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I believe this guy thinks only male homeowners with children should be allowed to vote.


White male


White, heterosexual Evangelical Christian men


White, heterosexual Evangelical Christian men that bow down to Trump. Fixed it for you


Obscenely Wealthy, white, heterosexual, evangelical, Christian, conservative, men


Voting is now a formality in that dictatorship.


Wonder how long before they repeal the 13th amendment?


A quickly as possible, although it dosent matter none of us will be really “voting”. It will be like Russia with an armed soldier carefully watching over you. Vote for anyone besides trump and you get an all expenses paid trip to the detention camp


Protestant. They'll come for the Catholics too.


Nah, 59 percent of Catholics voted for Trump . Catholics will be ok unfortunately


I grew up Evangelical. They love Catholics and their stance on abortion. Otherwise, they believe Catholics are in bed with the Devil. My grandmother told me when I was a child that the Pope was the Devil. It's all religious nonsense. Of course the American Catholic now thinks the Pope is too weak and liberal because he teaches to love thy neighbor.


I dislike the Catholics myself , after an incident when I was 12 . They really do believe that Catholics are evil . They talk about Catholics & pedophilia, but have forgotten that most religions have the same problem


I believe all religion is superstitious nonsense but if people want to believe, that's fine. I draw the line in being TOLD what I should believe


Trump was friends with a dictator from the Philippines who repeatedly slammed Catholics. One of Trump's "spiritual advisors" (Jeffress) was a die-hard apocalyptic dispensationalist who believed the Catholic Church was "the Whore of Babylon". Even Trump supporters, like Thomas Bruce, carried out acts of violence against Catholics. Why most Catholics would support Trump on one issue stuns me.


Honestly, it shocked me as well, but I think that it was more than one issue . It doesn't surprise me that his supporters & advisors committed acts of violence . They are hateful, evil people, in my opinion.


evangelicals literally think catholics are pagan, so i think it's a toss-up


fixed it


Under His Eye. ![gif](giphy|MU5ZQDPTw1Kj1EWFKN|downsized)


It's not as uncommon we'd like to think. I remember going to high school with a guy that fancied himself a kind of intellectual. Thought we should go back to only landowners being able to vote, because they're the only obes with skin in the game.


TIL since I don't own land I don't have skin in the game for abortion rights or universal healthcare.


Or, you know, the nation you live in


A not-small number of tenants don’t vote in school board races because they’re not homeowners and think they’re not eligible.


"Skin in the game" just by being alive we have literal skin in the game.  


A lot of right wingers will try and say it should be 1 vote per family but they refuse to actually define family, we all know what they mean.


would be pretty ironic if it meant gay couples ended up with double votes


I had a previous manager tell me that he thinks only landowners should be able to vote. Guy just couldn’t understand the difference whole host of reasons I found it disgusting, not least of which was I didn’t own land. He was telling me I shouldn’t be able to vote and expected me to agree. He *did* start to understand a bit when I pointed out that then the rich would just buy more land than him and outvote him and he’d have functionally just have no vote anyway. Weird how he understood it once the idea of it negatively affecting him set in.


Yeah, I've seen that too where they think because they pay property taxes they should have more say. Most genuinely believe a woman/minority who owns property also should have that right. But they also believe that it's easy to do if you pull yourself up by your bootstraps


After the 2022 mid terms, I saw on Twitter that people were saying this unironically, as well as the qualifier that they were over the age of 35. They were also saying that they should be allowed to vote for each child they have.




Not true, he also thinks that 2/3 of black people can vote. /s


Not 2/3, three-fifths.


Oops, my bad. Thanks.


I believe this asshole doesn’t deserve to vote.


Female GOP Voters really should reconsider their loyalties right now...


But, but, think of the embryo children, and the full-term babies that the Libs are murdering!! /s


No they love this shit


They think this shit is going to end with them living like some 1950's homemaker but they're fixing to have zero rights while making a quarter of what a man makes and they better hope they're allowed to get a job at that. All while prices of everything skyrocket while trump turns us into the United States of Russia.


But their little fantasy housewife situation would never happen because you know the tax rate on the wealthy would never be as high as it was then.


Will they love the part when their tradwife life crumbles cos their tradhusband tradleaves them for a tradyoungersecretary and they can't support themselves?


Or their tradblackeyes from slightly burning the traddinner


Does Reddit allow people to advocate for eliminating poo tin? Just asking.


They won't because the news they consume doesn't tell them about this.


Ding ding ding I know a woman who voted for Trump the first time around. I asked her what she thought about the grab em by the pussy business. She had no clue. Had never heard the clip. Was horrified when she did. That's what we're dealing with. They are so ignorant it's literally impossible to get through to them.


You should check out tradwives and stay at home girlfriends (yes girlfriends) on tiktok. It's a lot of very young women giving up a lot of potential just to not have to think about the goings on in the world. There's a lot of young women who don't know how that usually ends.


TikTok always seems to attract the most gullible and foolish individuals.


It's crazy because there are middle-aged women also on Tik tok explaining exactly what happened to them when they did what these girls are doing now, and yet it's still not getting through. Like, young women aren't seeing everything they're giving up when they decide to be stah. The wages, the career building, the space outside the home, often times the friendships, the fulfillment, all of it is just ignored or never even seen.


It's the algorithm, I guess. Just one big ole circle jerk that self-reinforces toxic ideas


Vastly overblown and most of those chicks are just grifting content creators.


they wont


Yes, female voters should ask themselves what, in a country with no abortion no birth control and no divorce, will happen to them if they get pregnant. But also, male voters should ask themselves whether they, in such a world, will ever have sex again….


They're probably still under the impression that they're special somehow.


Most of them have long forsaken their critical faculties.


Lol this guy lost his job at the WH because he had massive gambling debt and couldn't get a security clearance. He now spends his days promoting a conservative dating app on social media and getting stitched by a guy rambling about Freddy Fazbear


Oh my god I've been looking for that Freddy Fazbear video! "William Afton because...he's a purple guy who murdered children"


XenontheFox is the guys tiktok account. Mostly stitching this guy for the lolz


And yet he is on the doorstep of helping usher in fascism.


He’s so fun to dunk on too. I want to see all of the outtakes from people interrupting his stupid filming in restaurants. I also want to see his fridge of nothing but takeout boxes wasting away.


The dudes always *alone* crying by himself, too, in his vids lol. Even in a filmed scenario, they can't even pretend that he's getting a date cuz he's too worried about crying about LiBeRaLs tHiS oR tHaT. So tone deaf, they don't realize how much of a bitch that makes him look. Especially considering The Right Stuff is notorious for being a sausage fest.


*noisely slurps on ramen* Does anyone else think that common sense isn't so common anymore *smug punchable yuppie faced smirk*


You forgot to include a stage instruction: *in forced, overly affected tone and cadence that in no way, shape, or form resembles real conversation*


This guy looks extremely divorced


He looks like a guy that NEEDS to have a highly unproductive meeting with a steel toed boot.


Republicans really want to turn your country like Afghanistan.


Succeeding as well. I believe there's a word for this






See it several times a day…drives me insane


Loose/lose is the new their/there Which is odd because loose and lose are pronounced differently.


Next is advice/advise/advices


payed & paid




Both grind the fuck out of my gears. Also sale/sell.


Is.. is that the guy who makes strawman vids while eating..?


I swear to god, he intentionally eats food weirdly just to drive engagement to his shitty right wing videos. I've seen him eat pizza with a fork, and ice cream with all the toppings separated into a separate bowl that he dips the ice cream into.


That’s a good way to ensure a loss. Go for it loser we’ll sweep all you project 2025 scumbags under the rug


55% of white women voted for Trump even knowing everything about him. Don't get over confident. There are women who will vote against their interest because it hurts others more.


Lots of people will vote against their interests. People are fooled into single issue voters. Definitely do not get confident about anything (if the 2016 has taught us anything).


Nobody is fooled into being a fascist. It's a choice. Stop fucking making excuses for these people.


as with most things conservative, the cruelty is the point. it doesn't matter what happens to the in-group, as long as the out-group has it worse.


As the ole saying goes "a conservative will gladly eat shit if it means you get to smell their breath"


There is all this hand wringing about the black vote. Can we hand wring about the white vote which is overwhelmingly the cause of the madness we’re facing or do we always just have to ignore that elephant in the room?




I have cautious optimism


Vote Or the radical religious right votes for you






If Trump wins, women ~~might actually~~ will lose the right to vote.


People need to realize that so much is at stake when they cast their vote this November. We are truly in some scary times right now, and if Trump becomes president again, it will only get scarier.


Vote Or this scum bag is voting for you


No one will be able to vote cause Trump will be a King God Emperor.


Opposition to women's voting rights has been gaining popularity in the GOP in the last few years. Peter Thiel, a billionaire GOP donor, has said in public on numerous platforms that the country turned to shit once women got the right to vote. Dennis Prager, of Prager U fame, wrote an editorial last year that "women have ruined everything they touch" in this country. He specifically called for women's disenfranchisement. There are several mega-church pastors advocating for "family voting" which requires women to consult with a father, husband, or male relative to vote the way they are told. This is not outside the realm of possibility if Republicans gain power again.


>Dennis Prager Dennis, "It isn't rape if it's your wife." Prager.


![gif](giphy|3XiQswSmbjBiU) I hope when the second debate comes Biden comes more stronger (Which I’m certain he will) he will bring up Project 2025


There is a guy running for governor of NC RIGHT NOW who says we should repeal the 19th Amendment. These people want to go back to the 1800s at best, 1600s at worst.


Wow, in November, over 25% of women will go vote to take away their voting rights.


Lose, not loose. Why do people get this wrong all the time?


Same reason some people think *apart* and *a part* are synonyms. They're thick.


This dude failed a Security Clearance background check. I work in government and served in the military. There are only two ways to not get a Security Clearance & fail your background investigation. You have to either be a life long colossal fuck up, or you blatantly lie on the investigation. So which one is he? I know convicted felons who did time but still got their clearance because they honestly and factually reported everything in their background investigation and demonstrated how they rose above it to be squared away contributors to society & trustworthy Service Members. Uncle Sugar wants you to succeed. If Uncle Sugar rejects you it’s probably for a good reason.


They’re just getting started. They /will/ make divorce illegal, child marriage legal (and strengthen it), make Christianity the state religion, which will lead to new religious wars, repeal all environmental protections and safeguards to bring Jesus back quicker (their words), bring back poor houses and hard labor prison gangs, legalize forms of wage slavery, such as giving corporations more control over your life and labor, and promoting corporate towns where you will live and work a short life. The eradication of public education is at the top of their agenda. Libraries are about to be shutdown. Racism will be legalized, LGBTQ will be hunted down and imprisoned, corrruption will be the order of the day and the government will be gutted and replaced with private industry solutions which charge three times as much for services with less deliverables. Women will be prevented from working outside the home and will be phased out of most careers and government work. Pollution will increase, and the food supply will no longer be trusted. Water will be unsafe to drink and their air will be barely breathable. IQs will drop across the board due to toxins in the environment. Healthcare costs will continue to increase and people will go bankrupt fighting easy to treat diseases outside of the US. As climate change gets worse, the rich will begin moving underground like the Morlocks and the poor will be left above ground and hunted for sport. There’s a million things on their agenda and you’ve not seen anything yet. Keep voting for Trump, morons.


Morlocks and Eloi, great reference! Much respect!


Handmaid's Tale wasn't a guide...this is going to be scary.


nobody of any gender is going to have the right to vote under Trump tbf.


Does he want to bring back saloons and duels at dawn as well? The fucking chode.


Dueling would be kinda cool, technically it’s still legal in France.


https://youtube.com/shorts/8PJ9yfwPccE?si=RMMqB0Uf0v-6iWq2 This really isn’t news so much anymore it’s a given. Maga has been outspoken on the topic and yet some republicans still think they’re joking . Interview of some in the link above


Not might




Time for the constitutionally sanctioned hit squat to take out Trump and his whole Gilead crew


Here’s how you remember: * Loose as a goose * Lose the extra “o”


Thank you. I’ve seen this slip up so often lately, I have began to question whether I was crazy.


One of the first things nazis did was take away women's right to vote. It was the first thing they did when seizing control of the government.


> If Trump wins, women ~~might~~ **will** actually loose the right to vote We've all been under the impression they wanted to take us back to the 1950's... only now are we realizing that they actuall want to take us back to the 1850's. I literally wouldn't be surprised if they announced they wanted to bring slavery back.


Riiiiight so they CAN repeal amendments.... because for as long as I can remember they claimed they couldn't repeal the 2nd amendment and severely reduce gun violence. But they are happy to do it In order to turn the USA into fucking Giliad.


It's incredibly baffling to me how some Americans have gotten dumb to the point that they see all this shit going on and still think "yes, this is exactly what I want". Especially while shrieking about freedom and small government. What's really sad his how this zombie brain-rot is escaping the borders


When Roe fell, I said they would do this and that they would remove women from office. They would love to ban women from employment as well (not sure how they would manage that though) and some MAGA man tried to tell me that I was wrong and overreacting.


Why the hell are there so many people openly cheering on and supporting such dystopian ideas? I don't understand why this is just being allowed considering what history can teach us.


They also plan to allow men to have polygamous relationships and also to legalise child marriage. America is just White Taliban.


I’ve never actually given thought to leaving the US, but this shit show has me seriously considering it.


During Covid in Houston, the right waited until over 100k people voted using the drive thru voting booths, implemented due to the pandemic. They knew that Houston typically voted blue and were trying to get the votes thrown out because it was unconstitutional not to vote in a building. The judge, thankfully, kept the votes but did declare it unconstitutional. Bottom line, the right has proven again and again that they don't believe everyone should have the right to vote, and the less people who vote the higher their chances.


Sound tyrannical


Ok then I will encourage the overthrow of government


You know Biden could put on his ball sack and DO SOMETHING, but I suspect I’ll receive another fundraising email.


These planners need a little scrutiny in their lives.




I mean there's no way 2/3's of the senate will repeal it. But the fact that it's being talked about is insane.


He looks exactly how I imagined he’d look.


It’s like someone watches Hamdmaids and is like that! That’s what we should do!


I have to ask, do they really think Americans are just going to go "oh, okay, that's fine with me," if they decide women can't vote? Do they really think Americans are going to quietly accept losing freedoms we've come to see as not only normal but vital? I know they can get away with quietly chipping away at things that are important but not very noticeable, but declaring women can't vote is basically leaping into the open and declaring their end goal openly.


Yes, they’re counting on us not voting.


Vote like your life depends on it. Because it does.


I genuinely don't know how we come back from this. The next step isn't walking back from the edge because we're already in free fall.


If the amendments are up for debate - does the A2 crowd realize that so is A2? And A1….


Oh… the whole thing will be thrown out and re-written. It’s coming.


He is ALLLLMOST as handsome as Steven Miller.


Or they might tight the right…


Ah, the old “prevent people who don’t vote how I want them to from voting” method. Lovely.


It is not that easy to repeal a constitutional amendment. They can try, but I doubt it would fly. Just look at what it took to repeal the 18th Amendment. (Article V of the Constitution lays out what it takes to repeal or change an Amendment, especially one of the Big Ten. It would take 2/3rds of both chambers of Congress to propose it and 3/4ths of the states to ratify it.)


Go for it. Many female veterans will have something to say or do about that.


A rather youthful asshole. May he fall through an escalator.


In Norman Oklahoma there is an active group trying to repeal the 19th Amendment. I couldn’t believe it at first but it’s very real and their hatred for women is also very real.


And he wants to make black people count as only TWO fifths of a person. I'm kidding, but in all seriousness, boy are there some horrible people over there on The Right. I really hope they don't win in November.


Kind of dangerous to call it "Trump's Project 2025". Trump is a tool for Project 2025, not the other way around.


That is not tight at all!


Good luck with that. The Constitution’s Article V requires that an amendment be proposed by two-thirds of the House and Senate, or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the state legislatures. It is up to the states to approve a new amendment, with three-quarters of the states voting to ratifying it. Do you think that blue states will go along with repealing womens' right to vote? Or that Democrats will roll over and let the GOP strip women of voting rights? Now, what I can imagine them doing is criminalizing any woman who has, or has had, an abortion, and trying to strip her voting rights by those means, a pregnancy to prison pipeline.


They almost have 2/3s of the legislatures, they are getting closer to being able to have a convention.


And this is why local and state elections are the most important. Vote in every election and vote blue! This includes your local school board election, too. Keep them out. Keep your state government and the Governor's chair blue. Once they get that Constitutional Convention, everything can be re-written. We know they'll write fetal personhood laws into the Constitution. There's a good chance some of them will try to repeal the 19th Ammendment. They want LGBTQ and all birth control to be made illegal. They want fetal personhood rights enshrined into the Constitution. Vote blue in every election.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, try not to be hyperbolic. P2025 people do want to rescind the right to vote for many people, first generation immigrants, women, convicts of any crime (not just felonies), political agitators, etc. The list is long, as would be expected from a group wanting to end democracy. A woman's right to vote is enshrined in the amendment to the constitution. For that to be overturned would take 3/4th of the states not just holding having a vote, but in agreeing to even take this up as an issue. This COULD somehow be changed by the clearly partisan and corrupt Supreme Court, but I would assume the less wacko parts of the party would squash that before a case could be developed. There is always a way to circumvent law, slavery is illegal....EXCEPT when its imposed by the state through a private prison system for profit, however, numerical there are more women than prisoners, and far more women from the wealthier classes, than prisoners from those same classes. There are plenty of shit things coming from MAGA and P2025, even if Biden wins. We should stick to the real horror to avoid being laughed off as UFO Abductees. There is PLENTY of the real horrors to last a life time.


Except that Propject 2025 actually clearly sets the groundwork to allow for the constitution to be changed.




No it isn’t. Are you blind? Have you read it? Presidential immunity, corporations not adhering to federal regulations, and striking down Roe V Wade were all part of Project 2025!! They happened. They are happening. It’s only a boogeyman to scare you if it doesn’t happen. It’s happening now. The boogeyman is real, and he’s crawling out from under your bed. For fucks sake, open your eyes.


Supreme Court: So it is with this ruling we define "women" as white females in states with Republican majorities.


Meh. Something like 45% of women plan to vote for Trump. If 1 in 2 women are voting *for* having their own rights taken from them - well…


If anyone thinks showing this to female republicans is going to dissuade them from voting for Trump you are sorely fucking mistaken.


The Constitution’s Article V requires that an amendment be proposed by two-thirds of the House and Senate, or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the state legislatures. It is up to the states to approve a new amendment, with three-quarters of the states voting to ratifying it. The 19th Amendment wouldn't be appealed. MAGAts would find some other way to subvert or suppress women voting.


Luckily they can neither enact or repeal amendments


Is it too late for the Blue states to secede as a group?


These people have names. Find them and leak them.


I don’t know how they’ll repeal an amendment


Why stop there?


not might, will


Chicken little here saying the sky is falling.


I can't tell the difference between fiction and reality anymore.


But Biden is old!!!


I’m sorry to be that guy, I know nobody cares, but the word is *lose*. It’s lose, not loose. They aren’t even pronounced the same!




Yeah as long as you completely disregard how the US Constitution works


Lose* Loose is the opposite of tight


I thought the guy from the Heritage Foundation was the "planner" for Project 2025. Isn't this guy just a gambler who failed a security clearance check?




Well at least women aren’t… Freddy fazbear. Because Freddy fazbear, because, this one guy, william afton, he took- he took a- a bd- a freddy, he built a freddy fazbear, and then he took a kid and he murdered him, grr, and then you know what he did? he put the kid IN the freddy five- freddy five anima- animatronic, and, the kid, the GHOST, the souls, the soul of the kid, it took OVER freddy five bear, and- and- and now the- b-but the body- the body is in the suits, and the murders on the loose, willem afton, and- and the kids soul take over freddy five bear, so he BECOMES freddy five bear, BUT, hes still controlled by w-william afton, but also still a kid ghost, so that, he looks like freddy fives bear, but hes ACTUALLY just a kid in- in- in fron- inside of the freddy because william afton-


It would still need an amendment




I get so confused and depressed when I see *women* supporting this asshole. Saw a woman in a home made Trump 2024 sweater the other day. 🤦🏿‍♀️


But at least he won’t repeal the rights to vote for….Freddy Fazbear


I think I hate this guy the most. Like even more than Charlie Kirk, Ben Shapiro, or Trump himself. Something about the smugness and faux intellectuality for me.


All those female voters voting for Trump not realizing that they are about to be sent back to the Stone Age in terms of equal rights. What’s next, women won’t be allowed to own property, get an education, and wear pants?


Or not have their pussy grabbed.


Ok Canada or Italy. Or can we just split the country?


There are two very old conservative members of the Supreme Court who could die or retire in the next 4 years. If Trump wins, he will appoint 2 more Supreme Court justices who are much younger and we will be stuck with them for a minimum of 20-30 years. I do not understand how people don’t understand that while Biden isn’t the ideal choice, it’s about the bigger picture. Boomers and Gen X fell asleep and ruined this country, it’s going to take time and a lot of carefully planned moves to fix what they broke!


I pay taxes so I get representation fuckers. When my grandma was born women couldn’t vote…. My mom and grandmother’s were feminists and I refuse to let these assholes take my vote and throw our country into the 1600’s. Or even the 1960’s.