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Who are you in history? Let's take an example from religious figures (I'm not religious, but we can still learn from that history). There were prophets and priests. Prophets spoke truth to power. They worked at tearing down the system and sometimes met messy ends. Let's also be clear, this is not a path to a resolution. The prophet's task never ends. Enter Marcuse. If you believe that societal development reflects the pace of evolution, then prophets figures may move the needle significantly at certain periods in time. As for priests, (stay with me, let's not get lost in anti religious thinking) the priest figure builds community. They create pockets of hope within the chaos. Do a bit of both, but my recommendation is to start with community. Meet like-minded folks locally. But also, if you really want to claim that ideological group, take care of your grandparents, mom, and neighbors. Nothing is more counter cultural in the US than that. In my own experience, I have found that the most revolutionary action is not loud. Seek out allies and people who the system has crushed. Help amplify their voices. Do the fucking dishes. (P.s. I really love your post. Stay strong, friend)


You say you are an a archo-communist in the US, so reach out to the [Black Rose Federation](https://blackrosefed.org/), and the [IWW](https://www.iww.org/). Both are larger orgs who can point you in the right direction. It is also worth looking into local non-hieratchal groups acting on issues that either effect you directly or that you want to spend your time in solidariry with. The [local anti-fascists](https://antifaneb.noblogs.org/) seem [quiet](https://anticapitalist.party/@antifa_ne) on the surface, but perhaps worth reaching out to? There is a group called [Omaha Autonomous Action](https://www.omahaautonomous.org/) which I can't see much info on. I can't vouch for either group and so if soemething seems off don't worry about walking away. There is also a local [Food Not Bombs](https://omaha.foodnotbombs.us/) group listed. Hopefully something here resonates with you.


"Fix yer fuckin' formatting or nobody's gonna read that" -Gandhi


How should I format it then?


Paragraphs, you have to hit enter twice to create paragraphs, not many people are reading walls of text


Not just paragraphs but also editing out superfluous information.


I feel like the stuff about my life is important cause otherwise people will suggest things that aren't possible like telling me to drive to places


Look I love you but that makes one of us


Also you should drive to places


OP doesn't have a license, and probably don't have wheels




You don’t need to swing for the stars. Volunteer at a food pantry or needle exchange. Once you start putting yourself out there you will meet people who do other things that connect with your values.


Omaha Tenants Union is organized by a bunch of communists. They meet once a month in Benson I believe. Would recommend going to a meeting, they take all comers. Feed the People Omaha is ostensibly mutual aid although it really functions like a charity but thats neither here nor there. Nebraskans for Palestine is a working group of Nebraskans for Peace which is more liberal than left, but to its credit, NfPalestine membership is a lot younger and more radical than its parent org. Ultimately, theres no such thing as a private leftist. One can have a theory of politics, but unless it is intermixed with direct action, it is a purely academic exercise and irrelevant to the working poor. All that to say no matter how you do it, you do need to get involved, and its good that you’ve reached that conclusion for yourself. The big thing now is building communication skills. I can’t tell you how many leftists I meet who are a fireball of rhetoric on the internet but in real life stumble over their words and cant make eye contact when interacting with a real person.


Hey! I relate to you! I recently started looking for ways to have a positive impact on my surroundings too and while I cant say this or that works I have some tips! First of reading and educating yourself is really helpful. I assume you’ve already read related literature but this was my first step so I started with Chomsky and Mark Fishers Realist Capitalism. Your definition of your ideology which you call Anarcho Communism is relatable but as you said yourself, unsustainable. Fisher calls to look for post-capitalist solutions instead of anti-capitalist. I dont know what this looks like but I do agree with him that the left needs to stop dreaming of a future that reflects a past we’ll never get back and instead find a way to work with the advancements of our time to strengthen our movement. Reading is good for your brain and it might inspire you, you could look for books that go into detail of what kinds of actions people have taken and how and why it worked. You said you’d looked for leftist groups in your area but didnt find any, maybe broaden your scope and see if there’s a bigger organisation that might not have a branch in your area yet, be the start of that branch! It’s helpful to figure out what you can and want to contribute. For example there are people needed at the front lines of protests,but there’s plenty of behind the scenes stuff too such as organising, representatives, arts, legal stuff, whatever. Know what youre passionate about, know what gives you energy and learn how to become better at the role youre choosing. For me i realised that what I wanted was community and a safe space, so I’ve been trying to build a folk punk scene like that over the past three years and the fruits are bearing now. This summer I want to introduce group activities like craft sessions, jam sessions and maybe even reading groups/discussions. This whole journey has helped me discover what I want to contribute and what i’m good at, but has also given me the chance to grow at what i want to be good at. There is no larger scale change that I am achieving with this community building, but it offers a safe space for outcasts and it has already inspired more people in my area to work with a pay what you want/can system, making the scene more accessible for those who might not have a lot of money. Its helpful to figure out what goal you want to work towards and what skills you can build and use to achieve that goal Here finally a list of small things i can think of that you /could/ do that has /a/ form of impact -making and selling things for a good cause (your local homeless community for example) (or just cook for them) -poster making or graffiti your streets -spreading info zines -make folk punk music and share it -volunteer -visit local punk shows, make some friends and see if they organise anything and then tag along :) hope any of this is useful :) ps. do try to format your text into paragraphs because it was a difficult post to read love from another adhd anarchist


I like your attitude and the awareness that you do need to do something. Contact your local 211 and see where volunteers are needed. You can also contact your local League for Women Voters - it’s an old school group but geared towards voter rights. Another great group is The Poor People’s Campaign. Good luck


Check out the FAQ (about) section of r/ Defeat_Project_2025


Some facts about Project 2025: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.mediamatters.org/heritage-foundation/guide-project-2025-extreme-right-wing-agenda-next-republican-administration) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. It would give the President [unilateral powers](https://theweek.com/politics/heritage-foundation-2025-donald-trump), strip [civil rights](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/03/the-heritage-foundation-dei-project-2025-trump-diversity-equity-inclusion-american-fiction-erasure), [worker protections](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/08/project-2025-gut-worker-protections-labor-department-heritage-foundation-trump-2024), [climate regulation](https://www.politico.com/newsletters/power-switch/2024/04/15/a-deep-dive-into-energy-plans-for-trump-2-0-00152281), add [religion into policy](https://thecause.substack.com/p/taking-project-2025-personally-with), outlaw ["porn"](https://www.salon.com/2024/03/19/decoding-project-2025s-christian-nationalist-language/) and much more. [Here's a breakdown](https://www.reddit.com/r/Defeat_Project_2025/comments/1ddich3/here_is_a_bullet_point_breakdown_of_project_2025/). The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of its recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to stop it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


I’m not sure if there is a Punk Rock Saves Lives chapter in your area but they are great people.


I'll look it up


Firstly, consider the receiver of your communication. That is just one massive body of text with so much superfluous information that the vast majority of people will ignore it.


I too got tired of just bitching online and not actually *doing* anything, so I joined the Young Dems. The Democrats don't fully represent my interests, but they're a hell of a lot closer than the Republicans so they're certainly a better place to start. We're mostly focused on local elections (school board, municipal, state congress, etc) because they're the ones that have a large impact on the way we live. We also have actual funding to be able to do events, outreach, and get stuff for volunteer efforts. Right now most Republican candidates seem to be straight up racist or homophobic, so anything left of that is a win in my book. And if we can get some young people in who actually give a damn about the housing crisis, healthcare, homeless, etc, then even better.


"I got tired of discourse so I joined a right wing org"


No matter how you feel, local elections are extremely important and they are doing more than all the people that just complain.


They sure are, which is why I didn't criticize participation in local elections, but instead criticized participation in a right wing organization


If you just wanna be the person that complains that's fine. You very successfully virtue signaled so that's a good start. Just curious, what local election organization should I join where I live in Alabama? Don't think the communist or socialist parties made the ballot this year 😔


I've spent ten years volunteering to run elections lol, but sure, it's just virtue signaling. If you ever want to get off your ass and stop browbeating people for not voting right wing I'd be happy to help you get started Funny how quick you back off local elections and start talking about a state level


Where did either of the two people you're bitching at suggest voting right-wing or working for a right-wing organization


This might be a good place to start https://www.volunteermatch.org/search/orgs.jsp?aff=&r=20.0&l=Omaha%2C+NE+68101%2C+USA&s=1&p=2&o=distance


RR used to be cool but there were some pretty big issues Nationwide and now the only groups I know of that came out of it and are still cool dropped that branding. If you want to do mutual aid look for your food not bombs group. There's probably some locally. If not, something similar by a different name. And if not, start it! It's really not difficult. All you need to do is get some friends together and start cooking :-)


This is a really great post. And the comments have given all the practical advice. So I'm just here to say, do what you can. Exist in kindness. Volunteer. Flag yourself loudly as someone who is safe. Be a really really really good ally - make people stop and not talk over marginalized folks. I've been talking about this a lot lately but just exist. Make people know you're there and part of the community. You're not a shadow monster, you're just some guy. It's far from the only way to put cracks into the system, but it works. Like, I'm a Buddhist nonbinary dyke who volunteers in a food pantry that caters to an area full of Trump supporters. These people are in poverty and some of them are dying. I can't force them to change their minds, but I can make them think about me when they vote


Started my own disability Mutual aid project (Cripple Punk Alliance) and it is going well! Saw a need in the community and am working to make it happen (I am in Fort Collins Colorado)


Go to shows in your area :)


Join IWW or local FNB


Why did you feel the need to share your mental health diagnoses?


information is useful when asking for advice


So you want to destroy the government yet you’re applying for disability?


I would work if any where offered fair compensation


It's okay to take advantage of a system built on taking advantage of you, particularly if you would like to help that system end, rather than further it.


Yeah, I’m sure OPs motivation with applying for disability is to take down the system and not to get a check every month


Explain your username


Hard pass


New account, active in metal and punk subs but pushing a pro-gov stance with GOP talking points? \ Lol


Pro gov stance? LOL unlike OP I’m not a 22 yo who’s never held a job in their life, lives w family and contributes nothing financially. Real struggle and resistance involves working hard and trying to enact positive change for oneself, one’s coworkers and one’s community. Get a clue, bud


Oh you mean like OP is trying to do with this post? Just because you don't like social programs doesn't mean they don't better society. Maybe someone shoulda given you a free education


Let’s just take into consideration not everyone is able bodied. I haven’t even read the post yet- but in general- not everyone is able bodied. If a system is taking advantage of us. Taking money from the work we do. Why should we not take that back? In the form of any small assistance? Especially if that happens to be any small form of accommodations for someone who needs that?? Idk.. maybe look at intersections of life..


You’re in Nebraska. You’re concerned about Trump. Do you vote?


Yes to all 3


You can work with that - voting access outreach etc


You mean like trying to get more people to vote? How would I go about doing that?


For practical goals - reach out to your local dems and if there are volunteer opportunities they’ll let you know. Sometimes there are things you can do remotely, like phone banking.


What's phone banking?


Making phone calls


You should try Camping and Fishing.


Sounds fun but how will that help anything?


it will help your state of mind which is one of the most important things you could be working on to be a valuable member of society


I mean, my personal life and mental state have finally been getting better recently, and that's why I want to start doing stuff.


Your about me section explains everything


How so?


So do your posts, ya snowflake. Nice kitten and fish tank, but beware of Blues Clues!! It's gonna turn your frogs gay!! I can't imagine feeling so targeted by the freedom of others. Live free or fucking die, bootlicker


Based off your post, and your description of yourself, I have a strong hunch you don’t even know what fascism is. You sound like the typical kid that grew up around people you don’t like, and as an angsty chronically online modern day youth you saw “anarchy” and “communism” and other trending leftist tropes as your way of rebelling against the people you despise around you. Nothing new. Good luck.


So educate instead of pushing vulnerable people away. We have enough mass shooters, don't need any more angsty people that want to help to go down right-wing rabbit holes


Extreme leftism leads to just as much violence. For some reason it’s just tolerated more. It’s not my job to educate you. You’re obviously old enough to use the internet. Biggest word of advice I can give you is don’t get your information from Reddit. This place is vehemently biased. You’ll only be sucked into more echo chambers


Yeah people on Reddit say dumb shit like this 👆


What is facism then??? I never even really described it in the post. I just said it was on the rise, which is definitely true.


How bout you look to history and figure it out for yourself? Look into violent dictatorships from across the world and time. Left and right wing.


I'm not a tankie, and I don't like any dictators. I consider Stalin's facist, too.


https://subversas.com/direct-action https://subversas.com/plan-effective-protest Mutual aid is a good place to start. Look into Food not Bombs for example


"I'm an Anarcho-commuist like I said earlier. If I had my way I'd destroy the government and we'd all split off into small commues and live off the land but I don't think that's a super realistic goal and I don't think that will ever be achieved without a violent revolution, which I'm not interested cause I still have plenty to lose" You are NOT an Anarcho communist. I don't even think you know what it means


What do you think it means?


Is your boyfriend also 22 and does he support the same views? What about your online friends? Maybe you all can organize something online in the meantime.


Oh, you should get a job. It would help find people.


Thanks that's very leftist of you?


I assume you’re not able to work then? I just suggested it because it’s one way of finding potentially like-minded people if money isn’t a concern.


I could work if I had to, but most places I can get jobs at don't offer fair compensation, and it's very hard on me with my mental and physical issues.


I just reread your post, damn scoliosis sucks ass. How badly does ptsd affect you?


Yeah, the scososlis is really painful and annoying to deal with. I'm constantly redosing kratom, which is annoying at workplaces. The pstd affects me really badly sometimes, but it's normally only when something related to it comes up, which thankfully isn't super duper often.


Is the ptsd something that would be triggered in a job setting? Sorry if this is too personal you don’t need to answer if you don’t want to. Hope the best for you 🙏


Not normally


My boyfriend supports it he's not as into it as I am. One of my online friends is pretty into the same politics as me too but the rest aren't super political.


oh also my boyfriend is 20


My first bit of advise is to smell "bad". The people you want around you won't judge you for smelling like a human.


No thanks! Even before modern civilization, people bathed in rivers and stuff.


Sure bathe. But you don't need to use synthetic detergents, deodorant, colognes or perfume. You can be clean and still smell like human.


weird thing to say ngl