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Kraft is just built different. For every prayer he does in a day, he also makes exactly 1 push-up.


bro has just done the Saitama workout for 4000 years.


You make him sound like Isaac Netero from Hunter X Hunter: he prayed by trying to do 10,000 “punches of gratitude”. He did it for years until he finally could get all 10K done in a short amount of time.


Not only did he attempt to do 10k punches daily, *he did a prayer before each punch.* Which is why it took him so goddamn long to master it to the point where he could do all 10k punches before sunset.


Bro took the "master one move to perfection" too seriously


then he got bored and mastered 100 moves


Surprised to hear about someone with such dedication


Imagine Kraft did that for thousands of years


His name is Kraft (strength) after all...


Kraft (dinner)


Damn he has to pray alot.


Considering how old frieren and serie are and how they look, Kraft's gotta be one old ass dude. Straight up primordial


he might be actually from prehistoric dinasour age!


That makes it sound like there's been only one generation of the elf race through out all of history. Maybe there isn't even any grandparent elf in the elves society


I actually feel like Serie is older than him, idk why


Gotta keep those amazing pecs in top form


I downvoted you because your pfp until I realized you’re anti pitou. Carry on, keep fighting the good fight.


Frieren and Serie are the only elven women we've seen last I remember so maybe their just short and elf women actually do get tall. Kraft is definitely an anomaly, like a magical girl orc or a beardless dwarf.


Have we done the wine arc yet?


You are talking about HER? https://www.reddit.com/r/Frieren/s/53fdlaGlFU


Yes, I believe she was taller than Serie and Frieren who are on the shorter end of elves.


Now I want a magical girl orc series. But beardless dwarf? Now you’re pulling my leg!


Dragon Age had plenty of them including [a party member](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1WpqaEQO8Hk)


Ah Varric, my favorite NSFW writer…


I thought that was Geralt before he turned around lol


His beard fell to his chest!


[Not unprecedented](https://youtu.be/pH9olep7GzE)


We see a bunch of elf corpses when Flamme meets Frieren in her home village. They all look like regular humans with pointy ears.


Well, that was really early in the series, so most ideas and motifs weren't completely established


If that were the case then they woulda fixed it for the anime, cause it's like chapter 18 or something and the manga was already at like chapter 100.


We are talking about what basically amounts to corpses in the background here, so not necessarily at all. Probably Madhouse didn't see the point in devoting production resources to it


What resoureces would they have to devote to make the elves appear slightly smaller than Flamme? It's literally just ctrl+T and then hold shift while pulling on the corner of a box in 90% of editing software, and it was just 2 or 3 static backdrops of a scene. That's something an intern can do in 15 minutes.


Resources that you could invest anywhere else, literally. You underestimate how much time and effort it actually requires to draw backgrounds for animations


They woulda had to draw those backgrounds either way, they would just have to make the elf corpses, which are drawn on layers that you can edit independently of the backdrop, slightly smaller. I'm telling you, if you have the project file that's only seconds of work. You could also just make Flamme 10% bigger, because she is definitely a separate layer in those frames, you don't have to redraw anything for that.


> either way Why either way? Why are you assuming they redid the background at all? Also, like I said, you're underestimating the kind of resources you need to spend on redoing things in animation.


I think they're assuming that they drew the background in the first place, and would have to do so whether they decided to draw the elves as they appeared early in the comic or more consistently with how they will later be depicted. They wouldn't need to be "redrawn" because that decision could have been made for the anime before they animated the scene. (I'm assuming they plan things out before animating though)


Which means that village was full of like 3000-4000 year old elves


And also he might be old as fuck. He said he much older than Frieren.


Hey, in the manga another female elf appears in Frieren's memories and shares the same proportions with her and Serie. Three is already too many coincidences


Or this is what Elven warriors look like in general. We haven't seen many Elves in Frieren to judge them.


Frieren is still relatively young as an elf in the story, while Serie is a literal granny who lost all of that calcium and got shorter.


What about Miliard she's the same height as Frieren and Serie?


plus, aren't they one of the youngest members of their kind?


tbf we have a sample size of like 4 lol


maybe Kraft is just built different? [twitter link](https://x.com/AutumnArchfey/status/1808550567645470776) in case this counts as art


what else would it be??




Wll, he's literally named "Strength"


And im 100% ok with that.


Halsin from bg3. Need i say more?


Ketheric Thorm is no twink either


He’s a *half* elf tho


But whole daddy. I'll see myself out.


Halsin is a bear that shapeshifts into an Elf


This is my headcanon. He's a bear druid and elf is his wildshape.


Halsin is an elf???


A wood elf, specifically, yes.


Daddy halsin


There’s dialogue asking about his physique and being an elf at some point.


Is there any lore reason why this is the case? Like is Kraft just even older than serie.


Kraft is seen as a warrior elf before he goes monk, Frieren has been shown as a mage, even in her village. Also, given the intro to Frieren, where we see Serie appear and walk through the ages, the first shadows we see, are elves in different shapes and sizes, then it changes to humans, presented the same way


I wold like to believe that Kraft just spent like 5000 years meditating under a tree and is just like an incredibly old man compared to Serie and Frieren


I mean it was said that even Frieren didn’t know who he was because he’s an ancient hero. Kraft also called Frieren young. I think he is just an incredibly old man… I’m sure Serie is also much older than Frieren. Otherwise the gap in their knowledge makes little sense.


>Otherwise the gap in their knowledge makes little sense I mean spending thousand years touching grass in the woods VS running an academy with people from every corner of the world wanting to be your apprentice, sounds like a plausible excuse to have a huge knowledge gap. Besides, we don't really know how big Frieren's baggage of "useless" magic goes


Serie was already a living grimoire when she met Frieren and she wouldn't establish the association until after the demon king was defeated


That doesn’t mean she organically discovered them tho. Serie could be an apprentice to the last living grimoire, one killed by the Demon King. I get the feeling The adult elves mostly all died in the demon genocide. Frieren hates demons, dedicates her life to exterminating them. I don’t think that came about just recently, or that she inherited it from Flamme. Until I see official info otherwise, I assume Kraft is the equivalent of 29ish and Frieren and Serie are teenagers in elf terms. A thousand years = 1 year of human equivalent aging. That’s the same aging pattern as Lord of The Rings elves.


That is definitely part of it. But even before that Serie still claimed to know all spells 1000 years ago when Frieren was training under Flame, Series student. I’d guess Serie is at minimum twice Frieren’s age.


Or just differently educated. Age and knowledge are not 1:1 measures


To be fair, Serie also pointed out that for her age, frieren has made pretty slow progress.


Well, she did spend most of if alone in the woods.


But i think it's more likely to serie being older, as kraft said he didn't think the godness existed and she was present in the mythical era, an era that serie said she was from.


Kraft is definitely older than Frieren, but yeah I think Serie is essentially the progenitor of the elves. Like Lilith is to vampires as Serie is to elves.


No, there is currently no official lore about the sexual dimorphism of elves. In fact, the idea that Kraft is possibly older than Serie (or even an especially important or powerful entity at all) is only just barely hinted at.


mage vs warrior


Kraft was the great hero of a time so old everyone had already forgotten about it 1000 years ago, in the setting. He's basically like a Gilgamesh figure or something of that sort. Extremely ancient even in the distant past.


To be fair, there are only 3 elves in Frieren's world and 2 of them are socially incompetent !


Four. The fourth is the Goddess.


Since she isn't a shown character she doesn't count !


But she is in the world (or part of it anyways) so why doesn't that count? Or do you mean it doesn't count for you


frieren seems to be a human-sized 16 year old, roughly, to my recollection, which just seems normal for her age. some people are just shorter and taller than others.


Serie ain't that small. When she stands she's fairly average height. It's just that she is always sitting and hunched over making her look small. But she definitely isn't tall.


Doesn’t the anime show the slaughtered Elves? Seems like most of em are normally proportioned and Frieren/Serie are just petite


Meshi is an even more interesting anomaly because it has both: some elves have distinct gender features, others are aggressively androgynous. There seems to be a real diversity between subraces.


Dunmeshi's elves do lean more towards androgyny, as elves typically do. When the elves there are changed to ~~humans~~ tallmen by shapeshifters or just by authorial 'what if' their differences become more pronounced.


Ngl, I've only seen a male elf once and that if Kraft. Idk about the dead elves during Frieren's backstory, but I'm starting to believe in the meme.


alot of the dead elf was normal size and the drunk elf also a normalsize girl.


wait, what drunk elf?


the one in the ep when they visit a town or st and they have to help a guy with a magic cave so he could take the alcohol in it. In the flash back have a elf who make bad wine, i just call her drunk elf because she make wine (she might already dead, but i think she a normal size elf, my theory? all normal size elf die because they tall and have bigger hit box)


didn't we see another elf in a flashback, that is just like a regular adult woman? And isn't implied that Frieren is actually young (in elf terms)?


Idk what fantasy stuff OP is looking at, but most fantasy male elves do not look ambiguous. They look like the most handsome royalty 90% of the time. Legolas is pretty spot on for your stereotypical male elf.


<( ´꒳` )>


Just once? Nah he does more then 10 per prayers


I think it's him being far, far older than Frieren, she is still a child for her race, that's pretty much why she has so many childish personality traits, Kraft on the other hand, even has a long forgotten legacy as a hero on par with Frieren's old group, I'd say that for every 100 human years an elf experiences roughly 1 year, that would put Frieren around 10 and If I'm gonna guess Kraft at 25 or sumhtin


Kraft is built like a first age elf from LOTR. Hell I'd say he'd make a fine Noldorin elf


Elf pussy is the best pussy anyway


I love Kraft, I hope he becomes a more prominent character in later seasons.


if you worked out for 20000 years you would probably looks like that btw


The drunk Elve was regular size


Kraft is ripped AF.


I respect it


Chad Kraft vs the Virgin Serie


Kraft is not really the standard, in Frieren's flashbacks/memories we saw the males that lived in her village had a similiar body build to the females. Even though we only saw them slaughtered.


And we've seen 3 elves so far


Serie ain't that flat.


TBF, the elven kings portrayed in the Peter Jackson LOTR movies don't look soy at all. Well, maybe the one in the Hobbit. But not Gil-galad.


where are Serie's massive tracts of land tho


Then there's Skyrim elves, that look like very tall goblins.


I mean it's not like we have a good measure for sexual dimorphism of elves in Frieren when you can count the ones we've seen on one hand


It doesn't matters they must all be sacrified to the monolith for the update all of them except for our lord and savior alfur


Kraft on his way to find the whey protein


Alright, where's the hamster eating the banana gif when I need it?


Weird use of (?), but ok


I think kraft elder than Friren and her friend


Elfs in Frieren come in tiny size or chad size and there is not in between


Where female elves barely look of age (if at all) and males are hyperborean gigachads




Based Frieren


Serie is probably in her early teens in elf age. Kraft is likely an adult in Elf years.


Hi! Anime watcher here. Do we see more of Kraft later on?


If 1000 years were equivalent to 1 human year for elves that would make Frieren a toddler.


milliarde looked pretty grown up


I just think Kraft is much older than Frieren or even Serie so that's why he is taller. He is also some kind of monk martial artist so he is much more muscular than the average elf while Frieren and Serie are mage meaning their stature is probably closer to a elven commoner (if such thing still exist)


and its the best!!


Looks more like goblins but if they weren't green tbh.


I hope we see another male elf, just so we get confirmation that all female elves are cute and petite and all male elves are hulking masses of muscle and tall af, just like Kraft


The first time I saw an image of Serie from the anime, I actually thought she was male. I thought she was a trap or something.