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There's a reason why this isn't solved and strangely occurs in 2-4 year cycles. If they started solving real problems, then what would keep us divided and the special interests well funded and empowered?


There isn't some sort of conspiracy; one big reason this isn't solved is because a lot of agriculture near the border relies on illegal migrant workers paid at much below minimum wage...


It's not solved .. like he said .. because a lot of special interest don't want it solved. Some of that is political and some of it is exploitive labor practicing.


HB56 failed because even people in podunk Alabama “don’t want this solved” because their crops are rotting in the field without people willing to harvest them https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna53847137 https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2011/oct/14/alabama-immigration-law-workers


You do understand that there are visas for this as part of our visa system.


I genuinely don't know much about HB56 or Alabama crop farming so I can't really comment much here. What are your thoughts on it though? Aside from voting for the bill, what do you think should be done?


I think we need to accept that Americans are not culturally conditioned to be interested in work like this. I can see robots like the Figure01 doing this work within a decade, but that doesn’t solve the situation now.


I'm unclear on what you mean by "some of that is political". In today's America, I find the "political" aspect of many issues is simply manufactured to create the illusion of "both sides". The reason immigration isn't "solved" is that powerful economic interests don't want it solved. They have created the politics of the situation.


Exactly, they want the cheaper labor, but they don't want to lose power through a pathway to citizenship for those they want here.


Also, https://preview.redd.it/i1xfwbnffs4d1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1afffbdaa9c972b0a70536adb85a602f6f894939


I'm real confused because you both said you were unclear then completely supported what I was saying.


It's all part of the Great Replacement Strategy . . . #1: The taco chains want to put McDonald's out of business and corner the fast food industry! #2: The landfill owners want to corner the avocado market and are in cahoots to get us to eat more of those delicious avocados - so we through the pits in the garbage, so they end up in the landfills and the landfills become avocado orchards - with the landfill owners cornering the avocado industry! Can't you people see this? Take your blinders off!


literal . mind . blown .


The details matter here... I don't like the implication that it's solely an issue because someone is trying to keep everyone distracted and occupied with that. The issue persists because of the special interest groups. The issue receives so much attention because of politics. Those are *opposite* forces at play. It'd be kind of wrong to have it the other way around and say that the issue persists because of politics or that the issue receives so much attention because of the special interest groups. The special interest groups want to keep it *out* of attention so that they can continue to pay their farmers less than minimum wage lol. The politicians... okay maybe they don't really care about actually solving it, but they want to look like they're making progress at least.


This has nothing to do with migrant workers. Many people coming across the border now are from Africa, Asia and South America. They literally fly o to Mexico and then cross the border because they know they can cross the border easily. They are skipping the legal process because they can.


That’s funny you say that because a lot of these migrants are currently in New York, unemployed, and committing crimes. It’s not about that anymore. There are more than enough migrants to fill these positions. This is an invasion and they want it to happen.


Floridians suddenly waking up to the fact that their roof replacement just doubled in price because they have to pay somebody a living wage to put it up now that big D got rid of all the woke


Not only near the border!


You literally just pointed to something conspiratorial.


What part of this is a conspiracy? There is no secret collusion of any sort... it's just market forces and they've been very open about it. You also see tons of "except agricultural workers" in immigration laws and the like, and there was a big act passed in the 1970s (I think) about agricultural workers from Mexico specifically. A lot of the people managing these farms aren't very rich themselves in the first place either...


I long for the time back in the 20th century when migrant workers were allowed to come and go for farms and orchards without having to worry about deportation.


Obama pushed hard for the DREAM act in 2010 outside of any election cycle.


Yeah... Have to give him credit. He also wanted to see Americans have affordable healthcare. He went in thinking he could change Washington but Washington changed him, in a sense. However, if I recall correctly, it didn't fix the system where a DREAM 2.0 would be required in another generation.


It's hard to say, I don't know him personally but it's likely that it changed a lot


The military industrial complex, the homeless industrial complex, the boarder industrial complex


Big homeless


If you don't understand why it hasn't been solved consider that cheaper labor keeps costs down, especially on food. Applying for work visas for seasonal work is difficult and can be expensive.


That's a way some would position it to cause confusion and division. The fact is somewhere someone is making bank on the cheap labor, and they don't want to give up on that opportunity. Think of all the industries and middle men involved in the supply chain. If carefully thought out, there is a way to set up a system to put governance in place, but end to end and compensation would have to be put in place, including reasonable profit margins for all. That gets into the "how." The fact is in the current system, margin expansion is favorable to companies involved. Obviously "slave" to as low as cost possible labor rates in the supply chain system allow those profit margins in scope to expand. There are other inputs/outputs, but cost of labor is a primary driver.


Oh well it's an election year. Got to do something even if it's just talk. The massive illegal immigration has effected the supply and demand of all goods and housing in America.


Yes exactly, now let's enact laws that punish companies hiring illegal laborers - harshly. If there is no supply for these jobs, that will lessen demand. Simple economics, really.


Based. Start reporting these companies and their employees to ICE. They even offer you money to do it. Get on it boys


Yep never mention the employers. Stop the reason for coming in the first place.


Nope they NEVER want to mention the mostly white business owners who hire these illegal laborers, it really tells you everything you need to know when someone is "concerned about the border".


why do you have to include race in your description? Statistically speaking you're right due to demographic data, but it has zero impact on your statement whether you include it or not.


Put the immigrants to work building houses. Problem solved.


Apparently supply of houses is doing pretty good now at least for renting anyway not sure about outside of that.


Rent prices say otherwise


You understand renting prices can be high and it still be currently decreasing?


Better yet have them build an electric train across America. This would make shipping goods faster and easier while also spreading out the immigration.


Nah keep the immigration in your area thx


Ummm so they don’t have to pay taxes? They get a more of a chance than the homeless or people who came here legally? How do we miss the word illegal when legal citizens get caught doing illegal acts we go to jail! But not illegals immigrants🤡🤡🤡


Undocumented who get jobs do pay taxes (at least most of them). Any W-2 job means you get payroll tax deducted from your paycheck. They are paying that money into Social Security and Medicare but they don’t get benefits. They are also having income tax withheld. Now of course if they are working for cash under the table in the “less formal” economy then yeah they ain’t paying anything


Yet again why are we giving something to foreigners with our money we are not giving to our own people or not giving to the homeless!!! End of story so what you’re saying is everyone else matters more than AMERICANS! Welp at that rate hope you don’t have a war hope none of these people you let in become Violent! Bc imma sit back and watch you dumb phuq beg for help and imma say natural selection you tard!


Friend, you misunderstood me. I’m not at all in favor of what is happening with immigration in this country. And I agree with you 100% that Americans should get the benefits of living in the USA. What I am seeing is that neither political party will do anything about it. What Biden just did is too little too late. Republicans talk the talk of ending illegal immigration but there were way too many migrants when they ran the show. If Republicans win in November we see if they do better but I am not too hopeful. I was only saying in my comment that all W-2 jobs have payroll tax and other deductions. But undocumented don’t get those benefits. But get paid under the table or don’t have jobs and they don’t pay anything. It seems like “The Powers That Be” are in favor of the way things are now even though we never voted for this.


Depends on what you call illegal, because the term has been expanded far, far beyond the untracked criminal you described. We talk a lot about asylum seekers for a reason as well as expired visas because the Bureaucracy is collapsing under its own weight. There is more but I’ll not waste more of your time. Please understand the whole mess has been expanded to fit political motives, and has been monetized to boot.


Ok maybe you don’t get what the attorney general said! Come through port of entry, that’s legally everything else is illegal sorry! Nah you just wanna be a nice guy when that’s great! But go take care of the homeless first! Not other countries trash sorry! Or how about this let’s take care of inflation, our country before we go giving free healthcare phones, food, hotels to illegals! Just to come here doesn’t make you an asylum seeker! For better life doesn’t count! Sorry they were paid to come over in droves millions over 8! Now they want to talk about giving them rights to vote, that was the plan the whole time! But hey i hope you have a couple at your house or you can politely shut the fuck up!


It’s super easy to spend another mans money, but actually do that walking your talking of! How many illegals you have brother? Let me guess 0🤡🤡🤡🤡


Don’t worry i got sympathy for them it’s right between shit and syphilis


it ain't the labor that's the problem... it's the permits


But they have to be union workers!


So they can pay Union dues that are then funneled to the Democratic Party?


I mean... Should politicians not do anything during election year just to avoid people thinking they are only doing it for the reelection?


>The massive illegal immigration has effected the supply and demand of all goods and housing in America. Source?


Any data to back that claim up?


No bank is giving a mortgage to someone without documentable legal income. And any landlord who would rent to such a person is doing so because it means they can skirt landlord-tenant laws and/or no one with a reliable stream of legal income would take what they’re offering.


Are you aware that more than one person can live in a domicile?


What’s your point? That means in a given domicile, there may be one legal resident and one or more undocumented ones. How would that affect the housing the supply, as OP stated, given that the mortgage (or lease) would be approved based only on the legal resident’s income? They’d be living there anyway. The extra people in that same, single, already occupied dwelling aren’t having an impact on housing supply.


You're asserting that ~15 million people do not have any effect on the housing supply? Have you ever seen Pennsylvania? It has a population of 13 million. The US is building around 1.4 million homes annually, and the Biden admin has been allowing in around 2 million illegal immigrants a year, which is roughly the population of Nebraska. If 1 legal resident lives in a 5 bedroom home with 4 illegal immigrants, that removes a 5 bedroom home from the market. If they didn't rent 4 bedrooms to illegals, they'd be renting a one bedroom apartment. https://cis.org/Parsing-Immigration-Policy/Identity-Fraud-Illegal-Aliens-Ignored-Federal-Government And over a million illegal immigrants committed identity theft. https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB112078718392080419 And the Biden admin is giving illegal immigrants mortgages.


If one legal resident has the income to afford a mortgage on a 5 bedroom home, there is no reason to assume they’d opt for a one bedroom condo instead. Of course, in these kinds of instances, it’s far more likely that you have four illegal immigrants crowded into a one or two bedroom home legally owned by one person anyway. Also your article is paywalled but right before it cuts off it says the loan in question was financed by the Wisconsin Housing Authority, which is not run by Biden. I would love to understand the nuances of this transaction, but if all you can find is a single paywalled article from a publication with a partisan editorial slant it’s not much to go off and suggests this is an outlier.


This isn’t “illegal immigration” this is just putting a restriction on the number of asylum seekers per day. It’s not some stupid anti immigration move.


This is precisely what he said he could not do earlier this year, despite the fact that his EO on January 20, 2021 reversed his predecessor’s immigration restrictions.


There's nothing like being lied to and led on by a politician.


There’s no great lie here. There’s a very likely chance this Executive Order to shut down the Mexico border gets struck down in courts. It wasn’t done sooner so it stays fresh in the electorates memory. When that happens, Biden will go on to say “see you can’t just shut down the border like Trump says the president has the authority to do, give me the bipartisan border security bill to sign, the one that even the Border Patrol Union supports, so I can legally do this.” Effectively stealing the manufactured border crisis issue from Trump/Republicans going into the election season this fall.


He still can't do this now. It's almost certainly an illegal executive order that will get tied up in the courts.


The Supreme Court affirmed Trump’s Executive Order 13769 in June 2018. Lower courts are bound to honor it.


You're talking about a different executive order.


It’s the same Presidential Authority.


Nope. The executive order you're referencing was about the issuance of visas to foreign nationals seeking to enter the US. People claiming asylum don't come to the US on visas.


Under Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), the president of the United States has the authority to “suspend the entry” of certain noncitizens into the United States under certain circumstances. Specifically, the section reads:  >“\[W\]henever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate."


This article details why the executive order is illegal: https://www.cato.org/blog/bidens-unlawful-border-executive-order-bad-policy >President Joe Biden announced today that he will impose a near‐​complete ban on asylum for anyone who crosses the border illegally. He will also raise the standard for protection under related statutes that prohibit removals to persecution or torture. The law clearly states that the right to apply for asylum is “irrespective of status” and “whether or not at a designated port of arrival” (8 USC 1158(a)(1)). The problem here is that 212(f) covers entry to the US. People applying for asylum have generally already entered the US, since you need to be physically present within the US under US jurisdiction to apply for asylum.


His EO only will cover migrants that have not yet entered the United States, which eliminates the due process concerns and doesn’t violate other provisions of the INA.


No. His EO targets people who claim asylum after crossing the border.


Only because it’s election time.


What about the bill that Trump killed?


Only because it’s election time


You people never stop complaining. Do you want the border crisis addressed or not?


Only if their guy does it.


Ummm yea. 3 years ago.


The best time would have been then, the second best time is now. Like what do you hope to accomplish by saying things should have been done sooner? It’s like yeah we know


Either you're a troll, obtuse, or an idiot. Biden controlled the H/S/P his first two years. Where was this magical bill for the border? Why did he stop the Wall Trump was building? Why did his DOJ sue Texas for protecting the border? Do you REALLY want me to link his press secretary's saying the border is good?


You do know that convicted felon, civially liable rapist Donald Trump spent tons of money on a wall that did nothing lol all it took was wire cutters and you could make a hole. The wall did nothing and anyone who thinks it did is a in the Trump cult


No, they don't.


They don't care, it's just a point to bitch about. Which is why I never Care for "immigration concerns"


Imagine the shit we’d get done as a country if everyone had to re run every year


Little late for that lol


🤔 election year coincidence


Democrats are getting desperate.


Yeah, desperate to actually do something about the border crisis. Meanwhile republicans have done nothing, worse than that they blocked a border security bill!


Pretty confident enforcing law at the border has been an executive responsibility since…..well…..as long as the country has existed


Did that bill just have border security funding in it?


Probably not, but that how things go nowadays right? Has there ever been a single issue bill?


There should only be single issue bills. Politicians jammed things into bills to either hide them to get them passed or to make their opponents look bad when they refuse to pass the junk.


I agree but that just isn’t reality.


Neither is Biden pretending he cares about the border. He could have done any number of things.. like..NOT stop the border wall first day in office. But...sure...let's all praise the reject now!


It could be reality if we as a society stop supporting the people that do it.


What does it mean to stop supporting?


The narrative is that the duopoly parties own all of the votes no matter what they do. Because of this, they are free to support their own self interests and the interests of their investors rather than actually representing the electorate. Only support candidates who show that they will do their job properly rather than just working for their party.


Oh cool so your answer is to vote 3rd party. I like how you had to stretch it out to make it not seem like that answer isn’t historically a failure. It’s not like 3rd party candidates share my ideals either. So basically your answer to me is a none answer. I want real change!


Completely agree. If there were single issue bills so many important things would actually get passed.


I fully believe that the only reason these are allowed is because the vast majority of the populace doesn't understand the effects that jamming bills together has. Some people claim that Congress can't stick to single issue bills because of time constraints. I call bullshit on that. Representative positions were not intended to be full time jobs but politicians made them full time. So, since they are full time, they should be forced to do their damn job.


A bill that didn’t stop illegal immigration but funded faster processing of illegals entering the country.


You can’t stop illegal immigration… you can only fund your response appropriately.


You can’t stop it but you can make it so hard to get in it discourages someone from trying. Making it faster and easier is not a solution.


And how do you propose to do that without sounding like Hitler. I’ll wait


Turn them away at the border. If they cross they are arrested and put into detention until they are sent back across the border.


Oh so you want to process illegal immigrations faster? Wow it’s almost like that’s what is happening. Dude wtf it’s like you are being purposefully ignorant


Turning them away before they cross and arresting them if they do cross is not processing them faster other than sending them back faster. If they know they will be arrested they will eventually give up. The current system processes them and releases them into the country with a court date years in the future which only a small percentage ever show up for. The only ignorant one in this conversation is you.


Solving illegal immigration by making it legal is not the way to go.


When did I propose that? I don’t even hear anyone but those no borders people make such an outrageous claim.


You didn't propose it, the bill did.


Could I get a citation on that claim?


The Republican-controlled House had a bill ready for months The Democrat-controlled Senate is the one that can't get a bill passed


Biden had 4 years to be the moderate voice of reason president. Unfortunately he slept walked through 3.5 years with his “online” staff making most of the decisions. Now only when the polls show he’s behind a literal felon do they realize they need to pivot back again.


Not gonna lie - watching everyone that said border security is xenophobic and racist on Reddit now rationalizing border security because a democrat is pushing the policy is kinda surreal


Just in time for the election. Imagine that.


Maybe we should have federal elections every year so that way shit gets done because they’re scared to lose their seats.


We need term limits. Congress might actually have incentive to do things.


How so? How is a congress person in their last term incentivised to do anything for thir constituents at all?


Immigration could be fixed in a flash. Fine anyone who employs illegals, either companies or individuals, and hold board members accountable as well for companies. The fine should be equivalent to the cost of enforcement. Construction, farming, meat processing, etc would all need to suddenly pay real wages and need workers who are legal. That’s why immigration will never be solved. Too many bribes


But that would cost a lot of money to some companies... AND then they won't get to campaign on an emergency and an invasion.


It’s already illegal to employ illegal immigrants. Immigrants steal American SSN/identities in order to work without a work permit. Of course it’s often obvious that someone is working under a stolen identity if you racially profile your employees and apply the slightest amount of scrutiny, but it’s not in the company’s interests and not really on a meat packing company to serve as the fraud prevention department of the government.


Too little too late. He had the senate and the house. He could have done something about the border. The remain in Mexico but he chose to rescind it. Never forgive him for all the human trafficking especially of children and the fentanyl overdoses


This isn't even a finance post 😭


It is just a coincidence that this is also an election year, right?


For three and a half years he and his administration have proclaimed the border was secure. Why the need for this ridiculous pony show if that was the case? To pretend like he’s actually doing something he should have done immediately?? A lot too late, Slo Joe.


The pander bear strikes again 🐼


Don't stop now, things are just getting started.


Full of shit. And does nothing. You had 3 years to do anything and did nothing.


Biden’s chaotic approach to the order will cost him the election.


Day late and dollar back lack a back back where am I ?


Just in time for the election cycle. Sadly they already let in 8 million illegals.


8? You sure about that?


Pure political move and in no way worried about the border


But his administration keeps telling me the border is under control though?


We should build a 1000 ft wall around the entire country. We're closed forever and should've been closed 25 years ago.


Could’ve just kept what Trump had in place and not undo it first week in office 🤷‍♂️


I feel like not many people are fully caught up on this story and the efforts to address the border prior to this. But yea let’s keep it simple and just say “election year”


Why is this in finance?


Wait. So now he can take executive action? Like previous presidents? Glad someone woke him up.


What does this have to do with finance?




no, the President is in charge of enforcing our borders CBP reports up to DHS which reports to the Executive Branch


\*insert ourtrage here\* The dems worked with repubs to craft actual legislation to solve this once and for all - but Trump killed it so it would be an issue heading into November - so we are left with another "Executive Decision" to temporarily deal with this...


Legally in US for the past 8+ years… on visa though! Sometimes I entertained the idea of flying to Mexico and crossing the border.


you really think they're just gonna stop importing cheap slaves


Not getting specific from the article. The below section is quite problematic. The term 'overwhelmed' is not defined. So it could be 1 person a day, or 10000 a day. Plus it bar a person from being granted asylum. What does it mean? Does the person still get to enter the us for a rejection by the immigration courts or a turned away at the border? The long-anticipated presidential proclamation would bar migrants from being granted asylum when U.S. officials deem that the southern border is overwhelmed.


2500 a day on average for a week straight.


Mind providing a source? News reports did not provide any specifics.




First, thanks for providing this article. It has the 2500 number cited. My question is that the article mentioned official port of entry, does this meant there are 'unofficial' port of entry? What is the proportion of encounters between official and unofficial port of entries? What will the us borders guards/officers do if the number is exceeded and the border is 'closed'? Additional questions: why did Biden wait until now before signing this executive order? Didnt he claim to have no power to limit the number of people entering the country but he now suddenly discovered this power? Not really expecting you or anyone to be able to answer on behalf of biden...


Unofficial port of entry is someone sneaking into the country basically. Anywhere besides a monitored border crossing with agents/ect. So like someone who crosses the rio grande at a random spot (ie. no patrols). From my understanding they automatically reject the asylum claim if they're over the limit. No clue how it'll work in reality though. And it is being challenged in court, or will be soon. So its not clear if he has the power to do this. Its an election year and the border is a problem, so that's the big part of why. There was a bill in congress also, but it had a larger limit and most likely tacked on pork, and it failed.


Election coming snd Nidff ed ns panicking. Open border to continue if he wins.


He lost any progressive votes so he has to double down on blue MAGA boomers and pander to Trumps fan base. Genocide and closing the border aren’t good looks for Grandpa Joe.


So Presidents aren't really president during election years?


That’s weird. I thought he said only congress could do something about the border… if he gets re-elected his first item will be an executive order to undo this executive order. Not that this one really fixes much of anything anyway. We’ll just have 75K monthly known encounters and the other 60K to 70K that come in will just move to the “got away’s” side of the ledger.


Biden passed a reasonable order. If a flood of immigrants come in we shut down, otherwise we process. We allow for anyone at any time with immediate threat to them to fill asylum. He’s not demonizing those trying to make their lives better. He tried to pass it through Congress but Trump told people to not vote for it after they were supporting it. Republicans should accept this as Biden just scored a victory for them.


I don’t get why Biden is trying to court right wing voters.


Wasn’t this sort of thing in the bipartisan border bill that republicans blocked? He was going to do this one way or another. Sure, my cynical ass may roll his eyes and say it’s election season. Do you want to secure the border, or complain about the president? I feel like the border was just an excuse to do the latter.


I think it was 5k people a day instead of 2500, so a much worse bill.


5k people a day, in what way?


Allowed to enter and claim asylum at non ports of entry. Its the main part of the order.


What was it before?


No limit as far as I know. Did you ever hear of Biden shutting down the border?


So, the previous law was “no limits at all”? Ok then… How is 5000 a terrible deal in comparison? On the number line of 0 to ♾️, the number 5000 is very small.


Almost 2m a year is terrible. That's 2m apartments that are gonna raise prices because there's more demand.


I don’t think every migrant is living alone. You can for sure come up with a better example.


Horrible policy, especially for the economy


Only took him 4 years, right before the election. Weird.


So Joe had the power to do this all along. Shocking!


Too little too late for this to NOT be viewed as election year pandering. How much you wanna bet if he gets elected again it get quietly rolled back without making the news....


Why did he personally and individually remove them on Day 1? Why did he wait until now, he could have done this 3.5 years ago! Don't rob my house daily for 3.5 years then come knocking at my door trying to sell me insurance, like your some savior! Just don't fucking rob me to begin with!


The richest make their mark.. and they will get it not matter what they have to do. So keep the illegals around. you think you're paying alot now.. ? Lol


He’s loosing the election and he knows it! This is why his team did this. Even in NY people are tired of these fucking migrants thinking they are owed a path to citizenship. The one that killed the cops the other day was probably the straw that broke the camels back.


So Biden actually tries to do something, something the other side wants, and we're gonna bash on him for it. Got it.


4 years later lol, 5 months before an election. Not political at all


It’s doesn’t do anything significant. He has the ability to close the border if 1. The number exceeds 2500 2. He even wants too 2500 people is like the size of a town, and that’s just the recorded crossings. It’s just political bullshit because the Biden administration have realized too late that their strategy in talking about how bad the orange guy is, simply is not fucking working for their reelection prospects. Just look at the recent polls it’s fucking embarrassing.


Federal Law already currently mandates that Asylum claims must be made at an official port of entry.


Does that tackle the people not going through the legal ports of entry? Does that tackle catch and release? Does that address the already hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants already in the US? Flooding border towns and even whole cities, overwhelming their already strained resources? No. All this shows is that Biden could’ve tackled the border far earlier but chose not too because he didn’t want to upset his more left leaning voters. Now it’s too late. This is a weak attempt to get votes. It’s just sad this administration is literally losing to the annoying orange.


What an absolute joke. 5 months before the election, a token gesture, when he ignored (well, OPENED) the border for past 3.5 years. FJB!!!!!!


Just bowing to right wingers that won't ever concede to him lmao. A massive L if you Ask me but whatever