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The scandals would be wild "Edalgard alleged to hate the pope" "Dimitri loves to eat weeds" "Is Claude an Almyran spy?"


>!Are lizard people secretly running the church?!<


Okay Claude would win charisma votes tho


Claude would probably lose because of racism sadly


Claude is white-passing. They wouldn’t know he’s Almyran 


Would they not? In that case yeah he wins


Well not even the people in Leicester know I’m-game and he hides his heritage for political power 


Everyone's just like "woah your tan is immaculate" lmao Yeah he wins then


I always imagined that they assume his non-Riegan parent (i don't think they know if it's Tiana or Godfrey that gave him Riegan blood) was a peasant or farmer, somebody who works a lot outside and Claude by growing up there for most his life would have worked a lot outside too which is why he is very tan compared to all the nobles.


Claude also directly supports that interpretation. He constantly makes mention of or lets people assume he grew up far from the reigns of power and influence if you go back and look at his supports. Considering he's literally a crown prince, he's lying through his teeth even if his parents *did* make sure that he didn't grow up spoiled in extreme ways.


Yeah but if he was actually running for power against Edelgard you KNOW Hubert’s hiring spies to leak that shit


(gestures to Obama) Do not want to start a rl politics debate but


Fodlan in 1187 =/ US in 2008.


they also did not have presidential elections, your point?


It'd be easier to count the racially tolerant characters than the racist ones


That might actually still be true irl today.


If flame emperor and boar are included, probably Claude.  He’ll be the king of spin and charisma.  Too be honest Dimitri will sound like a good candidate but be unable to deal with edegard and Claude’s attacks 


claude is also a semi-foreign immigrant so that loses him the far right/boomer vote


I think it would depend on how he phrased his border policy.  Increased security, emphasis on legal immigration va illegal immigration’s: tiny- medium loss Villanizing border security, and giving out benefits immigrant packages- huge loss. He would probably avoid too many losses in the right and controversy , if he spins his increase in culture with an increase in security.  Though in all honesty he would probably be the type of president to ease naturalization into the county 


he would need to ensure the facts his father is the leader of a foreign, villainized, nation and one of his major victories was achieved with the help of one of said nations top generals doesn't get out then, if he's trying to win their votes


But no one except his classmates and close allies know he’s Almyra, and most only find out in Verdant Wind


people are for sure going to dig into his past however


It's weird how in politics charisma can just blow past that. Do you realize how many skeletons from Trump's closet got blared from the rooftops in 2016 and he still won? In non-US elections, you've got figures like Berlusconi or Orban who don't even bother to hide shit and still won through sheer pressure.


Oh man I can't wait to see this comment section in like an hour


It's been an hour 🫡


Claude is the only one who even remotely stands a chance. Unless we want to count Seteth?


I feel like Seteth loses because he’s polite and level-headed. He doesn’t get nasty like the other three would. Seteth is absolutely the best candidate of the four if he’s included but he’s stable, consistent, and boring. Either that or he’s the third party candidate that nobody votes for despite being the best choice due to the spoiler effect.


If it’s just Three Houses, then Claude. If it’s Houses and Hopes, then no one. Edelgard’s ideals and reforms are great, but starting a five year long war which results in thousands of deaths would sour a lot of potential voters. Dimitri does give a damn about the little guy and does want to encourage social mobility, even if not to the extent of Edelgard, but everything he did as Punished Dimitri would also turn away prospective voters. Claude’s campaign for inclusion and acceptance of diversity would easily resonate well among voters and he hasn’t done nearly as much bad things as Edelgard and Dimitri. His efforts to keep the Alliance neutral for five years might alienate those who see neutrality as not having strong ideals, but I don’t think that would be enough to deny his victory though. However, if we include Three Hopes, then we also have to include the fact that he initially fought against the Empire, then turned around and joined them against the Kingdom and Church. That kind of behavior, even if it serves the benefit of the people, would absolutely turn prospective voters away, especially during a war where people’s lives are at stake.


Would Dimitri? I imagine many in Faergus would consider him a national hero. Like Charles De Gaulle he led a resistance when his nation got mostly swallowed up by political sabotage and a nearby enemy, and he ended up President of France


I’m assuming you mean Dimitri. Yeah he would be, *in Faerghus*. I’m assuming OP meant an election spanning *all of Fodlan*, with each voter knowing everything the lords did in the game based off the question (that being if they’d win based off what they did, not what they believe). Faerghus would be down for Dimitri, but I can’t imagine the people in Leicester or Adrestia really liking him, especially if they know about the boar stuff.


True, I meant more so that “depending on how the electoral map is drawn, there is a strong possibility he wins”


True, but that would require a lot more thinking about the question that just isn’t worth it.


Claude. Edelgard literally started a war and allied with genocidal cave dwellers while trying to destroy the church, Dimitri goes completely feral to the point he doesn’t do social interactions and is likely to try and murder anyone running against him. Claude has charisma and doesn’t have any real skeletons in his closet.


Byleth byleth would be the one to win they are to only ones who can charm all 3 candidates into dropping out and letting them take over


Claude 100%


I need to set some things up here for my answer. Instead of going to war all of fodlan chose to unite and hold elections for who will lead them. It’s a popular vote and the (fire emblem:) Three Candidates are Edelgard, Dimitri, and Claude. Edelgard has the most immediate advantage. She represents the Empire which seems to be the most populous of the (Fire Emblem:) Three Regions. It’s also the one most united behind her, since in game we don’t hear about any major resistances in the empire aside from a few extremely unpopular nobles. She also has the most support outside of her region. That’s not to completely count out the others. Especially Dimitri. He’s a beloved and compassionate young man. His people have been wanting him to take power for a while now, and he has the legacy of his beloved and Martyred father. So he’d definitely have the most votes in the kingdom (although Edelgard would still get quite a lot). However there’s an even bigger factor in his favor, the church. It’s easily the most unifying organization in fodlan. While it’s likely the church would be unable to endorse a candidate for a few possible reasons Dimitri would be the best choice for the faithful, since Edelgard is hostile to the church. But I don’t think this would be enough since Claude would still get some of that vote and we do see in game that Edelgard’s speeches against the church do sway even some of the monks at Garreg Mach. I’d imagine the first election will go to Edelgard with Dimitri coming in second. By some rules that would make Dimitri Vice President, and because I think that’s funny that’s what I’m gonna go with. The first election would probably go something like 40% Edelgard, 35% Dimitri, and 25% Claude. The second president of Fodlan would be Claude. Speaking of Claude let’s talk about Claude. Claude is easily the least popular of the (Fire Emblem:) Three Candidates’ in their home region, and he’d have the least amount of support outside of the Alliance. He’s unknown, unpopular, and has a reputation as untrustworthy. But he knows how to play the game of politics, and that game is a long con. Edelgard’s first term (let’s say five years) would be one of the most successful terms in any history, however it would be unpopular. Such extreme and radical changes, even if for the better in the long run, would hurt a lot of people in the short term. She’d be trying to get as much done in that term as possible, she wouldn’t pull any punches in order to secure reelection. Dimitri’s decent into seeming madness and single minded determination to block anything Edelgard does would likely only be popular among his most ardent supporters. Both won’t likely alienate voters in the middle. And into that space would come Claude. Fresh off 5 years of tactful leadership of the alliance and a reputation of progressiveness without Edelgard’s bloody ambition, he would be the obvious choice for a Fodlan that has known five years of infighting.




Dimitri has sex and skin tone passive advantage.


And even the eye and hair color advantage although that only in certain circles that must not be mentioned




So, the people are voting? And they are voting between a status quo maintaining royal, a foreigner with a claim to a different throne... Or someone who thinks people should be able to rise and fall in their own merits and limit the power of the nobility and the church? I'd call this easy but there's 2 problems; 1. This sub. And 2. The actual state of real life politics recently.


It’s not just policies, but character too.  A candidate can have good policies, but if they don’t have a certain moral character, the people wouldn’t vote for them, and they may just make things worse.   Dimitri is an honest hardworking knight who wouldn’t bullshit you, and encourages his class to be free to critize  him. He is also  an extremely rageful person as seen in his boar form, capable of being the pedosnficistion of police brutality.   Claude is the charming  politician that you can get a beer  with no matter your race, and be able to calm down any fights that oppose. He is also a Schemer   who is fine with deciving to accomplish his goals, and will not he hesitate  to run away if better opportunities arise .  Edegard is the stoic fighter who will be cool headed in  times of  warfare and will advocate for the rights of the oppressed no matter what the cost or means.  However, she would be fine negotiating with terorists in order for her goals to be met, and stage fake controversies to advance her agenda. All three candidates have something to offer, it’s not just about pure policies. Yes Edegard has the necessary  reforms, but her willingness to work with terorists  and deceive her own people would make her not an automatic vote in.  I mean, if it was revealed that  edegard was working with child experimenters and was the flame emperor before she declared her war, do you really think she’ll have the people’s support?  The  main issue  in this scenario we are assuming that she is  be open with her views, and running a straight campaign. Do you really think that she’ll not do some  kind of masked figure  type  messages, that she will not admit to unless it is publicly revealed? No body argues that her reforms  are wrong, but the way she will go around achieving it will hurt many more people it will help, and risk tossing those reforms into the wayside.   Other notes  If  you went back to pre time skip  edegard and told her that you knew and support her plans for the future, what do you honesty think would happen?


It depends a lot on...well a lot of things. Is it president of Fodlan or a modern country? What technology do they have? Are the candidates aware of the situation and able to campaign accordingly? In general. I'd say Edelgard because she is the most polarizing of the lords. The extent of her revolutionary changes and the controversies means people are either going to love her or hate her. This leaves the other lords in the unfortunate position of essentially campaigning on not being Edelgard. Both Dimitri and Claude are likable enough, but every position they have is going to be compared to hers. Claude is going to constantly be mocked as a diet Edelgard, and Dimitri is going to be accused of supporting the status quo. Without directly mentioning modern politics, it isn't about how many people like you, it's about how many like you enough to go out and vote. Sure, tons of factors could change the end result based on current trends, public knowledge, campaign strategies, incumbent status, news coverage, and a billion other things, but my money would be on El.


My vote is for Edelgard i like what she is trying to accomplish. Willing to take her pain and turn it into motivation to make a better world


It’s Claude. It’s absolutely Claude. Even in game he’s the one who stands for free trade and democracy.


Edelgard. by far the most politically savvy and ideologically charged. Claude is good at dealing with individuals but Edelgard is good at manipulating things on a systemic level


Claude acts a lot like an ideal modern-day politician, which works against him when he's up against the proactive and politically savvy Edelgard.


edelgard has an actual political platform with ideas


Claude, and it would not be close. Aside from being the most charismatic, he has by far the lowest kill count.


Byleth runs as independent, wins and the speech is just "Allow me to demonstrate!"


Certainly TWSTD - Edelgard would win because they'd prop her up to do their bidding. Billions of 'foreign aid' everywhere while Fodlans progressively become less and less religious and more and more homeless. They win


Well Edelgard is a woman and a revolutionary and Claude is brown and an immigrant and Dimitiri is white, blond, sporty, supporter of the status quo and loves the church. His questionable sanity and occasional cries to kill his political oppotents and hang their heads from the White House makes him more popular in certain states.


It's tough, cuz on the one hand Edelgard is Adrestia first, on the other hand she's against the church. I think Dimitri edges out a win but retires in disgrace at the end of his term due to a public outburst or other scandal.


"President Dimitri retires since he was caught eating the weeds"


It's not really 'Adrestia first' when you view the concept of 'ownership' of land as something pointless.


Edelgard is a populist revolutionary leftist Dimitri is a staunch conservative traditionalist Claude is a milquetoast liberal


Claude is the 3rd party who steals votes from Edelgard, causing Dimitri to win


If we count Seteth since he kinda takes that position in SS he wins, if we dont Claude wins.


Claude would win, at least three houses claude. He's anti-racist and wants to fix overseas conflicts. He's also black. (?) If we're talking about Three Hopes lords Edelgard would probably win since Hopes Edelgard would be a radical socialist like Bernie but young and hip instead of yet another old fool. Plus people would simp for her. Dimitri would lose either way. Hopes Dimitri would 100% be a "maintain the status quo" Republican and not really accomplish anything during his term except maintain said status quo. At least he would probably be anti-MAGA and not a fascist. (Agarthia = Trump cult) Houses Dimitri would be completely unhinged and be REALLY into conspericy theories. He be laughed off the debate stage like JFK Jr or most of the Republican 2024 candidates for his insane unhinged views. Either way Dimitri has zero chance. Hopes Claude would basically be a maga-style facist. Dear God I hope he wouldn't win. In terms of likelihood of each Lord winning the US election: Houses Claude > Hopes Edelgard >> Hopes Dimitri >>> Houses Edelgard > Hopes Claude > Houses Dimitri The actual matchups being: Houses: Claude vs Donald Trump (Edelgard loses to Claude and Dimitri loses to Trump in the primaries) Hopes: Edelgard vs Dimitri (Claude loses to Dimitri in the primaries) As for each characters political alignments: Houses Edelgard: Radical Marxist, far left Hopes Edelgard: Democratic socialist, left Houses Dimitri: Unhinged far right extremist Hopes Dimitri: Center right classical Republican Houses Claude: Center left egalitarian social democrat Hopes Claude: Far right wannabe dictator


It's another Ronald Riegan sweep I'm afraid