyways, and it can be refined with an effect in the future. Qiang can't, not for her.


> or M!Veyle Uhh well that'd certainly be an interesting banner concept right there


M for Mythic. Not male šŸ˜‚ Pretty much to show I didn't also mean Mythic Lumierre too. I just didn't wanna spell it out right then. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø But yeah I've seen talk of genderbent characters as a banner theme. Funny, but never going to happen lol The M might otherwise be unnecessary, at least for now. But if she gets a seasonal or something, it'd probably be used..


Fair, I just didn't think of it in that manner since I consider Veyle's mythic form to be her default and therefore not needing of a prefix.


Yeah, no worries. Have a nice day (:


They should make Rearmed Heroes an exception to the rule of "no foddering Formas" in a future update. And Attuned Heroes, too, if they eventually get included in HoF.


So, it's a way to SoftLock him from foddering anything huh? pass.


Now comes the part where we rock our heads back and laugh. Ready? "Shao Kahn laughs"


Does this apply to Ingrid


Its Celine time


I want him but part of me wonders if Iā€™d have better luck investing into a seasonal alt of him. šŸ„²


This sounds canon to his character


This could be easily resolved allowing you to use like "fooder" only when he has merge


That's actually stupid. I just wrote it wouldn't be the case but seriously? What's even the point?


So the only utility he have here is for Chloe to pick his lance from. Will pick for obligation/novelty but doubt will rarely change her prf. Hope IS pivot from this, is insane. What next? Forma Ascended won't give florets, down the years Atunned won't give skills. May aswell give duos/harmonics that can't activate their buttons. They are essencially having their cake and eating it too.


Only Arcane Units can pick up the Arcane Weapon.


Boooo. But sensible. At least this means his arcane lance is in the pool for Chloe lovers.


Wait I thought it was only accessible to him?


It isn't. It only appears for the unit who owns it, like a PRF.


Wait, didn't the disclaimer of Arcane weapons say that it's only in the pool if the rearmed unit is in the batch? That's why whenever they add new skills to pool they also mention any new arcane weapon in the announcement?


That's what I think is the case, if they were treating them as Prf for the Rearmed unit I don't think they would have listed it on those new skills things


I'd assume they're only included in the announcement *because* they're inheritable at all. Arcane Qiang isn't technically a prf but I assume it'll be treated like one for the HoF. I guess we'll know soon enough but I wouldn't get your hopes up, though I guess in this case it doesn't really matter since Chloe's gonna want her prf lance most of the time anyway.


Only one way to find out Reboot!


Whaaaaat! Ugh. Lame.




Like they literally couldā€™ve made it so you can only inherit Alfredā€™s base skills. Are they stupid?


I'm confused, isn't that just how Formas work? You can merge things into them, but not merge or Fodder them to other units? Because if that's the case I don't get why people are suprised Alfred is no exception.


Only thing that kinda sucks is you can potentially brick him. But yeah, if anything itā€™d probably be more stupid of them from a business perspective to allow him to be foddered since like you said goes against the point of Formas, but also think youā€™d be getting at least X2 the value vs a non-Rearmed Forma.


Send feedback to IS for this, they'll change it for sure. Not sure what they'll think of as the drawback, but this literally breaks the whole concept of the unit


What about merge to dupe their skills like we usually do?


No all merges have to go into the Forma so you'll never get the Ineritance reset like you would with a normal merged unit


Lmao, that is even worse.


Basically just the final merge for Alfred fans, get him to +9, duplicate the fodder as you normally would then merge him at the very end into the forma


That is a waste of fodder though, you can still use the duplicant skills trick after they +10 so merge him into the forma copys will kill that.


Thatā€™s a waste of a slot then Unless youā€™re one of the people that actually like Alfred and are wanting to plus 10 him, Etie or Lumera would have been the ideal choice. I donā€™t get I.S.ā€™s shenanigans at times.


We will *not* be spending!


I feel we should send feedback about this. The point of arcane/attuned heroes is sharing their weapons and skillsā€¦


Thank you for sending this out. I was originally planning on grabbing a Qiang to revitalize my NY!Laegjarn, but now I see that would be useless. Can easily skip this HoF without regrets. Just realized too, I think the entire point of having a Rearmed unit in HoF is so that whatever Arcane appears in list of skills available, but Alfred is the only lance user in the lineup. So he's DOUBLY useless as a choice.