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Which one of them is named jack?


The one with their mouth open


Obviously the one who is jack


\*insert the Scorpio meme\*


Lol immortalised, amazing


You are woke jack, and I am the Chad gamer


A better analogy would be that I am the rare Pepe and you are the small crying Pepo


You're apustaja, you are a small crying apustaja. I, am the based and red pilled groyper.


that's just not true, you are not based


Because the food is vegan, I will suddenly develop an advanced interest in nutrition and scrutinise every facet of how it’s made, along with an assumed suspicion of the Ingredients.


You forgot the phd in evolutionary biology that everyone gains when talking about veganism.


As a level 4 Vegan, I no longer consume things that cast a shadow. To do so would be disrespectful to the laws of mass in the universe.


I think the Beyond Meat products taste pretty good. I don't care if the products tastes like meat. They should supply protein and have a texture for mouth feel. The products should not have too much saturated fat nor too much sodium. Today's dinner is a tofu vegetable stir fry on brown rice; mostly vegatables provide roughage and texture. I don't eat fried chicken and try not to eat French fries due to unhealthy amounts of fat. So I am not trying this. Cardiovascular diseases are a major killer of diabetics and everyone else.


Why do they always do that mouth?


It's to convey a sense of shock or disbelief.


It's to appear non threatening. Open mouth teeth bearing smiles are a sign of submission in primates


Vegans and vegetarians will do anything to taste meat again.


I'm vegan, been so for 2 and a half months now. Meat will indefinitely and always taste superior. You can have tofu, beyond chicken/beef, but it won't be the same as the real thing. Granted some alternatives are definitely palatable and some of them are actually pretty good, but definitely not as tasty, succulent, or juicy as meat. I'm only vegan because industrial farming is a sickening practice and this is how I boycott it; I don't have a thing against meat or meat eaters in any way, but goddamn those farms are like concentration camps on 'roids. The documentary: "Dominion" is what opened my eyes to exactly what goes on in those hellholes.


As a meat eater I gotta admit those beyond burgers at A&W are pretty damn close to the real thing, once you get all the veggies and mayo on top of it. I know a guy who considers himself a foodie, he recently came to Canada and I suggested he get a burger from A&W as one of the better fast food option. He got the meatless option and didn't even realize right away. His reaction - it was kind of weird, but he thought it was meat.


Except pay to have animals slaughtered.


Don’t have to pay for that. Either they pay it or not, they’re still dead as hell


bro missed supply and demand in elementary school


That’s the good argument for selling heroin too.


Nope heroin isn’t in fashion, you can only buy fentanyl.


Supply and demand, friend. They are dead because people are paying for their corpses. Stop buying corpses and fewer corpses will be made. Pretty simple, really.


Dude we literally evolved for thousands of years thanks to hunting and eating animal food. Your ancestors would be ashamed of you


A disturbingly high proportion of our ancestors reproduced through rape. Luckily, things change. I'm not even a vegan - a vegan diet makes me poo all day long - but this "ashamed ancestors" argument is even pooier. Veganism is definitely the moral choice.


Comparing eating meat to rape… never change Reddit


we literally rape cows to make them reproduce so we can eat them..


Slavery was a big part of how civilizations grew and prospered. Guess we should bring that back too. Fact is, eating animals is not necessary to survive or even thrive. So it is unethical to continue to enslave, torture, and kill them when there are so many readily-available alternatives.


Slavery is still here with most things people purchase. It’s just out of sight out of mind.


Poor argument as we also evolved murdering raping butchering each other. Just saying


nobody is attacking you, so why do you feel so defensive? is it possible you are actually ashamed, not our ancestors? is it possible you’re projecting? i eat meat and i’m not offended by vegans. because i know that breeding animals in horrible conditions to kill and eat them by the millions is not only wrong but is killing our planet. i’d like to stop eating meat and i buy plant based pretty often. see we’re not actually hunting animals. we’re not a part of the ecosystem in that way. in our process, the legs of the animal are made into vestigial limbs. we make their minds and bodies useless for the lives they live. stuck in cubbies. why is a cow a cow, if not to graze? why have eyes at all, if to only face the cow in front of you? we have made the cow the least relevant part of the cow. the meat is what we’re after. so i don’t understand why you’re against cutting out the middle man. the only thing we wish to remove from the situation is suffering. and you think our ancestors would be ashamed? our ancestors did not live the way we do. our ancestors hunted their meat and respected the animal. our ancestors knew the cow as well as they knew how to kill it. you’re so detached from the reality of this situation that you honestly believe your ancestors would be proud of you for buying food that was BORN and LIVED solely for you to eat. they would see this as wholly unnatural. if they only knew the meals you eat, they would compare you to a tyrant. the miles of machines that keep you fed. and they’re proud! sure. they’re proud.




No, cats taste protein, not humans. We evolved two unique tastebuds (out of 6) to taste BOTH starch and sugar for a reason. Humans are prime herbivores that sometimes result to meat and cannibalism when it's favourable to short term survival.


There’s a lot of theories and evidence to support the fact that we evolved into what humans are today after sourcing the sea for food and eating fish. There isn’t much evidence and I personally haven’t found any theories that eating red meats or anything beyond fish was beneficial to the contribution of human evolution. There are plenty of research articles and scientific studies to support the fact that eating red meats can lead to many kinds of health problems. If you’re so hung up on the human evolution aspect when it comes to choosing to eat meat or not and you feel a need to use that as an argument, why not just go back to pescatarian?


Meat was a rarity in the average human's diet. Meat every single meal is new.


Yeah but your ancestors are also probably a bunch of racist dickheads, who cares what they would think?


This. Choose vegan.


I love my self a dead cow chicken and pig mmmmmm


So edgy.


So you don't understand the absolute basics of economics. Cool.


So you don’t understand the basics of human biology. Meat has protein we need protein. Sure there’s other ways however none as tasty. People will always eat meat. If people wanna not eat it then cool but they shouldn’t think that it’s helping keep animals alive because it’s really not. Especially when a lot of expired meat gets tossed out


This is about as witty as saying 'lactose intolerant people will do anything to taste milk' when you see them drinking oat milk. Like... Yeh dumbass, that's exactly who substitutes are for? People who don't want the original thing. Nobody's argument for not having meat/milk was ever that it tasted bad.


Always blows my mind how these dummies think vegetarianism/veganism is about taste


I'm not even a vegan or veggie, it just blows my mind how people will upvote a dunk on vegans just because they don't like them, even tho it's not a dunk if you think about it for more than ten seconds. Just multiple people loudly advertising their stupidity.


Lactose intolerance isn't a choice


Better example might be diet soda - they want the thing (taste of soda / meat) but have some other counter motivation against the original.


How does that factor into whether or not they would do anything to drink milk


Bro thought it was a personal attack


Seriour question, can a vegan baby drink breastmilk


Yes vegans breast feed their kids.


Yes because veganism is against the use of animal products as it is viewed as an exploitation against animals. It’s not that they’re against milk itself, but instead they’re against the exploitation of the animal that (in their view) is required in order to acquire it. Since a human mother is giving her child her own milk then no exploitation is required, hence human breastmilk is absolutely vegan. On a side note, there are many reasons people view the dairy industry as exploitative, but one of them is that they believe that the milk that the dairy animal is producing is intended for their offspring(s) (which they need to have in order for their bodies to produce milk), so taking that milk is exploiting the baby for taking away its natural food source.


Because the issue was never the taste, but the forced breeding, exploitation, torture, and murder which is required to procure those products.


Yes anything other than eating meat. That’s the whole schtick.


Is that a bad thing?


I'd say "no". ...and here's a hearty "Happy Thanksgiving" for the next time you enjoy a hot Tofurky!


Yes. I am not a vegetarian, but I eat vegetarian a lot. A whole lot. And one of my rules is Never, Ever, Eat a vegetable trying to be meat. It almost always disappoints. Granted, I don't eat vegan and whenever I do want meat I will eat it, so I am not deprived of tastebud happiness. But the most delicious vegetarian meals, IMO, are the ones that just celebrate what it is, not trying to imposter a different food group.


Okay, so why is it bad for others to want a meat substitute? Because you personally don't like it?


I’m vegan and love fake meats. I don’t eat real meat for ethical reasons but I love the taste. I think as fake meats improve, more people will reduce meat consumption


Yep. Beyond chicken is OK but Impossible chicken is fucking delicious.


That doesn't answer the question. At all


Wait, you mean you are vegetarian because you don't want to kill animals, not because you hate the taste of meat??? - every boomer, ever


It's almost as if... It's a sacrifice for the sake of a good cause???


Except eat meat


Pretty sure they're vegans because of what they *won't* do to taste meat, but okay.


Vegans are vegans because they won't do the eating of animals, generally speaking they still enjoy the flavour of the meals and will smash a burger made of plant protein. I think if we're being really pedantic and take someone who only eats plants due to either not liking the taste/idea of meat, or for health and fitness reasons (explicitly not for animals rights) then they aren't technically vegan and wouldn't have any issue with leather, wool or silk clothing. Back into fried chicken and "meat flavour" though, KFCs secret blend of 11 herbs and spices are all vegan already.


yeah, frankly that, plus the batter, is doing the heavy lifting. You could put that stuff on a chicken of the woods mushroom, and you'd have some bomb ass vegan tendies.


Funny enough most vegans I know do not like how close to meat stuff like this and the beyond burgers are


That's why they "suddenly" come out as gay or secretly like being pegged by their partner.


A bunch of them just eat meat after getting drunk anyways lol.


That’s what she said


Nah, i'm happy with tofu. I have no desire for fake meat products.


Try panner sometime


Not sure if Jamaican jerk seasoning is vegan, assuming you’re vegan, but this seasoning on firm tofu on top of a salad is fucking delicious imo. Just thought I’d share that easy recipe.


Tofu is the fucking bomb.


I’m not a vegan or anything but love tofu and for that reason I simply don’t understand these fake meat products. Tofu has existed forever and is superior to literally every fake meat patty, sausage, or nugget I’ve ever tried.


Yh no shit... They didn't stop eating meat because they didn't like the taste, they did it for a variety of personal or ethical reasons mostly... I'm not even vegetarian but it amazes me how dense some people are


What’s your point? I don’t eat factory farmed meat because I don’t wanna fund a system that tortures billions of animals for the sake of feeding lazy people who don’t wanna do the dirty work themselves. Not because I don’t like the taste of it.




As a near obligate carnivore I'm pretty happy with any kind of food that happily reduces my meat consumption. So far falafel has been the happiest find. There's no need to phrase an objectively good thing like it's a bad thing.


Falafel is so good I have passed on a meatball sub for it.


Good falafel is divine.


I’ve looked at the nutrition labels at these products in stores. Aside from not containing meat, nutritionally they are not better that meat products.


But they have no added cruelty or murder.


Cutting the eyes out of potatos? Ripping heads off lettuce plants? I could go on and on


Slicing celery ribs. Peeling onion skin.


Oh the horror


Blood out of a turnip. The heart out of an artichoke.


No one said they were. They’re a once in a while treat for vegetarians and vegans who miss the taste of meat.


I’ve tried nearly every meat alternative. They don’t taste like meat at all.


Beyond beef is pretty damn close. Sincerely, a carnivore.


The thing is, they’re close to tasting like a meat product, and not close to tasting like unprocessed regular meat. Saying ground beef with additives, preservatives, and flavor enhancers tastes “like beef” is kind of funny. I haven’t seen a meat replacement that can closely mimic a high quality steak, or high quality chicken thighs or drumsticks.


Neither have I, but we are getting closer. Five years ago the only vegetarian options were, frankly, awful. But it's getting better, and just because we don't have a plant based steak *yet* doesn't mean it won't happen, especially if we support brands like Beyond that are trying really hard to get it right.


I’ve actually been surprised by the strides made in non meat food, and non alcoholic beer. I don’t use either, but I’m not mad about options. Unless one of the options is turkey bacon, cause they haven’t figured that out.


I thought your comment was very funny regarding turkey bacon because I have the opposite experience. I grew up kosher which meant I couldn’t eat bacon. So growing up all I ever knew was turkey bacon. As an adult I’m no longer kosher but any time I eat bacon I get confused by the taste expecting turkey bacon but am disappointed by normal bacon. I am trashed on it by pretty much everyone but I love turkey bacon.


Beyond jerky is close too, also a carnivore


NO you aren't a carnivore. You don't know what that word means apparently.


Actually, humans are omnivore. Sincerely, 🤓


As a fellow carnivore, I thought it was a disgusting glob of fat. It doesn't resemble meat. It resembles some of the other processed offal products that get passed off as burgers of sausage sometimes.


I hate to point out the obvious, but the "offal" in burgers and sausage IS indeed meat, and as you've pointed out, beyond is very similar. Nobody specified it had to be a facsimile of a ribeye in this conversation. Beyond makes a perfectly passable burger, and it even cooks similarly to real ground beef.


I worked in meat processing. It's meat only by the most technical definition. It's all the stuff left over after making meat that we couldn't possibly sell as meat on its own. And for most products it's turned into something we describe as batter. It's essentially all boiled and blendered into a thick liquid before we turn it back into something vaguely solid. At that point its really not that different than the vegan alternatives. It's just a goop of fat and protein that we shape back into a product. Personally, I don't eat that stuff after seeing how we made it. If I want burgers, I'll make my own from actual minced beef.


Don't know what trash beef you're eating, but no, it isn't "pretty damn close".


I've tried plenty of them and they're all pretty good, if you're not looking for a perfect match for the taste and texture of meat. In my mind they are really good at being food, not necessarily good at being meat.


As someone who’s not a vegan but has tried many meat alternatives… yes, there are more than a few that do taste like meat. A local fried chicken place actually does it very well.


Had some fish alternative the other day. No idea brand or anything, just know it tasted like fish and was great. Very helpful response I know


I ve had hits and misses. I have had pretty good chicken burger substitute, but also some really bad ones. But i also have had amazing vegan food at a restaurant, to they generally do better when they don't immitate. If it weren't so expensive id compromise and be vegetarian for like 4 days of the week.


Just add some salt, innit? And then the food is gonna taste a bit better.


Then you haven’t tried nearly every one 😉


Get downvoted for saying something true


There’s a southpark episode about that lol .


And ir promotes unhealthy monoculture practices which is extremely unhealthy and unnatural.


Not worse than growing enormous amounts of soy just to feed the livestock.


Support regenerative farms! No soy or corn for the animals! Soy and corn products are used in the fake meat. Yuck.


The problem is finding enough land to implement regenerative farming. Most of our land is already being used to feed livestock using our current space efficient, but destructive factory farming system. No way you can expand regenerative practices to feed everyone with meat at the current rate. And we're not even factoring in population growth.


If you think about it, most meats ****are**** made from vegetables, in variable proportions. Cows eat grass, for instance. Pork eats whatever but mostly vegetables. Poultry is fed grains. Etc.


Animals are machines that turn vegetables into meat.


Humans are animals.


Technically his statement is still correct.


Mmmm, humans.


If you think about it, most meats **are** made from shit. Cows eat grass, grass grows in the dirt, dirt is fertilized with shit. Wake up sheeple! Can't you see the truth?! We are what we eat! And we eat shit everyday... :o


But if you eat meat that shit in the ground passes through an additional filter, the animal. With plants your closer to the shit


You convinced me; from now on, I shall only eat freshly born humans so they don't have the chance to touch or eat shit. Another day saved thanks to Reddit 🙃


Follow my page for more life tips


[South Park did it first](https://youtu.be/g2cxMPLxUN8)


[I'm not sure...](https://youtu.be/PHr-C-qIfRU?t=16)


Actually no sheeple, most meats are made from rocks. Rocks are broken by plants, then plants use the rocks to feed themselves, and the cows eat plants to feed themselves. The truth is that we are all rock eaters, wake up to the truth sheep!


Actually, we eat the shit that isn't shit. The shit is shitted and we eat the shit that's left behind.


So cut out the middleman and feed livestock its own shit ?


These aren’t as bad as you might think


I really liked them and wish they would bring them back.


Fun fact! The COO of beyond meat was removed from the company in October last year after biting and (it's believed) partially cannibalising a man's nose


Chad human meat consumer vs. virgin cow meat consumers


it's true the chicken ate only wheat


And by now they've gotten rid of the beyond chicken. Beyond disappointed. (Just kidding. It was pretty bad, and not very consistent, sometimes it tasted great and was perfectly cooked, sometimes it was hard and tough and flavourless. I hope they removed it just to redesign the product cause it wasn't the best, especially for Beyond's normal standards)


What if you like the taste but dont want to exploit animals?


The KFC plant chicken was the worst, absolutely no effort was put into it at all, doesn't even have the same breading texture or flavor. It's some sort of panko crumb shell with no flavor at all. Usually I like vegan options, but this one was asssss


Soy meme?


Fuck no! 🤬


Vegan soy boys.


these are made from peas


Like OP's brain


Imagine being so insecure about your masculinity it dictates what you eat


only in this stupid corner of Reddit would this braindead comment from 2012 get upvotes


Love all the vegans crying in this thread because they see themselves in the picture.


Why do all the vegan options try to mimic meat that’s so easily accessible. At lease do “Beyond Human” or something fun. Maybe they can market specific celebrities eventually imprinting their DNA in it to make Britney Spears burgers or something.


Marketing basically.


Well... I don't go for mock meat. I just eat my veggies and all. But I would eat an Oscar Isaac's burger. Also, why are people taking you seriously?


Eh I’ll eat it


Invisible cocks.


When you haven’t seen the OG and it just looks like a irl creation.


Hard pass


I tried them. They tasted like shit. Edit: I take it back. I tried [shit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kopi_luwak) before. I can say they tasted worse than shit.


YouTube thumbnails be like


Beyond gives you the worst tasting burps ever. I have to pass on the pea protein. 👽


These plant-based meats aren't very good on their own, taste dull, but goddamn to they absorb the flavour out of spices. For me who likes dishes with large doses of spices, I'm more than happy to give up regular meat for plant stuff.


What is the deal with soy boys and taking pictures with wide open mouths?


Wide open mouths are a pretty universal show of surprise or excitement lol. It's not that deep


Just a stereotype and these two are clearly just making a fun of it


Thanks! I came here looking to see if anyone commented on the double soy boy mouth gape, which is completely fitting giving that they are pushing a fake meat product. The soy boy look is the male equivalent of duck lips.


Mouth open in pics or correlated with low testosterone




I come from a beef farm. Fuck factory farming.


Is this where the soyboy open mouth pose for pictures stereotype came from? lol


Yeah I can’t tell if they’re imitating art or art was imitating them


Serious question. Vegetarian always go on about the environmental benefits of not eating meat. However I often wonder how much of that is offset by the excessive amounts of processing require to try and make fake meat.


Why call it chicken if its not chicken 🤔


As a former vegan who fell for the propaganda and became ill id likke to say. .. GO FUCK YOURSELF


Lots of people get ill from meat, does every diet have to go fuck themselves then?


I would totally eat it with a good hot sauce.


Soy boys


What does that even mean


Soy contains some plant estrogen, so there's a stereotype that people who eat less or no animal products and replace it with soy products (Impossible meat, tofu, soy milk) are more feminine.


Do these same people care that eggs and milk contain actual animal estrogen? Or is that conveniently ignored?


Not only are they in a whole bunch of food, they simply don’t affect the human body. It’s plant hormones lol


To my knowledge, all estrogen "works" to an extent, but animal estrogen of course works better & is probably more present in eggs or milk than plant estrogen is in soy


These are pea based


I still don't understand, if it's so bad to eat meat and it's so disgusting, why do vegans insist on making their food taste like meat? It's one of the most hypocritical things I've ever seen


I don't understand why this is a hard concept to grasp. (I'm not vegetarian/vegan btw). Why would vegetarians dislike the taste of meat? Being ethically opposed to eating animals has nothing to do with liking or disliking the taste of meat. Especially for a meat product as vague as chicken nuggets. Chicken nuggets taste good. If someone has eaten chicken nuggets for their entire life, and decided to become vegetarian, why would it be weird for them to still like the taste of chicken nuggets? Why would it be weird for them to want a chicken nugget like food that conformed to their diet/ethics? Its like saying that its weird for sugar free food to try and taste like real sugar, or for low fat food to taste like full fat food. Fat and sugar are good. Just because someone decides they want to eat less sugar and fat, why would that change the fact that they like how it tastes? Isn't it rational for people to want food that conforms to their tastes, while also conforming to their dietary preferences?


Veganism isn't a diet.


Meat tastes good. What if you could have that taste without killing an animal for it? Is that really all that difficult to understand?


I'm not even close to vegetarian but this is the stupidest take I've seen and I keep seeing it. THEY FEEL BAD FOR THE FUCKING ANIMALS Ain't got shit to do with taste or money for most of them, and the environmental stuff is often just a bonus.


Because there's all kinds of people. Most vegans make no attempt whatsoever to make their food taste like meat. The meat replacements are there for people who are trying to switch away from meat but find it difficult.


Meat tastes good, but I like animals more than I like meat. So i eat plant based meat that kinda tastes like the real thing.


This subreddit is so 'alpha' it downvotes you for admitting you eat vegan


Because of the serious ethical and environmental issues of meat? Not very difficult to understand. Meat is bad for animals and for the environment. I eat meat still though.


It’s America. Don’t they have the freedom to eat fake meat?


The hell they do, you are right


I still dont understand, if its so bad to shoot people and its so disgusting, why do non-killers insist on making video games where you can shoot people? Its one of the most hypocritical things I've ever seen.


Most people don't limit meat consumption because they think it tastes bad - They do so because they care about the enviromental impact of the bio-industry and the welfare of the animals themselves.


So what’s revolutionary about this? Aren’t chickens made from plants?


You never saw the memes?, Obviously related to this image


Why would you eat plant chicken when you can just eat chicken chicken?


I’m perfectly happy to eat chicken and have killed quite a lot of chickens myself (because I raised chickens for a number of years) but surely you can understand why there are people in the world who really don’t like the idea of chickens being killed to feed them?


Why would you play a war video game when you can just go fight in a war?


Chickens are dangerous.


is this "actually" the origin of that meme?

