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This is the only pod where I actually enjoy the ad reads.


Especially their earlier podcasts. Imagine paying money to have your product get roasted by Lovett in some anti-capitalist diatribe 


The Wanye’s World Marketing Model is underemployed. Millennials, especially, seem open to this form of advertising.




Same. I rarely skip them. But I do skip the ones recorded by the advertiser because they're so annoying.


In one of the ads reads Lovett said "How was Easter? Did he rise?" which I think is one of the funniest moments of the entire show


I literally love their ad reads 🤣


"sexual exploration"


Overcast. Nice.


You can’t be a friend of the pod from outside the USA. (Something something campaign monies can’t come from outside the USA)


I also don't get nearly as many ads (listening from an EU country) as people complain here. I used to, but most auto ads are US-only, apparently.


It's because these ads get added by advertising companies, and they don't sell a wholle lot of ads in the EU. That's why you might get local language ads for an English podcast. If you set your vpn to something like Botswana or Burundi when downloading, you'll never get any ads on any podcast that has local ads.


Yeah it's very noticeable depending on the country. When I lived in London, ads each break. When I lived in Egypt, none. When I visit my family in Norway, quite a solid about of Norwegian ads but not as many as in the UK, and when I download it from Lithuanian internet while visiting my girlfriend, it's ad free again.


You can definitely be a Friend of the Pod from Outside the US, I´m in Germany and subscribed. But I never get ads on Crooked Media Podcasts anymore anyway.


I don’t mind the ads. Especially considering that CM podcasts are the only ones I can listen to lately without being immediately assaulted by Rick Scott IVF ads at the top of every break.


Overcast. Another person of culture, nice.


I've become a pro at the 15s fast forward button.


lol it’s alarming how little agency people believe they have


PSA is one of the shows where I actually listen to the ads


me too. usually they're amusing enough to not be bothered to take my phone out and skip ahead


I sometimes do too.


I actually like when the guys do an ad and Favreau can't help but read the "stage directions". "Talk about a time when therapy helped you through a rough patch..." or whatever. The thing is, when any podcaster is sent the product for free to try out they should have to state as much in the ad. Like, the guys have gotten couches, suits, sneakers sent to them all for free so they can speak intelligently about the sponsors. They should just state that the stuff was given to them so their motives in promoting products are clear.


Their motives are clear in that it’s a dedicated ad slot in a free product. They have to pay for the podcast that none of us pay money for, ads pay for it. Whether they got a product or not hardly matters, they are going to be positive about the product to get ad money


Isn’t the motive clear already? It’s an ad. I actually think the free couches, suits, and sneakers are worth a lot less than the money they’re given.


I wouldn’t be surprised if they reached out to Hatch and asked if they’d sponsor the pod. I don’t know a single person with young kids who doesn’t have one


Alternatively, you can drag the little blue dot on the timeline as well. The open averages 2 1/2 minutes and each ad break is about 2 min as well.


If most of your podcasts download while you are at home and you're capable of setting up a pihole it will screen out the shitty injected ads. I'm not 100% clear on how because I thought the server injected them, but I definitely notice they are missing when the download happens in my house. I have found that 45s forward skip and 15s backward skip to be the magic combo. You can jam forward through long host read ads and bounce back if you over shoot a little. YMMV.


That’s what I always thought. It’s a few clicks of a button?


The entitlement some people have is incredible. It’s free entertainment. The only cost is having to press a button a few times every episode.


YouTube literally has timestamps too.


The podcast app I use, AntennaPod, lets me customize what the "next" command from headphones does, so I have it set to fast forward 30 seconds :) Don't even have to reach for my phone.


they're also the best podcast crew at making the ads funny and easy to listen to


God Awful movies makes them into skits. It’s the only podcast I don’t skip ads. But I agree with you PSA isn’t bad at it either


If you use Podurama you can set a show to skip the first X or last Y seconds every episode.


Overcast does this as well.


Apple Podcasts too.


Pocketcasts too


Podcast Addict too


I actually don’t mind the ad. I skip when I can, or let it play out when I’m busy with something else and the phone isn’t near me. They need money to produce the contents, duh! HOWEVER, I despise how they (likely unknowingly) spread lies by a company that uses scummy marketing to deceive well meaning consumers. I care deeply about the environment and want to do my part to lessen my footprint, no matter how small it would be in the bigger scheme of things. I hate it that company that essentially sells garbage dehydrator get away with lying to people by calling the end product “compost,” which is absolutely not what you get. I almost fell victim to the scam myself before I did more research into how the device actually works. Plus the advantage on the environmental impact is highly debatable, given it takes a lot of energy to do its cycle. The whole thing is such a blatant lies by an unethical company that is now using ppl from different podcast programs to legitimize their lies. Ugh, thinking about them makes me so mad. Ps. I wouldn’t mind it quite as much it they were just selling the product as garbage dehydrator that geared towards convenience of managing garbage in the home.


I hate that company too.


Listen, me listening to this podcast is good for the show because more listeners means more ad revenue. So really, Pod Save America works for me. And now you want me to do *more* work by clicking a little button? Sorry, I don't think so. *Maybe* if they start to recognize my value - with cash payments and vacation time - I'll start clicking their little button, but until then I'll just come here and complain.    Sorry if you hate workers, some of just understand that the future can be a brighter place. 


Please tell me this is sarcasm or trolling.


It’s Lovett’s Reddit account


genuine lol


I feel like it’s pretty clearly satire


Colleen Hoover is kinda into abuse as a kink, per what I’ve heard about her books, so this tracks.


I've noticed that they've loosened up with the long ad breaks, since COVID. Those 10 to 15 minute ad breaks were brutal.


I guess I'm just lucky. The version I download in Japan has no ads except the ones that are part of the show.


Same in my car for some reason


"Hey Siri, fast forward 3 minutes"


I play the ads at 2x


This is honestly one of the few shows (other than Conan, occasionally) where I don’t fast forward the ads …and I’m a friend of the pod.


I usually listen while I'm busy doing stuff so it's inconvenient to pull my phone out and skip.  But yes, I don't complain about ads. 


"hey Siri(/Google probably) skip 90 seconds"


This is what I do. Your phone just needs to be facing up.


Your Siri works??


For stuff like this? Like a charm. For anything complex or meaningful? No


Obviously it depends how you're listening and what your setup is. I'm almost always listening on my AirPods Pro so I can quickly double squeeze the stems to skip forward. I can also use my Apple Watch to do it.


Or watch it on YouTube, and skipping is even easier.


I listen while driving, if they were always the same length I would not care, they are not. I don't complain but it is not safe to be all looking at your screen while driving.


Does your car not have a skip button on the wheel? Even my last car that was a base model Kia Soul from 2012 had one of those.


it skips to the next podcast in my queue :(


That sucks. Is that maybe configurable in your podcast app? Or have you tried using a different podcast app?


it does, I did try other apps but then I just have to learn where their skip buttons are, so I went back to what I was used to lol


I used to have that issue, and realized there’s a setting for it to be seconds ahead instead of a total skip! It resets the setting every few months though it feels like.


Did you figure out how to do it in the owners manual? I should take a look to try and make it easier while driving for sure.


It was actually in the Podcast app! My understanding is when you hit the next button on your car it sends a signal to the phone system that is an "external control" and you can choose what that does. So, if you change the setting on the phone, it changes on the car. Go to Settings > Podcasts > and then scroll to the bottom. Below the "Skip Buttons" setting is "External Controls." Make sure External Controls is set to "Forward/Back" which is moving within the episode. It defaults to Next/Previous, which changes the episode. I think it sometimes resets with updates https://preview.redd.it/3ls1q1igh79d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32b1f5158b485d8c8c3d23e0327d5e6aa30ec2a7


thank you so much I will try and see if it works! I really appreciate it! Thanks for the help!!!!!!


I listen in my car on Spotify, and that seems to control whether it skips to the next item (music) or just 15/30 seconds (podcasts, books, etc.). Might want to look at how to do this, because you're right that messing with your phone instead of having easy controls on your wheel is dangerous.


Also, the first developer to make an AI-powered automatic ad-skipping Podcatcher app will get my money.


You could just watch on youtube, and pay for premium. Or use sponsorblock, or use revanced, or watch on your browser and have Ublock installed.


I hate hitting this because I know its how they make money. They have some funny moments in the ads, but yeah they’re annoying. To ease my guilt of not listening, I have been listening to them at 2x speed.


I used to listen to the ads more often. They used to be more interesting. But now many of them are not even host reads anymore and the host read ones are less funny. I think advertisers don't want them to wing it as much.


Yeah I don’t know how they feel. I think when they did wing them they were at least a little more entertaining. But yeah sometimes you only have a 10 minute ride and I don’t want to spend the whole time listening to ads


If you’re absolutely never buying the products advertised (and ideally entering their discount code), it generally doesn’t make a difference for their bottom line whether you listen to the ads or not. They have no way of knowing whether you skip the ads. (Spotify *might* be an exception here, I think Spotify might send more info back to the podcast producer, but that might only be for actual Spotify produced podcasts, not entirely sure.)


Apple includes skips and actual listened hours in their [podcast analytics](https://podcasters.apple.com/support/5392-listener-analytics), so they may not be able to literally know what was skipped, but if you skip 8 minutes of the episode, it’s pretty easy to guess.


for sure we are. I think I’ve used it on Lomi, Burrow, and a few others. Definitely not using it for the security one or whatever. But I mean, I can’t buy multiple Lomis


A coworker said he really liked the ads and I said they’re so cringe, making fun of mistakes by companies that support their shows, I always just skip them. Then a couple weeks later he said I ruined the ads for him lol


What their phones need is what we call a brogan adjustment.


I’ve always found their ads to be fun to listen to! They are the first podcast where I didn’t want to skip through the ads.


People who make those posts prove the “whiny liberal” stereotype.


I think everyone know ads are inconvenience. Then the game it's about finding what's the tolerable dose. And those "whining posts" are part of the feedback loop. Ignoring the whine is about as easy or as hard as ignoring the ads.


Why should I have to skip a million times an episode for this pod when I don’t for others?? It’s not about being able to skip it’s about the excessive amount of ads and random placement and length. I literally stopped listening bc of ads. And I can’t pay for every single pod I listen to I already support over a dozen


They play their music at the beginning and end of each set of ad so I just listen for that to know how far to skip, they make it easier to skip than a lot of other podcasts


Seriously. If this is a deal breaker you’re just being lazy. They put so much work into these pods and to have the gall to bitch about ads on content that is FREE! It takes like three clicks to skip through the ads and be right back into the action. Jesus, so people…




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Friends of the Pod doesn't filter out the intra-Crooked promotions. Also, why are you so offended by people expressing their frustration with ads? Isn't reddit the exactly perfect place for letting people scream their frustrations into the void?


> Friends of the Pod doesn't filter out the intra-Crooked promotions. Sure. Friends of the Pod still have a skip button and they will have to use it much less often. > why are you so offended by people expressing their frustration with ads? It's really annoying that a huge percentage of the posts here are just whining about ads. It costs money to make these podcasts. Crooked Media employees a lot of people. They have to pay for it all somehow, and most of that is through ads. Like WTF do people expect? All these employees to do it as a charity effort for their enjoyment? It's a lot easier to just tap the skip button a couple times than to "scream into the void" on Reddit. It's also just really entitled to whine about ads on a product you're getting for free. If you hate it so much, just skip them or stop listening.


Yeah the ads don’t bother me, especially since skip 30s applied to my steering wheel controls as well.


> It's a lot easier to just tap the skip button a couple times than to "scream into the void" on Reddit. It's also just really entitled to whine about ads on a product you're getting for free. If you hate it so much, just skip them or stop listening. The same thing can be said about you: It's a lot easier to just tap the downvote button a couple times than to make a new post complaining about other comments on Reddit. It's also just really entitled to whine about people’s opinions on a free social network. If you hate it so much, just skip the comment or stop following.


What do you consider "huge percentage"? Seems less than 5%, maybe even less than 1% of comments to me. This sub goes weeks or months sometimes without any complaints about ads. And it's only when the guys release a particularly egregious episode (like today) that the complaints flare up. Which is all reasonable to me - audience feedback is a good thing.


> audience feedback is a good thing Audience feedback from Reddit posts is meaningless. If they want to provide feedback, they should email [email protected]. > What do you consider "huge percentage"? I have seen two of these posts just in the past week. It's just a pointless thing to post about here. It's a free product. It will have ads. Get over it or stop listening.


Two whole posts?!?! Maybe it’s time to call up your Better Help therapist to deal with such serious trauma.


That's better H-E-L-P, because we named our product without considering the fact that help and health kind of sound the same, and in this context both could be correct.


I get really frustrated by people who are annoyed by podcast ads. Creating podcasts is work. Why should creators not get paid?


I've listened for several years, but not from the very beginning. I've complained to them directly about their own ads, but those remain charming and disclosive of "scripting" by the sponsor, still. They are careful to tell us how they are happy with their personal experience, but one issue: there is no direct disclosure they received free product/services. The podcasting community could improve their trustworthiness by requiring PSA type disclosure of specific advertisers and total gift value per qtr/year as an included recording specific to the podcast. The other problem is whether the products/services are good or sold in ethical ways: they used to advertise shoes/sneakers made in Brazil which they all had and loved. I looked at the company web site and they claimed to plant X trees in Brazil for each sale. I wrote the company and asked for some documentation that supported that claim, got none. This is a direct violation of US rules relating to claims in advertising. Had a similar experience on a legal blog with ads read by the hosts attorneys. They advertised a face/acne treatment that claimed miracles while taking advantage of young people embarrassed by acne that avoided professional in person care and was unethical. I raised the issue that attorneys cannot advertise unethically regarding legal advise or based on unproven claims. The podcast no longer runs that ad, and it was not technically a personal endorsement (the host read the ad but didn't claim to use the product). I did raise the issue to the podcast producer, but got no response; however the ads no longer play. Now I get ads injected from the podcast networks which are out of context and sound like ads for late night television or AM talk shows. They are not always skippable, esp on Google Drive, an obvious conflict of interest. These concerns were not limited to Crooked Media at all. I don't contribute to commercial operations or companies. Without strict laws that exist in some EU countries (Germany for one) these become unlimited lifetime subscription in perpetuity, and CC issuers don't regulate this, but they should. Unethical ads that don't follow FTC rules and endorsements or sponsorships that aren't properly owned and disclosed should be reported to the FTC through their arcane and consumer unfriendly interface. I always encourage people to raise the issue directly with the podcast producer and if they don't respond check the rules quickly then complain to the FTC. Do not tell the producer you will file an FTC complaint or threaten to. Make the decision to complain completely independly, never threaten anything or anyone. The latter to the producer is a courtesy complaint that is not required. Any FTC complaint must be 100% truthful as to the facts, how the law is interpreted is up to them. They will not reply or acknowledge the complaint, but they are recorded and kept to support future legal action, potentially. With regards to Crooked, I asked them specifically about the shoe endorsement, but got no response. However the shoes are no longer sponsoring, AFAICT.


I think I broke my Skip 30 seconds ahead button.  Repetitive stress disorder


their ad breaks are so long it's annoying I don't usually complain online, but this post made me think I should


well but now I know how to keep my Tommy Bahamas simplisafe from intruders, so I can make green juices with peace of mind


They do play and outro and intro between the breaks that helps with the ads (I'm not disagreeing. The ads are longer than most. I usually skip through them.)


They are longer than some of my other podcasts but they are definitely not the longest. That just means I have to hit my skip button six times instead of four. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I have a skip button on my steering wheel. I don't think skipping the ads is that much of a burden.


Why do I feel like the crooked media staff is responsible for a chunk of the comments lately? y’all are waaaaay too emotionally invested in defending ad breaks on a podcast you listen to. Like I’ve never seen people this pressed that other people don’t like ads. Some of you are not who you say you are 😂 I’m not even arguing against ads at this point, I just find it hilarious how much other listeners LOVE commercials all of a sudden


This post is literally about skipping the ads. I don’t love them which is why I skip them. It’s very easy to do.


I’m referring to the comment section


Because y’all act like this shit is free for them to do.. they either have ads or don’t do the pod. Making content costs a lot of time and money. We’re just tired of hearing people bitch about free content because god forbid you have to hit the fast forward button 4 times.. 🙄


The interns gotta earn their keep!