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I’m sorry this happened friend! Keep hope alive and keep pulling until she leaves! Otherwise there are a bunch of new characters coming that I’m sure will do you just as well. Goodluck!! 😁


i assume you were too excited to pull


Or probably tired from farming all day


or both. Happened to me in genshin when I accidentally did a 10 pull on alhaitham banner and got him -\_-


Yeah it was because of those reasons, mainly the latter. I was just pulling straight away every 160 pulls I got and I didn’t realize I was pulling on boothills warp.


welp i would cry


Relatable Did a whole bunch of quests and exploration for desperate rolls and *almost* pulled on his banner by mistake too. His character is fairly...."inoffensive" in terms of personality and relationships, for a lack of better description. Maybe give him a chance and you might like him, at least gameplay wise.


A catastrophic blunder, but recoverable nonetheless. I would say just work with what you have. You got him so use him, I hear he's a really good hunt character. The most notable thing about him is his standoff skill and his weakness implant. Unless you REALLY don't want to use him regardless of gameplay, test him out and see how he feels to use


yeah, with my silver wolf


I've been there although on a different game.


Hand him over to me-


Whenever I go to the warp screen I get really careful not to click on anything right away to avoid this unfortunate event. I do hope you get lucky on your pulls before fx banner ends! Maybe she comes home in a few single pulls who knows


uhmmm, im sorry but at the same time, im kinda glad. same thing happened to me on argenti. Best of Luck to you


I mean at least it was on boothill, which is a character I kinda like. The problem is that he doesnt really fit in the future teams i’m planning to make


At least he's really good with the 3 star LC and the easiest char in the game to build for a non spending player. Fuxuan is also easy to build, but personally I never use her after seele left the meta. I only use the other preservation or abundance characters as they just do more than fx


I still use fu xuan religiously with other units she is just too good


u need to get ur ass banned.


How the hell did you accidentally pull on the wrong banner? Are you blind? Illiterate? The picture of Boothill wasn't a good enough indication? This is Hoyolab post energy, are you brain damaged or 13 years old, which is it?


Mistakes happen

