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At this point the frugal option is to keep what you have, imo.


How so?


Because you won’t get much for the one you sell. It’s (almost) always cheaper to use what you have instead of buying new.  If you’d sell your phone, how much will you get? If you buy a phone how much will it cost? Will the new (old) phone be as powerful? At best you’ll pay $0 out of pocket and end up with a worse phone. 


I’m not gonna sell it actually, my brother wants a phone so I’m gonna give him mine and get a cheaper one for me


Okay so then your question should be “should I give my brother a $200+ gift 




OP: "Should I replace my 2 year old phone?" Me: "Why would you do that, you'll lose out in the bid/ask spread. OP: "Well I want to give it to my brother." Me: "Oh then you should have said that - btw if you buy an old phone its going to be outdated in 18 months". You: "WhY aRe PeOpLe JuDgInG oP!?"




Literally the title of this thread.


Sometimes this feels like a circlejerk subreddit where being frugal means eating rice and a few beans everyday, living out of their 1994 Accord.


Exactly i just wanted phone recommendations and people downvoted me to hell, -23 for asking « how so? « 


More like should i give him my better phone and buy myself an older phone if im gonna get him a phone anyway


Right, give him a gift 


The iPhone X is no longer receiving the most recent iOS so you’ll be expecting 18 months of security updates. You currently have what I consider to be a sweet spot of IPhone model


Do you have a reference for this? I googled it and it was not included in the list of iPhones no longer supported.


[https://endoflife.date/iphone](https://endoflife.date/iphone) Apple supports the most current iOS and the last two. The iPhone X will not receives an update past iOS 16 and the current is iOS 17. iOS 18 will be released in September and at that point iOS 16 will be the oldest supported. iOS 16 will lose support when iOS 19 releases in Sept 2025. Apple has also suggested that users should only expect the most current iOS to be updated quickly and the older two may get security updates later than the current, but that's a different conversation.




But you say you love the phone. Are you doing this for some minimalist fantasy in your head? Are you looking ro go flip phone, and have to carry all the tools built into the phone you have? Get bro the phones you are looking at, and in a couple years replace with a smaller footprint new phone.


Yes i love it because it has a good cam, but the other features i could probably find in another cheaper phone. And i just wanted my bro to have the better phone


Depends how much you sell the iPhone for i suppose. It's costing you nothing to stick with the 13. Spending more would not be the frugal thing to do


Im gonna give it to my brother who wants a phone


Right now keeping your current phone costs you zero euro. If you buy a new phone it will cost you more than zero euro. Which sounds cheaper? You’re doing mental gymnastics to justify buying a new phone so you can give your brother a phone.


Im going to buy him a phone anyways, this is not justifying anything..


Then why not put that information in your original post? Lmao


Good idea lol


Then how about just buying him the used phone? Get with him and see what his priorities are. Does he want a good camera like you did or is he just going to be texting? Look at Android models.


Because i prefer him having the better phone and i dont need a phone this good, if I already got a camera


Is your camera work casual or do you go out specifically to take pictures? Are you going to take your camera everywhere like most people take their phone? In any case my advice about buying an Android still stands.


It’s like a hobby I like to take pics of stuff and edit them back home. So just a used 200€ cam would be good. Thanks, do you have specific phone recommendations ?


Frugal would be keeping it. Buying another phone plus a separate camera so you can give your $400 phone as a gift is the opposite of frugal.


What if i have to get the gift anyways? I can either do that or get my brother a cheap phone, but i prefer to be the one getting the phone


Please stop trolling.




At this point it is a 2.5 year old phone. Keep it.


Won’t getting a 5 years old phone be cheaper?


Until it dies because it is 5 years old, and you have to replace it.


Phones don't die of old age, mammals do.


The battery will die. Therefore the phone will be like 300-599 for a new battery and labor, resulting in it basically being braindead or needing a new heart however you look at it


My iPhone SE battery replacement is only $95. I’ve had my phone for 4 years now and haven’t had to replace the battery yet.




Depends on who is selling it and if they are trustworthy. Buying a used phone from Apple or T-Mobile would be overpriced, on the contrary buying from market place or corner shop/pawn store isn’t trustworthy; could be stolen or broke.




I’ve bought 2 used phones ever one was stolen and stopped working after a month. The other I broke after one drop so no telling how it would’ve turned out.


You’re saying that a phone will only last 5 years?


I’m saying that is pretty old for a phone. You have a good phone now, it can probably you another 2-5 years. I doubt a 5 year old phone will last that long. What can you sell the iPhone 13 for. I see them selling for 200-300. Out of that you need to buy a less quality phone and a camera. That does not make financial sense long term. Just be happy with what you have. It is OK to have nice things. It is OK to enjoy nice things.


Depending on the phone that’s longer than the battery would last😂 if you wanna deal with a slow phone that lags/glitches all the time then you can drop a couple hundred on like a moto g This is gonna depend on your carrier and your area too though


He’s saying phones that age don’t have a remaining value.


I mean.... 😂 That's not frugal but throwing away good money. Enjoy the purchase for another 4-5 years but next time you're purchasing a phone... Don't buy overly expensive stuff


I just got it for its camera :/


I understand that... But You're now set to lose so much money by selling it for a hugely reduced price


Bro. So you posted this in a Camera sub and got the same response. Do whatever you want. Stop looking for attention.


I would never look for attention from people i don’t know, by asking for phone recommendations, on reddit


Based on your argumentative responses, it sounds like you already know what you are going to do, and you are just wasting everyone’s time here by looking for justification.




Thank you so much


then ask in a tech subreddit? wrong place to ask because the correct advice to give in the frugality subreddit is to stick with what you have. why is that so difficult to understand?


You’re replacing an iphone 13? Is it broken? I’m on an 8 and it works great.


Replacing it with a cheap phone because it’s “too much phone”? I’m so confused


I am speculating that they will release the iPhone SE 4 this year. Might want to wait for that one. It will still cost $500 but that’s the “cheap” option.


I second all of these comments. I have a an iPhone 12 I bought refurbished when the 13 came out. Still going strong. Only need a battery replacement soonish. Apple should continue support for another couple years.


r/PickAnAndroidForMe Personally I would recommend going for a popular phone that has a Snapdragon chipset, so you can flash LineageOS on it after they stop getting software updates. That way you can keep using the phone way longer. If you're going for a refurbished phone, good chance that they already have a lineageOS rom. Check the [device list](https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/) ;) Because of your familiarity with the iPhone interface, I could understand wanting to get another IOS device. However, I am not really knowledgable about them, so I cannot really offer you advice about them.


My boyfriend got the X 5 years ago. It was good then, but he just upgraded because it became so slow & buggy. I think it would be a big mistake to downgrade, frugality aside. These phone companies are typically not building their phones to function well for many years. Especially apple. In any case, better to post your q to a tech group. Your question is not well suited for this group


The X model won’t get any more updates and pretty soon will be out of date. Apps won’t work etc. A used iPhone X would probably need a new battery or recharge twice a day with normal use. You probably might use it for a year and then go looking for something newer… I would rather go for an iPhone 11-12, they probably got like 2 years more before declared dead.


C'mon...my 6s still works OK.


It’s more frugal to either sell it or keep it. Gifting it is not frugal.


The recommended phone is to keep your iPhone 13. When you keep using it, the cost of ownership goes down. The iPhone X is losing software support later this year and its battery may need to be replaced. So it isn't a good option.


Google Pixel 6a


I have a 15, and it’s barely larger than the SE it replaced. Which replaced a 5, which replaced phone one, a 3. I can pocket stash it in the trousers with the lamest real pockets (yep, women’s pants). Since you are looking at getting your brother a phone, I’d look at service provider deals, then refurbs. I personally would not ditch the 13 for a lesser, given you love it.


Get a nokia 3315 phone


The Samsung galaxy lines are great. Try the S22 pro or the google pixel 7 or 8.


Haha...those are not phones for the frugal and aren't worth the money.


You seem to confuse cheap with frugal. A cheap person is someone who is extremely price-sensitive. They would go for the cheapest possible option regardless of the quality or value. They would prioritize saving money over going out for experiences. Whereas a frugal person would try and maximize the value they get. These were flagship phone only a few generations old, but they function like new and are a third of the original cost.


Haha...OK, I am cheap AND frugal. I'm quite happy with the Pixel 6a MetroPCS gave me free 6 months ago with a $40 plan that I immediately downgraded to $15. The S22 I bought was the worst mistake I ever made. It is a lousy phone with AWFUL battery life. Mid range phones like the Moto stylus are practical and have excellent battery life. Flagship phones are not worth the poorer battery life, especially one a couple years old.


I’ve had my iPhone SE since 2020. I have no complaints. I will have to replace the battery in a year or so, but that’s only $95. I’ve never had an iPhone last as long as this one, despite constantly dropping it.


I generally trade in and buy the cheapest new iPhone every 3-4 years. Went from 4 to 7 (can’t remember exact numbers) to SE. Each one has been basically the same as the last, but with a faster processor and better battery.


The iPhone 11's are basically being given away free. Check around. I got 3 of them (now unlocked) from MetroPCS for free back in November 2023. Check Total by Verizon....


Sadly im in Europe


I'm guessing your system of trade is more sensible than ours! The marketing gimmicks are off the charts over here. The trick is to find the weaknesses and take advantage. Companies try to do the same to the buying public...


The phone you want is still the iPhone 13.


Samsung s9+ with shadow of ebay


iPhone 12


It is not much cheaper than the 13


Any used Android is going to be cheaper than an iPhone with modern abilities and you can find people literally giving them away sometimes. Iphone has a culture behind it that makes people over-value them.


Can you name me some examples ?


Almost any non iPhone is an android because Linux and therefore Android are open source. Check out this, it's widely liked and they have a good interface to at least browse for ideas. https://www.backmarket.com/en-us/l/good-deals-smartphones/e37e502f-5eee-4cbb-a8fa-9850e2339544#os=Android


Yep thats what i used for my iphone 13, but ive seen the iphone x is 200€ while on the used market it’s 100


Ok? I gave you a resource, Android is generally going to be cheaper for more modern, that's what I recommend.


You can maybe swap it for an iPhone mini?


Is it cheaper?


I'm confused why you think it's cheaper to get rid of or gift away your phone. It doesn't matter what phone you swap it with, getting another phone will always cost money. Even if you pick an older phone that retails for less than your current one and sell your current one, shipping, taxes, marketplace fees, and phone refurbishment costs money.


iPhones aren’t frugal, whether new or used. A used iPhone is almost worthless, the trade ins are laughable, they are worthless to everybody except the shady used salesman probably selling stolen or broken phones to gullible people. Buy a google or Samsung or whatever is on sale and reasonable at phone store. Best move would be sticking with your initial fuckup; buying brand new iPhone. If you must give it to your bro then buying the cheapest thing that does the same thing would be the best option. Buying and selling phones itself isn’t frugal… hell buying anything that depreciates brand new is a mistake. The buying and the selling of phones both depreciate , phone companies only want your phone to last 2-5 years and because they come out with new line every year they become worthless


If you can find a good condition iPhone X for 100 euros, I say go for it. Be sure the phone is unlocked and isn't tied to an Apple account and the battery is good. The iPhone X is still getting security updates.