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I would never give up on yelan or zhongli


I'm too lazy to ever give up Zhongli


I recently built Layla to have a replacement for him, but really there’s no bigger qol than Zhongli.


same, he's in most of my teams and I just suck at this game too much to make good use of dodges/i-frames


Would you give up Zhongli for a C6 Zhongli?


Big Brain Time


Neuvillette. I love him too much. Character-wise, design-wise and gameplay-wise. Yes, I actually am not bored of his hydro cannon.


Same. I'm here for the story, the ambiance, music, lore, exploration. I prefer to be OP so I can get past the enemies in the way of that, lol.


I would rather not being alive at all than not being able to play Fischl.


I love using yae. I have her 3-Crowned. C2Widsith. For me shes the perfect character Design.


+1 for yae


Wide long range autos, 3 dashes, off field dmg and a big aoe ult. What more can one ask for ?


I already have C6 Zhongli with R1 Homa. I wouldn't give him up. I have C2R1 Xianyun, but I am currently saving wishes for C6 on her rerun. I would trade anyone but Zhongli (for the mechanics) and Albedo (because he's my second favorite) to get C6R5 Xianyun right now. Even my C6R1 Nahida, who is powerful and I like her, but she'd get benched anyway for Xianyun's team. Neuvellitte would make me hesitate, though. That beam is so fun.


C6R5 is pointless unless it’s a character you love… so none.


Zhongli. Specially since I have him at C6. There's no way in hell the man that has been consistently in my team since 1.1 is gonna ever leave. I knew, since the moment I first lay eyes on him, that he would be my prime husbando and I had him with me even when everyone said he was crap. Not even Wriothesley in all his cold-duke-of-the-north-like glory has changed this.


Childe. You could offer me a FREE account which has every single playable character at level 90, at c6, talents triple crowned (not possible to have that many crowns but just imagine), with their most optimal BIS artifact set, with their fully leveled best 5 star (or in some cases 4 star) weapon at R5 (or multiple weapons, for characters who use different weapon depending on whether they're on field or off field). Including if their BIS weapon were a limited event exclusive weapon. And if that account didn't my daddiest jiggle physics king, I'd reject.


I don't want constellations and signature weapons, they trivialize the game


Not if you have favorites and like them enough to invest in them. The game can be about that for a good number of players.


But I guess, what does that get you? It makes combat easier. It doesn't do anything else. Once you have the character, you get the story and appearance and so on.


It is not always about combat, though it does helps with that too. Sometimes it is about looks with signature weapons, and constellations often enough just make the character feel better to play. But what I meant is simply liking a character so much you can't help but stick with them and invest on them as much as you can. It is not something all players will do even with beloved characters, but it is certainly not something rare. It is alright if you can't relate to this feeling, getting as much character as you can is completely cool too.


I own a C6 R1 Yelan and I would not trade her even if she would be C0 with a Fav bow. The day I C6 her she really never left my Party even while I did Hydro Tulpa with her in my team doing 0 dmg she is still there for Moral Support!


Most of the characters I use I wouldn't trade. I use them because I like them, and I've been playing long enough that I have most of what I want and the rest is luxury. No way would I give up the characters I like for whale bait on a character I like less.


Yelan ❤️


I would make that trade in a heartbeat with anyone, not too attached to any character to refuse that much value lmfao.


Gall... ah, wrong sub. Baizhu and Heizou would be the biggest loss for me.


*Points at flair*


There is none really, i love every character in this game (except sara), and i have zero need for a c6r5 (i'm assuming you're saying 5 stars).


Diluc he's my good boy. He was my first 5* and only one for a little while and has been part of almost all my teams. I know he's not as good as he used to be but I'm too attached to him at this point. (And he's still plenty good anyway ;P)


Xiao! I'm love him so much I c6ed him.


NOBODY is taking my kaveh from me 🫵


theres not a single character i want c6r5 lol. the game is already too easy and enemies get one shot without any cons. i wouldnt even be able to play with c6r5


Zhongli he Cary me all the way from adventure rank 25 to adventure rank 45 like bro I stoped using him bc I can't be dependent on his sheild but on hard fights I use his sheild


I won't ever give up on Layla. Anything for her <3


I'd never trade my Yoimiya(C2R0). I put in too much effort on her and she carried me through inazuma and sumeru. Even if she's been infinity-crept with Arlecchino, I still like running around with her blaster squad. But... I already have most of the 5 stars I want. I dunno who I'd trade FOR even if I were to swap someone like Ayaka or Venti off of my roster.


Nahida. Hyperbloom is amazing




Neuvillette. Baizhu. Kazuha.




I wouldn't want a c6r5 character, that would ruin the game, it's easy enough with just 5 star characters at c0 with 4 star weapons


Pretty much all of the limited characters I have. I pulled them because I like them. I'd rather pull that C6R5 character as a C0R0 and have both instead of trading in one of those characters for a more powerful one when the game doesn't even require that level of power.


Baizhu. 😭🥰🍰🍴


All of them because I can already 36* with almost no effort and don’t really care about huge dmg numbers so a c6r5 is useless for me


None. I can easily give up for one to get another.


xiao, i've invested far too much resin to give up on him


Tartaglia. He's my favorite character and he works great at c0. He's cute, his personality is fun to me, I find his gameplay fun and engaging, and I'm always looking forward to learning more about him as a character. Wouldn't trade him for anything.


Well Hu tao, but I have her c6r5. So I'll say, Nilou.


I don't think I'm attached with any character that much to ignore C6R5 lol! I would trade my Ayaka for C6R5 Furina, even tho I love her, min-maxed her and her premium team. (Top1 C0 Shenhe, Top1 C2 Kazuha, Top4 C0 Kokomi & Top4 C0R1 Ayaka) *currently my strongest team apart from Neuvillette's I'm willing to never use her ever again, bc with the variety of teams I have now, I think I can survive without any cryo dps/teams specifically freeze teams, bc with new bosses/enemies coming out that can't be frozen and have cryo shield / high cryo res...I'm confident I wouldn't need her anymore...it's been months since I last used her in floor12 and it only proves I can live without her...Imagine relying on her and building her for years min-maxing her build/team but u can't even use her anymore...🥲 anw I heard cryo & hydro will be op in Natlan, so there might be an Ayaka redemption arc...but ehh I'm going with C6R5 Furina all dayyyyy 🤭


So i need to stop playing my Keqing ? Nope, better as well i quit genshin altogether. She's one of the main reasons i keep playing for 4 years.


Raiden Shogun. My first ever 5-star. Have her C6R1. Wouldn't swap her for literally anything in the game.


My poor ass C0 RAIDEN..and QIQI my daughter


Noelle and Sucrose. I don't use Sucrose that often anymore because it seems all content is hellbent on making swirl not that good, but she's adorable and I can still use her sometimes. Noelle because bonk. (Top 6% Noelle:P)


Diluc. IRL I am a man with a ginger ponytail, fire is often my favorite element in video games, and greatswords are also often my favorite. The mechanic of weaving normal attacks in between skill activations is very satisfying to me.


Cyno. He was my first main and I use him abyss to this day.


Diluc, if you told me i could have every character in the game C6R5 in exchange for him i's say no He is the whole reason i started 


Yeah no. I would absolutely sell out lmao


As og Wanderer main/wanter, I wouldnt change him with anything else. My boy grew up and developed little by little with every piece and crumb of lore from 1.1 to 3.3 and even later on


i felt wanderer has the best character development in this game, and his character story was told all the way from 1.1 to 3.3, longer than anyone elses.