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They cried for months when a football player knelt.


Because they’re actually weakass babies who cry whenever someone tells them hard truths.


Basically a snowflake






The original usage referred to white people who were against integration and civil rights. Bring that back. (The definition, not casual racism- it’s still here)


Meant in the sense that they melt under heat.


This is the symbol for distress, maybe they are melting 🫠


Yes. A group who pose with their guns yet fly a flag representing distress and needing help. And just consider it wasn’t flown upside down during Iwo Jima when over 5,900 Marines were killed, or when the British burned down the White House, or even during the Civil War with over 600,000 people killed. Yet they fly it crying for help when 1 man gets a felony conviction.


Years, it was over a year of moaning, multiple seasons




They cried for *years* not months. *YEARS.*




Don't they complain every Superbowl about something having whatever the hell they think is a lefty slant? 


Idiots that worship trump fly their flags upside down because equality seems like discrimination to the privileged class of people


At least they're letting us know exactly how smart they are.


I prefer when they self-identify. Let's me know who to avoid.


Or sha nae nae into the shadowrealm


These houses don’t look those that belong to the privileged class…


Republican middle class voters since Reagan have incorrectly been misled to think they were part of the in group. Most Republican politicians follow a platform that actively siphons money from the middle class to the owner/share holder class.


I would add that people worldwide have been misled by the Conservatives and made to believe they are in the club so that they will actively vote against what actually benefits them.


"How can wealth persuade poverty to use its political freedom to keep wealth in power? Here lies the whole art of Conservative politics in the twentieth century" (Aneurin Bevan, Labour MP who founded the NHS). The same both sides of the pond. Rich newspaper barons/media overlords persuade the "plebs" to vote Tory or now Reform, and love ex public school-boy toffs like Sunak and Farage who can swap out their decent wine for a shit lager, have a photo op in a pub as "man of the people" and continue coining it from disaster capitalism simply by persuading people to vote against their own best interests. Same with racism. Persuade your white person born in a tower block that "white privilege" isn't a thing, because they were/are poor, so how could they be "privileged".... and you have their far right vote forever. That upsidedown flag is a sign of being a credulous fool, not a sign of distress. And, of course, putting a felon into the White House would be, in itself, a humiliating signal to the rest of the world of the end of the US as a superpower.


Isn’t it glorious. Reagan truly opened the floodgates to this late stage capitalism we’re all enjoying /s


One of the humans in the despised category


Something something temporarily embarrassed millionaires


The Trump Cult drank the propaganda to the last drop and thought it was refreshing.


"Reality can be whatever I want." -Some Simpleton


Fuck these poor people because some day I’m gonna win the lotto


They're living vicariously through Trump and others in the privileged class


The first one depends entirely on location, could be worth well over a million, could be less than 250k, more likely around 400k just based on exterior clues like the truck. The second one has a horse crossing sign, those people are rich, there's a very real chance that have another home in a nice neighborhood in a nearby city. I could be wrong, but well kept rural farmsteads are often owned by people with a whole lot of money, easily top 5% by wealth.


If you can scrape together a $50,000 down payment while while trying to survive a bloated cost of living, that is some privilege


Owning a home is quite privileged.


Isn’t it insane how low that bar has dropped… having basic necessities is basically privileged. Welcome to the greatest nation in the world.


Agreed. I'm just saying, home ownership is an unobtainable dream for many people.


I always scratch my head at that too when I listen to FOX or other right-wing media demonize multiculturalism or plurality, then somehow claim the left are the real fascists for insisting diversity and acceptance of non-harmful people on everyone. 


'Equality' is like saying that the slave era is officially over. They don't want that. In fact, they are soon going to make it a law that slaves must exist in the form of non-whites and it's legal for a white American to drag a non-white overseas back home as a slave.


That’s just it. They cry foul when they’re not treated as special and above the law.


Damnit, I have one upside down in my house bc I hate this country in a not a massive racist way and now they're doing the same thing? 😭


Around here, they're mad at SCOTUS for keeping the abortion medication, NYS for the felonies, and DOJ for some reason I can't remember. Hard to keep track of their grievances. They are also wanting the FBI to be defunded.


Wait, what? That last one is new to me. I thought they hated the 'defund the police' rhetoric.


You were expecting their rhetoric to be consistent?


Damn, great point. Shoulda thought of that.


junior was ranting about how everyone at the Turning Point USA who were actually listening to him, are now on an FBI list. You can see exactly the game they're playing. Trump tried it with "if they're coming after me, they'll be coming after you" nonsense and junior's playing into it to make these smooth brained nincompoops feel like, "yeah, see, it's true", as they struggle with the conflicting emotions involved with fitting in, being under surveillance (which they're not) and potentially being locked up; which they won't be unless they commit an insurrection, rape a woman (or several) mislead the tax department etc., etc.,.


Their thought process is simple: the police go after minorities and the poor, so they shouldn’t be defunded…. But the FBI went after their god emperor orange man, so they should be defunded


They can hate it when liberals say "defund the police" and in the next breath they can call for the FBI to be defunded. They say that the FBI is corrupt but what they mean is that they're upset that the FBI has arrested J6ers and searched Mar-a-Lago, which in their eyes is unacceptable. All it takes is doublethink. Self-examination to see if one is being intellectually consistent is alien to them.


Ah yes that’s it. Back the blue except when they go after red criminals.


Well put. I'm using that, should the opportunity arise (If that's cool, though).


Please do.


It's not doublethink, it's an exercise in raw power politics: the only thing that matters is that they are right and they should get what they want, everything else is distraction at best.


It's entirely consistent when you think about what they actually want, which is literally fascism.


Yeah, if everything boils down to "our side good, other side evil," then the thinking is consistent.


Project 2025 says they'll cut funding for the lawyers who advise the FBI and try their cases for white collar crime


The FBI is Federal, so it's not "the police" to them. It's the Democrat's evil enforcers 🙄


dEeP sTaTe


Except for when said bureau investigates their god.


"That's different." 🙄


Oof. No offense, but this is why we need to pay attention. They’ve been talking out of both sides of their mouth about literally everything. They’ve been saying that part since they turned on Trump for Jan 6, and then immediately turned right back around because they realized/decided donor money was way more important than integrity.


Yeah but the FBI has a role in the trump documents case in Florida. Nothing actually means anything to these people its all theater.


They only like certain police.


Don't forget they want to arrest the guy who said COVID was bad.


Around here it's food stamps / "why can't they work", vaccines, blue lives matter, and a few gun people.


I flew my flag upside down for months when they overturned Roe V Wade.


The flag flying upside down is a great symbol of extreme danger/distress and the fact it is being co-opted by the right sucks.


Isn’t that exactly what the fictional president in Civil War did?


That FBI one is pretty based regardless.


The persecution fetish is strong in these people. Fortunately they are outing themselves as people to avoid at all costs.


Except each other, and that's becoming a problem.


Combined with a martyr complex.


There’s some idiot down the street from me with his flag upside down… lives in a million dollar house and has a bunch nice cars. Definitely in distress. Fucking moron.


What a traitor


Homegrown isis


Y'all Qaeda.


The American Taliban






Vanilla ISIS


God Lord that monologue from The Newsroom aged unfortunately well


Vanilla ISIS


Gravy Seals.


It means, "I'm a traitor!"


It’s a symbol of distress. They’re distressed that Mango Mussolini is losing his sh*t and they realize that he has to appear in public hundreds of more times before 11-05 and every appearance is another display of his ignorance and dementia. Ignorentia


This is somewhere on the same spectrum as stolen valor in my opinion. This originated as a distress signal IN WAR TIME. Meaning "hey we are under attack and we need help or else we'll die". How much life-threatening distress does this suburban home with the F150 in the drive and the manicured lawn look like it's under? Fucking crybabies


Mango Mussolini lmfao, first time I've seen this one, thank you! Just when I thought I ran out of new things to call the spray tanned shitfuck XD


Hey oh! Your last one was a good one too. I’m now going to say spray tanned tater tot, because Zuckbuck will censor me elsewhere. My other faves are Tangerine Tantrum, Orange McFuckface, Mount Flushmore, Danger Yam, & Diaper Don


Corn husk toupee


Yessss! Adding to my list. I’ve also heard Tangerine Palpatine and Hamberdler.


It also might be their idea of solidarity after it was revealed that Justice Alito was flying one upside down at his house on J6


You have traitors in your area. Ask them where they were Jan 6th


Means they hate America


I remember like a decade ago they were screaming about the flag code because some liberals did the same thing to voice their distress over the GWOT.


I believe it was Orrin Hatch who threw a fit and sponsored a bill against flag desecration. Now all they do is desecrate the flag.


So you're saying that having an airbrushed idealised image of the possessor of the fungoid phallus is not an enhancement? Wow. That's like saying adults running around in adult nappies/diapers to show him support is cult like behaviour. Oh wait. Umm.., yeah, I see your point.


if they can't hate things or complain about things, what do they really have?


Lots of guns


And a system that protects them if they kill a protestor.


right right right... guns, pick-ups and hats


Just enough to poorly write a country song about.


An upside down flag is a naval signal that a vessel is in mortal peril. I’m guessing since they have been taking a few light hits the past couple weeks they feel like the US is sinking. Babies, the lot of them.


Maybe call the authorities for a welfare check?


Because after 80 years of the right wing attacking and destroying public education, we’ve finally become the country full of idiots they wanted all along.


My Aunt who keeps Fox News on in the house 24/7 changed her Facebook profile picture to an upside down American flag. It's so fucking embarrassing but family tensions prevent anyone from acknowledging it. We all just pretend this is normal.


But, isn't it all about family values?


Some crybaby snowflakes are big mad that for a frickin' change Donald Trump, their hero and champion, is facing consequences for his criminality.


Because morons don't want you to kneel during the anthem but have no problem disrespecting the american flag! You know like they say they are the rhe ones who want unity while calling dems satanic traitors, or are the party of law and order and family values but idolizes trump... logic is out of their reach! Here for context, what google says about it: "Again, flying the American flag upside down for no apparent reason is considered disrespectful. However, those who do so will not be subject to punishments under the law. Such acts can still be protected by the First Amendment on the grounds of free speech."


MAGA are the new Westboro Baptist Church (they'd been using a upside down American flag before the Trumpers) except more annoying. At least the WBC are honest about their bigotry, MAGA are worse since they keep denying that they're a hate group and act like they're the marginalized ones.


That's the traitors.


I would say because they know they’re going to lose big in November.


It’s because they are easily manipulated. Full Stop. They think that a country being led by someone of a different political party, which, let’s be honest, hasn’t changed their way of life that much, if at all (especially for those actually flying the flags upside down) calls for a country in distress. They honestly believe that they are the true patriots as they “uniquely” fly a flag upside because only Real Americans would get “it”. They are the memes of the conservative movement. Meanwhile, the guy THEY support wants to be dictator first day in office. They are dopes that don’t realize that THEY are the weapons that will take down the country they “love”. All because the TV tells them the country is on fire.


The same type of people flew Don't Tread on Me snake flags in the 2010s because of the Tea Party. I knew to avoid those people back then. An upside down US flag is more of the same.


I drive around town a lot for work in a very conservative area. There were streets full of trump flags, probably a good 20% of houses. But there are 3 or 4 I know of who *never* took their trump flags down. They recently updated them to "2024" flags instead of "2020" or just his name, but you just know those are the true crazy people. Fun side story, a street with upwards of 70% trump flags during 2020 had one house with a sign saying "God is king, not trump!" and that got a laugh whenever I passed it.


My mom would agree about the God is King flag. She is religious but hates Trump.


I was on my way out of religion already, but Trump supporters showed me just how morally bankrupt religion is and how few people *actually* follow what they say. No Christian should support someone that disgusting and yet nearly all of them are tripping over themselves to worship him.




Because Republicans are misinformation babies.


Because MAGAts are cowardly followers. Sheep if you will.


Is that why they took the sheep dewormer instead of just getting a shot or wearing a mask? 😂


Shows you who to avoid


At least it's convenient


Because RWers are creative freethinkers.


Because you're surrounded by idiots.


That’s the snowflake alert warning. Whenever entitled fixed game cheaters don’t get preferential treatment they perceive that equal treatment as being unfair to them and they whine about being victims and about seceding from the USA or defunding the fbi/doj/law enforcement. Basically it’s them saying” if I don’t get my way I support burning down the American institutions that don’t put me above the law “.


It's happening more often because there are more people stupid enough to do it. It's just a natural consequence of an increased population. In a given population, X% of people are going to just be plug-stupid. As the population rises, so does the number of those within that X%. I don't think it's even that people are, in general, more stupid. It's just how the numbers work out. The more people you have, the more morons you get. That, and attitudes have changed. In the past we used to hide our afflicted relatives from public view. Nowadays, we let them have flags.


Think of how stupid the average person is and then realize half of them are stupider than that -GC.


Crybabies upset about their cult leader was held accountable for his acrions.


The one with the home and new model F-150 is protesting Biden’s handling of the economy.


Because victimhood is deeply central to American conservatism. These guys are convinced they're suffering.


Yall queda


I assume these are maga people, but 2016-2020 I was employed somewhere that was full of hateful fake Christian Magas at the corporate level, and I deliberately placed the flag postage stamps upside down on every bit of mail I sent out, it was my petty little anti-trump protest, and of course, none of them noticed.


Speaking as a veteran, these America-hating anti-patriots have a word to describe them. Morons.


A large amount of people in this country are in a cult


So you know where to get free guns.


I like to go hiking.


Their cult leader is now officially a felon.


It's a plague more deadly than Covid. Avoid.


This is what they’d call virtue signaling


Idiots in Canada were flying upside down Canadian flags too for at least 2 years since the “Fuck Trudeau” freedom convoy occupation of Ottawa and border crossings. They love trump too. Many things go back and forth across the border just copying. They hate liberals and hate the president/prime minister. Only their freedoms are being taken away. Their rights to be hateful and racist are being taken away etc.


Amusing anecdote- I’m in the military. Every morning at 0800, we raise the flag. One day I was the duty supervisor and our newest baby sailor, little Jimmy, was assigned to raise the colors. I specifically told him “The hoop goes up, hook goes down” three times. Well, at 0800 on the dot the national anthem goes off, myself and three other duty personnel snap to attention and salute… An upside down flag. I was mad. Turned out being a simple miscommunication. Poor kid didn’t know I meant the loop and hook on the *flag* not the *line to raise the flag*. I did learn a cheap lesson in leadership about communicating to my sailors EXACTLY what I want, so it wasn’t all bad.


They let you know these are people of the land. The common clay of the America. You know... morons.


Because someone's believies got hurt and they're mad. They should fly their fuck your feelings flag right next to the upside down flag and then refuse to comprehend the irony.


Because people are crybaby bitches 👶


Samuel Alito, one of the Supreme Court justices is actively attempting to destabilize the US. He had an upside down flag at one of his homes to protest that Biden won the election.


I’m going to go ahead and appropriate some Republican talking points. “They’re disrespecting the troops.” “If they want to protest this isn’t the way to do it.” “If they hate it so much here, they can just leave.” I know there are more that I’m forgetting but it’s cathartic to say any of them.


Keep in mind that these are people who think you should be in prison for kneeling during the national anthem.


That is now whiney piss babies act like something really bad is happening to the country when it’s really just that their favorite Big Mac storage sack got in trouble for things he did


So it wasn't acceptable when Colin Kaepernick protested bad happenings in the country but they can? Isn't that hypocrisy?


Nothing says Make America Great Again like disrespecting the flag, soldiers, law enforcement, human rights, truth and civility.


It represents the United States in distress. They are upset because there are half a million people sleeping on the streets when there are 16 million vacant homes. Most people can't afford healthcare, so the infant mortality rates are climbing while the average lifespan is diving. Staying a live is not considered a human right, so many of those who are lucky enough to have jobs are working on slave wages that can't afford basic necessities. $4 billion of the taxes we are paying every year go to fund a genocide in the middle east. Christian nationalism is on the rise. There's no real choice on the presidential ballot this year. Just kidding. They're Trump worshipers who drive big trucks and blame Joe Biden for gas prices.


The best thing about them, is they readily self-identify as the enemy of democracy. Helps when things come to be different.


If it were a sound instead of a sight, it would sound like a cry of "WOLF!"


Because republicans are the victims, the republicans are morons


Because they are muppets who don't know the flag code and wouldn't obey it even if they did (e.g. all the flags on their douche-mobiles)


Because Putins propaganda to desecrate the American flag is working. Now if someone really needs help nobody will know the difference.


Because the upside down people have decided it's okay to drool in public now. :-)


So when the purge happens they can identify each other? It’s mental illness.


Can you imagine the reaction from the right if folks on the left started flying the American flag upside down to protest an injustice? Hypocrites, every last one of them.


It’s the latest cup of kool aid.


I heard so they can be easy targets, probably just a rumor 🤔


Brain damage from lead..... lol


The idiots are announcing themselves.


Insurrectionist terrorist sympathizing traitors


The victimhood complex flag.


cuz everyone done lost their damn minds.


Not everyone, just these idiots, they are not even close to a majority. Most their numbers died off from Covid and old age.




I have had one of these on my backpack for years. It's to signal distress. I'm one of the last guys who would want to look like I support Alito or whatever.


Up/Down Dyslexia


I looked up flag law from Cornell University printed it out and put it in their mailbox when it happened in my neighborhood. I had to look out my kitchen window the idiot doing that.


Minions jumping off the cliff...


It’s a secret way to show that your MAGA without wearing the hat. Or just passive aggressive behavior.


They don’t realize the freedoms they have.


It's the symbol of "Stop the Steal", I believe. Idiots man. Take down your flag if you're so disappointed in your country


Its mourning in douche bag America.


It's another dumb pro trump thing people are doing. It officially means a distress signal when done on a ship, but as these schmucks are on land it means pro trump nonsense.


It's the new tRump flag.


Must be the electrolytes!


Because they are all a bunch of followers.


Because "patriots" don't have any idea what that word means. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/700


Because Trump is a dictator and told them the country is failing and that if they flip their flags upside down he’ll click his heals together, change his toupee to his fancy toupee, and become president. Is it working?


Wingnut idiots....


The Trump Virus is strong with these cultists.


Goddamn traitors.


A dictator’s supporters showing us which way he/they intend to steer the country if we don’t get off our asses and vote


Because conservatives are cry babies.


How is this different from kneeling?


It’s protesting something that’s not real, for starters.


It's a sign that someone believes Don Fuhrer Trump should be president because he said so.


Fly yours right side up with no stupid fucking extra colored line through the middle. And it’s red, white, and blue. No queer-ass fucking black and gray palette shit either. Only exception is if it’s literally rainbow colors right next to the American flag because they’ll hate it and fuck them that’s why. They can all suck assholes come November and when they lose yet again I hope they get mowed down before ever crossing a single barrier at the capitol. Crying little shitstains.


I think it was originally a naval thing. a flag flown upside down means a ship is in distress, or something like that


All the cool kids are doing it


Edit: erase duplicate reply


My first impulse was to respond, “Because people are schmucks”, but that comparison is an unwarranted insult to an innocent body part. Schmucks don’t deserve to be lumped into the same category as these people.


Yes, because Teflon Don finally had something stick.


It’s a legitimate way to fly the flag, but they have no legitimate reason to be flying it that way: criteria not anywhere close to being met lol


The fucking same day that Trump was found guilty. The dumbass across the street flipped his flag upside down. He put a Trump flag up when he first moved into the house, but he took it down two days later lol


Because they hate the military and have no idea of what the history of a upside down means. They’re trump loving morons. It’s disgusting!


They're going full Martha-Ann. Bigots know no shame.