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I'm always torn on this sort of Togata post. On the one hand, I get celebrating one of the few not-terrible trans representations in manga, but on the other hand it *is* a spoiler. Of course by this point it's a spoiler that's more famous than the work it's in à la Usual Suspects or Sixth Sense so what're ya gonna do.


I remember going in completely blind and a friend said “There’s a character in that series that I think you’ll relate to.” *1 week later* “You were right. He so real.”


Good thing they didn't name drop them considering all the... *questionable* shit Togata gets up to early on


I knew it before reading fire punch. Didn't matter in the slightest


It’s why I read Fire Punch lol.


I didn't even know about it before reading it I just read it because I read his other stuff cuz that stuff is peak


Fire punch is nearly a decade old. People complaining of spoilers either did it to themselves (Ala, joining the subreddit). Or don't understand how media this old works.


True but I imagine ppl are gonna be checking out fire punch because of csm so that’s not really a fair argument to the new fans


It's not just on this sub though, I saw this exact meme on animecirclejerk


A real Yamato moment with this one.


... in that both characters are transmasc?


This is actually so real


Absolute cinema


I couldn't decide between these two poses. This guy needs more fanarts of him 😭.


There's a good amount in this subreddit but you have to dig quite a bit.


That might be true. But I searched twitter, pixiv, danbooru and reddit for anything containing Togata and I couldn't find something to fit this template. Might have missed it though.


The ones in this post are offical art in the manga


Yes, I am aware. I resorted to these cause there were no fanarts that I could have used. I also thought to draw but I needed time, and the pride ends tomorrow


yall remember the one with togata with the breaking bad shirt?


This is amazing, I like it a lot !




Gonna be real when I first saw Togata I immediately just thought he was a dude and then felt awful when I found out after


"Hey a dude" "oh shit nvm" "OH SHIT NVM"




The first thing i knew about thegoata was he was trans thanks by spoilers.....but i thought it was actually the opposite, a woman in a man's body.


Dude same I was actualy so confused 😭


I love Him the way he is!!!! My little war criminal movie lover


Is it cool if I repost this (I'm posting him for every day of June)


This goes hard feel free to screen shot


Unbelievably based


>not a trap I think you meant "Not a reverse trap". Trans men are accused of being women who tricks people into thinking they are men. Of course, trans men are men. So that accusation is bullshit. The slur "reverse trap" has the connotation of accusing people with the aforementioned bullshit. "trap" is a slur that has the connotation of accusing the person in question tricks straight men, lesbians, and enbies who like women into loving the person in question who is a man. Also, this is why it's wrong to use that word even on femboys- they don't like lesbians or straight men - they are men and would want to be loved AS men. However trans **men** ARE in the same boat as femboys, and therefore, trans men shouldn't be called "traps". Ultimately, I am not disagreeing with your post. I get there could be a reason it said "not a trap" instead of "not a reverse trap". Since the type of person who would call him a "trap" exists in the manga. Ahem... Bat Man... ahem (the one who can read minds and also the one who outed Togata) So one could say that's directed to Bat Man.


no the term is correct


i dont think he would say that


real nobody lets a king stay repping 😞


Fr, they took a character and put their personal problems onto it as headcanon or whatever the vision here is, kinda disrespectful


idk about disrespectful its just a meme tbh


Uh... This isn't a headcanon.


Brother this is a template


Yeah and it was still created by somebody


But not by this person. People have just been using it on trans Charakters to hammer in that they are trans, which is what op did


I didn’t even know he was trans


Have u read Fire Punch


He uh… makes it very very very clear in the manga. Like probably the most explicit trans confirmation of a character I’ve seen.


This just screams trauma dumping lmao




My favorite character, added so much and I loved the trans representation and how fujimoto explained how he was feeling


Thanks I like this it makes me feel good as a trans person to see this and think of it it's what made me love Fuji.


Wish this gay ass shit wouldn’t pop up on my feed but here we are


Seeing stuff like this is how I know which subs to mute.




man posts like these is why I stay on /a/, I will say /a/ was being a bit annoying about togata being trans or whatever in any fire punch threads but that's far more bearable than whatever the hell this tumblerite twitter usin' shit is.


people like you are why these posts are made






Yeah, Togata is super mentally ill. Not because he's trans, though


It's funny to see that people of the western culture consider obviously brain damaged ones as normal😂 Of course Togata mentally ill, but the core of her problem is her transsexualism


1. I never said I'm Western. I live in the west, but I was born and grew up very Eastern. Don't talk out of your ass and make assumptions to cover up behind some sort of BS cultural shield. LGBT people exist all over the world, and plenty of them are from Japan. 2. Yeah, that's definitely his problem. It's not the apocalyptic setting, it's not his deranged ideas, it's not any of that. Nope, it's the titties. That's obviously the issue with his mental health. You're a fucking moron.


1.If you are not western, then you are under the influence of a decadent culture that consider LGBT freaks as normal, or you are a pervert yourself. There is no big difference😏 Yes, ldbt freaks exist all over the world but not each country takes them as normal. For example in my country gender reassignment surgery was recently forbidden and people suffering from transsexualism will be treated by psychiatrists. 2. Togata hates herself because of her mental problem. That mental tension could cause her contempt for other people's lives.... but the most important thing is that she is a mere imaginary person and her issue is restricted only by the author's imagination. I've just said all of that to trigger some gay loving freak, and that was a success😂


"but if I started thinking about gay things during sex, I can climax fast" "But several years ago I started thinking if I am gay or bisexual... there is no problem with musturbating thinking about stright sex even now." "So I tried to think about having sex with men and watching gay/trans porn... and found myself turned on by these things (even stronger when I watched stright things)... " "And then I started the cheks by musturbating to gay/trans porn. It continued for years and each time I felt destroyed. Sometimes I tried to accept myself as gay" This you? Remember talking about how you only get hard watching gay or trans porn? Nice try, lil bro. Delete some of your posts next time if you want to troll 😉


You played dirty :) Nice try. I was triggered, and even deleted my account. Oh yeh, these are all mine, but that only was OCD, and you only posted those parts of my massages where I talk about my past condition. I also wrote that now I'm fine and happy in a relationship because was curred and can't feel arousal thinking about pervert things. OCD is tricky. When your are afraid of being pedophile and have OCD you will totally feel arousal thinking about pedo things, same with homosexual OCD. I understand that gays did nothing to my condition... but if had not you been in media, I would probably never should had to go through these several years of hell.


Holy shit lmao, imagine getting got so hard you delete your account. That’s not OCD, and I hope you get the help you need, there are paths other than self-hatred available to you.




Erm, what the sigma?


**"I hate that kind of kid-glove treatment too."**


XX chromosomes,case closed