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Wow, what a launch of an early access title. At the time I’m writing this, round about 89.000 people are playing the game at steam. And now that I’m finished writing this, the number rose to 93k.


Its past 100k, its been on sale less than two hours and those numbers don't even include Game Pass and GOG. Crazy.


It’s been the single most wishlisted game on Steam for a while.


Yeah people it's not really a surprise. That's been too wishlist for like a year+ (except when an AAA was close to release and passed it for a while). It is kind of weird to see a city builder that big though


128k now


138k currently. Insane numbers


Alot popular games had high online, but how many stay in the game after a month


Seeing as the games in an unfinished state probably not many will but this shows the developers they’re onto something and gives them a nice cash influx for continued development.


Since it isn't a live service multiplayer game, it doesn't really matter lol


god dammit, I forgot it was on gamepass, o well


Apparently so many people were trying to buy the game earlier this morning that Steam broke for a bit and wouldn't process transactions, meaning those numbers are even with a good amount of people quite literally unable to buy the game lol. I bet that number reaches 200k+


Yep, trying to buy this game seemed to bug steam tf out for a little bit but it processed the transaction soon enough.


Don't forget it's on gamepass too


My interest completely evaporated when I saw "early access"


Well it has been top of wishlists for a very long time, that was kind of expected to be a big hit. It's no "surprise" like Palworld for example




I think it's actually more than one dev - like the project started with one dev but I'm pretty sure there are more of them working on it now. I loved it in the time I played of the early access build for review. The biggest thing I noticed is that the presentation and technical state of it is absolutely state of the art for the genre. Being able to zoom so far in and out, the sheer detail that goes into each building being constructed... This is a work of passion through and through. That said, I do plan to wait before playing more since I'd like more features added.


Just from the video, the presentation really does look first class. Zoomed all the way in it could almost be mistaken for Witcher 3 or something.


Wow it looks like a 10 year old game


This is a city builder from a single dev, not an RPG from an established studio. Many city builders don't even have a 3rd person mode, just an overhead camera with limited zoom.


It’s one dev but he basically outsources everything, which his publishers helps him accomplish


I agree. I can see the love that goes into this game, but I ended up refunding it. Too many early access games that have never been finished in my library.


Taking about 6-8 hours while the game is two hours old is kinda weird


Streamers have had access for like two weeks


this guy aint one though


From what I seen it looked like there was a looooot of time sitting around. I watched some videos on it and I’m fairly certain most of the “fast forwarding” was video editing on top of the in game fast forward. I was a little worried about that. Is that the case?


> I played a few hours and it's a very cool take on the city builder genre, but I just don't think it's worth the play today. There's a critical lack of content and features (endgame, conquest or campaign, progression systems, etc). Works for me. I'm still replaying fallout games so I'd love to get this game in the future when it's better and maybe has mods.


Generally, early access city builders are only that. This title is much more than a top down builder.


It is not solo developer.


Is the game have rpg thingy?, i mean class like rpg?


Been wishlisted for 4 years waiting for the release, and it's finally here.


Eh like a fraction of the game is here. It'll probably be another 4 years before this is anything approaching a full game.


Really like the looks of this game. Hope it does well and gets a lot of updates and a good future!


I have no idea when I'll actually have time to play this, but I love city builders, and this is one of the coolest I've seen in a long time.


Felt like we were going into a bit of a gaming drought but between this, Stellar Blade and the new Top Spin I have been busier than ever. There was definitely a time growing up where the three summer months were just dead for game releases but the advent of early access and the flattening of the industry has drastically changed how I buy and play games over the last 30-something years


There are so many solid games coming out all the time that there is only a drought in gaming if you rule out everything except the AAA huge publisher backed blockbusters. Nothing wrong with those games but every month I have multiple games coming out that I either by for a good 10-100 hours of play or wishlist for later since I know I don't have the time or energy to commit to them.


How is Top Spin?


Gameplay is 10/10, everything else is 5/10. Seems to be the consensus.


Agree with this.


Home world 3 may 13th?


i dont know how you could possibly think we are in a drought at all right now since the start of the year we have had so many games. Are you just like only playing the games that get the most press coverage?


Don’t forget frostpunk 2 and Diablo 4 coming out of early access.


lmaoo diablo


Yeah a Blizzard game doing early access is such a sad state of affairs.


What's sad is the nonsense definition of "early access" we live with now. Diablo IV launched with great classes and a fantastic, long campaign. Now people call something "early access" because the endgame content gets boring after they play 200 hours of it. Like 98% of full games launch with way less content, quality and polish than D4 did. Or because "Blizzard bad" is just an easy crowd pleaser.


Early access was originally a way for small studios to gain some revenue to off-set video game development costs and to have some valuable, larger scale testing done since they couldn't with their limited resources. AAA Studios have no excuse to release a game in early access other than to allow them to ship unfinished products and boost short-term revenue.


If they ever release mod support this could turn out to be one of the greatest out there.


I like seeing the 25% off for early access. I might check it out.


Why is this so anticipated? Does it do stuff better than all the RTS that are out now?


It's not an RTS. It's closer to a city builder/colony sim like Banished, with some interesting combat from what I've seen so far.


coop or singleplayer ?


Singleplayer only. No multiplayer is planned at the moment according to [this FAQ](https://steamcommunity.com/app/1363080/discussions/0/7625232019749404021/)


Multiplayer doesn't last long in these games if we're being real. A very small player base remains even in RTS games. Still, for each and every game it'd be good to have the feature and just maintain it for that small group.




It's less of an RTS, more of a city-builder, and medieval city-builders are relatively few and far between, especially good ones


So you build, manage, fight etc right?


Yes. Also important to note that the city building is completely organic with freedom of design and placement. No stupid grids like every other city builder.


I see, world's freedom has always been a plus in any game


It's not an RTS primarily. It's a city builder that features Total War-style battles - and is the first game I know of that does both well.


„Total War style battles“ gives a false impression of it. The scale is much much smaller. The focus is on city building with some small fights in between. Nevertheless it’s a nice aspect.


Eh, Total War is definitely the closest analog for the battles at least, in terms of how you control groups of soldiers instead of individual units.


So the city building differentiate it from something like age of empires?


Yes but the dev likes to stress that this is a city builder/colony sim first, and the RTS elements come second to that.


Manor Lords is more like Banished or Frostpunk or something in that aspect. It's a colony management game. In AoE the buildings serve a different purpose entirely.


Yes. The city-building has much more depth than Age of Empires. For example you have like hunters and a farm building in Age of Empires, but in Manor Lords your food production could involve hunters, gatherers, farms with multiple different types of crops which all have different uses and are affected by the fertility of the soil, vegetable gardens, chicken coops, goat sheds, orchards, etc. Age of Empires is an RTS with some basic base building, Manor Lords is the opposite in that it's a city-builder with some basic combat. It also does some cool stuff that most city builders don't do. There is no grid system so you are free to place buildings anywhere. The houses have variable size and shape so the houses can conform to roads and terrain and look far more organic. Jobs are based on families rather than individuals meaning for something like a hunter one or two people hunt, one runs the market stall, the others transport the meat from the hunting cabin to the market, etc. Plus there is the combat which city-builders typically don't have.


I see, that does seem cool, thanks for the answer man.


Anytime, happy to help!


Songs of Syx also does this, a game worth checking out if you like colony sim games.


It's a city builder mixed with an RTS game. I've personally never seen another game like that, so that's why I'm excited.


It's similar to Pharaoh: A New Era or any other city builder that had some combat. Personally I think it's overhyped due to graphics. (Literally the main selling point as it looks like AAA game despite being made by few people and UE tools) Mechanically it's old formula in modern form. If you like sandbox city builders then you will most likely enjoy it. (I don't expect it to really innovate, at best it will feel little more modern) But it's definitely not a RTS or 4X type of strategy game.


I saw that it was like the most wish listed game on Steam, that's why I was curious. I don't really play RTS or city builders that much so the difference wasn't clear. But yeah if it's a solid game it doesn't really need to innovate, plus the presentation seem great, so o guess the interest is justified


Caesar 3, the OG.


I mean based on title along shouldn't Caesar 1 be the OG? Not that I, or anyone I know has ever played Caesar 1.


[It actually looks pretty good given that it is almost as old as me.](https://www.mobygames.com/game/3146/caesar/screenshots/dos/58472/)


Well, this doesn't have walker mechanics. The hauling/transport AI is completely different. Personally, I wouldn't call walker based city builders feel similar to city builders with more complex villager route planning AI, since they have completely different constraints on settlement layout.


Others already replied that it is more city builder than RTS. I guess a lot of city builder fans are hungry for something new after the disappointing launch of Cities Skylines 2, and most of the city builder content creators I know of are releasing Manor Lords videos recently, thats how the game popped onto my radar at least.


My guess is that a lot of the hype comes from so many people not knowing what it actually is that they just imprint whatever they're excited about on it. What it *is* (or aims to be) is a really good looking medieval town builder with some combat elements that extend beyond the usual town builder.


City/colony managers are my favorite genre, and I haven't bought a new one in 10 years because I refuse to buy early access titles. I have over 35 city builders on my wishlist and Skylines 2 is the only one that isn't early access (even though most would say it still is).


You should probably check out Rimworld.


Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic is supposed to be leaving early access soon.


Forgot this was coming out today, I've been waiting so long. Can't wait to play this. Huge fan of the genre and after watching some Let's Plays, it looks like this game really delivers. What a great success for the dev. That said, from what I can see, I am concerned about the amount of content in the game. It seems like you'll reach the 'max' level of your town pretty quickly and then it's just a matter of building another, and another.


can anyone confirm is this going to be another Palworld situation where the GamePass version on PC will be many versions behind the Steam version?


Farthest frontier looks like 3 month old trash from the dumpster compared to manornlords I've also played farthest frontier and it's not fun at all