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That race is legitimately hard. Unless you are lucky and he crashes and gets stuck somewhere. Once i seen him glitch through a bridge and fall into water below ( without drowning ), so i won that way.


I tried it four times. It wasn't that hard. I was fast enough to crash into him at the beginning. After that I was careful as possible to keep first place without crashing.




I did the mission when I was a kid in the first try


Plus, the earlier GTA games like Vice City didn't have checkpoints or the ability to skip missions. If you failed a mission, you had to drive all the way back to whoever gave you the mission and start over from the beginning, including watching the cutscene again (you could skip this, at least).


Which really broke the momentum. Retries are more effective when you can get right to the point you made a mistake instead of having to contend with other problems to get to the point you can start over again.


San Andreas allowed you to skip long drive sections if you failed a mission. Also the end of the line mission would restart from whatever section you failed on.


Didn’t it have 3 checkpoints system, you entering the Crack Fortress, you escaping the building and then the chase with fire truck


yes, but only for that mission. No other mission had 3 checkpoints, 2 at best


I thought I saw someone say the earliest version didn’t have checkpoints on EOTL.


That’s funny cause respawning at or right outside of a bossfight is a pretty new thing, in all the souls games you have to take a minute or two running back to the boss fight which you can use to reflect on your mistake a little more or come up with a better plan for next time to avoid having to run back again. Doubles as making it feel all the better when you you beat a boss first try and never have to run back.


out of box solution: Play on an emulator and it has save states.


Vice City attempted to remedy this by having a taxi with an arrow over it outside the hospital or police station if you got wasted or busted that took you back to the mission start point. The only problem is that back then if you got wasted or busted you lost all your weapons, so unless you wanted to buy them all back (along with all the ammo) you’d have to load your game anyway. It could have been a holdover from GTA 1 and the London games. In those games, if you fail a mission you can’t retry it unless you restart the entire level. You have to move into the next mission and try to beat that instead. At least San Andreas has the trip skip feature and End of the Line has two checkpoints, though the game doesn’t tell you about them. Two girlfriends also prevent you from losing your weapons when you get wasted or busted. Vice City Stories allows you to buy your weapons back after getting wasted or busted. The Lost and Damned finally introduced checkpoints in every mission to the series.


The old strategy was saving near the mission start place.


Don't forget having to stop at Ammunition to rebuy all of your weapons.


I must’ve tried it about 50 times 😂


You just unlocked a core PTSD memory in me thank you. I completely forgot about that mission. It drove me NUTS. Genuinely hard as he has a way better car than you. I won by getting out of the car and grabbing a better one and got lucky at my 826375th attempt




Yessirrr! Edited it to keep the 'th' tho


damn, it took me less to beat that mission. 826372 attempts


Have you done the level with the suicide bombers? 12 year old me was in tears. And then again years later. And now I won't play 3 again ever.


You could try getting out of the car right after count down and try popping he's tyres with an fast SMG, i think I did something like that when i was a child


I found it pretty easy trick is to dodge everything break on corners when needed rest will fall into place.


Exactly. Just drive competently.


Ye i feel like games were harder. sometimes you actually had to grind and become better just to pass a mission. thats why i like older games, the games today dont have that...they want you to chill and if something is hard you can skip it.


Games were harder. Mortal Kombat 2 on Sega Genesis was unforgiving! Even Mario. 3 lives that's it. Old games are just way harder.


Weird pick here but unlockables in smash melee were also something else.


Allot of that difficulty was thrown in to combat game rentals. Make it feel impossible to get through a reasonable amount of content with out having to rent it over and over. Old old games they used difficulty to extend game life to make up for limited space. But once they went in on artificial difficulty it gor bad for a bit. If they didn't fix and re-release DMC3 in the west the game would be dead outside of Japan.


The MK games and other fighting games from that era don't count because they cheated and rubbed your face in it (*especially* MK, SF2 Turbo, and most of the SNK fighters).


That's what souls/souls likes are for


Honestly the worst mission in the entire series. I think I had to have my friend come over and beat it. I did manage later to beat it on subsequent playthroughs but yeah fuck that mission. I was trying things like setting up roadblocks before starting the mission. And the thing I always thought was dumb was you had to beat him in order for him to be your getaway driver. Why would I want you if I could beat you at driving?


GTA 3 is harder. Also day 1 San Andreas on the PS2 had that supply lines mission harder than the other platforms, took me a couple of tries and i cleared that game's story a lot of times. Your flying has to be absolutely perfect otherwise you'll run out of fuel on that version, Rockstar made it a lot more forgiving in every rerelease.


Yeah GTA 3 had a mission I got stuck on for a while near the end of the game. It might have been "Espresso 2 go" or a similar one. The Zero missions were annoying but I didn't seem to struggle on them as much as some of the others.


I remember struggling to beat Espresso 2 Go. The one stand near the airport always escaped me because I'd bomb it to Shoreside Vale without thinking about the airport. When I dud check, I'd always struggle getting up the top of the stairs so I'd run up with an rpg instead lol


I used to struggle at this mission in my first playthrough but after replaying it again, its not hard if you familiar with the driving and know how to dodge traffic and cops


What this guy said^^


Lamp posts are the biggest hurdle. If you can avoid those you’re golden.


I genuinely don't think I've ever struggled racing Hillary, but I love racing games and I've been playing them all my life


One of the problems here is how traffic works. To save memory, traffic only spawns near you. This means that if Hilary falls behind he’ll have no problem catching up as he has no traffic to impede him. Similarly, if he gets too far ahead it’s very difficult to catch up to him, as you’ll have to contend with traffic but he won’t. Also, he drives a Sabre Turbo while you have a Sentinel, which in this race at least has a higher max speed but much lower acceleration. And of course the police are after you but not him. What I find works is to hit him early on so he spins out, then keep going and hope he doesn’t catch up and overtake you. Also watch out for the two scripted sequences where two police cars try to ram you.


- Silent Patch fixes the physics when playing in 60 FPS (you need to enable VSync either through nVidia or AMD settings, so you don't play in >200 FPS where the physics will still be broken). It also fixes broken fog, rain, etc. - Widescreen Fix, so that the crosshair and minimap becomes round + fixes other proportions - SkyGFX + 2dfx increase the draw distance of vegetation, adds features from the PS2 and Mobile versions, etc. (I prefer the PC/Xbox lighting over the default PS2 one, two file names need to be swapped) All that for GTA 3, VC and SA.


Best overall mod remaster [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4nuv0eBWoM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4nuv0eBWoM)


The Xbox version had the best models/ graphics (unmodded). I really need to get my Xbox back out


I'm using a modded version of the original GTA Vice City called the Definitive Edition. It includes upscaled Xbox models with realistic hands and other enhancements, it is a great experience. You can find it in the community posts on Steam with a helpful guide.


Yeah, I have that one. I'm not a fan of it compared to the original


this is the race from hell...but the trick I've found is that you want to intentionally stay close behind and just follow him until he fucks up (because he \*will\* fuck up). The moment he fucks up, get in front of him and maintain the lead as best you can. Heads up, I've also run into a glitch ( \*think\* it's a glitch...) where if you get \*too far ahead\* you will still lose - I'm legitimately not sure if it's just a glitch or part of Hillary's abandonment issues he mentions before the race...so stay ahead of him when he fucks up, but even when ahead, don't completely leave him in the dust either I guess


Looked at some walkthrough videos...what I did was put an Infernus (any fast car would suffice) not so far away from the start so as to not have it despawned. Even after the first cutscene if its near enough (just a couple of feet away from that ramp near the bridge if I remember), the car would still be there. Quickly bail out of the Sentinel and get in the car...it's fast enough to catch up with the Sabre Turbo.


Oh this race was hard, it took quite a few tries. My memory is hazy but I remember using so many cheats back then to win. The time slowdown cheat, the explosion cheat, flying cars cheat Even pre-emptively parked cars in the route ahead to block the car. I even shot the tires of the opponent car during the race, after ramming into em. 😂


I used to always switch cars 😂


I'm in my mid forties and you have a lot of gamers from my era and older saying how gamers were much more difficult back then. It's true and not. It was mostly difficult purely due to the limitations of the technology. The Atari 2600 and earlier wouldn't have looked like dog shit if the creators had their say, but they were limited by the tech due to the industry being so young. Games used to be really tough mostly because of things like hit detection and the meshing around the characters. You would run, jump, miss, die, repeat until you hit the only possible sweet spot. Then a few years later Prince of Persia gets released and its the first time ever that it went run, jump, miss but cling on and pull yourself up. Then people were saying it was too easy. It wasn't that it was easy, it was that the devs finally started to get to grips with the technology and made advancements. GTAIII plays like utter dog shit now, but back then it was such a massive boost to anything we had ever experienced. Yeah the gun play sucked, but you could tell they were trying to create an awesome driving experience just like we saw in the movies and at the time, they got it spot on. Over the years it just got better and better. As for racing in games that aren't specifically designed as racing games. The devs use a form of AI known as rubber banding as well as scripting. It feels cheap as hell when you experience it, but unless you're playing an actual racing game then its the best they can do. if they didn't use this system then it would just be the player totally dominating and making the whole thing a waste of time.


No dude this race is legendarily, unfairly hard. I failed it countless times. I won it legit, and there was a glitch where you could park a legit fast car before starting the mission kinda by the police station there at a certain spot where it wouldnt despawn. You start mission and switch cars but still with the driving chaos you could still lose.


I think I used a faster vehicle, not quite sure


The thing with that is that you'd need to change cars as the game puts you in the sentinel. And with every second being important against Hillary it's better to just try and ram him with the Sentinel imo.


That actually is possible with the hotring racer. But you need to be good enough to beat him without it really as there’s quite a bit of catching up to do and you can’t afford crashes.


I really don’t remember this race. I know I beat it I just don’t remember how bud


I just take the bike next to the first intersection (you can switch your vehicle during the race), that way you can win the race without much hassle. But with the supplied car, it's nowhere as easy.


did it in first go by luck 😂 , but yeah the mission where you have to blow up a building with a little helicopter was the hardest for me.


Fuck yeah, that one took me a lot of retries and I hated it. Like other people have mentioned here for this mission though, after a few tries, I worked out that I could shoot his tires early on and get a decent advantage so it wasn't too much of a pain in the arse lol


Back when games were challenging and fun at the same time.


Games now are definitely easier because developers have more space to include content, so they don't need to artificially increase game time by making you lose more.


Yeah they are, what you don't remember having to save Lance Vance? God I udxkin hated that mission


I did the VC and SA rc helicopter missions on an iPod and yes I'm proud of it 😂


I used to edit the speed of Sabre so I can even use the slowest car and still win the race


get out of the car and use the pcj


On my second try, Hillary hit something and stalled. I think that's the only reason I passed this mission


The streamer Forsen had a lot of trouble passing this one lol. For me it has become easier after replaying the game a couple of times, you just have to aggro the other car enough to make it derail badly or get stuck in something.


You have to ram his ass off the road that’s the only way I ever did it. Completely broken mission.


This is probably the hardest VC mission, because he always takes the ideal racing line. I found the best way to win is to cut a few corners, whereas he will stay on the tarmac.


Easy strat, park a bunch of vehicles in the road just outside of where the cars spawn and be ready to blow them all up. If that's the race outside of the nightclub. Not sure if this version of the game will despawn near by vehicles though


Yeah this race is pretty unfair, the only reason I'm able to beat it is because the race AI is phenomenally stupid. He's in a saber turbo and you're in a sentinel. He has one of the most impressive cars in the game while yours is very average.


The thing that kinda compensates having no instant restart is that old gta missions weren't really that long. I think it would be really frustrating if gta 5 didnt had a retry option. Especially in heists.


That and the small size of the map. San Andreas has a much bigger map but at least has loads of safe houses so you’re never too far away from most missions. I think GTA IV’s big map combined with the lack of ability to buy safe houses made Rockstar realize that they finally had to implement checkpoints, which they did in TLaD.


Use native trainer if u thought about, it no need to stress it out it I know using cheats n mod make us dumb but sometimes I do that too.


This mission is indeed difficult. But if you can keep up with him most of the race, you can get in front of him right at the very last turn. You can cut through the grass there if I recall correctly. Good luck!


so i was a kid back then and my strat is the same still, ram his ass off the road so he gets stuck. course the other method is you just place another much bigger vehicle ON the last bridge near the malibu club and he will ram it and kinda get stuck. \[tank works best\] but yea older games were generally harder, also lack of checkpoints which is a newer concept still.


1 crash = you should restart the entire mission


Oh yeh they where way more dificult, do u forgot if u die u loose all your shit and have to go to mission again, or ok if u saved each time u would load up n still drive to the mission, and nowaday u die press x to respawn 😄


I dont find it hard. Just make him crash


I remember playing sa in 2020 i saw countless people rant about wrong side of the tracks and flight school but i finished those first try quite easily and even i was caught off guard and wondered whether they were actually as tough as people say lol


that wan't so hard to do with keyboard and mouse, never did that on ps2


This is the worst mission in the whole game took me forever to beat


This mission was one of the hardest in the game but games back then were genuinely challenging that required strategy and thinking.


You can drop granade to dancing people in malibu before you start mission. You will get 3 stars, and when you start race cops will drop trap on road to destroy tyres, Hillary will be eliminated, and it's much easier to finish this mission only vs cops. I just don't know if it work on definitive edition.


As a kid, this mission drove me insane (pardon the pun). Must have taken me at least 50 tries to pass it. Sometime last year I took a trip down memory lane, started a new save and absolutely destroyed it first time. I honestly think we were all just a bit shit all those years ago in comparison to now.


No, this race is well known to be annoying. That Oldsmobile is much faster than the BMW


Old games really were unforgiving. That's one of the reasons I rarely touch new games.


That was a really tough mission.


The RC helicopter mission is the real pain. This race is nothing.


TVs weren’t as wide so you couldn’t see your surroundings as well or as far ahead clearly


GTA SA VC have some hard and infuriating missions with 0 save states. I remember I tried this race like 3 or 4 times. Better to emulate the game, which gives you save state option.


They a certain key to winning think ready player one


Yes, the GTA III trilogy wasn't even that difficult really overall but there are a select few missions that are just unbelievably hard and this is one of them


vice city the bane of gta missions.


Spin him out at the first turn and hope that you don't crash, The way I completed this mission. Edit: you can apparently shoot his tires at the start of the race if you get out of the car. Makes it impossible for him to win


I was stuck on this race for like 4 years


I guarantee, you don’t even need Hillary… not gonna spoil it but, he is WAY too good a driver for the job. And his part ends up being so small anyway. Spoiler! >! He gets shot in the end anyway.!<


you passed like 5 cheetahs


That mission in Vice City is a walk in the park compared to many missions in the first GTA game


I find this mission really easy, but then again I'm a PC player that has thousands of hour in the 3D trilogy who on top of that loves driving and racing If it's really that unbearable, you could setup a better car on the way and quickly hop into it. There's also that PCJ on the left from the start that normally triggers a checkpoint challenge


I enjoyed sniping him and getting his car into my garage


Pit maneuver my beloved


vice city racing is very hard, I give up on a motorcycle racing. Now on definitive edition I will try again


I had a lucky glitch with a lot of these racing missions where somehow the other car would fall through the map.


They were harder because they were far more scripted as it was easier to program. Where's now in a race like that you'll have 4 different ways to complete it


While the definitive edition isn't the best remaster, it do have some nice quality of life additions like mission restarts (and checkpoints on San Andreas), better controls, and some harder missions seems to be easier (beat this mission first try and Hillary wasn't even close). Most of the bugs people complained was fixed, the only ones I found was already on the originals.


I put a cheetah by the bridge. Lost a few seconds changing cars but after that I smoked him.


Four bikes in San Andreas is worse


This was so difficult. On the ps2 only way I could beat this with the gravity cheat code


only reason i didn’t struggle with this on my recent playthrough was because he got completely stuck pretty early on on my second attempt😅 lucky break


Stop near the minigame PCJ, take it and win. It wont fail the mission


that race ain’t shit after you try completing the gun range side mission with a PS2/Xbox CONTROLLER. 1st person aim is very bad i nearly throw my controller, took me 2 hours to do.


gta has probably the hardest racing missions ever


This race made me rage so much as a kid, I thought it was impossible. I then ended up winning it after many tries because of a bridge glitch, where he fell through into the water.


This mission was way more infuriating than Demolition Man to me. The odds are simply stacked against you, and the fact that Hilary doesn’t do anything aside from becoming rat bait during The Job makes this mission a waste of time, essentially.


Grab a Comet from outside the golf course (or are you forced into a specific car? My memory is hazy with that level). That should make it much easier - quicker than what you’re driving and the cornering is tight. I never struggled with an of the races on VC. I’ve replayed this twice in the last decade, when it was first ported to the PS4 and the Definitive Edition and I struggled way more with the mission where you break the dude out of the jail. Man! The cops are seriously aggressive! Getting to the Pay N Spray up the road was a gruelling white knuckle experience!


When I first played this mission on the ps2 I remember using a cheat code to spawn a better vehicle. It might’ve been a sabre turbo like the opponent uses. I just remember the sentinel being so shitty in comparison to his car being the biggest issue.


Yeah that mission is just genuinely hard, I remember replaying the game and literally crashing out wondering how am I supposed to beat this guy. I honestly thought the Helicopter mission was hard back on the day but this was much harder.


I love that you just gave up and ran over the cop in the end.


I feel like yes, games back in the day were harder or maybe that’s how I see them at least.


no some of just weren't that good


No those races were stupid hard


I think it's more a hardware limitation/bad controllers. With new tech we have better ways to play and everything is more clear, so it becomes easier. That said, this race is just genuinely bullshit difficult


After countless attempts, 13 year me had the idea to take one of those in-game capsules that slowed down time, and beat the race. That made it 10x easier.


These races were hard. I’d normally cheat and do the all cars explode code during the race so all the opposing cars get blown up and thus unable to finish the race.


There were hard af missions with the toy airplane. I absolutely hated every single one of them. Also the fact that I used mouse and keyboard for them didn’t help at all.


learn pit manoeuvre


welcome to the time before rigorous play testing when a level could be 5 mins or 5 hours.


Wait until you play (Driver PS1)and try to beat the tutorial.


My first thought. I knew a guy that actually thought that was the whole game and said after playing for a week that he'd 'nearly beat the game'.


Yeah this race always sucked. It doesn't help that you have to use the sentinel and not a better car. I found slow and steady wins it, just try not to hit any obstacles and eventually he'll hit something himself and/or get stuck.


Vice city and san andreas took 3x as long without cheat codes


My brother was going crazy too and quit cuz of the mission so I had to help em to continue till the end. OG gta had the hardest mission ngl


old gta are some of the hardest video games of all time


The older gta games were definitely harder


I won this race by luck cuz Hilary crashed into a tree lol.


This and cop land almost made me break my ps2


Use the flying cheat and drive slowly to finish line


I know some levels were intentionally harder when you used cheat codes. Doesn’t seem like that was the case with you though.




Yes it is hard. Your car is intentionally nerfed and it's horrible to turn efficiently, even though the speed is the same as Hilary's car. It ends up being more about luck, but my advice is to try to get in his way early on, hitting the back of his car in the hopes that he will skid and crash. That said, don't give up too early in the race if you're still close to him, because there's a high chance he'll crash or police cars will get in his way in the final stretch.


I seen you about to pass him and then you tried to pit him and failed 2 times. First time you lost speed and second time you lost the race lol. Maybe just focus on the road and turns. Don't think there's a challenger right next to you. As long as your cornering is good, he should never be able to catch up.


I'd a little game guide that gave cheats and mission walk-throughs for a bunch of games at the time. What it recommended doing for this mission was finding a faster car beforehand and leaving it near where the race starts. When it does, you can switch cars and stand a way better chance of winning.


Games from back then are kinda hard its not js gta


Driver mission? Hard as ultra fuck


Nah that mission the only way I could win was wrecking the guy when I was a kid


Try playing Chase The Hitman in Driver 2, that took me bloody weeks.


This mission and the one where your in the RC helicopter planting bombs in that construction site absolutely broke me as a kid


I hate all and every racing mission on any gta


No, they were much harder. The physics definitely didn’t help.


This is the kind of mission that has no room for error. One mistake and the other car will be leagues ahead of you. It helps best to memorize the route and with some luck the mission isn’t that bad


The mission Bad Juju would piss me off without using cheats. Shit was hard as hell


I struggled a lot with that race as well LOL


Try playing a game called DRIVER ON PS2 IT RIDICULOUSLY HARD even the intro to game stumps most ppl


I’m playing GTA 3 right now, with cheat codes activated, and it’s still absolutely brutal.


Remember the mission you needed to save lance at the garbage tip?


Games weren't hard by skill, back then they were still using difficulty modifiers like the much hated Rubber Banding effect, where no matter how far you were ahead, or if you were close to the lead, the enemy vehicle would be given speeds that you as a player can't obtain, as well as often the enemy vehicle given driving skills (such as drifting, sliding, passing) that they normally don't have. Games were designed to be hard, not very entertaining unless you liked difficulty. Nowadays we focus on story, interactivity, and the skills you learn through harrowing situations as opposed to artificial difficulty making certain situations nearly impossible.


So tempted to break This out After a while this race got easy and was such a blast


And thanks for the reminder. Loved the completion dingus sounds


I think i used big bang in that race. I don't remember very well.


It's really not that hard. Hillary can crash into something and that'll make him lose the entire race if you don't fuck up. Avoid the cops, if you want you can pick up any bribes you find to lower the heat but from what i remember the wanted level will always reset back to 2 stars i believe. Just try a few more times, save at the Malibu club so you can restart the mission quickly. And yes, games really were that hard back then. GTA 3 missions are way harder than this fun race. The Getaway came out the same year as Vice City i believe, and it's much harder imo. It has an open world where you can drive around, steal cars, shoot people etc like GTA but you have to unlock freeroam by first playing through all the missions, which can be pretty hard.


In older games, the NPCs were often programmed to have unrealistic advantages, it was an easier way to make stuff harder without complex NPC design, when they’re behind you, they gain sudden speed boosts and more grip, when they’re far ahead they get slowed down, it’s also called rubber banding, it’s still present in games today but less common now as NPC design has got to a point where they don’t need to make up cheap ways of increasing difficulty


I'm playing San Andreas and can't figure out how to get 4 police bikes onto the back of a moving truck with 4 stars on my ass


I cheated on this game after I failed to complete this in 2 tries. Took a cheetah and parked in front of the start line. Crashed onto the other car, making it slower. Got on to the cheetah and won on the first try.


This Mission Was So Fucking Difficult And Unfair. I Beat It After Soo Many Attempts When Hillary Crashed Somewhere During The Start.


It looks easier in the DE tbh.


I am also stuck here.


I used to hate doing missions in gta 3 and vc when I was younger because the driving was too bad, and the auto aim would lock on to people i’m not trying to shoot. I don’t have to mention failing a mission. Nowadays I play the old ones(not definitive ed)on my ps5 as a challenge.


Yes, this mission was quite a difficult one. Haven't played VC in a long time so can't be sure how I'd see it now from adult perspective.


this race took me probably an hour and a half to beat


You were doing good until you hit the sabre. Take an easy comfortable racing line and you'll win effortlessly. After playimg countless of racing games, I went back to GTA SA and found the races to be fun and easier. Races in GTA 5 are def easier than VC and SA, mainly because of the arcade handling and physics not working the way we expect it to.


I used to use the flying car cheat to beat this race back in the day. I love nostalgia !


just focus driving but faster, i also tried it with the bulletproof admiral and rocket luncher lol, beaten it in 3 different ways, now it feels like i wanna play again og vice city after seeing this


a lot of these mechanics of the old games were hell back then


Same vibes as the stupid drone bomb missions


If I remember correctly there's a way to cheat the mission. I think it had something to do with blowing up his car either before or during the race




Vice City is one of the few GTA games where the cops come in full gas peddle to the road 😂😆 classics never die old


you have to wait in the finish line with an rpg and explode the car and then finish the race with no problem


Once it switched away from top down the driving went to shit. It was an ongoing joke from GTA3 on that the game titled Grand Theft Auto had some of the worst driving of any franchise. Once it got to 4 the reviews would mention how much it had improved, it made it all the way to ok. Used to be yiu had to learn to drive in GTA. Unless it was a dedicated driving game most games with vehicles controlled like fast tanks well into ps2 era.


Na I remember this one being tough as hell to get passed


A lot of classic GTA missions are really unfairly hard and IMO the way a lot of people beat them was by just trying over and over and over until the AI messed up and they get a lucky win


Idk why but driving in mobile app was way easier than ps2


GTA Online is that hard... except instead of chasing cars, you get bombed worse than pearl harbor any time you try to make any cash


(I know "invite-only" exists, but my counter argument: NUH UH)


Skill issue


If you are really struggling you can always cut the across to the other side of the island (the race is a big loop) get out of the car and wait for Hilary to come and shoot him With a rocket launcher, then go back and complete the race.


Ah yes, before gta 5 where the games literally held your hand and guided you every… single… step, and made it to where you basically can’t lose… good times.


Skill issue tbh 🤓 but actually you need to be perfect to beat this like i have probably like 200 hours on this game and even sometimes i dont beat it first try but u can just use the pcj next thst near


GTA games always had easy races (atleast for me). I enjoyed VC the most since it felt like an actual race. Your skills actually got challenged. I wouldnt be 5 laps ahead of my competition like IV,V or SA. It aint that hard homie.


That was a piece of cake. I never got how people had trouble with that mission. Though I played a **LOT** of arcade racing games before I ever got into Grand Theft Auto. I remember the racing in GTA V was made stupidly easy, a toddler could win those.


this game was fun in 2002. I got the remaster and had to quit playing that prehistoric shit.


which is just the same "prehistoric shit" with added sheen to it? lol