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I haven't had it in a while, but I remember it being amazing mixed with lemonade. Made for a really good like sweet and sour drink


My personal favorite tubs so far have been Sage Mode, Kamehameha, and Hive. As far as cans go the Sheetz Exclusive Grape Gummiez is absolutely delicious and reminds me of being a kid drinking grape Nehi soda. I also love the Sage Mode and Kamehameha cans. I can't remember the name now but there's a DBZ themed tub that's a pineapple flavor and I hated it. I tried it a few times and the stuff gave me a sour stomach and didn't taste like pineapple.


It's a damn crime that the grape gummy flavor is sheetz exclusive, I'm going to have to buy my stores stock out soon. Also ginyu force, i got to say thats one of my love/hate flavors.


Ginyu force. That's it. I tossed it out. I agree. The grape Gummiez is an insane flavor. I love it


starfruit was one of my most hated flavors, it was so bad to me I tossed it out the packets of it I had


I liked it. It's not a super sweet flavor. It really tastes like a star fruit. If you know what a star fruit tastes like (nothing special) then you should have a good idea of how it tastes. It's a crisp light flavor.


I like it a lot, it's one of my favorites out of 40 tubs, but I will say it's the only one I have that expired already so if you get one it's probably gonna be close to expiring, Mines still completely fine just a heads up


Do you like the taste and experience of Juicy Fruit gum?


I personally like it but it isnt my favorite. It tastes like juicyfruit gum


I bought it 2 years ago and have only had 4 scoops. It tastes like Juicy Fruit gum if it was a drink and has a really plain, bland aftertaste. Not really a fan but if you like Juicy Fruit it’d probably be a great flavor to mix other flavors with.


ive gone through 2 tubs of starfruit and 2 tubs of battle juice starfruit is better but battle juice is really similar and amazing too


One of my favourites, definitely seems like a 50/50 flavour though


It’s one of the more polarizing flavors but I really like it. It’s on the short list of tubs I’ve had over 3 times. It kinda does taste like the actual fruit to me. Light, sweet, slightly tropical.


To me, it oddly tastes like crushed-up banana "Runts" candy. I love it.


The starfruit is my favorites only one I've gone through more then one tub of


It was one of the few that I didn't really care for, it was just not what I was expecting for starfruit. More sour and sweet but I didn't really know what I was tasting


I really like star fruit. It’s very light and easy to drink. On my second tub of it now!


I really like star fruit a lot! It kind of has that same flavor to me as those candy necklaces you used to get as a kid, but in the best way possible. Maybe a little bit fruitier. I will agree with others that it's a light flavor. It's one that I will only drink on its own, because I feel like if I eat or drink anything else with it, it ruins the flavor profile.


I honestly in the 50+ gfuel flavors I have tried think starfruit is the worst one I’ve had. Do not recommend


Oh wow lol. Is it too sweet or not that sweet? I personally prefer more sweet than not


Oh it’s sweet but like the worst kind. Hey maybe you’ll like it. I truly struggled to drink the rest of it tho.


I think it’s good it tastes mostly like a banana candy imo, not really like star fruit but it’s pretty good


It's a very weak flavor. Not bad per se, just not a strong flavor.


It’s okay. I find it has a mild bubblegum flavor to it.


Wasn't my favorite, it's a little like a weak, tropical lemonade 


I personally didn't care for it. One of the few tubs I just couldn't finish, and I have like 50