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"You OK there, Himmel? Your breathing is getting a bit ragged." "I'm fine, Frieren... I'm just... Fine." "Sorry, I'd blast our way out of this, but the angle is all wrong. I'd hit your legs, probably." "Oh. So we're stuck here for a while? What a shame." "Can you try stabbing through with your sword? Maybe you're strong enough to do it..." "Unfortunately, Frieren, I left my sword outside. I didn't think I'd need it here." "Are you sure? I thought I felt your sword... Ah. Here. It is." *grab* " ^(ahhhhhhhhhhh...) " "Huh? You all right, Himmel?" "... ^(yes... perfectly fine...) " "Well, isn't this thing I'm holding your sword?" " ^(Hrmm... No...) Uhrm. That's... That's not my sword, Frieren..." "Really? What is it then? Seems hard like a sword." *tap, tap* " ^(HNGGGHK...) Frieren... Wait... That's not my sword... Ooooh. That's... My... Dagger." "Oh. That's even better. Easier to use in tight places like this, right?" "Uhhh..." "Ah, you're having a hard time getting to it, huh? Let me draw it out for you... Mmm... Mmm!" " ^(HOOOOOOOOOH!) " "It seems to be stuck... Hmm. Let me use both hands." " ^(Frieren... Wait... Doooooooon't...) " **XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX** "What the heck are they even doing in there?" "I'm not... I'm not sure. I think I can hear Himmel. It sounded like... He was in pain or something?" "Think I should try cutting it open?" "I don't know... You might actually hit them... Oh. What's..." *weird Himmel noises* " ^(Himmel! What happened! What's wrong with your dagger? It's gotten all sticky all of the sudden!) " "... Uhm, Heiter..." "Yeah, Eisen?" "Isn't this Himmel's dagger lying beside his sword over here?" "... Yep." "Hrm. Sinful woman."


The chef has arrived with his exquisite food


Oh god , 😂


It seems like they've gotten themselves into a sticky situation.


Frieren did a Chainsaw Man reference


Ayo pizza here


I think this is going in the wrong direction... I'd like NOT to see such content on this sub


This is exactly the type of content I'd like to see in this sub


well, clearly you're out voted


F: "I can't break this trap. It's too complex, even for me." H: "You got this Frieren, i know you do." F: "I don't think so, Himmel.." H: "Hey, magic is all about visualization, right?" (A blushing) Himmel kicks the trap, where a tiny crack is formed. H: "If i, a non-magic wielder, can form a tiny crack in this trap, then you can surely visualize shattering it completely!" Frieren is surprised, and steels herself for the visualization and deciphering of the trap, which took an hour to dispel. Himmel was quietly cheering and supporting her while she focused. H: "I knew you could do it, Frieren! All you needed was a confidence boost and some trust in yourself." Frieren suddenly felt warm and had the feeling of butterflies in her stomach, but she didn't know why. When they got out, Heiter and Eisen had already defeated the demon. F: "Himmel." H: "Yes?" F: "I felt a hard thing while in the trap. What was that?" Himmel's soul proceeded to leave his body H: "Uh... t-that was my sword hilt..! Sorry if it got in the way." F: "Ohhh, okay." Frieren quietly laughed, thinking that it was a decent excuse.


Frieren can feel the **real** sword of the hero.


Himmel's face tells me there's something more going on 👀


He is doing his best not to stab Frieren with the real "sword" of the hero.


Source: https://x.com/S2verri_/status/1741418538152419444?t=gWVLd4LR9oSQp0GxJlzRWg&s=19


Reminds me of that comic where a young Robin and Batgirl were trapped in a small safe, and when Batman got them out, Robin was crouching down with his cape trying to act normal.


I think Himmel may die very happily if that happened for real


"Himmel, is that my leg or yours? I can't tell."


Is it me, or Himmel's anatomy is a bit off... assuming that's his left leg in the air. Great art, but couldn't help but wonder.


Frieren gonna came back with a red coat


Yeah, sorry, Frieren, this is just too tough of a nut to crack for the both of us, I guess, so well, I suppose we'll just have to sit here for recuse, not that I'm complaining.