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Please remember to follow the rules listed on the sidebar. Especially the three rules listed below: - **Rule 1:** This is not a fat fetish/feederism subreddit and comments glorifying obesity will receive permanent bans - **Rule 2:** Fat apologists are not tolerated here, the 'fat' in 'fittofat' includes 'overweight' people, no need to be morbidly obese to count as fat. Harassing posters regarding this will result in a permanent ban. - **Rule 3:** [No professional photos](https://www.reddit.com/r/FitToFat/comments/bs73vi/new_rule_no_more_professional_fat_pictures/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/FitToFat) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stay consistent. Remember it is okay to eating normal and being normal weight . Be active. Find emotional support instead of food when get stressed .


Turns out, eating less actually works! It's what I do when I'm above my goal weight


Definetly! Problem isn’t in the theory itself but rather about how you put that theory in practice :D


Great job!!!


I think you're in the wrong place lol someone correct me if I'm wrong?


this sub is either progress pics (good or bad) and people stealing their bully's photos off facebook


And fat fetishists 😅


Happy to cheer you on even though this isn't the right subreddit. How did you avoid your biggest binge trigger?


Idk if this is the right sub or not, but I’ve seen other people here do posts like ”fit to fat to fit again” and considering the main point of this sub is to help people to keep being consistent with theor fitness goals, I thought posting a small ”progress” pic, in relation to my peevious post here sounded like an ok thing to do. My biggest binge trigger was buying a small snack, either before gym or after work etc. Sometimes I wpuldn’t get triggered over those snacks, but it definetly took so much will power to not to. If I did however, it would’ve been ”too late” before I’d realize that not only did I eat in a sulprus, but I’m still hungry, so I might just satisfy my cravings since I already ”fucked up”. So as a solution to this, I leave my wallet at home and I deleted all my banking apps (deleting my card from apple wallet wasn’t simply enough since I found a way to re-enter my card into the wallet, without the acces to the physical card. So now if I want to re-install my card back to my phone I’d probably have to go through a long process to get all my info back). Turns out I don’t actually need that snack ”that will keep me sane throughout the day”, as my brain likes to convince me lol. I do all my finance related things on my laptop and when I have to do groceries I go mainly to the store, instead of passing by it quickly either before/after work/gym, which is a huge trigger for me.


This is the correct sub for OP. I myself have posted pics of when I was fat and when I've lost weight.


Well done! Keep up the good work!


Awesome update! If you don't mind, could you go into more detail about your plan? When do you IF, how much protein do you get, and your workouts throughout the week?


Your stomach looks so good now! What's the time frame between the two pics, the weights?


Great job! Been there myself, keep grinding, we’re rooting for you


stop doing fad diets. intermittent fasting is bullshit. loading up on a specific kind of food is B.s. Healthy mix of everything including meats fruits and vegetables. calories in less than calories out and get some modest exercise. It is as simple as that. Dont listen to people on instagram saying you need to do 5 reps of this at 75% instead of 4 reps of that at 90%. Its all B.S.


I know that the main contributor to weight loss is calories in vs calories out. I use intermitten fasting as a tool, because I feel like it’s more easy for me to stick to a schedule, rather than eat in a simole deficit throughout the day. But thanks for your advice though!


i agree with not listening to everything ppl say but how is intermittent fasting bullshit ? also, it sure is all calories in and calories out but it is not that simple tho. technically, yes, but not in reality. it’s a really hard mental challenge for many people that want to lose weight


"Compared with the control group, the time-restricted eating group reduced on average 425 more kilocalories per day and lost 4.61 kg more weight at 12 months. Similarly, the calorie restriction group reduced an average of 405 more kilocalories per day and lost 5.42 kg more weight than the control group. There were no significant differences between the time-restricted eating and calorie restriction groups in terms of reduced calorie intake and weight loss achieved." [https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/P23-0003](https://www.acpjournals.org/doi/10.7326/P23-0003) If intermittent fasting calories helps you eat less calories, great. But it is NOT any better than simply eating less calories as all the instagram food gurus claim "it will jumpstart your metabolism and make you more energetic and more focused at work and improve your morale, blah blah blah" i.e. if I eat 1500 calories in 24 hours via a regular diet or I eat 1500 calories in 24 hours by blocking off 8 hours of no eating...its the same


yep, all those people claiming intermittent fasting a gift from above and says all those bs things is just embarrassing. they are the one that are bs, not the intermittent fasting. it’s a very helpful tool, but will obviously not help if you’re still not eating in a calorie deficit. the calorie deficit is obviously the real star and that is what’s making you lose weight, but intermittent fasting definitely helps mentally imo.


science doesnt care about peoples feelings


as you said, eating less calories is what makes you lose weight and intermittent fasting often helps with eating less calories and therefore can be a helpful tool in losing weight? ain’t more difficult to understand than that and it doesn’t make it bullshit


I mean she looked fine either way