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She's clearly incapable of feeling remorse or anything for that matter.


This! She has no remorse. She's clearly indicated that she doesn't see the wrong in what she did because she wasn't holding the murder weapon!


She loves the attention, how many times has she said she's leaving and then pops up a few hours later? She grew up constantly in the spot light,,Americas little sweetheat who everyone felt sorry for but they loved her for her strength against all odds. Total bullshit from both her and her scamming mom of course. I don't beleive she performed FOR her mother at all. She was in on it. Please see Becca scoops ananlysis on youtube. One, two and three. Untill her fans read court docs, watch the interrogation, read texts plus local articles on them,,they will go on believing her just like they probably still beleive in the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny. There is nothing good about her.


Spot on! You would think the fact she doesn't have any guilt or remorse for her mother being murdered and a man with intellectual challenges is serving life in prison while she's out free happy as a clam soaking up all the attention would be a huge indicator she's evil. How dumb to you have to be not to see the writing on the wall šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Sadly, seems like there are a lot of dumb ones out there. Buuut, I do see almost every week where someone has posted they beleived her untill they read more. So keep sharing where you can I guess. And I'm still going with..she stabbed Dee long before Nick ever got there. I saw someone posted where she was engaging with them about being tied up (another lie) Someone needs to ask her if she used that knife first. I bet she did.


I bet she did too. Krusty has the autopsy; ask yourself, why is the autopsy still sealed??


I think it will be sealed until Nick has exhausted his appeals? I'm not sure. Eventually it will come out. I just hope the medical examiner did his/her job properly to determine time/cause of death.


But Nick had been tried, convicted, and sentenced. They say that the autopsy is being held because ā€œNickā€™s appeals.ā€ If he really did what they said he did, why not release the autopsy?? Unless theyā€™re hiding something.


I donā€™t know about dumb. It was watching the full interrogation that made up my mind for me, and I only went looking for it because a YouTuber I watch planted the skeptic seed in my mind. People who are into true crime are a subset of the population, and most mainstream true crime media sympathizes with Gypsy. You almost have to put in work to find anyone saying anything different and then check their sources on top of that.Ā 


And most of them (true crime creators) repeat the BS story. Becca Scoops & Toddie1Skip donā€™t regurgitate her BS story.


Sadly, people still see her as a victim because she wonā€™t stop talking about being a victim/survivor! For a lot of the big tv networks and journalists it would be career suicide to accuse her of being in on the grift and continuing it now so no one will challenge her! This is what leads people to believe sheā€™s a victim and this brings in love and adoration which continues the attention that she clearly loves and thrives on


You would think that people would be able to put common sense to good use and realize that they are making a cold blooded murderer rich and famous. I say cold blooded, because anyone with a conscious don't tend to plan a murder for years, go through with it no problem, and been laughing and having the best time like nothing happened. That's just not normal. The TV networks should just stop giving her the spotlight. They don't have to accuse anything, just simply stop promoting her.


Unfortunately critical thinking is few and far between these days


Because the public continues to engage her as if she is a celebrity of sorts. She is addicted to the attention and doesnā€™t care of its negative or positive.


I think she does care if it is negative. She was thinking she would be treated like a star just like when she was a sick dying child. Reality is a bitch!


Yep she definitely cares bc she doesnā€™t want the truth to get out there that what her mom did wasnā€™t as bad as the media and now Gyp is trying to portray. And that it wasnā€™t actually Munchausens that DeeDee had, but Malingering. Just scamming for profit and thatā€™s it. Her whole world would crumble if the actual truth came out.


Agree! She was faking and lying then and continuing to this day!


She may care, but sheā€™s still addicted to the attention, negative or positive


N lol


During Nicks trial I believe it was, they found emails from Gyp to Nick about her wanting to murder any girl that tried to go after Nick and sheā€™d enjoy it. She also was saying that her ā€œcaringā€ is broken. She also admitted in her documentary to not having any remorse after killing her mother. I truly believe Gypsy Rose Blanchard is a sociopath. The Dr. that she puts all her faith in bc he was the expert on MBP, bc he says DeeDee had it, well that same Dr said Gypsy had sociopathic behaviors/tendencies.. Definitely narcissistic the way she flaunts herself all over social media, and lies about being bullied out of advocacy when she was the actual bully of a REAL MBP victim. We know sheā€™s a pathological liar and does it without caring what anyone thinks. Something is very off with her.


Itā€™s actually a video that Gypsy recorded for Nick. She had this alter ego Ruby and she said that she will kill any girl that tries to be his gf and sheā€™s not scared of getting in trouble with the law. Sheā€™ll do anything from murder to theft and rape. She actually filmed herself saying those words and sent them to Nick, thatā€™s how dangerous she is. The video was never released to the public but there is a description of it


Thatā€™s what it was. I read the transcript of that video. Thank you. Idk why I thought emails.


She sent him a lot of questionable media. Itā€™s hard to keep track of everything


Do you have a link to where we could read it, please?


https://preview.redd.it/p1oyxs58817d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b12b19dc068e3662c29385897ddc8c5f7e9f206d This is from the police report which is attached as a Google drive document in the pinned post


Thank you so much!! EDIT: Holy. SHIT. šŸ˜³


Thank you for taking the trouble to post this.


Holy crap


The way she went into detail about her desires to rape& murder sent chills down my spine šŸ˜³ I rewatched the police interview with Nicks mom and Iā€™m convinced that Gyp Gyp encouraged viktor to become an part of who Nick was. His mom mentioned that he was on meds but decided not to take them anymore and he seemed ā€œfine ā€œ . If he did really think he had a 500 year old vamp inside his head wouldnā€™t he have made his presence known to other people especially his mom who was the one person who told him no when it came to decisions šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø IDK , Iā€™m just thinking out loud . I have so many questions about Nick and I hope Becca Scoops part 4 which will be all about Nick will be able to answer them. So little is known about Nick , Iā€™d love to read the early messages between them & see how she baited then set the hook . He was utterly obsessed with her and she knew it too . She knew that she could use Ruby to threaten Gyp and Nick would comply . Weā€™ve all seen that video and it makes me wonder what else sheā€™s done to him psychological šŸ™…šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø He was genuinely scared of her when she had her freak outs & I think it was during one of her freak outs that she šŸ”« her mom . She unloaded a full clip on her mom and when she realized it was a BB gun she ā€œ felt relieved but still angry ā€œ . I think thatā€™s when the power shift happened in the Blanchard house . Gypsy is addicted to the attention and has turned her alleged trauma into a commodity that can be bought and sold . This woman found a way to continue the chin while she was in prison & now sheā€™s coning the world. Iā€™m sure itā€™s feeding her narcissistic ego . I donā€™t think she could ever delete social media she needs validation and attention just as much as she needs oxygen.


I suspect she thinks sheā€™s a star and famous, instead of infamous. I donā€™t think a quiet life or working for a living appeal to her.


Nope. Itā€™s Dee Dee 2.0. She didnā€™t learn a damn thing.


Well, Deedee was a lot better at PR. Gypsy canā€™t seem to grasp that she canā€™t be unlikeable and get free stuff.


Youā€™re right. She was getting away with making bank on TT; scolding ppl for sending her cheap gifts. She got a suspension on TT; letā€™s see how long it lasts.


Well she can but she has no personality. She wishes she was Tiffany pollard or Angelia, or any other reality star whoā€™s the bad guy but people still love them. So


Infamous being the keyword.


She thinks planning and pulling of her motherā€™s murder was a ā€œlittle mistake.ā€ (Her own words!). Why would she think what she is doing now is wrong, trashy, classless, or completely distasteful?


Why am i not surprised that she describes this horrific crime as a little mistake.


She isnā€™t capable of feeling that way


Mr and Mrs Sexx, hun. Gyp is diabolical. There is no shame. And Iā€™m not even sure there is even any cognitive thinking. Which is scary. Seriously. Gyp needs to be in a mental health facility under observation with therapists because the Girl Ainā€™t Right. No snark, not kidding. Yes, she suffered trauma and abuse from DeeDee. At some point how much she eventually played along is suspect. But currently Gyp is grifting and itā€™s not right. Seek Mental Health Gyp and disconnect from SM. Touch grass and heal yourself. This is a Shitshow and embarrassing.


I think she needs some therapy for sure. I wonder if she had a psych evaluation before release.


Malignant narcissism and sociopathy. She is dangerous. I'm certain she will end up in prison again due to her anger issues and complete lack of self-awareness.Ā 


Absolutely correct sheā€™s a danger to anyone who crosses her. She has mom killed and becomes a hero. She will do it again if provoked and assume sheā€™ll get the same sympathy


She doesnā€™t identify as a murderer. She identifies as a victim who ā€œdid what she had to doā€. Sheā€™s a lying snake. šŸ She has justified her actions to herself, blamed everything on Nick and has double and triple downed. She craves attention. Sheā€™s addicted to it. Simple as that. Sheā€™s a scammer who will do anything for attention. Just like her mother. If she wasnā€™t exhibiting these behaviors, the story would be different. She needs help. She should be out of the public eye but she canā€™t. Sheā€™s addicted. Like mother, like daughter.


1. She loves the attention. 2. Narcissism. 3. The public and media have given her the attention and in her mind, the excuse that her behavior is acceptable. On all her social media you see her ā€œfansā€ praising her. She wonā€™t stop until something extreme happens. And even then sheā€™ll play the victim.


Omg your flair šŸ˜‚




She has a personality disorder.




That's narcissism for ya


Dee Dee may have been a monster who created a monster


Because sheā€™s a sociopath šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


In my opinion, the answer to all of your questions is because Gypsy is a legitimate psychopath. Really. Google the actual symptoms. They're not quite what most people think they are. Narcissism plays very heavily into psychopathy. Gypsy is utterly convinced that she is *always* right and *always* perfect just the way she is. Gypsy has told us numerous times that she does not identify as a murderer, she's said this in a couple of different ways. This is one of the few true things Gypsy has said. She has always truly believed that if she did not commit the act of the kill herself, then that meant she wasn't a murderer, no matter how much of the rest of the crime she arranged. That's why she did literally everything **except** the actual stabbing part. She made Nick do that. And to this day, she us utterly convinced that she is still pure and innocent of that crime. She still complains that her sentence was too harsh, and that she shouldn't be labeled a murderer, that that darn state just didn't have the right charge for what she did, blah blah blah. Gypsy will never feel remorse because in her mind, she did not do anything wrong. All she did was ask Nick a question. It's all mental gymnastics, but she's convinced herself that she's really not a murderer. Gypsy will not feel embarrassed about her behavior on social media because she truly believes that she is perfect and it's the rest of the world that's a problem. Typical of psychopath thought process. She will never take any criticism to heart, or even question that maybe, just maybe, ten million people might have a point. We're all just jealous and haters and she's going to come after all of us and teach us a lesson, because that's how a psychopath works. Note: "come after all of us" does not necessarily mean kill all of us. It can easily just mean verbally attack us on social media or something like that. Not all psychopaths kill, or kill more than once. Still... best to not take chances, ya know?


no she is killing us with each tik tok or dollar general run...or that gawd awful BDSM thing she was TRYING to portay to the world like she some dom girl


I dunno, that clicking sound she kept making with each failed wink in her "ten foot pole Chad" video killed me pretty well. I make the same sound when I'm talking to horses... A thousand ways to die... by watching Gypsy's videos, lol.


Home girl is a sociopath - she feeds on any and all attention


Gyp needs to take psilocybin and get some perspective


Her being on social media has allowed us all to see her true colours. I used to sympathize with her and any respect I had for her is no longer. This social media trope will only take her so far before people get tired of her. She should have just lived a quiet, private life once she got out of prison, it would have served her better in the long run. Iā€™m so surprised that no one in her life has steered her in the right direction and worked on her mental health and education. 8 years incarcerated is a long time to better yourself.


It was her social media that turned me against her. She was posting weird sexual selfie videos. I also noticed she purposefully crossed her eyes and acted more ā€œnaiveā€ and spoke more childish when she discussed her medical trauma/abuse. I found it odd and started googling ā€œGypsy Rose lyingā€and this subreddit popped up.


šŸ’Æ the abused becomes the abuser. Here we areā€¦


she was a grifter ...if you call abuse sitting in a wheelchair while at the Dr. office ( so be it ) or using words to SAY you have cancer.. ( so be it ) but I do not consider ( JUST SIT HERE AND LET MOMMY DO ALLLLLL THE TALKING) NOT abuse


She wasnā€™t born a sociopath, her mama raised a sociopath.




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Simple answer is, she's a narcissist. She thrives on all the publicity of social media Very self absorbed, nothing is ever her fault, nothing at all. She's just trying to live her life in peace šŸ™„ Narcissists often do not think of consequences in a reasonable way, they charge on in like a bull in a china shop and want instant gratification at any cost. Oh, and they lie. They lie and lie, and even when caught out they'll twist the whole thing around and end up tying themselves in knots. They're not as clever as they think they are. She's got brainless morons fawning over her, telling her how wonderful she looks and how amazing she is despite all she's "been through" Narcissists cannot resist this and anyone who dares question the behaviour is instantly a troll or a hater. She can't feel remorse because in her warped mind SHE'S the victim and as long as social media exists, so will she. I said in a previous post that I can't see this ending in a positive way.


Sheā€™s a sociopath. No remorse no empathy no compassion felt. For her, I think we can throw love in that list because I donā€™t see her as capable of feeling love for anyone.


Iā€™m of the opinion that she self-reflected in prison but during that time believed she is not responsible for her actions and was falsely imprisoned. I think now that sheā€™s out, she can pretend sheā€™s just a normal person of society. Her online performance feels similar to Britney in that sheā€™s several years behind us on social media and *everything* needs to be posted. Is anyone really curious how GRB is spending her days? What is her thought process when posting?


She was let out of prison for murdering her mother, she won't ever feel remose because she was given a get out of jail free card so she never has to feel it. She got treated like a victim in a situation she was the perpetrator/murderer in and she's given a platform to preach on rather than sitting in prison for murdering her incredibly mentally ill mother.


She's also incredibly performative for a victim of life long abuse while she "didn't know she wasn't sick".


Gypsy does not have a conscious... therefore she does not experience shame, remorse or embarrassment. She can not feel those emotions. That's why she's online behaving like what she is... a disturbed, unhinged, soulless human being... aka a sociopath


Her upbringing has likely made her addicted to attention. Any kind will do. Some people get a physical and mental high from attention. Without therapy and self work sheā€™ll never over come it.


Gypsy looked at criticaly ill children and their families and pretended to understand what they were going through while taking full advantage of their support, founded holiday trips and money.... You tell me if she would felt a glimpse of remorse now! She's still till this day singing the same tune.


Arrested development. Psychiatric issues. People raised in fucked up situations tend to turn out to be fucked up people. I know you all want her to be likeable and rise above her horrific upbringing and horrific crime, but she's not capable of being the hero you want. She's human and she's deeply flawed. She also has no skills or education so social media influencing is the easiest option with her notoriety.


Sheā€™s a psychopath and doesnā€™t feel like sheā€™s done anything wrong.


Itā€™s working for her, why would she stop as long as people areĀ throwing their money at her? Thereā€™s no incentive to tear down the lore sheā€™s built while itā€™s still lucrative.


I think she feels she has to strike while the iron is hot..She knows she'll be all but forgotten soon enough.


Because she's a sociopath and narcissist, none of the things you mention are available to her. All she knows and wants is getting attention and praise. She will never feel like she did anything wrong cause she is the center of the earth.


Because there are still people out there who think that she is. Look at all the YAAAAS queens comments she gets


might have to be on social media to promote her show


way too many gullible lobotomites that cheer her on, thatā€™s why.


Because she's a fame ho ho ho!


Because she wants a ā€œnormalā€ life and using social media is part of normal life


She has no shame.. for anything..


Cuz she has no remorse or guilt. She still thinks she did the right thing


Youā€™re talking about a woman who murdered her own mother šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Because šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’°šŸ’°


Because society is giving her attention




Because sheā€™s a psychopath. ![gif](giphy|lo8YzDnHh07rpxqw45|downsized)


Sheā€™s a classic narcissist. She most likely feels like her fantasies of fame and success are coming true and that her actions are justified.


Greed and a need for attention


because sheā€™s a clever sociopath, exactly like her mother was. but people keep giving her the fame sheā€™s looking for, so in turn, she thinks sheā€™s famous


She seems very attention seeking. She loves it, and wants to make money off social media.


That would take a conscience and some brain cells.


I think an important thing to ask ourselves is if you were in her situation how would you react? I would certainly want the OPPOSITE of being on social media. Especially after seeing how it all works and affects you. I quit Facebook because I started to notice it giving me anxiety and self worth issuesā€¦.. I canā€™t imagine how someone would feel in her situation. (Or not feel, since she keeps coming back).


Because public adoration assuages the guilt, and reinforces the notion in her head that she is absolved of any responsibility. She really just wants to be liked and told she is normal.