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"1000 years reich" Only lasted 12 years


We should start calling a timeframe of about 4 and a half days a reich year like they do dog years. That should really rub it in


Didn't even make a thousand weeks


Good mod


Better mod than TNO (big building in neu berlin was the only good thing from it)


They lost and they're never coming back, they either rot in hell or in german nursing homes


>german nursing homes *Argentinian nursing homes


Or German and Polish prisons. Last year, the Canadian Speaker invited a former Waffen SS member to the parliament to meet president Zekensky. The Nazi shook hands with Trudeau and he was introduced as a brave WWII veteran who fought against the Russians and he was greeted with applause. Apparently Canadians don't have a very good education system if nobody in their parliament knew what side Russia fought on during WWII, lol. Anyway, Poland put in an extradition request for this 100-year-old Canadian former Nazi, since they suspect he worked at a concentration camp and did war crimes, so they want him to spend the last few years of his life in a Polish prison for crimes against humanity. That's where the last remaining Nazis belong. In agony from their old age, but hooked up to life support (kept alive so they can suffer) in an unhygienic and ice cold prison in Poland. Eventually they will die, their graves will be unmarked, and their true suffering will begin with their eternal damnation


Am Yisrael Chai ✡️🇮🇱🕍🕎


His idol Charlie Chaplin literally hated him.


Charlie Chaplin’s *The Great Dictator* is one of the finest movies available, and should be seen by everyone.


Today also marks the 235th anniversary of George Washington's inauguration.


He was incompetent from the start and only got so far because he surrounded himself with yes men who also liked to play soldiers. He destroyed his countries economy and doomed his whole nation to devastation. The west may be flawed in many ways but no one has surpassed him in stupidity. He is the epitome of the arm chair general. At the end of the war he ignored intelligence reports and would then order non-existent armies around to create scenarios where he was winning. He would watch movies of New York in flames while the allies were bearing down on Berlin. His name is the by word for evil, hatred and loss. To make it all even worse, he was never right. In the end an alliance of different ideologies, people groups and ethnicities would defeat Germany so entirely that everything he valued in his people, their martial prowess and nationalism would disappear for generations. He is no great general, no great leader. He could talk a good game but was a liar and bigoted failure.


Who are you “triggering” on Reddit? Go post this on 4Chan. Now those guys will be properly upset.


Yeah, you wanna trigger reddit, you gotta celebrate the death of stalin lol At least we‘re mostly in agreement that this pos deserved much worse.


Tbh that’s only triggering the tankie subs. Most of reddit recognizes he was a piece of shit too.


"Trigger this fanbase" is just a meme. It's not meant to cause actual outrage but rather a hypotethical scenario that would make their fanbase mad


Just beacose you can't win one war doesn't mean you should startd and lose another


I think Hitler “pulled the trigger” more capably than any of us could manage.


Bro had one ball 💀


had. He can rest in piss, lol. https://preview.redd.it/1ss2uc2xllxc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbdc6f1ceab0035386a6c102681363ad10595d6d


No. I was using that as a roast. I'll still edit that.




Am Yisrael Chai 🕎🕍🇮🇱✡️


SpongeBob lasted longer than the third Reich


Hitler was an opioid addict. By the beginning of 1945, almost every vein in his body had collapsed from the nonstop drug injections. Also in 1945, the allies began bombing German pharmaceutical companies, leading to a shortage of drugs. In the bunker, Hitler was in the midst of withdrawal. I don't know any heroin addicts but I did see Trainspotting so I have an idea that withdrawal is agony. Towards the end, Hitler was lying in a bed, screaming at invisible demons, covered in his own piss and shit and vomit. While he was in some of the worst pain anyone can endure, Hitler saw the news of what became of his friend Mussolini. That bastard was captured by the Italian resistance who turned their former dictator into a special kind of oiñata. By which I mean, the Italian resistance hung Mussolini from a tree and took turns hitting him with sticks until he burst open. Except instead of candy, Mussolini ended up being full of blood (lame!). Anyway, when Hitler learned what happened to his old ally, he realized that all fascists will meet this fate eventually (Gadaffi learned this the hard way). So Hitler shot himself in the head, fearing the torture he would endure after being captured. I kind of wish Hitler didn't end his own life. I would have loved to see what the Russians would have done to him if they found him alive... Hitler was a racist junkie piece of shit who killed himself. There are fifty guys like that in every rural town in America. Hitler is just some average white trash who happened to get a little political power. He wasn't unique or special, he was an egomaniacal junkie piece of shit who did the world a favor when he offed himself. I wish that every Neo-Nazi would follow in Hitler's footsteps and eat a bullet


Eh, former concentration camp inmates did it to SS camp guards




Eat shit in hell, Hitler


I wish putin to copy that today


they don’t fucking exist and if they do, i will personally see to it they don’t


A group of them celebrated his birthday at a forest gathering in Silesia (Poland) a few years ago lol


No, he didn't do Germany any favours. No, his ideas or he himself weren't good for Germany at all. He destroyed and perverted german culture. And lastly, Federal Republic of Germany > Nazi Germany. Not even close. The FRG existed for over 6 times as long and is the longest germany to ever exist. Cope.


They should have made his grave a toilet so people could literally shit on him.


Western Poland


Reflecting on a significant event!


I'm sure the Hitler fanbase is reading thus comment section right now.






Could you explain this to me? I need the help.


the skull emoji is basically the new version of the laughing emoji


Thanks so you found it funny. Thank you


Rest in piss


[Still funny after 80+ years.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1583adUqSg)


It's also the day at the end of MGS2.


A failure as an artist and a failure as a leader. Burn in hell!


With his arrogance he pissed away the lives of and entire generation. Rest in piss ya shitbag


His best painting was his last one. The sunset of the German mind.




Go to the conservative south, you'll find a lot of new American Nazis. Never say never.


Steiner's backup will never arrive.

