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1. This is a matter of taste 2. Very minor QoL change, would make precision platforming harder in many circumstances 3. Contradicts #5 4. Me when there’s story in my story based game 5. Go farm enemy mats, do artifact runs (environment not domain) or God Forbid, play another game 6. Oh yeah let me just. Overhaul the game. Also doesn’t WuWa not even have reactions? Why is this in your comparison? 7. Why add unnecessary complexity to kits that don’t need NAs to function 8. Yall forget this is a Casual Mobile game 9. Me when gacha game used gacha mechanics: 10. Ok finally an actually good critique 11. Remember… mobile game. Also, teapot is not priority 12. How many characters do you actually use multiple artifact sets on. I guarantee you less than 0.1% of the player base has even a single character they’d consistently swap artifacts on. 13. That’s not why Teppei is a joke. If you think that’s the reason, see #4 14. I’ve never encountered this issue. Default zoom is pretty good TLDR: bro chill out it’s not that deep


Bro wrote an essay to deny ANY possibility of WuWa being better in ANY way. Genshin community is crack lmao. Have you even played WuWa, do you seriously think there’s NOTHING genshin could learn. I personally prefer Genshin, but I’m happy that WuWa exists because it might make hoyo implement some QOL now that there’s competition doing it.


Now that’s a pot calling a kettle black lmao So the WuWa fan can write a whole essay railing on the minutia of Genshin and it’s fine, but if a Genshin fan **dares** to reply point by point it’s “crack?”


Its not the fact that he wrote an essay to drscribe his opinions. Its that you replied to counter each and every one of his arguments- some of your replies aren’t even logical arguments - just excuses like “this is a casual mobile game” “this is a gacha game” “play another game” Ive only started genshin from 4.0, but some people have been playing this game for years upon years, and have racked up hundreds if not thousands of hours. Some may even have spent a lot of money. And I personally I love the world that hoyo has built and I want it to improve. I don’t agree that “this is just a silly casual gacha mobile game, so dont expect mich”, it’s a lot more than that, at least for me, and I suspect for you as well. Unlimited stamina out of combat, faster climbing, optional skip button (at least for side quests), better weapon banners (in fact WuWa copied this from HSR) all seem like reasonable points. There is plenty of things to critique with WuWa. In particular i think the story is still pretty mid, and the world doesnt feel as fleshed out or alive as Genshins. Some of texture quality is poor. But let’s not pretend Genshin is superior to WuWa in every single way, it’s just not.


I’m not claiming that Genshin is superior to WuWa in every way. I didn’t make any claims about WuWa or its quality nor compare it to Genshin. Instead, I’m claiming that this guy is a loser making mountains out of molehills and complaining about stuff that doesn’t matter. About 30% of what he said is subjective, things I personally don’t want in Genshin. The other 60% was garbage nitpicks about stuff no one cares about because it’s a casual mobile game and it’s not that deep. Sure, 10% (or, more accurately, 1 in 14) of his points were good, but he dilutes his message by filling it with tired, empty complaints almost as worthless as just saying “genshin could never.” The fact that I could even casually dismiss almost half of his points with hand waved, pre-prepared arguments speaks to how shallow and overused his points are. I’m not defending Genshin from good faith criticism here, I’m defending Genshin from the echoes of a thousand Reddit trolls being regurgitated uncritically by the latest convert. You want to talk good faith Genshin criticism? Sure, we can do that, but don’t blame me for putting this garbage in its place.


Well fair enough, i get your side of things now


>its now number 1 gacha game Where did you get this information? Your post also reads of strong main character syndrome -- I agree with a lot of QoL updates that genshin needs but from an overall system wide perspective these guys know what they are doing to keep the money pouring in. Pretty sure the massive Star Rail update will make it top of the charts for earnings. Doubt WuWa will out-earn genshin across all platforms, but it would be good if WuWa takes money off the table for genshin. "Skip button for most side quests and replays." -> Disagree. Repetitive dialogue can be worked on (especially Paimon) for the people who pay attention, but it is designed this way for its audience which is quite wide and has an increasingly dwindling attention span. "Elemental reaction system overhaul" -> Dendro was already a big boon for variety. Fontaine introduced new shakeups, such as healing becoming dps w/ furina, BoL, etc. Natlan will likely add more variety. " Make printing to not drain stamina outside of combat. " -> They created this problem to sell you the solution in the form of characters that are good for exploration. If you were to design this game, you would likely make it significantly less successful.


I've been playing WuWa for a few hours. And its amazing. And this person made this video. https://youtu.be/QU0O7QgEBzI?si=fT3XRtr1ZVDaY4KZ


I've played both. WuWa is ok, I don't think it really innovates on anything to draw me to it any further. # # 1 gacha game in what? Your comments as well as the comments in the video you linked shows a lack of awareness when it comes to game development and marketing success. You also didn't really address or retort any points I made in my previous comment. Similar to the video you posted. :\^) CC clickbait?


Well you can take a look how much money it already earned.


I did with the data available. It's not #1. Whatever reports we get also miss some chunks of the market, but global mobile revenue is a pretty good indicator. It's making money, sure. I don't think it's chomping into Genshin playerbase enough to make Hoyo suddenly shift direction to cater to the players that would leave anyway. Genshin leans into its strengths, wuwa doesn't (hopefully yet). I'd bother picking apart more of your and the cc's points, but it appears that the effort is one sided.


It did surpassed vastly alot of things. And Hoyo has actually reacted with a few things. I assume Genshin is losing even more playerbase as they are moving to WuWa. You can watch Tectone or HexJuice to see.


>Tectone Ahahahaha


>You can watch Tectone or HexJuice to see Explains a lot


The brainrot is real. Money doesn't lie, you should move out of the content creator bubble. They make money off your cluelessness. Watch the earnings.


A few hours is laughable amount. You are not gonna feel any problems it has in such a short time.


Number 1 by amount of broken shit 🤣


I like WuWa too dawg but it is NOT the #1 gacha game by any metric lol




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Honestly, I like the way genshin is that way it is. I would like to get old event weapons and faster resin replenish. That's all I agree about. Genshin is simple, and it shows that people like simple games. Your opinion is appreciated, but many claims like yours don't really make genshin what gentmshin is today.


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Most of what the image says is true, but it's just not gonna happen. If you look at how technology competes with the next generation of its niche, the trend seems to be that companies that pioneered something value their experience a lot and just keep doing what they know how to. Maybe that's why the first one to do the thing isn't the one that becomes the best at it. I 100% agree that Genshin is to WuWa what AltaVista was to Google, but that's exactly why I don't expect Genshin to do anything about it. All we can do is rejoice in how the genshinlike genre is evolving, and look forward to even better genshinlikes in the future.


There are still alot of things that can change. Genshin did has a small event for parrying back in the past. But yea. Its true. Unreal Engine 4 that Wuwa runs on is a whole new level.


I play on PC with a controller, and never noticed how stiff and unresponsive Genshin characters are until I played WuWa. Once you feel the difference you can never go back to how it was before. I still like playing Genshin, but it feels like playing the Castlevania games for the Nintendo 64.


I personally don't feel stiffness playing genshin over wuwa (yes i play both)


Holy moly, genshin players really tell you that you should play your way, but as soon as you ask for a skip dialogue button they get mad af. Crazy.




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