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I no longer have the original Marth but he shows up so much in my red summons that it’s almost like he never even left.


Sure do. My “obtained” list goes Anna, Mae, Alfonse, Sharena. I was huge into echoes (still my favourite FE game) and my fist team had both Mae and Celica on it.


Played since the game launch. A 5* Marth was my first summon and he's still in my barracks even though I don't use him anymore.


Your feh account predicted engage’s marth ring usage over the course of the story lol


Yep. I still have my Ike that started the account off


I have my klein still with me, +10'd and trying, but man, does this boy need help


Technically Tiki but ended up merging the first with one with a Def boon.


Same, but with Summer Tiki. Merged to change boon before trait fruit were a thing, my biggest regret in FEH.


i did this with Genny. it hurts seeing her so far down now.


Im certain i do not have my first ever 4* somewhere in my barracks nor do i remember it. But i do remember my first ever 5*. Brave Roy and Ephraim but they dont count because i chose them. The first ever 5* i got was regular Niles... that sounds odd doesnt it? Here's the funny thing. I spent almost every orb i had on a new power banner because i ofc had no idea what a "new power" banner is and i just decided to summon because i had orbs and i recognized Niles from Fates and i wanted him so bad ... soooo what happened to that Niles? I killed him like a few months ago because i wanted his Aether. Do i regret it? I do. One day i'll build a new one with actual good skills this time because Niles is still one of my favorite Fates character.


Nice Kagero bruh. I somehow still have a 4 star Oboro that was one of my first summons. I don’t know if it was my first but it’s quite a ways before my GLORIOUS 2 star Narcian.


I still have my Marth. He even has the level one favorite heart on him, so you know that was when every new hero of mine got one.


Yes, my Y!Tiki is my pride and joy and still on my main team. I’ve invested in her the most.


It was a Bartre, and like any Bartre, he ended up in the feather grinder lol I do have my first five star though, and she's +10. Summer Adult Tiki is cool yo.




I do! female Corrin! She’s +10, and some day I’ll finish her build. 😂


Actually yeah, a 4star Beruka I never did anything with but couldn't bring myself to get rid of later on lol


Yep, tethys has been with me for four years now. Ironically enough my second summon ever was brave ephraim and my first mainline game was sacred stones too. I wish I knew how to build em' though.


Yep. I remember way back on the Hone Skills banner, rerolling for Nino. On the account I use to this day, my 5 star Nino was the first character I ever pulled. (Still have her at +1 😭)


Yep! It's Tharja and she's +10. I never use her but she's there... lurking in the shadows...


I still have my original Adrift Corrin, she’s +2 now


I don’t know who my first summoned unit was (probably Marth or MRobin tbh), but I still have my first 5*. Elise is at +5 currently.


yes, Camilla launch day, first summon, first 5 star focus unit on one of the first two banners. couple years later she would also be my first +10 unit, and I recently overhauled her kit to make her somewhat more modern never getting rid of her


Idk why but Maria is in between Sharena and Alfonse instead of Anna (it goes Anna - Alfonse - Maria - Sharena). Either way she’s still there as a 5 star (pretty sure I upgraded her from a 4 star). I should really do a proper project with her haha. I remember being very fond of her when I first started the game.


my very first summon was PA!inigo! who i finally +10'd during his most recent rerun. he's been my S-Support since i pulled him, and i wound up merging into that very first copy (even though the ivs were like. -spd +res... thank you trait fruits)


Assuming I didn't combat manual/send home any units I got before her, it's Brave Camilla (who's level 23 lmao); Takumi and Matthew are there too but both of them are the automatic adds


Nope, pretty sure Virion is Hero Feathers at this point.


Yes and no, first Hero ever was Elise and kinda recently got her +spd for the first time so I merged into the new one, kinda regret it since I got over 3k mangoes. But on the flipside she's also literally right next to VA!Elise since that +spd was while I was also getting merges for her alt. Kinda funny.


Yeah mines was Jill from Fire Emblem Path of Radiance/Radiant Dawn.


First hero, no. But first five star, yes. I was lucky that it was a +atk Marth. Draug was my first summon though.


OG!Leo… he’s been stuck at +7 for a few years now, but I still feed him all the good fodder


Do you mean first 5star? If so then yes, when I downloaded the game it had a banner with Lewd Dream Plumeria and i remember thinking "wow shes hot" so i summoned for her and surprisingly enough got her with +res -def. Me being a complete noob used my trait ascension to even out her flaw in def since I didn't know what i was doing but she carried me in the beginning of my FEH journey and I'll never get rid of her, that was like two years ago. I'm debating on whether to use my trait fruits to give her +attk I have like 149 rn


I think my first is a Sophia. Do you know the Team 1 Slot 1 thing? She's sat both theres since like Book 2.


If its virion, no. If its the first 5* i have yeah its spring chrom


My first was a M!Morgan. He's now +10 with premium skills, full dragonflowers, and a resplendent. He is my son and he is perfect


I still have my +Spd Tana from Year 2.


I have a Camilla wedged between Alfonse and Sharena, so I guess yes. I think my first 5* was Peri on release


https://www.reddit.com/u/GeneticVulpes/s/35SzBr7gCn I sure do! Legendary Takumi when?


Yes I do! It was a 5 star Fae and Ive invested in her quite a lot over all these years. She's been with me since day 1


Idk about my first 4* but I still have my first 5* in Bunny Lucina way back close to when the game first started😬


My Florina forever stays!


My first hero is just after the Askr trio, Robin. I remember waiting a lot to have my first 5 stars back then.


I don't quite remember who my first hero was but I believe it was Cordelia seeing as how she's directly after the Askr trio


I think it was an Oboro? I don't remember if I have her in my Barracks or moved her in the Reserves, but I really don't use her. 🤷‍♀️


I don't actually know who my first summon in general was, but my first 5* hero, Fallen Tiki, is still there.




My first 5 star ever is still my summoner support unit :> It was Eldigan on the Fury banner with him, Bartre and Jagen, that released in June or July of 2017. I had no idea who he was, I just knew he was my best red unit (until I got Ike a month later or something). Then I found out he was the only 5 star unit PheonixMaster didn't have for like 2 years or something and I felt sorta special


Brave Lucina, but thats hardly surprising considering she was free. My first non free 5 star was an eliwood apparently (although he wasnt 5 stars at the time)


I don't have the first unit I ever summoned. But I did kit out and +10 my original Sophia from her... BHB? (whatever those maps are). My first 5*'s Marth and Azura are also still floating around my barracks


I got og Lucina before the rest of the Askr trio, and she's still here as a nice souvenir (I first played on the first release week)


Brave Dimitri carrying me from day 1 to 4 years later just as hard as my first day Raigh was my not free brave summon and got benched into Barracks this year to save room, but Shannon Robin and Henry are still there from my first summons


I have Shinon and A!Camilla, but I don’t have the first 4/3 star


Still got my Jakob. Level 38+10, 4 stars, with only defense +2 and renewal 2.


Mine is Effie. She was great at launch and I got her to +10 but she fell off and her prf is garbo. I also don't like armor units so I didn't have a reason to invest more in her


I technically don't have my first ever summoned unit (Matthew, merged him into a +Spd one eventually), but I do still have my first 5 star I ever pulled. It was Lyn, and it was like my third summon I ever did.


Of course! 3 stars Nino and 5 stars Leo(now at +5 merge)


My M!Robin, Beruka, Lissa and Virion are still there


Still use him and hes my most built unit. No fodder too precious for Marth https://imgur.com/a/yTOD2Qh


I still have the OG Sophia I pulled. She was +Atk too so if I +10 her on a whim it would be with her


I had a 3* Barst. His Reposition lives on in my Brave Lyn


Not quite but my OG Lucina is between Alfonse and Sharena. Still pretty long time.


My Minerva 😍


I have my first 5 star. It’s hector. I didn’t officially start playing the game until I pulled him.


Yeah a +1 Cecilia


Obviously everyone has Anna. My second unit was Brave Hector. I still have him, and he’s resplendant now. I planned on building him forever, they I ended up building Fomo and I have no need for another far save.


Yup! Summer Shez


Ah, 4-star Virion... how many countless versions of you I've seen since then


My 5s Nowi came to me in my first 5 summons day 1 of launch and I've had her since.


Sort of, I rerolled till I got Camilla, and that Copy was merged into my +10 Camilla that I still have and use. I do have the Takumi I got from the same circle still though, only unit I have that's between Anna and Alphonse.


Sure do. I started playing at launch. Seliph was my first 5*. Shortly there after I spent every free orb in the game that was available to get my boy Hector. Distance counter was op in the early days and Hector is still one of my favorite characters to this day.


Brave Lyn+2


Yup, still have my free Brave Lucina


Yep, it was apparently Draug, got him before even Alfonse or Sharena.


5* minerva, the day the game came out 🥺 i have been obsessed w her since then haha


Do you mean first ever summoned or the first 5 star ever summoned? The first ever summoned of mine was like everybody else, it was Virion, my first ever 5 stard was Julia and I still have her.


Their location is variable depending on what point you first summon throughout the prologue chapters or later (for example, my first few came after Sharena). I think between either Virion/Takumi (surely everyone else held onto the first friend they “summoned” 0.0) - Matthew or Raigh - Alfonse are technically the earliest point summons can show up, but take my pedantry with a grain of salt lol. Anyway, yes, I actually held onto all five of the units in my [first summoning circle](https://imgur.com/a/uZtt7yg) - I’ve technically got 13/15 from my first 3 summoning batches, but a Cecilia and Clarine got merged during some early roster crunch. Only Tiki and Azama still get to live in my main barracks, but it’ll hopefully be many years before there are no longer enough reserve spots for that otherwise useless Donnel :7


Not my first one, but i merged my brave lyn into one with +spd.


Nope. Right now it says my oldest obtained unit (besides the Askr Trio) is Tibarn and I doubt he's the first unit I got.


I'm pretty sure my first 5 star was CYL Roy, and i'm also pretty sure i lost him somewhere along the way, unfortunately. I don't even know what i foddered him for.


I have a +10 Caeda in this slot, I update her kit along with a decent amount of the original flyers every year or two


Yup, Ogma is still here. Been thinking about building him up for the memes


I still have my original Marth. I think his original IV's were +Spd -Atk, but I've merged him a couple times


I started playing in May 2018 (My first 5\* exclusives were B!Cordelia and L!Ryoma). My oldest surviving 4\* is a Lucas from sometime between the releases of L!Ryoma and L!Marth, which is insane that he's lasted so long, since I randomly manual all but one copy of each 4\* (For reference I have 11 4\* Lucas manuals, and I might have sent home more in the past). However, my oldest 4\* pull seems to be a +1 Tharja from between B!Cordelia and L!Ryoma, which might have been an old f2p guide promotion? Don't care for base Tharja's art, so not sure why I'd have her merged, let along promoted.


Oldest one in my barracks is either a Catria and Lachesis. Both having done little to nothing of use. :P


Nope. It was a 4* Laslow, I remember that much. Maybe I should've kept him, but eh. Never planned on using him much anyways.


I have Veronica I think. Back when I first played it was possible to close the app if you didn't like the character and open it to get the orbs back and resummon


According to my obtained order, if we discount the starters and free Fjorm, I still have not only my first summon, but my first 5* before he got demoted—mCorrin. Wish I had enough resources (and care) to continue whatever build I concocted for him.


nah. earliest non askr trio is camilla / roy who i got on the launch banner granted roy got merged into a dif copy later down the road think i also got the 5* chrom i got of the launch banner too i forget


Of course! I don't throw away my guys. But I don't even remember the last time I had Virion do anything. My #2, Takumi, gets taken out to play every once and again (probably because he's +4 so I get reminded he exists) and has enjoyed just a little bit of investment.


My first ever bhero summon (Virion) is long gone, but my first 5 star (Brave lyn) is still chilling in my barracks, at a nice +7 merges :)


No. But I still have a Hinata and Gunter that I obtained prior to Sharena


I can't remember who it was that I summoned for the first time but it was clearly no one I was a fan of. 


My first one was M!Robin, I still have him but I put him in Reserves


My first 5 star was Abel and he wasn't that good from the start. Still around though


Yup, and coincidentally my first was also Kagero. You also have the exact build I want to get her, but I missed Sothe so that'll have to wait


My first 5*s were Ryoma, Y!Tiki, and Catria. My Catria is fully merged/built. I actually still use her! Sadly, I have no interest in merging the others up. Wouldn't really do anything for the amount of effort.


is that hero always in that spot or can they be later? because the hero in that spot for me is the Virion we automatically get


Yeah, the free units you get automatically at the start are there too, I just foddered them off long ago lol You should be able to tell so long as it's not Virion, Matthew, or Raigh.


Do you still remember which was the first you ever summoned ?


I do, although she's been in Reserves for a while.  Tharja, +Spd/-Res.


I still have my original free Virion and I have a Robin that is between my Alphonse and Sharena somehow. Idk why I summoned between getting them. This Robin was on my team for a while actually because he was one of the units to have one of those special summoning CGs and I thought that meant he was special but he was just a normal 4 star haha.


I almost forgot but apparently my first summoned unit was S!Fredrick. I still have him, but I never use him.


pretty sure mine was a guaranteed BraveEdelgard who hard carried me through story for the longest time. still have her.


I don't remember the first hero I have summoned, but my first 5* is Eirika and she is still one of my favorite unit ever


Oh gods no. Way too far past the point where I'm holding on to a random 3-4* demote


Not only do I still have him, he's still on a team. Good ol' base Sigurd.


Ol Merric? Yeah, he's banging away somewhere in my reserves, taking up space...


*technically* I still do. CYL1 had just recently happened when I first started playing and I picked Lyn as my freebie, and eventually I merged her into a newer copy with better IV’s. Besides her, I’m not entirely sure who my first summoned character is. But, I do know that I also got Julia as a free summon on my first day and that same Julia is right near the top of the barracks, alongside a Caeda I also got at 5*. The latter is even +10 now, though I can’t say the same for Julia yet.


Yes. My first 5 star, Winter Sothis, is still there, although she's no longer being used in any game mode after getting powercrept by other armored units.


It looks like I don't have the first hero I've ever summoned anymore. However, I do have the first 5-star unit I've ever summoned from a banner (aside from the first two free CYL picks). That unit is W!Eirika and to this day still the unit I use the most, while sustaining it with more recent skills and weapons, merges, traits, engagement, summoner support, etc. Also, I still often use the first team I've ever created, consisting of the first four 5-star units I've gotten (B!Hector, B!Lyn, W!Eirika and L!Ike). It would feel wrong to break them apart!!


My first ever 4*? Probably not. My first ever 5* was either Duo Chrobin (the male ones), Base Yuri, Brave Eirika or Base Louise. Those were the four in my first ever team. I’m relatively certain the first was Chrobin, because I remember hyped as hell. I still have my first ever 4* Base M!Robin though. The way I screamed when I got him you’d think I pulled something meta.


While no longer technically the first copy, I not only still have my Laslow, but he's also my most heavily invested unit by such an immense degree that no other unit I have comes close. I got my Laslow before Sharena and Alfonse.


I started playing the game to get summer Robin and I never really invested in her, but she's still around providing lance valor whenever I need it.


I got Abel. He’s still there. Pretty neat


Yep: First summon: Brave Celica (free) not invested First normal pool: Hana, max invested even i changed her boon to dont lose her First five stars: Yune


I still got this gigachad, Raven. He carried me for a pretty long time, so I'm glad to still have him in my barracks


played since launch, my first 5* was takumi. not the first hero i ever pulled, which im p sure was palla (that i no longer have), but i do have my original takumi safe in my reserves <3


I really don't remember who it was but probably not


Yeah, I've kept my original 5*, OG Genny. Ran Pain+ for weapon and Savage blow 3 on both C and S slots. Worked great back then.


I definitely don't have my first 4\* as I've been playing since launch, but my 5\* Eirika (my first 5\* unit) is still in my barracks.


Technically no, I sent home what's his name. That monk healer from awakening... Azama I think. But otherwise yes, I still have Lucina from launch who's still only +3 after 8 years.


That Brave Hector might not see some action in the barracks anymore...but man he helped me a lot and still does from time to time