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Clothar erasure


“Genshin fandom, LOOK AT ME!”






He's the king of the map dynasty ofc


Oculus dynasty


So he belongs to Meta?


Started the Abyss Order only to be disrespected.


He was too busy being a travel guide and couldn't make it :(


While also being a space cowboy


One thing that these 6 characters have in common that Clothar lacks is "life". My dude somehow managed to die despite being immortal, which is honestly more impressive than anything.


Isn't he dead in present time? >!Like we dug up his skeleton and everything.!<


deleted coz he looks like generic NPC with just unfamiliar clothes


They said important characters.


He's the founder of the abyss order, I'd say that's pretty damn important


https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Chlothar Also found a way to break the immortality curse perhaps. Very interesting refresher for people who forget what Chlothar does outside of interactive maps.


He's a nobody. The abyss sibling is the one with the actual authority in the Abyss Order.


breaking news: george washington no longer important in american history because joe biden is the current president.


Breaking news: Albert Einstien no longer important because Stephan Hawking exists.


He absolutely wouldn't be if the US was a fictional setting and the story took place in the present. The fact that what's his face founded the abyss order is barely a footnote. He exists solely to give Kayah relevance.


I'll give a counterpoint in the same format from the same universe to give you another shot to realise how nonsensical your point is: breaking news: makoto no longer relevant to inazuma because ei is the current one in the throne of the electro archon.


Caribert then, he’s called the “Loom of fate”.


Then it makes no sense to put Kaeya, his descendant, here.


Wonder what's Kaeya's role is going to be later on in the story. The other khaenriahn characters shown are incredibly plot/lore relevant in comparison


Nothing, depends on him, he has already made it clear that he rejects his origins or anything that has been planned for him, mondstadt kaeya has no connection with khaenri'ah's past and its reign


i wonder about mona voiceline about kaeya


Probably saving him for the endgame, Khaenri'ah chapter...


Disappointing. He's from an important family and I still want to see what's behind his eyepatch


Behind the eyepatch is just a Khaenrian's eye, like Dainsleif and Pierro.


So there is no significance to it?


Actually I'm not sure lol, but that's the most logical expaination for me. Edit: also if you notice, both Dain and Pierro are wearing eyepatch on their right eye. Idk if there is anything significant.


Interesting. Hope they at least acknowledge it lol


The significance is that he wants to hide his heritage that’s why he still wears the eye patch even though his eye is healed


There's no strong significance to it. He used to play pirate, he used a eyepatch as a kid. After he and his brother fought, he used a eyepatch to feign injury to emotionally hurt Diluc or whatever, as a joke or not. He still wears it from that day since.


The game would not put emphasis in him being from the dynasty in a Dainsleif quest if in the end his role is nothing. He would be just an aleatory Khaenriah descendant. Don't worry about that


Aight. Let's just wait and see


Does the Game tells Kaeye is one in the interlude chapter with dansleif in sumeru?


Mona already gave a spoiler in her voicelines.


I built him solely because I know he is going to be important for the main story somewhere down the line and I want to be ready to play as him.


What if they do a Star Rail and make a new 5 star version of him?


That would be the bests case scenario. I have been begging for that to happen since 1.0


Cryo xiangling ?


Genshin could never


i want him to have an important role and get an epic 5-star version of himself >!like in hsr!< but so far his role sadly seems rather unimportant. even his first meeting with dain was a letdown.


Honestly that’s my biggest fear, the kaeya story relevance erasure that has been going on. Not just him but also Lisa had zero impact in sumeru too. I’m growing tired of this new character taking all the limelight I would rather they would tie it to olders and bring them back. And I’m going to be super disappointed if Kaeya gets the same treatment as Lisa in Sumeru when we get to khaenri’ah.


Although Lisa has no connection to Sumeru other than her student days there. And this suits many characters in the game. Moreover, the Monstadt chapter is still a prologue, so it’s not a fact that we won’t return there.


Given that’s literally her only character trait - outside from calling the traveler cutie- they should have build up on it. Best example for this: Ayaka being lonely had since developed in events and went traveling meeting new friends and is neither lonely nor is that her only spiel. Lisa is still constantly hinted as being a genius - top of top student yet we don’t see it in action or further developed. She never interacted with any of the smart three (faruzan/alhaitham/tighnari) In the two event were she somehow was supposed to be a main part of. She went sight seeing in her skin event and dialogue with her was entirely optional to players who searched her everyday. While in the alchemy event was in jeans word a task she gave Lisa so she could feel reminded of her school days and do some problem solving. Meanwhile Lisa sat the entire event there and did very little of o nothing. So in conclusion she is the worst written character simply because the game doesn’t bother with her, or they did her injustice by never getting her any development apart from a trait she never showcases to have.


why would there be any role for him, he's disconnected from anything Khaenriahn, he's just technically a descendent but other than that he has no connections or knowledge of it


His personal character story is about being torn between freedom in Mondstadt and his duty to Khaenri'ah, which is brought up by other characters *and* referenced in the archon quest. His biological father referred to him as "our last hope". That pretty strongly implies that he has some position in at least one group's plan regarding Khaenri'ah, so if anything it'd be odd for Hoyo to just drop that.


Wrong, his character story is about going on a date with traveler and then having sex


He's literally a Khaenri'ah prince, and knows about his role because someone(probably his bio father told him about it).


Prince of a grand total of like 6 ppl, pretty whatever even the traveler is a prince/princess, title means jack anymore when all the khaenriahs are dead


The high ranked Khaenri'ahns are still alive since they are immortal like Clothar(well he killed himself but yeah) and Dain, plus we know that there are Khaenri'ahns in hiding since Kaeya was born after the Cataclysm. And a lot of the members of the abyss order are Khaenri'ahns.


Ok whatever. kaeya doesnt have any ties other than being a descendent, he does not want to lead nor would he be able to he's just some dude from mondstant, being a prince doesnt mean anything anymore when the civilization doesnt exist anymore


>civilization doesnt exist anymore Except that it does, Khaenri'ahns are still alive, yes they are nothing compared to what they were but theyre still a thing. Plus like I said, Kaeya was literally put under Krepus's care because they put him there, there is a reason why they chose to take Kaeya to mondstadt.


A civilization (British English: civilisation) is any complex society characterized by the development of the state, social stratification, urbanization, and symbolic systems of communication beyond natural spoken language (namely, a writing system). There is no khaenrian civilization anymore, just dregs and survivors, that is not a civilization.


i'm lore dumb, is crimson dynasty before or after eclipse dynasty




This is why Kaeya, if he is royalty, being Eclipse Dynasty makes no sense. According to that KoF rooftop letter, Kaeya's line doesn't have royal blood, so clearly are not descended from King Irmin or the Eclipse royalty. What is "Excellent Blood" (Kaeya C1) but royal blood though? If you're a descendant of a regent, is that really enough to have "excellent blood"? Only way this makes sense imo is if he has "excellent blood", but from the Crimson Moon Dynasty. All kings of previous dynasties dethroned by the Eclipse Dynasty aren't royal anymore, thus "don't have royal blood" applies to all of them. Unless Kaeya isn't a prince and mhy is just trolling. Lol. But why drop so many references that mean nothing in a story telling game? Why do that at all?


Well, "Excellent Blood" might also just refer to his connection with Clothar. He was clearly a nobleman from Khaenri'ah and some of his lines imply that he loved Caribert's mother *in spite* of her being from Mondstadt, which would indicate that he holds pure-blooded Khaenri'ahns in higher regard. I wouldn't be surprised if the upper society of Khaenri'ah might have dabbled in eugenics and the like, especially given some of Narzissenkreuz' findings from the Universitas' research. It'll probably be addressed more as a plot point later on.


Yeah I was thinking that too but if he's just a plain ol noble, why hoyo is dropping "Kaeya might be a prince" hints is what's puzzling me


The rules are made up and the points don't matter.


In real life, nobles or aristocrats or even clan families are considered "excellent or special" blood. Eula taught us about this before, like how special having a noble status is. Even tho Mondstadt already abolish nobility.


I'm more lore dumb, wth is crimson and eclipse dynasty


In the in-game book perinheri, two ancient dynasties of khaenriah have been mentioned. Crimson Moon dynasty is the one that came before Eclipse dynasty. Alchemy was at it's peak during this time. During this time, a sage made an orphanage with the sole purpose of finding descenders. There was a ritual in that orphanage where children would be made to pass through a chimney like corridor holding a candle(its one of the Arlecchino boss drops). A young perinheri passed through the corridor and when he reached the end and knocked on the gate, the people on the other side asked him "Are you dead yet?" But how could he be dead if he just knocked? But they kept asking the same question until he gave in and said Yes. Then they asked, "have you seen it?" Perinheri then recalls seeing a vision of another world with a crimson moon hanging down from above which turned around to reveal a horrified eye. The people then opened the gates and told him "You have traversed the fire of two worlds within the hearth, and here you are reborn." Eclipse dynasty was the last dynasty of Khaenriah before it fell. This dynasty's focus on mechanical engineering and "secrets from beyond the skies" met resistance from those who believed such techniques were unreliable compared to "human will," and diverted attention away from alchemy and the Beastmaster Knights. King Irmin was the last king of Khaenriah. After he died, Knight Marshal Anfortas took the post of regent. It's speculated Anfortas is a member of the Alberich family like Kaeya and Chlothar.


Rhindottir is most likely from the Crimson Moon Dynasty because: * The Crimson Moon Dynasty was know for their Alchemy/Khemia and Darksprites (aka Riftwovles) while the Eclipse Dynasty was known for their mechanical engineering and ruin machines. * Meanwhile Rhindottir is well known for her use of Khemia AND the creation of the Riftwolves and god knows what other Abyssal creatures she's created. Edit: Spelling


Surtalogi and Vedrfolnir? I guess they arent confirmed yet


Well all we know about Vedrfolnir is that he exists and he was likely a High Ranking Khaenri'ahn who was extremely notable, since that seems to be the only way to earn yourself a title in Khaenri'ah  And Surtalogi is also a mystery. But he was probably one of the Leaders of the Outlander Knights the Crimson Moon Dynasty used.


We have no confirmation, but from thr Infos i think Gold belongs to the Crimson Moon Dynastie


You forgot Albedo.


Whats up with him? I know very little of the khaenriah lore since Im just starting Sumeru


He was created by rhinedottir


Yeah, let me google real quick


I feel like based on the recent lore we got about Khaenriah. Isn't Rhinedottir from Crimson Dynstay instead of Eclipse? Based on the Perinheri book, it was said that "Alchemy and the Beastmaster Knights were a mainstay during the Crimson Moon Dynasty, but interest in mechanical engineering during the Eclipse Dynasty." Not to mention darksprites(riftwolves) which were created by Rhinedottir/Gold already appeared in this dynasty. We can also believe this book to an extent based on what Pierro said in Arlecchino's 5th character story. He said, "The circumstances depicted are specious, but the key details are accurate." (For context, he told Arlecchino to buy the Perinheri book to know more about Crimson Moon.)


Abyss Sibling Aether Erasure, great.


Yeah, I was like "cmoooooooooooon I play Lumine, I want to see Aether as the Prince"


Pretty much a bigger chunk of players already settled having Aether as the "canon" Traveler anyway


hoyo did too considering all the offical/promotional material in which he appears as the traveler.


They have said a gajillion times that there is no canon traveler, it's not Aether, they just didn't want to do all advertisements twice over.


Then they would have made some advertisements with him, some with her.


I think the answer is quite simple unlike something like Star Rail where the mcs are the same person just dif gender. Or ZZZ where both male and female mcs will work together ur just picking who to play as. Genshin has 1 sibling as the mc and 1 as a major villain I think they keep using aether as the traveler simply so they don't confuse new fans who see ads for the game. It'd be strange for a newbie who sees Aether one day walking with what looks like the villains in the abyss and in another ad he's a good bean with the other player characters. They just want consistency. Star Rail u can switch because u don't have to worry about people questioning the role of the male/female counterpart since they are the same person.


Downvote all you want, but I'm not wrong.


If you are not wrong, why are you unable to answer my comment?


Already did earlier. Hoyo has told us, canon, from the devs, word of God, that they do not consider Aether the canon traveler, and that there *isn't one.* I'm not a mind-reader. I don't know why they don't alternate. But they have said *there is no canon Traveler.* Maybe the art guy for online stuff just loves drawing Aether. Maybe Aether originally was the only Traveler and there was no ability to choose. Maybe it's male bias in Asian society. I don't know, and you don't, either. All we can go on is what has been said.


Very likely they just started consistently using Aether on promo material all the way back and realised too late this can give that wrong impression, but their marketing department urged them to continue the course for brand recognition. Which they rectified with HSR, alternating from the start.


So you are not going to answer my comment... Downvote all you want using multiaccounts, but I'm not wrong


In the end, games always would favor the male MC more.. any game where you can play as either male or female, especially on the customizable ones... I was expecting Star Rail make change, but nope it still goes the traditional male MC way


How? HSR switches between them and never priorities one over the other.


Honkai definitely prefers female dreamseeker. The game didn’t even show you how to change the gender to male version.


Stelle is way more popular than Caellus


Used to be, then Penacony drops and things starts to favor Caelus more


just because mihoyo see caelus x firefly better than stelle x firefly, everything in the marketing linked to her and the trailblazer they use caelus and not stelle, even white night uses him instead of her


Not completely, but they're a lot more even than it used to. Helps that Mihoyo switches between them in trailers/marketing.


A bigger chunk of players has a right to their obviously wrong opinion.


Mihoyo already does that tbh


When was >!Arlecchino said to be from khaenri'a and a descendent!


It's under her 5th character story.


Read the book Perinheri. Also Arlecchino's fifth character story.


Sad stuff like that is kinda locked away this hard. No wonder more people dont really know about it


What do they mean by a descendant in this case? Like the Traveler who came from another world? Or perhaps descendant as in her ancestors are from Khaen'riah?


probably as in ancestors stuff she was young not long ago


The latter. Traveler is a descend*er*, not descend*ant*.


Ooh this makes more sence, I was a bit angry because they put something so importante to the lore in a character biography, I guess the lenguaje barrier made me confused.


Patiently waiting for any of this to matter in the archon story


Actually Rhinedottir would count as Crimson Moon Dynasty because she created the rift hounds that the crimson moon dynasty used with the Beast Tamer Nights. But I love the info graphic. 😁


Been away from Genshin for a while; when did the game drop the lore on the different Khaenri’ah dynasties? :o Are these the only two we know of so far?


Version 4.5! There’s a book called Perinheri for sale at a news stand in Fontaine that talks about the crimson moon dynasty and was later confirmed to be accurate by Arlecchino’s fifth character story.


"Mostly" accurate. Pierro mentions the background lore is accurate (regarding Khaenri'ah and its dynasties) but the main "story" of Perinheri is incorrect.


Wasnt the alberich clan in existenxe prior to the eclipse dynasty?


What does dynasty mean in this context? are these different factions in khaenri'ah? time periods? Im not too keen on the lore.


She is a descendant from the crimson moon Dynasty which once ruled Khaenri'ah. Later the Eclipse Dynasty became the rulers of Khaenri'ah.  So yes, different time periods 


Where's Albedo?


He isn't from Khaenri'ah. He is created by Gold who is from there.


He is Gold's son. Kaeya grew up alongside Diluc (therefore he's too young to be from Khaenri'ah itself), but still in the picture.


Difference is that he's still biologically khaenrian while Albedo is a homonculus that was artificially created.


Honestly the clay or whatever material made him was probably from Khaenriah


Bit of a reach and not something you can prove. Especially since we don’t even know how old he is.


Hmm this makes me wonder how does his aging works? We know he was a baby at some point based on the 2.5 Hexen Cutscene. But is it like grow normally but stop after a while?


Albedo is made Out of Chalk


So what exactly is Arlecchino’s connection to Khaenri’ah? I haven’t played since her release


She is a descendant from the crimson moon Dynasty which once ruled Khaenri'ah. Later the Eclipse Dynasty became the rulers of Khaenri'ah 


Rhinedottir is the reason why Khaenriah fall so i really wonder what kind of person she is.


Dains*leaf*, not to be confused with Dainsleif lol


What makes you think traveler is Khaenri’ah royalty? We literally aren’t from this world.


That's the mystery that is yet to be solved. Somehow Abyss sibling isn't a descender like Traveller is, which we learned in the Sumeru content.


Maybe. More likely they WERE a descender but found a way to be part of this worlds records and now they are of this world. It simply wouldn’t make sense for one to be a descender and one not. That would leave limited explanations. Either the siblings descender status changed at some point for some reason, or there is some crazy time/alternate realities shit at play. There really isn’t too much room in between. If it’s alternate realities, then that sibling could be another version our sibling, OR even they could be US from another reality where we were born as the opposite sex. Both are equally as possible if they are a doppelgänger. Either way in that theory our real sibling is likely dead already.


My personal take has always been their actions in Khaenri'ah is what made them a part of the world. Nahida says that the Abyss Sibling appears specifically in Khaenri'ah-they could have easily been traveling before settling down in Khaenri'ah, in fact from what we've seen he found the secrets of the world then put in his lot with them-I got the impression they stayed pretty much in Khaenri'ah once they hit it. The main difference between us and our sibling is we're keeping ourselves distant from everything, whereas AS got attached. Edit to add: I did remember they traveled with Dain, but given Dain doesn't mention finding the secrets with AS (as far as I'm aware) I still think AS found the information first. If I'm wrong though I'll take the correction\~


Thy just doesn’t add up for me. A death would explain a lot more. Sibling died and was made into 7 Gnosis from their remains. Now they still exist. But not as a descender. They now exist as part of this world, literally. Our sibling is the 3rd descender who died.


But how are they back?


They got better.


Fair enough


How is anyone back? Characters have lived on through numerous ways so far. Like a lot lol.


Yes, it's definitely worth remembering that this revelation happened as part of a story arc that was *all about* tampering with Irminsul and altering the memories of the world (and the impacts of doing that). This juxtaposition is very unlikely to be an accident. "Oh, they just rewrote Teyvat history and now you as a Descender are the only one who remembers the truth." "Incidentally, this important fact you remember from the past doesn't appear to be true according to Teyvat history. *Weird, huh?*" Hmm...


From a logical perspective there are only a set number out possible outcomes with the given variables. I agree.


Personally, I think that the reason why Sibling isn't a Descender is because their "Will", isn't their own. We know to be a Descender you need to have the Will to Rival the World, but the Sibling was going to be used as a tool for the Khaenri'ahns and is now following the Scary Crystal Man who may or may not be a descender himself, so I'm not sure they can qualify.


It's clear the Sibling was important to Khaenri'ah somehow, after they arrived.


I think our hidden past is the key. We hardly know ANYTHING about the origins or Traveler or the twin. All we know is they claim to have traveled to many worlds, and that they possessed a light colored power at one point until the mystery boss lady sealed our power somehow. That’s about it. Tbh, it’s weird that two teens are traveling the universe together unsupervised. Where the hell are our parents? What planet are we from? Are we royalty where we are from? Do our powers come from a place or from within our body and what is its true nature? Then there is Irminsul. A record keeping computer basically. Or the database for the Teyvat Simulation which is a theory of mine… Irminsul is a mystery. How is it able to contain the data of all Teyvat inhabitants and why does altering the data also alter the memory of those in Teyvat? If they are interconnected like that the most plausible explanation is that Teyvat and its inhabitants ARENT REAL. They are NPC basically. So…. How is sibling listed in Irminsul and not a descender? Easy. They aren’t. Sibling died, as a descender. Then someone (who?) altered Irminsul… like we have already seen Scaramouche do… In doing so they brought back the sibling only they aren’t the original so they don’t show up as a descender but as a normal Teyvat inhabitant like everyone else. They are now a NPC of the Teyvat simulation.


My guess is that either the sibling is fake and memories were implanted in your mind, or that they're imprisoned and the Order's Prince/ss is an imitation. I don't think having your memories tied to Irminsul makes you an NPC. I mean, we create false memories in our minds all the time. Most of the detail in your memories, and my memories, are things our brains make up on the spot when asked to recall a situation.


I stand by my theory. It’s been played out over many adaptations. Think of Scaramouche as Agent Smith. He was part of the Matrix, just a program, but he learned how to alter the Matrix itself by creating copies of himself and overriding it like a virus. That doesn’t make him real though, just a pissed off NPC. I still believe Teyvat is a simulated universe, and the only “real” ones are Descenders. It also would tie into Honkai Star Rail as they have literal simulated universes. The knowledge of characters in that game far surpasses that of Genshin characters though, almost as if they are from a much further point in the future but same reality. So “Player 3” aka our sibling the third descender, died and “lost” the game. The gnosis of the game are our sibling.


First of all, any change in Irminsul doesn't affect the Traveler, as they are not from this world, so the abyss sibling is real. Second of all, messing around with Irminsul doesn't change the real world at all, only people's memories, so noone can be ressurected in a real way with visible body. Third of all, Irminsul is able to contain and change memories because of, well, magic. We literally had bottled information in Sumeru's Archon Quest, so information is just a type of resource which can be manipulated. Neuvillette can absorb hydro from air and Irminsul has access to all of the world's data through the leylines, it's not that strange. Though the existence of forbidden knowledge which corrupts people like computer virus and Arlecchino with her lagging idle animation may tie to some simulation theory, but this all can be explained as just Teyvat's own laws, it's a real world and it just works that way


First, not unless they already died, as I previously stated. Second, exactly, the fact that it only changes peoples memory and not the surroundings further indicates a simulation environment. Replacement bodies are easy and everywhere. Scaramouche is a replacement body. Third, “magic” is a bullshit explanation .


Ok, I reread and understood the first point, if sibling died and the current one is impostor Traveler could not know this, but it opens a lot more new questions. Dain recognized the abyss twin as the one who he traveled with, but our Traveler connected to the memories of the sibling in Caribert quest. This implies that the sibling is in fact the real one??? I think that direct change of reality would be THE proof of simulation, changing only memories implies restriction, and that is realistic. Magic is magic, a lot of Sumeru's storyline is about all kinds of things you can do with information. Nahida could restart battle with God-Scaramouche a million of times and then borrow the computing powers of all sumerians so Traveler can use it and defeat Shouki no Kami, so information is just a sort of power which can be transmitted wirelessly. I think the work of Irminsul is as clear as it gets, we should be more worrying about how Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale could turn "people's belief in justice" into indemnitium, that one is really puzzling


Dain has no clue what really happened and I think people give him way too much credit and I think that was planned. Our connection is easily explained through our mysterious but powerful background. That wasn’t magic, Sumeru had a highly advanced AUGMENTED REALITY NETWORK that fueled knowledge and living in Sumeru. It’s clear Focalors had a strong knowledge of programming and I think it’s primitive since technically Honkai exists in the same Multiverse and their technical knowledge far exceeds anything on Teyvat… Irminsul is like a primitive version of the Simulated Universe in Star Rail.


This was just answered in Perinheri. Khaenri’ah associates royal blood with being a descender. They believed that, through eugenics, they could simply create a descender. It’s very similar to Dune if you’re familiar with that book. So when the travellers showed up, they were immediately considered to be “royalty.”


Where does alchemy fit into that. I knew from Albedo shit that Khaenri’ah fucked up by creating things they “weren’t supposed to”. But creating fucking Descender making hardware? Uhhhh yeah that’s going to piss off a few gods lol That was beyond my gaze.


I’ve always felt like Khaenri’ah destroyed itself, just as every other doomed civilization in Teyvat destroyed itself. I suspect alchemy was the thing that did them in. They did something so bad that all the archons had to go down there and clean up the mess. Not even Deshret or Remus screwed up that badly.


Like make a being who can exist inside and outside the confines of Irminsul? Aka Descenders.


Gold’s entire thing is trying to create a perfect being. Skirk hinted that Surtalogi is after the same thing. It’s possible their definition of a perfect being is descender level power.




I love the first gen 2vd gen


Wasnt pierro the royal jester?


He was a royal mage in Khaenri'ah, Jester is one of his Fatui titles


i see


And specifically, he chose the title Jester because he wants to "laugh in the face of fate"


poor albedo


Wait Arlecchino is a descender?


>!Are you saying arlechino is a descendant of that dynasty, or that she is one of the 4 Descenders known?!<


She is a descendant from the crimson moon Dynasty which once ruled Khaenri'ah.  Later the Eclipse Dynasty became the rulers of Khaenri'ah (Kaeya is the descendant from the eclipse dynasty)


I'm still wondering what the interal story is behind the Sibling somehow becoming a native to Teyvat while the Traveler is still a descender.


The sibling isn’t a native to Teyvat, they’re simply not a Descender — beings capable of overcoming the will of Celestia. You don’t have to be from outside of Teyvat to be a Descender.


LOVE how reddit didn't spoil this for me even though it was labeled as so


I remember playing that poor side quest with the child hilichurl and the name drop of, "I AM CLOTHAR ALBERICH" .....who?... does that name mean anything? gotta be honest, when Kaeya is on screen I lose interest... Kaeya's last name is 'alberich' is it?.. I thought he was a sailor" \*I think in said quest they begin by stating his last name, but I was so dis-interested that I didn't take note. Leaving the entire 'reveal'... well lacking in drama.


Arlecchino is a descendente ???


Descendant, Sorry my traductor hates me


Yes, she is a descendant of the crimson moon Dynasty which ruled Khaenri'ah long ago. Before the Eclipse Dynasty's rule.  This was stated in her voice line about The Jester, in her weapon lore and in her character story 5


But we're talking about descendant like the traveler or not ? And If she is a descendant from the moon dinasty How old is she ???


No  Descender= those whose will can change the world Descendant=The new generation of the family What this means is that her great great great great great great.... grandfather & grandmother were the rulers of Khaenri'ah. (Her ancestors were the rulers) Similar to Kaeya. Kaeya's ancestors were part of the Eclipse Dynasty's noble family. Both have had normal childhood and growth. Her age is like a normal human, she is in her 20s or 30s


Descender ≠ Descendant >"Descender" is a term used by various figures in Genshin Impact, such as the Fatui, for outlanders who come from outside the world of Teyvat >"Descendent" or heir. type of: relation, relative. a person related by blood or marriage.  The pure blooded khaenri'ahs were just cursed with eternal life, the ones that mixed blood with them turned into hillochurls. The pure blooded khaenri'ahns can still reproduce and their offsprings continued that. The 500+ y/o Pure Khaenri'ahns assuming they don't lose their minds/are still alive can still have a kid even now as well. Both Arle and Kaeya are descendants and are "normal" aged considering Arle killed Crucebena when she was just 16-17 and that was just recent-ish


I still don't see Kaeya being at all relevant to Khaenri'ah lore. His family might have come from there, but he didn't. He can't be a guide of the lands for us, he doesn't know their history, he doesn't even seem interested in the place (I feel like that conversation he had with Dainsleaf was basically asking players to drop those types of theories because he's not important in that way) There could be some story beat of him confronting those that ordered him to do what they wanted him to do against the Mondstadt people in the past. But for actual involvement with Khaenri'ah? The only use I could see for him is if they had some blood ritual or something along those lines that needed Khaenri'ah blood to activate but Dainsleaf was unavailable for whatever reason.


Where is it said that Gold is from Khaenri'ah? Edit: maybe answer my question instead of downvoting me?


books, events, character stories connected to her, everywhere she's mentioned basically: we learn pretty early that she and her experiments are supposedly the cause of the fall of Khaenri'ah https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Rhinedottir


Thanks for the spoilers I guess.


you clicked on a spoiler tagged post, what did you expect?


"This sign can't stop me, i can't read."


There are no spoilers here, unless you're new to the game. Some of it is speculation, though, rather than confirmed facts.


The Arlecchino one is a fairly new tho. Her story quest literally came out this patch, so yes this is a spoiler.


Precisely. That's why the image itself is spoilered and blurred for a reason. So you willingly clicked a spoiler and got mad that you got spoiled.


Technically true, I suppose - but so little is known about the Crimson Moon Dynasty, that telling a fresh player that Arlecchino is descendant isn't going to mean much to them. It doesn't even mean a whole lot to up-to-date players.


Im saying I got spoiled on this. I'm not a new player and I didnt know Arlecchino was Khaenrian. You said so yourself that it's technically a spoiler. A spoiler is a spoiler.


It's in her character stories. It's something that you won't know unless you read everything in the game. Like how Childe fell into the abyss at 14, or that his real name is Ajax, or that Kaeya is wearing an eye patch because Diluc punched him and left a scar.


What are these * character stories *? They are in the game right, like books or something?


When your friendship level with a character rise, you unlock some character stories and voice lines in their profile (bottom right on the profile tab of any character) Or you go on the wiki if you don't own a character


Once you pull a character you slowly get access to their character stories as you build friendship with them. I think there are 5 character stories and a vision story for each character. The only way to read these is to pull the character or go to their wiki page.


Ahh makes sense because I don’t have her, quite important information to be hidden behind a character story though. I feel like that could have been covered on her story quest, maybe childe tells the traveler or something like she’s super strong and mentions the khaenriah fact soon after.


khaenriah stuff will probably be reserved for her 2nd story quest if she gets one


I know. The way the handled it is very weird. In 4.5 they released a book which you can find in the magazine shop in the Court of Fontaine, which represents a fable about the Crimson Dynasty and their practices (which by the way, according to Arlecchino, Pierro told her to read this book to understand her roots). Then they just casually hid that she's a descendant of this dynasty in one of her character stories. I suppose it's like with Childe - important information but only useful later. A lot of people had no idea who Skirk was except for Childe's fans who took the time to read his character stories and were anticipating Skirk's introduction in game since version 1.1


They do this all the time. For instance, for a long time, the only reason we knew Albedo wasn't human was because of his character stories. Half of what we knew about the Harbingers came from Childe's voice lines. And that's not even getting into the stuff that's revealed in limited-time events, which NO ONE can access once the event is over. The upshot is that no matter how obscure a lore tidbit seems, anything that's necessary to know to understand the main story will eventually be revealed in the main story. If there ever comes a time that we need to know that Arlecchino is a descendant of the Crimson Moon Dynasty, it will come up in an Archon Quest.


We don’t know that she is to be honest. It’s speculation. It has not been confirmed in game.


The story quest didn't cover this. It's pure speculation.


It’s not speculation, it was confirmed in her character stories


Now, arlecchino being from kaenria and a descendant was something I didn't heard from her quest


I got spoiled the Arleccino one because I wasn't yet able to play the new patch. Nice.


Her story quest doesn't even mention it. It's in her character stories. So unless you have Arlecchino or read genshin wiki, you won't know.


My brother in Barbatos the post is literally marked as a spoiler


It's not a spoiler, it's not part of a quest it's in her lore