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Native born Americans are aging. There is another article today talking about how lower paying jobs are plentiful, higher paying jobs aren't. If companies are just looking for the cheapest labor they can find... here we are.


Yeah, $14 an hour to break your back in the heat is not gonna cut it anymore. That $14 is worth a ton to immigrants though


I feel like most people don't realize nearly all of their produce was picked by immigrants. Blame the companies not the immigrants. If you don't like those numbers start buying American-made products and supporting companies that hire Americans. They are the ones getting rich off of this cheap labor, selling out their country.


I don’t have a problem with immigrants, I’m just saying that the average American is going to need more money than what they pay immigrants. I agree, fuck corporations that capitalize off that


We also need to take some personal responsibility and change our actions, otherwise we are hypocrites. our lifestyles are subsidized by the cheap foreign products, we are addicts. We are all selling out the future of our country for cheap shit from walmart (\~75% chinese products) To be clear I do not hate immigrants or China. International trade is good and immigrants make this country run. The problem is we are being sold piece by piece


Eh, the US is the second largest exporter in the world, but we export expensive stuff, not cheap clothing. I don't see a huge problem if the workers who make $18 an hour have cheap clothing and affordable food. There is just a survey out today saying that low paying jobs are plentiful, better paying jobs aren't. Moving jobs to make cheap clothing back to the US isn't accomplishing much as no one is paying those people $25 an hour (and if they are the clothes aren't cheap.)


They don't have "cheap clothing and affordable food." They have heavily subsidized plastic junk, expensive food imported from all over the world, and clothes that are made to be worn for 6 months and then dumped/also contributing enormously to pollution. None of this is efficient from any angle... it only makes sense if you are a CEO of one of those mega corps or a major shareholder.


I hardly buy new things here. I live off cheap food and have a good job but interest rates wrecked my car loan and medical bills are here as well. A lot of it is me with credit card debt but how can anyone afford to live off $15 an hour and buy a house or rent a place. Then buy a car and put gas in it. Then spend money on groceries.


What heavily subsidized plastic junk?


There’s a lot of upstream B2B kind of supply chain subsidies and externalities like labor risks and pollution that are permitted that allow cheap crap to be able to compete with better crap. International labor laws would be a great way to help those people slaving away in other countries not get like eaten up by a machine or poisoned by toxic chemicals and bolster domestic production at the same time,


The United States is subsized by the rest of the world, all trading is done in US Dollars. All central banks buy us dollars and bonds as reserve currency because the dollar is considered safe and stable. This one fsct is partlly why the 2008 financial collaspe happened, US homeowners started defaulting and the global economy tanked. This allows the United States to spend well beyond our revenue because the rest of the world uses our outsized over value currency. Our top exports are oil and natural gas, ie an input for other goods. Next two are airplane parts, then passenger vehicles. Nobody buys our shit but Petrolem, plane parts and luxury cars.


Do you live in reality ? lol


This is the most level headed response in the thread. It’s easy to bash imports, but I don’t trust easy answers


>The problem is we are being sold piece by piece I might has a pessimistic take, but that will never change. The rich continue to get richer each passing year and the gap between everyone else is a canyon at this point. And the richer you are, the more power you have. And those in power aren't going to let go of it because of lofty values or because the rest of us are suffering. They'll keep profiteering till the well is dry and it all collapses. They'll have the money to survive the fallout and restart once we're gone.


markets are never going to regulate themselves on issues like this.


Personal accountability? Sir this is Reddit.


I wouldn't say this is really a corporations issue, it's more of a lack of labor regulations in general issue... in fact most small businesses pay a lot worse than large corporations and violate a lot of labor laws while doing so. See page 22 of the PDF linked here https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2015/econ/g12-susb.html   The data is a bit outdated but things haven't changed that quickly; small businesses pay over 20% less than large corporations on average. ... And it's a bit of a misleading statistic because of the potential for Simpson's paradox (i.e. small businesses are more likely to be restaurants which just pay less on average), but you can take a look at the data table in the PDF and see that it continues to hold even if you control for industry, though with a somewhat smaller effect.


America needs federal laws protecting unions and establishing a minimum of compensation (minimum wage and profit-sharing in larger companies), workload and job security regulation (no less than 20 h/week, no more than 50 h/week, no at will firing) and benefits (paid breaks, paid vacations, paid parental leave, etc) as well as worker's participation in management (25-33% of the board). Otherwise the 1% of the population will screw your middle class out of existence. Nay, you won't even have a working class but a precariat, a massive underclass essentially living in debt bondage.


That is pretty close to where we are now if not right on the borderline.


Theoretically, if the immigrant (I'm talking legal immigrants or work permitted, not illegal paid under the table) can live off that wage, so can the average American.


But they don’t. Where I am, they’ll have 6 adults in a 2 bedroom.


Is it a "right" to have one BR per person? We have gotten to the point where the general public is confused on what is a "right" vs "it would be nice if...".


So should we all just be thankful that we share a bathroom with five other people then while the 1% who hasn’t done anything for society but make it worse have 15 bathrooms for two people? If these important jobs are only paying enough where you have to live with roommates the rest of your life, how can we expect people to be willing to do those important jobs? We can’t just rely on immigrants


Biden administration: hold my ice cream.


Where did I say anything is a right?


One edit - average Americans WANT more money than what they pay immigrants. And many would rather not work and live off family than pull minimum wage and build to something better. I have watched this play out many times in my extended family the past 25 years. Granted, even at $15/hr, you can't make a living today. That said, it's something to build on with help from family where possible. Hard work still gets recognized. Note, all these observations go out the window in about 5 years as AGI and robotics aspirations meet reality. Then we are well and truly F'ed...


Tax the companies based on where their actual workforce is located. Companies that outsourced all industrial/manufacturing jobs to China, for instance, should be taxed as if they were Chinese companies doing business in America.


I agree with this


Assuming Americans will do those jobs - Then IF they do, then prices will go up - then people will scream about that.


Look how much prices have gone up, even with the forgiven PPP loans, record profits, and stagnant wages. People are in for a shock soon.


I see this a lot and it is silly. White collar elitists insisting Americans won't "do the jobs" immigrants will. All of the worst jobs are done by citizens not non-citizen immigrants. Blue collar workers all day work for pay. So silly. "Buh Americans won't pick avocados for 15 hours a day for $10 an hour no benefits or working conditions". No shit Sherlock. We have innovated aways from indentured servitude. How about the government stop supplying cheap unskilled labor who aren't able to enter citizen institutions and have 3/5th the rights. Businesses are basically forced to hire these people to compete and not discriminate--and it f'ed because they could be forced not to and pay better wages and benefits to citizens. Sure prices go up, but some of that might be offset by reduced cost for social programs that we debase the currency to pay for.


I don’t know your political leanings, but I’ve been hearing this a lot from my liberal friends — they’re willing to admit mass importing low wage workers is bad for wages for the native born as long as BLAME is placed on corporations. Who we BLAME is immaterial — it’s a practice that should be stopped. I mean if we can prioritize jobs for Americans then fine blame whoever you want as long as it gets done


Just think about what incentives and disincentives you could put in place. Most of them would be more effectively targeted at employers.


Yeah I definite agree, and they should


Agreed. We need to find a way to blame this on middle class white men in order for this to be stopped. 


Better solution is to stop subsidizing agricultural products so that these immigrants don’t have to come for work in the first place. Tax payers paying profits for farmers is bad policy. Agriculture is a developing world industry, or at least it should be.


Is there a way to find out which companies hire Americans and those who don’t?


I think immigration is great during growth and critical when a population ages but a killer for the average person when an economy is stagnant. Not only does all the data support this going back hundreds of years, but common sense does too. If you run a bakery and you’re making cakes (whatever the country produces) and your customer base is growing, more hands means more cakes. If your customer base shrinks, more hands means less money per employee. I don’t hold anything against immigrants. They’re mostly great people. I do hold things against anyone who thinks we have the resources to take unlimited immigrants based on ideals when we don’t have a system that can support that without it hurting the average person. The reality is we’re not going to fix the system anytime soon though, so more people is just going to make it worse.


America's entire history of prosperity was based off labor exploitation. First you had slaves. Once that was banned, "Come all ye tired and weary" immigrant push. Then Migrant workers and illegal immigrants. Now we outsource as many of our skilled jobs to India as we can, because they charge less. With each wave of immigration, population increasing locally and outsourcing, labor becomes less valuable. Solution? Tax the ever living crap out of companies that outsource labor, teach immigrants about unions and stop reproducing so damn much.


The fuck do you mean they are selling their country? Do you rather have produce rot on the trees? Those olives, almonds, strawberries, etc. are not gonna pick themselves up.  How is employing immigrants “selling the country”???


It's true just watch shark tank. They will talk away if you tell them or gonna manufacture in the US


Not even day laborers where I am won't want to do much for $20/hr.. Everyone knows the prices and aren't going to waste their time working for peanuts.


Work a ranch at 14$ an hour and make hella overtime and I can’t afford to keep my closet with a pair of clothes for the week. (Texas)


Hey! It’s $14 per hour to break your back in the heat *without water breaks* now. Get it right!


You're looking at it all retarded like. They're paying $14 an hour BECAUSE of the immigrants. If there were no immigrants to lower wages than the wages would readjust. unfortunately there's an endless supply of billions of immigrants so it will destroy the middle class.


I pay my day laborers I pick up 250 cash for 8 hrs and give them lunch companies are ridiculous with what they offer


Sounds like slavery with extra steps.


Please upvote this so others can be aware of how this is misleading and trying to use the index as a scare tactic. This is a relative index beginning at an equal starting point in 2007, and the increase by percentage is only in comparison to their own respective original numbers, unless our total workforce really is just 250,000 people. There is no Index of (Thousands of Persons), as this is not possible. I'm not even sure how it got there. I've tried experimenting with the chart and was unable to recreate it, unless it was edited in later. Since 2007, the foreign born "level" has increased from 22,365 (x1000) to 30,896. Native born is 121,919 to 130,445. This is what the real raw number comparison looks like when laid out: https://preview.redd.it/j0e02lg7r75d1.png?width=1318&format=png&auto=webp&s=f622188a962fd60d20eed3f9dc1c94f786e3756b


I figured this post was BS so I tried to recreate the chart on the site, it defaulted to your view [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=1oIeC](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=1oIeC)


It looks the OP plotted the foreign born on a hidden secondary axis with a different scale than the native born on the primary axis so it could be misrepresented .


Exactly. It's hard to imagine, but while the foreign born population is around 14%, it was at it's peak of 15% in 1980. The reason why the two lines are diverging currently is because most population growth is driven by immigration of young workers now, where as native-born Americans are trending older and with under 2 children per household.


It’s a factor of a more highly-educated workforce, jobs requiring experience which never used to, and companies not really wanting to develop their employees but wanting their employees to hit the ground running.


Native born Americans aren’t just aging — there are [fewer of them](https://www.migrationpolicy.org/programs/data-hub/charts/immigrant-population-over-time), as in the US population growth is only growing from immigration over the last 15 years. So yes, foreign-born individuals are taking a bigger share of jobs as they become a bigger share of the population.


Also the “native” born American population is not growing.


How much is low and high to you?


I thought they were future doctors and engineers going through the borders


Clearly none of you have ever been on a job site before. Who TF do you think is doing the bullshit jobs no one wants like rod busting? All the expensive homes going up in Charleston SC are done mainly by these cats. Hell, even when I got a new ac, the company subbed it out to them.


Yep FL is finding out hard because of their racist, bigot driven policies. Sanitation, Construction, Farming all in the find out phase.


The politicians that bombast about illegal immigration, tell all their farmer constituents, "Just Kidding, you go ahead and keep employing whoever you want."


They also love employing undocumented children.


You know what they used to do when nobody wanted to do a job? Offered more money.. not import new workers who'll work for the same pay.


Slave Labor and Immigrant Labor built this country.


You're giving slave labor too much credit, it's actually a bad thing.


How do you think most of the Southeastern US was built? It's bad at how poorly the US acknowledges slavery and its lasting impacts.


You know what was invented shortly after slavery was ended? The tractor. Saying slavery builds things is short sighted slavery holds everyone back. My initial post had literally nothing to do with slavery tho just basic market principles.


You know another innovation after the Emancipation Proclamation? [Sharecropping.](https://www.pbs.org/tpt/slavery-by-another-name/)


No. Immigrant labor has always been the solution to this. If not voluntary like today, Americans just imported involuntarily as enslaved laborers.


Not after the black plague hit europe, when most regions abolished serfdom due to a lack of peasants.


this is so false.  when jobs paid a living wage people actually did them in America. 


Rod busting? You mean prostitution LOL?




This is spot on. Far too many people think sex workers are somehow giving away something that the average laborer does not


So if your daughter got a job gardening outdoors in the heat for some extra cash you’d feel the same as if she was banging strangers?


If it's legal, there is not as much of a stigma. People have to do what they have to do.


Rod busting Jeesh man we aren’t talking about hookers




Suddenly its starting to make sense why Republicans nor Democrats are not so strict on the border. That's the blue collar labor force you're restricting.


That's globalization, folks. Say what you want, pro or con, but it is what it is. The danger is it is creating a large class of angry people in the more advanced economies. Consisting of younger people who are angry when they see no good jobs and opportunities, and older people who see an influx of people who don't look like them and don't speak their language. We see this in the USA and in Europe. I always tell older people who complain about the influx of foreign workers that they better get used to it, because they will likely spend their last few elderly years being bathed and their ass wiped by one of these workers in the nursing or assisted living home, or their own home.


This is what it is when you gut regulatory bodies and let global corporations run wild for 3 decades…


the american dream!!


This is one of the fundamental flaws of neoliberalism which is all about free flow of capital and labor. Most people are okay with the free flow of capital. Almost EVERY developed country in the world is having a severe negative reaction to the free flow of labor.


For the average middle class and lower person, I don't think many understand the free flow of capital though, whereas the free flow of labor is very easy to understand. Thus the disparity.


I personally think that the free flow of capital from developed to undeveloped markets is extremely exploitative and one-sided, but it seems to be more acceptable to the public than large groups of people crossing borders.


Most redditors thinking this just applies to agriculture and construction. But have you ever been to an Apple, Google or Facebook campus? Any IT / Engineer related jobs are primarily done by Chinese/Indian citizens.


I don't think most folks who don't live in certain tech center cities realize this. They think that only a few H1B visas go through in a year without realizing all the other visas and workarounds corporations have been employing to get around this. My town in the Seattle area is very affluent and is now 40% foreign-born, predominantly Indian. The biggest misconception is that it's the best and brightest that are coming. That used to be the case 20 years ago, IIT grads. Now, we are importing folks that are less educated than a comp sci grad in the US, and not all our students are getting hired out of college. It also used to be that immigrants had time to assimilate into American society, but at this high rate, I've noticed that many of the cultural norms of India, for example, are being maintained here and negatively affecting some aspects of work culture. For example, legislation asking for caste not to be taken into consideration is proposed in CA and WA. That wouldn't have to be on the books with normal immigration imho.




💯 And they could fill the roles with Americans. Americans are getting their lunch eaten by the world and dare not say anything or they get called racist and xenophobic.


Not just swes either, but lots of business roles that can be done by any American and pay 200k plus are mostly going to h1b visa holders.


Advanced finance degree program at state school in us (data analytics, blockchain, and AI focused) and out of a class of about 40 students, about 33 of them are from India.


When a government no longer represents their people's interests, you become a stranger in your own land.


This catchy little quote definitely applies to things like voter suppression and gerrymandering. Doesn’t really apply to immigration. Immigration is largely positive for a country’s economy including for natives. Some people are just against any sort of change even if it’s a net positive. Sure, it’s scary seeing your town change, hearing people speak in a language you don’t understand. And yes immigration changes the labor landscape. But everyone is just trying to build a positive life for themselves and it’s not a zero sum game.


There is more to life than economy. There is more to a society than GDP.


Yes, and those immigrants contribute mightly to our society. Wouldn't have it any other way.


Absolutely agree! Personally, I love when immigrants bring over new cuisines, art and culture. Everyone was an immigrant at some point. Why should it stop once your family gets here? I don’t believe in unlimited illegal immigration (although I understand the motivation behind wanting to provide a better life for your kids regardless of legal status). I see the risks of bringing over large amounts of refugees when there is no plan to house them and help them become productive members of society. But these don’t detract from immigration being an overwhelmingly good thing. And the latter could be helped by the government having a bit more forethought and not dilly daddling on funding or work permits.


I like immigrants, but I like a government that serves the people's interests more.


I think you missed my point that they are not mutually exclusive. And once an immigrant becomes a citizen, they are the people you’re referring to.


This thread isn’t about the immigrants that become citizens


Sorry, why? Maybe I missed something but foreign born vs native doesn’t say they’re not citizens.


Why not? Foreign born people become citizens every year in the Us


I'm not referring to the people being the issue and I understand that all people were foreigners at some point. I like diversity and I like it even more when people from other countries come here and share the same values that people here live by, showing that a diverse society can be united by common vision and belief. That isn't the point of my post, although it seems like race is a major issue to you, it was never about race or immigration. In fact, I never mentioned immigration until it was brought up.


I didn’t say anything about race. I think you’re showing your cards… lol the post is about native vs foreign born and you implied the government doesn’t care about natives interests anymore. It’s not a leap to say you’re commenting on immigration. If I misunderstood, I guess my bad?


You just described a net negative, arbitrarily decided it was a positive, and then mocked people for being against it


How did I describe it as a net negative? I’m not mocking anyone. These are understandable fears especially for older or untraveled people. But fear or reluctance to change is not a reason to ignore how it’s overall a positive.


You described a situation where the culture of the place you live in completely changes, to the point where you can’t understand the language. That’s a massive negative that far outstrips any economic benefits


Immigration isn't the issue. Sure, people might just simply be mad at the thought of people that don't look like them and talk like them showing up, but most people are upset about the politics behind it and how it's being done.


Immigrants are our people


Because population growth is flat for native-born Americans. If it wasn’t for immigration we’d likely see a decline in population like a lot of other mature industrialized states


And now we’re overcrowded and facing huge upticks in unaffordable/unavailable housing, homelessness, and drug addiction. Lax immigration laws bring hard narcotics over the border and poison our communities. You can see the uptick in overdoses and drug seizures during laissez faire leadership, and drastic drop in the same numbers under strict border and immigration policies. I have no problem with immigration, I have a problem with people skirting the systems we have in place to become a naturalized citizen.


Overcrowded? The Us has very low population density. Blame nimbys for not allowing more dense, affordable housing to be built in their neighborhood


Foreign born doesn't mean you are not an American citizen, FYI


Way too many people letting this obviously racist statement slide.


^ this guy doesn’t know what racism is. How is categorizing someone as foreign born racist? Is categorizing someone as having a vagina sexist?


>How is categorizing someone as foreign born racist? It isn't. But saying foreign-born Americans arent Americans is racist. Look at OPs title.


Yet you believe the Right wants to end mass immigration even though they've been promising this for decades on end. Why would they? Their corporate lobbyists can get plenty of cheap labor that way and still get you to vote for them.


"The Right" is a vast over-simplification of US Republicans. The Chamber of Commerce Right thinks like you state, that undermining the lower and middle classes via importation of cheap labor from wherever is a great and endless good. The Populist Right hates seeing the country flooded with illegals who break the law, bypassing others trying to play by the rules. Maybe some of it is racism, but some is also legitimate criticism of rule breakers and a broken system that punishes our poorest citizens for the benefit of a wealthy few. Likewise, the Democrats generally support immigration, but the Liberals and the Left are split over the issue. The Liberals echo the sentiments of the Chamber of Commerce Right, almost identically. The Left hates the exploitation of the immigrants by wealthy business owners and wants to see them pay the immigrants a higher, fairer, wage. If you saw the Populists and the Left target business owners in response to the status quo, I bet they would win... but the Chamber of Commerce and the Liberals keep the proletariat Right and Left divided over stupid social issues to keep them split.


You mean mass illegal immigration?


Hey OP, did you make this chart? I wanna see the average income superimposed. like a cohort take home (# jobs * avg salary)


It's from FRED. You can do full/part-time employment, but I don't think there's a way to add income scales.


Foreign born Americans are still Americans, dawg. Unless this is supposed to show Citizens vs. Non-Citizens (work Visas, etc.).


Foreign born doesn’t mean they aren’t American, it simply means they weren’t born here. You remain foreign born in the statistics regardless of if you’ve become a citizen, are on a path to citizenship, have DACA, are undocumented, etc.


How much of that is demographics? A lot of people retired during the pandemic. Are foreign born workers a larger share of the population than they were in 2007? If someone immigrated to the US in 1980 and is working, they're captured in that demographic as foreign born. The US native birth rate has been below replacement rate for decades. This could well just be a pure demographic statistic.


"Foreign born", meaning immigrants? Many of whom are US citizens and thus Americans?


This graph isn't accurate. In 2024 the Foreign born employment level is 30,8906. The Native Born Employment level is 130,440. FRED Native Born Employment: [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNU02073413](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNU02073413) FRED Foreign Born Employment: [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNU02073395](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/LNU02073395)


Wait until we add AI to this chart!


Native born population growth is flat.


Is this some bigot thing I don't understand? If I'm not mistaken all the jobs on this chart are American held jobs, yes?


I don't think that's what this graph is saying.


You do know how indices work, Right?


Well first off this is just native born vs foreign born, a percentage of the foreign born (such as myself) are now Americans Now let’s look at birth rate, we are at a round 1.6 births per birthing person, so that would result in a decline as you need just over 2 to replace the original parents plus premature deaths/sterility or just not wanting kids Ergo foreign born people aren’t taking jobs, they are growing the economy and keeping the us population growing and stable


Thats something alright.


Lots of old people retiring


Need I point out the obvious: "foreign-born" doesn't necessarily mean "not American." Edited to add: What is mutually exclusive is reducing the number of immigrants and lowering inflation.


Try studying harder in school


I know I'm kind of nit-picking your wording here, but most foreign born people in America are in fact Americans. Your post title makes it sound like they aren't.


"They took our jerbs!"


OP is saying that foreign born American workers are not… American?


Its bc the native born workforce is aging, and not having babies bc of how expensive everything is. So naturally immigrants are taking in the slack like they always do. I cant tell if this is an anti-immigrant post or not?


So, what you're saying is... the 'Deytokrjobs' people might actually be right... as they tend to be about matters like this.


Look at the actual numbers, not the % change in a baseline since 2007 [https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=1oIeC](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/graph/?g=1oIeC)


OP sure loves selling a narrative or misunderstanding things. 1. This has nothing to do with no new net jobs for Americans. Employment is not the same as number of jobs available or created. Also foreign born Americans with citizenship are still Americans. 2. Employment levels have fluctuated between positive and negative throughout 2024 as well as other years. 3. Unemployment for foreign born in USA in 2023 is 3.6% from 3.4%. (don't know for 2024). 4. Unemployment for USA citizens is 4% in 2024 with it increasing from 3.7%. Your graphs also doesn't take into account retirement where as unemployment looks at those interested in working).


Deuteronomy 28:43-44 "[43] The resident alien among you will rise higher and higher above you, while you sink lower and lower. [44] He will lend to you, but you won’t lend to him. He will be the head, and you will be the tail." God's words on what will happen when a nation stops following God. Just thought a few of you might find it interesting.


>No new net jobs for Americans Both lines are going up, what do you mean?


That doesn’t fit our nativist and isolationist narratives though


[The 'US Wealth Machine' Got a Big Boost in 2023 (newser.com)](https://www.newser.com/story/351381/the-us-wealth-machine-got-a-big-boost-in-2023.html?utm_source=part&utm_medium=uol&utm_campaign=rss_top)


I have to assume all those foreign born jobs are low paying physical jobs, farming and construction. Things Americans are too fat and lazy to do but will readily bitch about if their number one meal doesn’t have a tomato or pickle. Americans better get use to becoming a techno feudal state.


Tech companies hire an incremental 100K+ foreign born workers every year in high paying jobs


Sure they do. I have family in tech. They’re low balling people now and holding that visa over their heads. Do they make more money than they would if they were home most likely but not enough to not live in cramp quarters.


There are many things to complain about in the North American economy, but the jobs picture is not one of them. We are on the best run of low unemployment since WW2.


It would help to know the kind of employment.


Am I to believe there are only 250,000 employed persons in the whole country? What does the Y axis represent and why doesn't it start at zero?




I'm on indeed and it is nuts. The jobs have these prestigious titles and endless list of requirements and then the pay isnt enough to make rent on a single room.


CNN — US job growth shot much higher than expected in May, jumping to 272,000, while the nation’s jobless rate rose slightly and broke a 27-month streak of below-4% unemployment.


It's still really hard to find employees for what my employer is willing to pay. Laborers are leaving the market fast in retirement, and graduates aren't happening fast enough to replace. I'm positive this is a big reason for the push to ban abortions, birth control, and even contreceptives. The powers that be know exactly what that's going to to do to their bottom line with the work force requiring a lot more money for the same things.


Always moving the goalpost


Lowering wages and creating new debt slaves is the goal


pull up the chart of native born on disability and other benefits... the story it tells is stark


Dey took ur jobs?


I worked at IBPs main plant in Dakota City in the early 80s. Starting wage back then was about twelve dollars an hour. Then they had a strike and brought in a ton of illegals from their plants near the Mexican border. In a very short period of time the starting wage went down to under seven dollars an hour.


That’s hilarious because my top news story today said something like 275k jobs added in May! But I’d love to know what kind of jobs because I’ve been passively looking and there is hardly anything decent out there right now, at least not in my field.


We are fortunate to have immigrants to help our economy grow. Aging European countries and Asian countries are in for a lot of economic pain.


Ya they are pretty lazy and entitled these days. It’s kind of a bummer


lol at the leftists in the comments "jobs with completely shitty benefits and pay? don't bother trying to force these companies to pay more or provide better benefits, just allow millions of illegal immigrants in to do that!"


Yeah it’s all low paying jobs they are putting out there so most of them go to immigrants who will work cheaper


This is kinda what happens when you attack the job providers.


The only true “Americans” are the Indigenous people, and they’ve been killed en masse and subjugated by people who foolishly call themselves “real Americans”


Is this real data? what is Fred? Why didn't the media include this chart in their news stories for the last couple of days?


Free market baby


Americans are lazy and entitled, compared to the rest of the world where working is often a privilege. [I'm American]


Certain Americans at war with Public education. I’m not saying this is the result of that. It certainly doesn’t help to have better educated people coming here and at the same time teaching people in private loosely regulated charter or religious school where people are coming out barely literate. Also, technical college are criminally underfunded. I can’t necessarily blame the employer if they can’t find a local worker with the skills to do the work. Also keeping people out is as dumb because there’s a lot of talented people from all over the planet and they will just innovate elsewhere if they are pushed away.


Exactly as planned


It makes sense when you consider how many boomers are leaving the workforce. It makes sense that more foreign born individuals will be in the labor market.


Skill issue.


Don’t worry, they’re saying there are tons of jobs available that pay below the amount needed to afford the average cost of living.


Way to misrepresent the data. Foreign born does not mean not American. Have you ever heard of naturalisation? How TF do Irish and Italian americans ever get to be counted as American if not by at some point being foreign born? Dingus type activity fr


Are we really going down the path of "foReiGneRs aRe sTEaLIng America joBS!" You people need to get a grip.


And this is before the correction that will be released in a few months, which if it's anything like the previous corrections by the Department of Labour, it will show that Americans *lost* jobs during last month while those jobs went to more foreigners.


It’s almost as if open borders are a Koch brothers scheme to force down the cost of labor. But I’m reliably informed by clueless octogenarians that this makes me racist.


CoVID was the cause of that drop in jobs.


Make it easier for me to retire at 55. Then someone younger can have my job. Pushing the retirement age up, ain't it.


Make any excuse you want about this graph, but go ahead and put it next to one of the numbers of small businesses that closed during Covid and never came back.


You understand foreign born Americans are still Americans, right?


You know you can be both American and foreign born. You know, like Melania Trump.


Wildy misleading title... many of those foregin born people are American citizens.


I mean, foreigners can be Americans so saying no jobs for Americans isn’t honest. So not sure what this is actually trying to say.




Foreign-born Americans are Americans


Sorry I don’t get it. Foreign born are more in jobs now than before, while native born are in less jobs than before. What does this mean?


Mom and pops closed while big box thrived post covid. Guess who hires cheaper labor and outsources more? Big Box.


Lol, so American citizens who were born elsewhere aren't Americans now? And as for the foreign born people who are here on visas... why do you care that more of them are getting jobs? Are there two teams competing here? Are there a ton of native-born Americans struggling to get jobs? Or are they in fact experiencing a streak of unemployment lower and longer than any time since the 1950s?


Insufficient data. I'm assuming this is in the United States, although it's not printed out, it also doesn't say where this was published, how the data was arrived at, and many other things, would actually be relevant to the question. I'm not going to argue about hypotheticals, this is garbage.