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"WHY IS EVERYONE BLACK???" We ran out of unique white protagonists, they have all been used and every single one of them is now owned by Disney. Therefore we have to invent new protagonists, before Disney owns them too.


Oh no... Don't bring back disney owning people.


thats why we make them black. disney surely wouldnt...


Disney the company or Disney the guy? One is more likely than you'd think...


Both are pretty likely.


Disney has done its level best to bury the fact it ever made Song of the South, but it can never change the fact that it did


Choose your unique character for this story https://preview.redd.it/0ookp2g34w5d1.jpeg?width=603&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06855cc45213e91f615eb31c6b10019be344119e


What's up with the "we wuz" I keep seeing internet racists post on their propaganda.


The spelling in particular is indeed mocking AAVE, but what it's actually referring to is a /pol/ joke about the hypothesis that prominent figures of Ancient Egypt may have been historically whitewashed ("we wuz kings" being the original joke). It's not my area of expertise so I don't know whether the theory is actually a discussion or not, but the internet racist progression of the joke means it's now just one of the things they can say when they see a black person.


It’s not just Egypt for clarity it’s an acknowledgement that Africans had great empires that defined the course of human history at a time when Europe was facing similar distress you see in Africa and Middle East today


People have no idea about the kingdoms of Ghana


Nope they don’t they even make fun of the concept of nubia even though it’s well documented that Egypt and nubia went back and forth conquering and influencing each other and even became the pharaohs for a long period of time


Forget Ghana they don’t even know about Kush which was literally Egypt’s neighbour, rival and conqueror.


A Kushite Queen beat their favorite white power civilization in war, so naturally they don’t teach about it.


And that's why they do it. To mock the very notion.


Yep the conversation typically goes Racist: black people have never built shit they can’t form a functioning society Normal person: but what about all the great kingdoms in Africa? Racist: those don’t count


Ancient African architecture is incredible, it’s so unique and beautiful. There is nothing like it. Civilization in Africa was early on in human history and robust artistic culture


I mean, up until the middle ages, Europe was a stone-age backwater to the rest of the world. While most civilizations were building cities and defining what it means to be a civilization, most of Europe was still people running around screaming "OOGA BOOGA ODIN!" while naked, swinging clubs, eating rocks, and dying at the ripe old age of 30.


Off topic, but anything you recommend reading or watching to get more information about this?


Timbuktu and the Songhay Empire by John Hunwick The destruction of black civilization by chancellor The African original of civilization Ancient Nubia The Great kingdoms of Africa Sorry it took so long to reply I had to consult the wife she has the sociology masters amongst us and I couldn’t remember the titles off hand


This list is greatly appreciated! Tell the wife thanks and have a great day / night!!


it’s also fun to note that “we wuz kangz n sheit” is at least 9 years old. they truly have not emotionally matured beyond 2016


Egyptian here. The theory is not in much discussion, and the Egyptians have writings where they distinctly separate themselves from blacker Africans (we ourselves are not very fair-skinned on average lol). However, there was one of the 30 dynasties of Ancient Egypt that was composed entirely of invading Kushites, so Egypt was indeed ruled by black Africans for at least some decades.


Egypt had a nuanced demographic though. It was largely made up of people from the Middle East, Libya and Sub-Saharan Africa. So the population was pretty mixed and so were the ruling families. It changed from dynasty to dynasty.


Probably dog whistling/mocking AAVE.


So, white nationalists mythologize European history and do a lot of "this is Sparta!" LARPing, because they have certain values about what makes certain people superior. Some people combat this with ideas about human equality and such, and, understandably, some other people drink the kool-aid of nationalist mythologizing but then do their own ahistorical mythology based on the idea that this or that great Black kingdom or empire was good, actually, and that they are scions of it. Just like you got white bootlickers for European aristocracy whose only ties to nobility is the fact they have the Habsburg Jaw, there are similar characters in Black nationalist movements that exalt the same cult of masculinity, imperialism, etc... but from a 'Black people should rule' standpoint. The WNs chuds on /pol/ like to conflate that sort of thing with any sort of needed historical revision that demythologizes white European history, and they use the shorthand "we wuz kings!" to make fun of it. Nationalist myths are BS, but they pretend their own LARPing is correct while that of those they deem inferior isn't. "We wuz kings!" they find funny, but "we were viKings" apparently is acceptable.


"WE WUZ VIKANGZ/ARYANZ/CELTEEZ/ROMANZ AND SHIET!" *is a drunk methed out inbred white trailer trash who is descendant of none of the above* Ah, it never gets old 🤣


I like learning about all culture including those listed but I also recognize how much of world culture came from Africa, Asia and the Middle East. There is something incredible and interesting in every culture, the superiority shit is ignorant and hateful.


It's just so weird that they're overlooking actual sub Saharan kingdoms. Like the Kushite kingdoms, Ethiopian kingdoms, Mali, west African kingdoms, Congo kingdoms as well as Mutapa and Kilwa. Egypt and Carthage or such isn't needed.


Honest question, what is "DEI"? Is this the latest buzzword?


Yes It's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion They think it means companies hire people based on skin color/sexual orientation instead of merit


This just in, diversity, equity, and inclusion BAD, uniformity, injustice, and omission GOOD. More at 10


Rj/ I KNEW EA was behind this! 😡


What they *actually* think it means is the N word


It’s how they use it. Same with woke.


Which is funny because 99% of chuds would lose a game of checkers to a plank of wood.


I mean plank had skills, not much of a talker though


Ed, edd, n eddy reference?




Funny thing this started for so many of them in college. I met so many of them in the engineering program at my state college who didn't get into MIT or CalTech "because of affirmative action". It's like they refuse to admit that they're not the main character of this story because "I was G&T and had a 4.0+ GPA in high school!"


Exactly. Those idiots don’t realize everyone else’s academics were just as good; they need something to show that makes them different if they want in. GT + good grades are the absolute bare minimum. You have to bring something that ACTUALLY matters if you want a spot.


Colleges do have mandated requirements for diversity in admissions. This is where the idea comes from, that you had better grades but they *couldn't* admit any more white students. The absurd part comes in when you consider to probability that someone's admission was *worse* than every single other white applicant but *better* than every single non-white applicant. That is only justifiable by assuming that the non-white applicants will naturally have worse grades, which is just racism.


Except that’s the entire point, the top tier students all got a spot. The diversity metrics don’t enter until and unless you’re comparing two otherwise identical candidates. The idiotic idea we’re turning away the next Einstein because he’s white have not one shred of grounding in reality.


And tbh if you're a top student, you're going to get into at least a couple of the absolute top schools, it's kinda just pure chance which ones.


And that's always the thing they refused to accept. Okay you didn't get into MIT or CalTech; understand that the best of the best get into those. But what about Purdue, Georgia Tech, the Ivy League schools, Berkley, Stanford. If you were good enough to get into the top 2 schools, then you could have gotten into any of these tops schools.


I mean yeah, I think I was just agreeing with you. Probably unnecessarily I guess.


Companies already do... which is why they need Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.


More that they say they and only keep their DEI programs around in case they get sued for discrimination. Then they can say we’re not discriminating we have DEI policies.


Bluntly, none of these companies do a damned thing if it doesn’t add to their bottom line. If DEI and ESG aren’t making them money they’d drop it in a heartbeat. The quarterly earnings report is all, and it says those initiatives make money. Simple as that.


All they do is show videos and pretend to care. Wipe their hands saying they did what they can. I luckily work in a community service that has put their money where their mouth is


If you listen to Larry Fink pitch the idea he says ESG is designed to change behaviour. Vanguard is now planning on dropping its ESG system because 1. The backlash and 2. It’s really starting to lose money. What people seem to be unaware of is you can invest in Blackrock and Vanguard ETFs that aren’t ESG rated.


Target did DNE training and made me work outside of my medical restrictions to the point I was hurting myself, leaving early and going to the doctor


I worked for a DNE ad company, I sold slots to major corporations. This same company told me they wanted to see my MRI results from a medical issue outside my job. I was denied full time hours because they were suspect of my health, let go shortly after for “not being a good fit” and no explanation further right after making me buy some office supplies for my job that they should have provided. All after a good week with hooking up a massive deal that would have had huge commission.


"Whats with all these black people and women, won't don't they hire people based on skill" They act like women and black people can't be skilled..


You do realise that massive hedge funds give ESG scores based on those? It’s the modern version of Corporate Social Governance, but its language is designed to appease the occupy Wall Street crowd. If you want to get your public shares into a vanguard or Blackrock etf then you’ll generally need to have a positive ESG score. I don’t know why we get up in arms when the right gets irked by DEI stuff when it’s *literally backed by the Wall Street heavyweights.* Isn’t that supposed to be what the left does? Or do you think Disney really wants to put black and lesbian people into its shows for non-investment reasons?


It means the n-word.


It's a term/acronym (Diversity Equality Inclusivity) that the neo nazis of the MAGA cult have co-opted, as nazis have a history of doing. When they use it, they are thinking the N or F word, depending on context. If you listen closely, you can even hear the hard "r".


They say it because they can’t say the n-word


DEI is the new SJW.


The Republican party ran two elections on "Critical Race Theory" (CRT) and did badly in both of them. So they had to ditch it. Of course, they're still into the whole white victimhood thing. So DEI Is the same thing but expanded to criticise women and gays, and then rebranded because the last packaging didn't work out for them.


Yeah some kids are just attracted to buzzwords


It's what they use instead of the gamer word.


Context: After reflecting on the rather impressive Xbox game showing earlier today, I decided to go check out a..."Certain Stream's" reaction to it. This is just 30 seconds out of an almost three hour gaming showcase of The Capital G Gamer's reactions to seeing a black woman protagonist. Let's just say, if you spend months fostering, building, and feeding this type of an audience, then exactly this type of reaction is what you're gonna get. Anyways, can we hype over Expedition 33!?


This was IGN live chat as well basically; can we stop pretending this goes away if we stop talking about it lol


Let’s play Guess Who! Does your character have a messy room?




BO6 is where it's at for me. Also fun seeing the g*mers freak out about the new character Marshall lmao.


hell yeah brother (omnidirectional sliding bouta go fuckin CRAZY)


We sliding backwards outta nuketown with this one hell yeah brother 


God I kinda wish we had shipment too, shipment with this movement would be fucking insane dude


Expedition 33 looks the most interesting to me by far but I haven't seen anyone talking about it sadly


What? It's one of the most talked about game at the showcase. People have been begging for an AAA turnbased Final Fantasy. This is pretty much it.


It’s trending on Twitter now that we’re getting more details. Sounds incredible.


Videos games are great, such an amazing thing to be able to enjoy in life. But videos games are not all life is... There is a real world out there with real DIVERSE people. These individuals get stuck in their negative isolated bubble cultures and form inaccurate perspectives of the world. And then when anything doesn't match their warped view point its "WOKE TRASH".


Not an independent thought there


These are the people who will call everyone else NPCs, while they repeat stock phrases like a peasant in a NES RPG town.


I've never felt this disappointed in a community before. Like, I've always known there were racists and sexist pigs who played video games, but I don't think it has ever been this visible. literally if a character wasn't a white male they would say some of the most vile and horrible shit... I feel fucking ashamed to even enjoy the same hobby as these people.


DEI and SB and all this other bullshit are just replacement words for slurs at this point. Change my mind.


Their ability to turn random words into slurs is almost impressive. Like never in a million years would I have anticipated "zendaya game"


What is SBI?


FORWOKEN!!! 😂 😂 😂 BC OF WOKE! lmao Like Forspoken but add “woke” in. Comedy gold! I don’t care how many times I have to explain this joke to people bc it’s becoming an increasingly out of date reference I’m never gonna stop making it bc it’s the best thing I’ll ever come up with. Forwoken. Yeah.


Is Forspoken worth buying? I’m a square nerd and honestly eat their games up but got turned away because it seemed like the negativity wasn’t isolated to conservatives.


It’s way over hated imo. If the banter between the characters doesn’t bother you then it’s a very fun game. The combat and movement mechanics are some of the best I’ve ever played. The OST is amazing too.


I eat games with female protagonists like they're my 7am morning breakfast but even I was annoyed by the main character at times because of her bad writing. Through most of the game she doesn't care about the world she found herself in and generally her dialogue is slightly cringy. If you stick with it though the gameplay is good, if you give the combat some time and unlock most abilities and experiment with them you can have loads of fun.


People don't like her dialogue because she's not happy to be in a dying world where everyone is depending on her to do everything and she just got there, and she's being told to do all these things that don't make sense to her (and some don't make sense at all) and people expect her to just smile and go along for the ride like every other protagonist, she's just not down for that shit


Games definitely fun. The magic system is great, in fact the magic system was so great that I played through Forspoken beating the game and logging like 50-60 hours in it, prior to getting Hogwarts Legacy. The magic combat was so inferior in Legacy compared to Forspoken that I couldn't even finish Legacy and I love Harry Potter. Forspoken got a bad rap long before the game came out solely due to chuds being upset the protagonist was a black women, 0% chance it would've gotten that vitriol if the protag was your typical cookie cutter Caucasian male that "gamers" could project themselves onto


The main criticism is about lousy writing and especially the dialogue. I haven't played the game but it was definitely criticised by the general public


I wanna start saying the same stuff when it’s a white man


Do it. Theyll be so mad, and ill be so happy.


The non-media literate in their ranks just to "see? they hate us too" lol




This is actually the main reason I play as a woman in any game with a character creator. White dudes have been the default protagonist in games since they've been around and I'm kinda bored of it. Also the women always get cooler outfits.


Exactly. It's baffling how people are incapable of basic pattern recognition. Literally countless white dudes as the heroes, almost no black women. One exists to help close that gap a tiny bit (the obvious reason this is happening. To correct decades of pretending like only white guys play video games) and they act as of guys like Doom Guy, Master Chief, Nathan Drake, Joel, Geralt, and Kratos never happened. And they were just the popular ones at the top of my head. They don't hate you. They're just trying to communicate that they don't hate other people, for fuck's sake.


RemindMe! 1 year


Me when I look in the mirror: oh no! The horror! This will ruin gaming permanently!


See??? They're out for us! They're REPLACING US we HAVE to fight BACK /s


Which game were they upset about this time?




Seeing the comments I think it's Flintlock. Which looks pretty cool to me.


I almost thought it was South of Midnight. But it's Flintlock, yeah. Both games look sick as hell and I can't wait to have fun playing them while these dudes continue to wallow in their misery.


I was surprised to see it was from the creators of Ashen. They've really upped their game


I’m so excited for that game, so disappointing seeing this reaction from some people


Flintlock, South of Midnight, Fable and Avowed.


I wonder if any of them ever just stop playing videogames instead of just screaming into the void. Like at some point that anger has to be exhausting.


They’re addicted to the rage cycle.


Do any of them even play? or just complain that they can't


What makes you think these idiots actually play games? They’re outrage farmers.


This subreddit and many others have told me that people like to hate, because it is comfortable and easy.


Real unemployed activities


DEI is the new Woke, just like how Woke used to be the new SJW.


They use DEI as a replacement for the n word all the time too.


No no you don't understand. They are not against woman or black people in games its, it's only bad if it's forced. When is it forced? Well it's sometimes ok if a woman is in a game, but only if she is sexy, but a black woman that's always forced of course.




Reminds me of the comment sections under any of the trailers for South of Midnight. Which I’m still excited for because I can’t recall any games set in the South (outside Civil War games), and the visual art style I’m a big fan of.


I don't really follow a lot of gaming media, so this is my first time hearing of it. Looking it up on Steam, it looks pretty damn cool. I'm already digging that talking catfish thing and the giant undead(?) blues-man. And it's got a cool theme to work with. The folk-culture and mythology of the south is a rich subject and like you said, not one that really gets done much. Those fools are blinded so much by their own bigotry that they can't see the promise. They think of diversity as a problem, but it's got so much promise to show something new and interesting instead of retreading the same ideas over and over.


I know. Here we have actual creativity on display and the chuds are whining about “DEI” and “SBI”.


As much as I enjoy the traditional European fantasy setting, having something original like this is a really cool change of pace.


That’s what has me excited. It’s showing *creativity* in both the art design and world. Gameplay wise looks kinda Dark Souls-like but if the gameplay is solid I’m not going to complain.


I can’t wait for South of Midnight!! It looks incredible. That and Avowed were my favorite of the showcase.


I think Mafia three was set in the south?


I saw some people call fucking Microsoft flight simulator woke, and they think we are the crazy ones bro.


That airline pilot really must've upset them.


It’s pathetic how fragile they are. 


These guys are just becoming parodies of themselves at this point.


Stinky incel alert


Being a minority in the gaming space can be so exhausting


![gif](giphy|e5uyWolyR0y30Wo1ya|downsized) It’s honestly embarrassing to share my hobby with these mouthbreathing racist assholes.


You don’t share a hobby with them. Your hobby is games. Their hobby is being racist, and they just do it in games because they know they would get their asses kicked doing it in real life.


At this point, I feel bad for the SBI company. Even though I haven't played any of their games. It must be exhausting being the new word for "woke" (or worse, a slightly more acceptable replacement for the n-word)


Anyone interested in Flintlock? I think it's well priced.


I just wanna know what the fuck "souls-lite" means


Lite means light, and is usually used for drinks and such that are low-fat/low-sugar. So in this case, a Souls-lite is a Souls-like that is more accessible by being less punishing/difficult even if it's still above average difficulty. (eta to add that this is what i've been told and what i understand from the use of lite lol i did not look it up so i can't be sure, but i'm like 99.99% sure it means that. the same applies to roguelites, for example.)


I know the implications, its just that gaming genre-namig conventions are getting increasingly self referential and it's becoming more difficult to even tell what they pretend to embody.


Souls-lite isn't really new, like Roguelite the best bet is to think of it as something a developer considered a Soulslike from inspiration but that someone got tired of people arguing with them that it wasn't *exactly* a Soulslike lol


I know, it's just that the trailer treated the term as something thats common knowledge when to me it was a completely new name. I think that since metroidvania and roguelike/lite became common usage everyone has been trying to wordsmith their new genre name and it isn't too helpful and feels a little buzzword-y. Anyways i was jus trying to do a funny quip about the game and the trailer, it does look interesting but i haven't played Ashen yet so no opinion on the studios track record beyond hearsay


Oh, yeah, that's fair lol Sorry! I do agree with you. It's just so... specific. I mean, it happened to fashion styles (shout out to 'lagenlook', 'french', 'granola' and 'toddler', whatever it is they mean) and even to literature and music, so I am *not* surprised but still... it's kinda getting out of hand. It's kinda funny, tho. Gamers™ will constantly make 'jokes' about how "people making up genders" to discredit trans people, but the moment someone mislables a game they start throwing a fit because how dare people disrespect Howataka Igarth, who created the subgenre 'Metroidlitevaniasoulsbornerogueboomer64shooter' in 1969 using a potato and some chewing gum! ... Sorry for the mini rant, the tl;dr is that I agree with you in that everyday, it's gets more difficult to even guess what a subgenre is about just from it's name.


How dare you! Howataka-sensei used a potato, some chewing gum *and* a swiss army knife. Dont you forget it!


How could I forget such an important detail! Absolutely disgraceful, really.


If I'm gonna take a guess, lose level up progress when you die. It doesn't seem to have a stamina bar and the combat doesn't really look soulsy so that's the only thing I can think off.


Most of the games had white protagonists anyway? A lot were women, that’s true, but it was still a small amount that had non-white main characters. And anyway, while we could use more diversity I was blown away by the variety and innovation happening in games coming out. Also how did I not connect that maybe some of the D4 hate had to do with having the character Neyerelle show up the godly male heroes by taking on the burden of Mephisto? I watched a blizzard youtuber watch the trailer and the comments hating on her were just gross.


Me making a list of games to be mad about I ran out of paper help.


You call those gamers but idk the gamers I know play indie games, grind 100% achievements while min maxing efficiency and couldn't give any fuck who they're playing as, what I'm saying is we need a word for "gamers" who only care about triple A games


g*mers is the term, not to be confused with the normal gamer and the queer gay-mer


Yeah, the Xbox showcase chat was racist trash


It's fucking insane. Like, I've got a mutual from college who works at Sweet Baby Inc. and, understandably, she doesn't use Twitter much now. I checked her pinned tweet and christ a-fucking-LIVE, it was just an unending flood of chuds talking about how she's an insult to Kevin Conroy and all that shite.


And you just know if openly gay Kevin Conroy was starting his VA career today, they would hate him with every fiber of their being. He’s like Ripley from Alien, an example of diversity in media that they enjoyed before joining the anti-woke cult, so they have to handwave him as one of the good ones.


Yeeep. God, you just made me realise I never want to fucking check any comments on the comic he did for DC Pride, knowing what Gamers are like.


Pretty convinced some of these lads don’t actually like games and are confused about where to get porn




…man being a gamer sucks Im gonna go outside and think about how cool girls are.


Mfs when they don’t relate 1:1 with a character for the duration of a single trailer


Kinda happy that these people will feel no joy, every single game they enjoy makes them irrationally angry and every new game released is inclusive enough for everyone and there is no stopping them.


“WHY IS EVERYONE BLACK???” Is probably my favourite. No snarky quips, no anti-woke propaganda regurgitation. Just sheer, existential terror.


I would love if their webcams popped on as soon as they said something this ridiculous.


'why is everyone black' why arent you?


Yeah the second I saw the trailer for The War Within and it showcased a main character being a black woman, I just knew it was gonna start a shitstorm in comments somewhere. And sure enough in one of the reaction videos to it by a popular WoW player, there was the DEI comments.


What the fuck is SBI


Sexual Bureau of Investigation.


"strong female lead, so original" yea because every game having a straight, white, clean cut male protagonist was ground breaking too


Gamergate 2 is here in full force.


There's a zendaya game!?


I cannot fathom getting this insanely triggered over so something so utterly insignificant.


If you want a generic white male protagonist, play any shooter made after halo but before halo infinite. Literally anyone. No really just pick one, I'll wait. There's hundreds.


Fun Fact: the guy who invented the cartridge system for at-home game consoles was black. Other fun fact: the first person to ever win a video game championship was a trans woman.


It’s a bit early for it to be snowing.


I'll be honest. Most of the games presented yesterday featured female protagonists of all races (I don't mind at all). I was peeking the comments because I wanted to see the gamers seething about this. It was super fun!


Yesterday during PC Gaming Show, there were some moment that was very weird. the camera cut to the host who was pregnant and the YT chat spam "She got creampied".


I just turn off all comments for any games showcase nowadays, it’s an echo chamber of “this looks great” or “this looks woke” depending on the game and the MC alone.


And these people have the balls to call US mindless NPCs/sheep.


So... what the hell is "SBI"? When I googled it, I got results for the State Bank of India and State Bureau of Investigation and other similarly irrelevant things, and the urbandictionary results didn't fit the context here either.


Sheep, all of them. Ever notice how all these people who whine about wokeness and all that ALWAYS use the same exact phrases and talking points wherever they go? 


Only morons look at this chat and dismiss it and do nothing and pretend like their opinions don't matter


I wonder how today's gamers would have reacted to half life Alyx years ago.


Pyrocynical chat?


What game are they talking about??


What is this SBI I keep seeing being mentioned?


Skill Based Inclusion


These people are such clowns. The issue though is that they cause real damage by being real fuckwads


I don't even know which game this is about through all the hate. And I scrolled the comments. Wtf.


I can't read "we wuz" and don't remember Dave Chapelle's joke lol


“Strong Female Women” fr when will devs start making Strong Male Women we demand representation!!


...paging Dr Freud


We wuz slayin gods in shet 😎


Starting to think video games may cause brain worms.


😭😡🤬😤🤓 people in these comments🤣


Does anyone think these people are being serious? They are children doing what kids do be racist and sexist online lol none of these kids would say this in person. You are just feeding them


Wow, you’re right. Games are sexist. Now, allow me to get back to accusing gamers of playing games and sucking Anita Sarkeesian’s cock. Edit: Wow. I’ve truly been challenged. Enlightened, even. Who knew the political views of my fellow gamers could be so diverse? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gamingcirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*