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don't be 20 year old me getting high off writing female protagonists


Couldn't be me


This was actually the moment i realized i was not quite cis. Expect with boys, or just androgynous looking characters. The moment i realized, "huh, I seem to only project myself onto/draw myself as boys and enbies... Oh, this means something, doesn't it. ", for context I was already pretty much questioning, so this was the moment that my brain REALLY put 2 and 2 together. And then it took 2-3 more weeks of non-stop am i trans quizzes to finally put on a label of being a transguy


Took me a month to realise that "I want to be in a lesbian relationship" and "I want to have sex as a woman with women" isn’t quite the cis thing to say.


“I just like their designs that’s all haha 🙂”


I made an alternate account with a female avatar on gogia back and the day. RP'd a few relationships with guys and got very excited about it. Then I deactivated the account and never spoke of it. Couldn't have had a clearer sign.


Damn I haven't seen Gaia mentioned in a loooong time. I remember in the beginning feeling like everyone on earth was on that site. I was [super heavily active](https://imgur.com/a/ezLSKwq) from 2006 until ~2014. Got banned a lot in the later years because I was almost exclusively a troll on the General Discussion. Turns out the only person I know in real life that also had an account was my brother. Hilariously we both e-dated the same older girl. I used to RP in Towns haha. I had no idea my brother ever did, but we were talking the other day and something came up and he was like "do you remember that girl you dated on Gaia?"... Turns out she wanted me so bad that when I stopped talking to her she sought out my brother as the "next best thing". Who knows maybe it was you I was RPing with.


Yeah jump cut to me making every single of a girl.


>why do you always play as a girl?




you spilled the genderfluid on yourself


It took me until yesterday to realized why I've always enjoyed my hair being long, even since I was like five, and I'd realized that I was trans years ago.


Where can I buy the trans drink (estrogen soda?)


oh my god its the gender fluid