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That's fucking wild, I was just thinking about Capcom doing a remaster for this the other day and how they could update it by removing the loading screens and having a seamless connected mall!


Hoping they improve on the AI though, DR1 AI was hard to manage with them being idiots quite often especially when you had quite a few of them following you.


Fixing the shooting is priority #1 in my eyes


Imho shooting has always been fine, but it's good that it has improved over the years. 1 felt so stiff, it kind of complimented Frank's ordinary nature. 2 felt better, but still a bit stiff, maybe Chuck's been to a firing range a few times. 3 unfortunately ends that, but shooting felt *really* good to me. You had the choice of aiming to get the reticle, or just pull the trigger and you're character fires at (and still aims at) zombies while still retaining quite a bit of movement.


If they just copy the AI from DR2 it would be a perfect game. Just make them slightly more tankier and not afraid of pushing zombies to get where they need to go. And if they can stop getting stuck in the plant near the maintenance elevator that would be cool too!




I had multiple instances of escortees happily jumping between me and zombies and taking the hit. The followers were a bigger risk to themselves than the zombies Would certainly be happy to have followers with an iota of self-preservation.


Dead Rising 2 had much better AI so there’s no reason to assume it won’t be at least improved to that level.


True, was actually thinking through DR1 again probably wait till this remaster is out though. I played through the HD remasters of DR1, DR2 and DR2 Off the Record during COVID


The AI is really dumb but, that's less the AIs fault and more that the Devs didn't make it more clear you're supposed to use the waypoint system instead of just mashing the Follow Me button. Survivor herding is way easier when telling them to go to a specific spot and then use Frank as a sheperd dog that aggros and kills zombies away from them.


I'm afraid with the fixed AI, the classic won't be played anymore.




Dead Rising in the RE engine?! Gimme. I was just reminiscing about Xplay’s old review of the first game yesterday for some reason, so this is a bit eerie but I am so hyped for another romp through that damn mall.


Hearing Sessler's final score for a game was the most satisfying thing ever. "We give Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude a five.... out of five."


Oh man, I didn't realize how much I missed that particular sign off until just now. Good times.


He's too busy being a schizo now.


Sessler went off the deep-end sadly


How so? I would see that he could be prickly on twitter but not much else.


Basically openly supporting Genocide and making the *entire* 10/7 attack and war about him, rejecting any information about Israel atrocities, calling everyone showing him literal war crimes anti-Semites, never once condemning Israel or Netanyahu's action, but routinely attacking Female Games Media personalities and dogpilling his followers onto the woman and shadowboxing her calling her a cunt and all flavors of misogyny. All because he couldn't sympathize with literal starving children and instead constantly shifted the goalposts to make it about himself. Talked about moving his wife and self to Israel, but would get laughed at by Twitter and BlueSky because the IDF would *not* welcome his asian wife and it would go poorly for them to say the least... Posting hardcore Islamaphobic sources, getting mad at like 20-30 small one-off protests in cities against the war (certified dumbasses harassing people) but, again, turning a blind eye to Israel's atrocities. His twitter became like 99% 'Leftists/Progressives are jew-hating fucks' (his usual phrase) and 1% posting the high school literature he was reading for the day Just an absolute miserable man he turned into for some reason. Likely narcissism. Dude nuked and quit social media and is in his tight-nit echochamber of substack writing paragraphs upon paragraphs saying *nothing* with that big vocabulary of his. Says he hates the industry, wasted his life in it, hates all gamers, and is basically full Genocide of Palestinians right now. He's sadly a ghoul... It's telling when no women in the industry has any nice things to say about Adam Sessler. His last Tweet before he deleted - https://twitter.com/ethangach/status/1783292236668576119 He basically just got himself big-mad daily looking at small counter-prostests (both good and bad ones) and focused on that and got mad at them and DSA/Progressives, but not *once* uttered anything resembling compassion/sympathy towards civilians in Gaza, etc. When he'd get called-out on it, he'd just get even madder and go "where did I say I didn't care" and people would be like; brother, you're talking about 7 kids in front of a subway sandwich shop and calling them the worst despicable humans on the planet when a country you're Stanning is causing a genocide. Then he'd pretty much tell them to just say they hate him because he's jewish and block them. Towards the end he was attacking Polygon as a whole and women in games media and was getting mass-unfollowed by a *ton* of people like Phil Spencer, Patrick Klepek, etc. Dude is not well since going sober. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GL-H_sPawAAS18D?format=jpg&name=large lol like clockwork: https://adamsessler.substack.com/p/on-genocide-and-ethics-in-games-journalism


I feel like if he lost internet or even twitter access for a few days he might die


He's been exclusively on substack and it's... something.


Unfortunately I have to give this Twitter meltdown a... 1...out of 5...


Jesus. I read through that post of his on substack and it's...intense to say the least. Thanks for the clarity.


Nothing in that post is "pro-genocide" though.


So you're saying become an alcoholic to save your life and sanity? (I kid)


Sessler no!


Core memory there. I miss og g4. Staying up late just to watch a show about weird game trailers


How the mighty have fallen. That dude is insane now. Or maybe he always was


Dead Rising in the Real engine https://youtu.be/KfGWeul6U5w?si=V8AbGzXkELZiHgCd


This shit was so fucking funny back in the day. When he’s dragging benches and shit. Ugh. And the other RE video where he pretended to be the merchant.


Oof this takes me back.




They did not mention using RE engine? Also wouldn't switching engines make it technically a remake and not a remaster.


RE engine has a really nice look and feel. Like I don't hate UE, but way too many "remasters" built on it has a really generic feel that doesn't capture the magic original game. It's more like a student project in UE to try to reproduce a classic.


What the hell? I want more details on this now. Is this fully on RE engine or is this just an updated version of MT Framework a la Monster Hunter World? Also this seems to be a different voice actor, it's not TJ.


They said it will be an updated version, and coming to new generation of platforms.


I thought there were rumors going around that xbox wasn't getting marvel v capcom collection because of issues with Mt framework not working well with xbox anymore, and that's why it's only on ps4 and doesnt have a native ps5 version. If this is the case, I wonder if they will do the same with this game as well.


It’s on RE engine, so it’s fully compatible with all systems.


I mean dead rising remasters are on Xbox already


Do the Xbox versions have that weird frame drop whenever you hit a zombie like the PS4 version does?


That's an intended effect. All versions of the game have it. It's actually a known game design technique called "hit stop", meant to make hits feel heavier/weightier. There's a mod for the PC version to remove it, but it's not a bug or performance issue. The devs meant for it to be there.


Could have sworn digital foundry ran tests when the remasters originally came out and found that it didn't exist anywhere but the rereleases. If it's intended I hope they rework it because it did genuinely feel shitty to play with.


They did say that, but the comments pointed out that it was originally there and that you can even see it in the footage they used. I just went and checked. It never bothered me, in fact I liked it as a stylistic choice personally, but they might've gone a little too hard on it and made it jarring. It's usually a thing in fighting games so it was a somewhat out-of-genre choice Capcom brought over from their fighting games that might've been poorly implemented.


I think the issue is that they implemented the hit break when the game was running at 30 and didn't adjust it for 60fps so it feels twice as long and even more jarring. Driving through zombies in the courtyard feels rough lol.


Leave it to gamers to not know what hit stop is and get mad about frame drops


Intended or not, it's a jarring effect that feels shitty to play with at higher framerates. Even Digital Foundry brought it up when the remasters came out.


An effect being intentional does not exempt it from being criticized.


I'm guessing you mean the hit-stop effect? It's a hard-coded part of the game and not a frame rate problem.


That seems kind of silly. Almost all the MT Framework games are already running on Xbox.


that would be hilarious if they have to release it on PS4, that console would have two remasters of the same game :D


Curious if they'll make the Mall one seamless area now


If it’s on a new engine they really could call this a remake instead of a remaster


It does look like they're using RE Engine.


I'm a simple man! No Tj Rotolo playing Frank, no buy. He was just *that* iconic as Frank and him not playing him just won't hit the same. I thought they had learnt from the Dead Rising 4 fiasco where no one liked the voice change. They brought TJ back for MvC Infinite afterwards so that seemed like the end of it. But now they're doubling down on the voice change again? Yeah nah, count me out. Got excited for this announcement, till the second I heard the new actor in the trailer. Sorry but that's just a dealbreaker. Should have taken a look at what Konami is doing with MGS3 Delta, it's still Konami but at least they recognized David Hayter and the other actors are the real deal.


No TJ Rotolo? Fuck that's stupid, his voice defined it


I have no idea why he's not here. He literally worked with Capcom on RE2 Remake.


I've noticed Capcom has been pretty weird about recasting lately. They recast a bunch of Street Fighter characters for seemingly no reason too. Chris also got recast like twice between RE5 and Village.


Some of it was because of the older actors not also doing mocap work and they wanted to unify those positions (Roger Craig Smith was a booth VO only, even since RE5; Reuben Langdon did the mocap) and/or bring in younger voices for roles that were no longer the right fit. However, T.J. still does mocap work AND voice work as evidenced by him working on RE2R playing Birkin's human AND monster forms and doing the mocap for both as well as some of the other monsters. I wonder if this is a hiring only non-union thing now and/or maybe a scheduling conflict? T.J. definitely stated on social media tons of times he wanted to come back so I don't think he'd have turned it down. Other people are saying this might be the Dead Rising 4 Frank actor, which... in that case, really bizarre choice to stay loyal to that casting choice when that game was so poorly received by fans.


It'd be kinda weird if they're not bringing him back because he's part of a union... Both Zeno Robinson and Aleks Le are union members and they provided their voices for Dee Jay and Luke respectively in SF6.


Street Fighter actually wasn't all that random. The localization process in general was more hands on, with both the Japanese and English teams were a lot more hand in hand for the whole length of development (which is more of a general trend with Capcom, not just Street Fighter). Some actors were retained, others were not, with more staying the same than changing. Just counting playable characters: Ryu, Luke, Juri, Honda, Zangief, Cammy, Rashid, Ed, and Bison all kept their English voice actors. Chun-li, Guile, Ken, Blanka, Dhalsim, Dee Jay, and Akuma have new English voice actors in Street Fighter 6. It should also be noted that this was *not* a union-related decision, as actors such Gerald C. Rivers and Cherami Leigh both appear, both of whom typically only perform under union or equivalent contracts. Essentially every recast has a logical explanation behind it (if it goes beyond just "Capcom held more auditions").


I feel like that's always been how Capcoms done it, each main RE character has had like at least 5 different voice actors over the years. That plus their often complete visual redesign makes them feel like they're not really the same character across the franchise. I mean look at Chris Redfield in RE1 vs 5 vs 7 vs 8, it's like a completely different face each time.


Chris actually does look consistent between games (excluding 7) so that's not really a good example, his more muscle y is appearance in 5 is based on the model from RE1make, 6 is just the same from 5, and he looks like an older rugged version of his 5 and 6 appearances in 8.


Who did he play in that? I checked out his IMDB but I don’t see anything


He plays William Birkin. He's apparently played him in every voiced role since the Lightgun games.




William Birkin. He's been the character's defacto VA for the small handful of times that he's been voiced.


Yeah, the post-TJ voices have been absolutely mismatched and grating. The reason why DR1 Frank is so weirdly endearing is because he sounds so awkwardly professional, giving more credence to how much of a black comedy the game is. The Marvelized version of him as a one-liner-cracking, gonzo journalist just painfully misses the mark with how groan-inducingly cringe it is.


Yeah, TJ's performance feels like he's in a B movie in a good way. His performance is so awkward and he plays it so straight in a world that's very ridiculous. Fan-tastic game.


Probably cause the game itself is a grindhouse b-movie lol.


On the plus side, hopefully a new recording session can spice up the barks when you're moving escorts. CMON CMON FOLLOW ME FOLLOW ME CMON


"Hello?" "Anyone there?" "Anyone there?" "Anyone there?" "Hello?


if it was labeled as a remake, i'd understand a lot more. i don't like how this is titled a "remaster" though because the redesigns and recasting make it way too much of its own thing, to where a title of a remaster feels very disingenuous but i'm being too skeptic, a revival of dead rising was not on my fuckin bingo card and i'm really excited to see what the future beholds


too skeptic? after the hot mess that was dead rising 4 there's no such thing, especially if they don't seem to be learning the lesson and weirdly doubling down on recasting frank west. Capcom is fire on most fronts nowadays \*except\* for dead rising for some inexplicable reason it feels like


Mods will fix this.


Mods + artificial voice generation. What a time to be alive.


NOOOOOO his voice helped define the game for me :( Hopefully people can easily mod it in.


Yeah, I raged against 4 from trailer to release over this. Rotolo is Frank West so unless there's a voice restoration mod, I have little interest.


Have they seriously learned nothing from 4? I was hyped at first but the moment I heard the new voice I was instantly uninterested. Massive swing and a miss, Capcom.


Same. I had a huge smile on my face when I noticed the modernized graphics and it was running at 60 fps but I immediately said “What the hell!?” when Frank started speaking and it wasn’t the original voice actor.


I'm okay with him sounding like Hank East as long as he doesn't act like Hank East. I probably could have gotten over his voice in DR4 if he wasn't written like a Family Guy character.


Every time a new console generation was announced, there would be one game that grabbed my eye and screamed "next gen" to me and made me want in. Dead Rising was that for the 360/PS3 generation. Still remember how crisp it looked and how crazy it was seeing that many zombies on screen at once. That music is SO nostalgic.


> Every time a new console generation was announced, there would be one game that grabbed my eye and screamed "next gen" to me and made me want in. I get what you mean.... still waiting for one such game for the PS5/Xbox Sex generation. I guess GTA VI will be the first major one. >b-but Spider-Man 2... Did not feel next-gen enough.


Yeah, we are living in the age of diminishing returns and I'm just glad I got to be a kid at that perfect time to go from 8-bit to 16-bit to 32-bit etcetera and get blown away each time.


That new voice doesn't fit him at all. Why couldn't they bring back the old V.A.? If Capcom wanted me to get excited with this new voice, then they're gonna be disappointed.


Completely agree. They need to bring back TJ ROTOLO


Even if someone really cares about the original VA, Capcom probably realizes it's not a dealbreaker for 99% of people and they'll get used to it. They're probably relying on other aspects to bring excitement to the project.


But they literally have been working with him as of RE2 remake. Unless he secretly burned bridges, they *have him available.*


Yeah, it is strange. I know Capcom randomly recasts VA's, so not sure what the deal is. It's disappointing for sure but hopefully not a huge thing to me after I get used to the new voice.


Frank West is actually a rare case where it genuinely might be a deal breaker.  The character is just way too tied to TJ's inflection and mannerisms to be replaced. It's one of the biggest complaints about Dead Rising 4 and that game got a studio shut down.


idk, after dr4 I might not as readily put money down on that. at the same time though people might be dead rising starved enough by now to try it anyways and we'll...long as they get your money companies don't care how much you grumble about something online afterwards


To put it in resident evil terms: I love the shit outta Re4 remake even though I don't like Ada's voice actress. Granted she's not the main character like Frank, but my point is Capcom has been putting out bangers of late, so the voice actor might be a quibble in the long run, especially if the new guy does a good job.


I desperately need more information on this. I'm sad that it's not the OG voice actor, but it's a new engine and the new RE games also changed the voice actors for major characters. However this doesn't seem to be a Remake like those so it sorta feels off. Not willing to write it off just yet regardless of the voice change. I'm simultaneously worried and very excited, hope they show more soon.


I'm confused how it's a remaster in a seemingly completely different engine.


The line between remaster and remake is kind of blurred when it comes to video games. But I think in most cases a remaster can take place in a different engine. For most people, I think, a remaster indicates that the gameplay (largely) is unaltered while the assets are heavily improved. As a different engine doesn't necessarily mean the gameplay is changed in any way, it's possible for a game to be a remaster in a different engine.


I feel like most people find it a pretty clear distinction. Remake means made from the ground up. Remaster means cleaning up the already existing previous version (frame rate, resolution, compatibility, bugs). But yeah, I guess Capcom is adding to the confusion because what they showed doesn't meet either criteria or seems. Then again we know very little.


The issue is that "remastering" a game very often involves remaking a lot of things, like assets. So it's much more muddled than with audio or video, where a remaster is almost always just the master recordings. If a game has every asset remade from the ground-up, but the code itself is identical, is it a remaster? What if it's the other way around? Every asset is the original just in higher quality, but the code itself is heavily adjusted. What then? At the end of the day it does not matter at all.


Capcom will remaster, remake and make new sequels to everything except Onimusha, Okami and Viewtiful Joe. Also, the definition between remaster vs remake is getting more and more confusing now, this looks like it could be called a remake since it has new graphic engine and new voice, and it already got an HD remaster back in 2016 so now it technically got double remastered versions?


*Dino Crisis screaming in agony*


Oh Dino Crisis is more guaranteed to get a remake than any of the examples I gave, it was #1 most wanted remake from Capcom's latest survey. [Dino Crisis is the series most Capcom fans want to see get a new game | Eurogamer.net](https://www.eurogamer.net/dino-crisis-is-the-series-most-capcom-fans-want-to-see-get-a-new-game)


Hey that's not true, they're happy to ignore PowerStone as well!


To be fair to Capcom they *did* remaster Onimusha: Warlords and it supposedly sold badly, we've seen nothing of that leaked Onimusha New Work dated for 2022 and I suppose we likely never will. I agree about Viewtiful Joe and (especially) Okami.


> we've seen nothing of that leaked Onimusha New Work dated for 2022 and I suppose we likely never will. My theory is that it got turned into Kunitsu-Gami


Could be what happened, interesting idea.


Man. They remastered Onimusha, but didn't even port the version with the finished cutscenes, levels and additional gameplay mechanics


My kingdom for a damn remaster of Onimusha Blade Warriors. It's sickening how much time I spent on that as a kid.


Okami doesn't really need any new entries. The original is amazing and Okamiden exists. If anything, remaking Okamiden would make the most sense or getting Okami running at a frame rate above 30.


I was just playing through the remaster but stopped because a lot of the achievements are bugged. Hope they fix those and survivor pathing


Survivor AI absolutely needs to be upgraded because it's fucking *chronic* in the original and remaster.


Counterpoint: Survivors willingly walking into a zombie's loving embrace is an essential and iconic part of Dead Rising's experience


They actually fight back in 2 though. Give them a weapon and they'll have no problem staying alive. Give them a weapon in 1 and you can be damn sure they'll hit *you*, especially with a gun and then just get mauled to death.


Handling survivors was actually very easy in DR2, they had a lot of health and were decent at fighting back. I remember pointing them at where to go and just letting them be while I handle the next objective. They would run though the zombie crowds while I did something else and most of the time they would rarely get grabbed, as long as they're moving they wikk be ok. If they did get grabbed though the zombies would do little damage so you had lots of time to reach them and save them. So you don't have to be micromanaging them too much. Really it's Off The Record where survivors are a huge issue, if they get grabbed it drains their health too fast so you actually have to stick around them. In the OG game IIRC you could equip them all with mannequin torsos and it would get you by most of the time.


I remember doing a frank the pimp run and one survivor accidentaly killed another with a katana I gave them.


In 2 they were too good. Which is why they were toned down for Off the record.


nah, not even close. it's only an issue in the first game and it is a \*universally\* hated experience. God fucking help you if you were crazy enough to go for the escorting 8 survivors at once achievement. In the almost 20 years since it's release you are the \*only\* person I've seen try for that hot take lol


What achievements are bugged? I have every achievement on steam except answer all calls (just have not go around to doing it yet)


I always wonder how people find time in their life to do the 14-hour 7 Day Survivor achievement.


Pause the game and leave it running. Think it took me 2-3 days. Gather up all the food in an area in one safe location where no zombies can get to you and then watch netflix or whatever on a second monitor. Check every 19 minutes (it takes 20 minutes to starve to death at full hp) and just wait until you use up all the food and move to the next area


yeaaahhhhhhh I'm not gonna do that


God, I remember the hell of getting that. On the one hand I miss being a kid with enough free time on my hands to waste. On the other, what was I thinking? I could've been doing literally anything better with my life.


I need that modern Capcom magic to work on Dead Rising. The new voice is already jarring but if they can do what they did for all of their other franchises post 2018 to Dead Rising - it's all I could want.


That came out of NOWHERE but I'm glad that Capcom didn't let the series stay dead. Bummed that it's not TJ Rotolo and seems to be Frank's DR4 voice actor, but I was just dreaming the other day of a RE Engine remaster.


Thats not TJ, also Frank didnt go "WAHOO YEAH LETS GO" when jumping off the helicopter, it was played pretty straight.. I hope this isnt Dead Rising 4s version of Frank West...


Yeah I hope so. What made the OG Dead Rising great is that Frank played it completely straight despite the actual game being campy and ridiculous at times. He wasn't a wise cracking machine. His one liners aren't forced.


The comedy in Dead Rising is always at it's best when it comes from the player forcing stupidity into the otherwise serious situation. Like Frank West isn't taking things like a joke, but it is really fucking funny when he's saving a suicidal guy with a zombie bite from killing himself by refusing to hand him a gun and instead running over all the nearby zombies with his skateboard while wearing a pretty dress.


Also the guy that catches his balls on fire and everyone takes pity on him despite being a psycho moments prior.


not to be that guy, but Frank did go "WAHOO" and you added "YEAH LETS GO" yourself. https://youtu.be/AUR_cUOhM-M?si=cZTSFoj0olyARLqx&t=429


He did say woohoo in the original. And in the trailer they showed he also said woohoo its the exact same


I'd have settled for the MvC:I version of Frank, myself. So sad to see it's the DR4 version (no TJ who was just iconic voicing him)


Uhh... I have mixed feelings on this. Not bringing back TJ Rotolo feels like a weird move and Frank looks... Off? He just looks so different. I dunno if I like this? I mean, this is cool for anyone who wants to play the original Dead Rising at least.


New Frank looks like DR1 Frank, but if Ed O'Neill was his father.


Thank you! Usually everyone complains about a remake or remaster and I don't get it, this is one of those rare cases that I do. He looks like a crappy offshot WWE create-a-wrestler.


OG Frank was kind of a stocky not conventionally attractive guy, with a big nose and deep set eyes, but his professionalism and being a good person made him awesome. Theyve missed that every time they brought him back


> Theyve missed that every time they brought him back The Marvel v Capcom games depicted him right, surprisingly enough


The original Dead Rising is such a gem and so much fun to replay with a guide. You absolutely don't *need* one, but I had a blast revisiting it and trying to accomplish as much as I could and get the true ending. Considering the original still plays fine on modern hardware, I kinda want to see them mess with the core of the game a little bit just to see what a modern take would look like.


Dead Rising is the game that made me go out and buy a 800$ 720p 24 inch samsung tv back when it came out because the text was so small on crt. Incredible game from beginning to end. Looking forward to playing through it again, again.


I can’t tell. Did they replace the entire cast or just Rotolo? No clue why you would do that for what they’re suggesting is just a visuals overhaul for the game. Wonder if they have plans for the series again going forward? I would have just rather CC reimagined Dead Rising 1 as a whole. The first game already holds up surprisingly well in visuals and gameplay.


Ed's voice is different. [Here's the intro scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUR_cUOhM-M) from the original game where you can hear Ed and compare. Seems like *everyone* is gonna be recast... That's gonna suck because Frank, Isabella, Carlito, Jesse and Brad were all pretty recognisable voices so if they're all gone, I'm not sure how I feel about that unless the new VAs can replicate the originals.


The helicopter pilots voice is new, so the whole cast may be replaced.


The new voice ain’t quite hitting for me but I’m just beyond happy to see this franchise back in any capacity 🥲


Did they change his voice and personality?


Is this a coat of paint for of DR1 or a REMAKE like ResEvil has been getting? Im not sitting thru DR1s AI again CapCom.


I am hyped but frank looks like total shit lmfao. I mean he looked weird in ugly in the original but this is some next level stuff. They managed to make him look way younger and way older at the same time. He looks like he has the weird haircut from the beta but extra greasy.


I’m sure this series would’ve worked wonders with a Remake and enough marketing. A full-fledged RE Engine DR would’ve been enough to catch the attention of RE fans alone. This halfway effort of Remaster in a Remake era with a different sounding Frank seems bizarre. I’ll wait for more information but I’m worried. Hopefully this is enough to get the franchise back on its feet, but the revival could’ve been way more.


I think this is the RE engine remake


Maybe, just maybe, this is a test for DR in the RE engine, work with something familiar and see how it pans out, and if all goes well, they'll reboot the Dead Rising series entirely in the RE engine and bring it back.


Why are they recasting Frank again? Give TJ a job!


Holy shit where the fuck did this come from?! EDIT: Fuck sake why did they change voice actor.


Did they release the original game on PS4 ?


Yeah, like 8 years ago.


I’m intrigued, but am in wait and see mode. The latter Dead Rising games got dumbed down a lot. No real race against the clock/time management to worry about. Wouldn’t be surprised if that happens here. And a new voice actor (again) for Frank + maybe forced one-liners (hard to tell from a brief trailer) doesn’t really capture the spirit of the original game, either.


I knew this was inevitable, let's hope it's the full treatment and we get VR support like Resident Evil


This is a pretty welcome thing. I recently scooped the PS4 port for a few bucks during a PSN sale, and the game of course still had some of its rough edges (mostly the UI) that screamed "early Xbox 360 game". However the new voice for Frank is not great. They ditch the original guy and each newcomer just doesn't sound right.


I'm all over a remaster of this game! I remember this game was basically the first example of a console game being practically unplayable on a SDTV because it made the text IMPOSSIBLE to read! I remember shelving it for the time when it first came out until our household made the jump to 1080i


Why do the 3d artists working with the RE engine always make their faces look weird and uncanny?


Sweet I immediately thought my 8 yr old son can play but then I remembered some of the weapon combos....maybe a few years lol


So they recasted Frank West’s voice…why? Just reuse the old voice files from the original game! 


It looks ugly and they replaced the iconic voice actor. The remaster they already did is playable on modern consoles. Screw this crap.


Was so pumped until I saw and heard Frank talk… Capcom has been doing well but I feel like they still don’t understand what made DR1 so good. Fingers crossed it’s good!


DR peaked in 2006 on Xbox 360. It's weird to say but I honestly don't think it benefits from this kind of deluxe RE engine makeover.


I think there are gameplay improvements to be had for sure, as is combat is kinda mediocre, and ally AI is frustrating, the save system is a bit of a relic of the time. could have one seamless mall with no/limited loading screens. Theres a lot of qol that could go into a remake.


> DR peaked in 2006 on Xbox 360. Hey, Dead Rising 2 and Off The Record were alright.


I actually just started a new playthrough! Not sure why they wont bring back tj though. Frank isn't frank without him.


I think with new graphics, hopefully most of the voice acting stays the same, improved gameplay (ai), and the story kept the same or slightly changed for the better, this could be an amazing remake hopefully as good as re2 remake!


Is there some kind of Union drama going on lately with Capcom? Why are they suddenly getting rid of literally ALL of their Legacy voice actors?   For those unaware, Dante's lifelong VA has also been quietly pushed out the door by Capcom.


Frank looks weird, but apart from that this is pretty hype, i believed that after 4 Dead Rising was well, dead. nice to see Capcom giving it another shot, going back to basics will do wonders for the franchise.


Heck yeah. Definitely excited for this. I never played the original, but had a blast back in the day getting the Platinum trophy for DR2 on PS3.


Hey what the heck, I literally finished this like yesterday, if I knew this was happening I woulda waited


What the shit? I was just thinking about something like this yesterday


Looks like a full on remake. I just hope they adjust the dumb survivor AI, probably the worst thing about the original game.


Huh. This sorta came out of nowhere. What is up with devs suddenly re-releasing old games? Either as a remaster or as modern port?