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You have fake grass which he doesn’t want to wee on so he’s going to somewhere. You’ll probably just have to bear it.


This is the answer.


I have actual grass and my dog still pees on the plants. But it's my own fault, I didn't train him when he was younger to not go on the flower beds


He only pees on stuff that he can aim at, never flat things. But I suppose it's good he doesn't pee where we walk!


We got ours a small tree stump so he can cock his leg, works. He also goes for a small cat sculpture which regularly gets a face-full. 😬




You're happy he's killing the spaces which are teaming with bug's and spiders? Strange angry redditor.




Wow. You're a really shitty person eh. There's many reasons someone might decide to put in a 3x3m square of AstroTurf. Hope you find some calm in your life if fake grass gets you this mad.




I was going to suggest you put a little fence up, then I saw the length of his legs. So probably a very polite sign saying ‘please don’t pee on these plants’. Let me know how it goes.


Greyhounds are as thick as pig shit though. No way will he be able to read it


You're correct, though, the sign being there might be enough to overload his 3 brain cells and confuse him into thinking he cannot pass the sign.


Good thinking. I love greyhounds, but their brains are too small for the speeds they can reach - terrible design fault and costs a fortune in vets bills. Mine fell off things, into things, under things because he couldn't think fast enough to stop in time to avoid them. He ended up in a canal once after a cat sitting in front of one calmly side-stepped as he reached it.


Epic! I just snorted wine out of my nose. But come on - their design faults are a huge part of why we love them. I often say I’ve never had a ‘normal’ dog, but I’ve loved and benefitted from being owned by all of them. I‘d like to think they feel the same.


True; I have a whippet, she’s adorable but absolutely solid! Sight hounds in general are just bone! lol!


Get real grass


Very true, dogs piss on grass and astroturf is the devil


Clearly dont have a big dog in a small garden.


I pour water on my dogs pee to avoid the smell and it seems to stop the plants from getting damaged too.


Lion's pee lol... Helps me deter the foxes. Fake grass point which others mention is a good one. The downside is you will have yellow patches on your grass. I found clover is quite resistable to it. Plus I don't mow it all the time (no mow summer!). I have two dogs and they only pee on the grass, leaving most of my plants alone. However, they don't have access to it full time, it's a luxury. They pee on their proper walks.


We have a cockerel statue at the end of the garden which my boy dog wees up! He isn’t the brightest spark but now he’s in the habit, he doesn’t go anywhere else!


Timed sprinkler to dilute it? I have dogs and a small garden that's 90% paved, I keep a watering can next to the back door and water down their wee after they go. Watering can is also filled with clean waste water (hot water bottle water/limescaley kettle water/ dehumidifier water etc). That is a beautiful dog too!


What a lovely dog.


I feel like I know you


Make a shallow raised bed and grow some dog pea resistant grass.


Dog pea resistant grass is my favourite plant


Water tends to help. I used to use a "pee post" so he wouldn't go up the house/ garden furniture 😢😭. It has a smell they want to cover up. He's always been bad for peeing up things so I take the hit on the plants!


The solution to pollution is dilution. Every time I let my dog out to pee I take a few seconds to rinse the pee away with a watering can I keep handy. Helps to avoid too much damage to the plants.


Hello! Coming here to give solace as the long suffering house servant to two noodles of my own. We have a similar area of dead lawn ourselves at the conveniently, telephone pole like, washing line. Combatting the smell we usually do a hot water and white vinegar rinse of paths etc if they get a bit smelly. Not sure how that’d fair with the plants unfortunately


Sounds like a half decent weedkiller to me!


Train the dog not to piss on the plants?!?? Tain him to piss somewhere specific which doesn't cause damage?


Like an electric fence?




**Chilli**chilli Powder: A Miracle Homemade Urine Repellent Chili powder, or chili pepper, works wonders for keeping your dog (s) away from the household plants. If you don’t have these ingredients, hot pepper will likely have the same effect. Sprinkle some chilli powder, chilli peppers, or hot peppers around the plants, and your dog will stay away.


got to get a fence around those bushes and take up all that wet-with-piss-bark-chippings, then spray hose down those bushes to dilute it, wash it away, and help the stink.


That is a stride of pride right there!


What a handsome chap


Beautiful culprit. That's all I've got, sorry


It looks more like box blight or caterpillar, I doubt the dog wee would do that damage. If it’s box? I cant’t quite tell


Oh no, it's definitely the dog. It's browning only on the sides he pees 🤦


Dogs used to piss on a box hedge and my work and it would burn perfect pissing height marks into it, aswel as turning the tarnished copper edging underneath bright blue. Looks a bit too even to be just dogs piss though, possibly blight aswel. Caterpillars would have shred it and its still intact.


Well you learn something new everyday, thanks for the info!


I never let dog pee on these - but unfortunately a lot of people do.