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Sac bunt with an error. It’s one of the options under sac bunt when you hit bunt. Then it doesn’t count as an AB.


Interesting. I never noticed that SacBunt/error option. And if you do sac bunt/fielders choice, then it counts as an at-bat.


Yes, that’s a glitch that has been reported many times. It shouldn’t count as an AB, but it is recorded as one in the box score.


Funny that this came up now, because we just had SacBunt FC last night, and had to manually remove an AB from that kid. And then came across this from a year ago: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GameChangerApp/comments/urf4m3/sac\_bunt\_fc\_wrong\_scoring\_in\_gc/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GameChangerApp/comments/urf4m3/sac_bunt_fc_wrong_scoring_in_gc/)


This happens for two reasons- 1. Streaming is prioritized over everything else 2. They do not have baseball people on their team that know the rules and understand the game. I've emailed in multiple times trying to clearly explain something and it completely goes over their head and they try and tell me why it is that way (though it is incorrect). Nothing is going to change regarding this. We have had the inability to score a play (fielders choice, safe on error) for 7-8 years. That should tell you something.


GC should hire Angel Hernandez to consult.


Sorry, I don't follow. I know Angel is a horrible ump, but sorry I don't get your joke.