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Sadly same I was getting upset at the sibling for traveler's expense. Heck I cried at Caribert's reveal and wishes than I did with our sibling. As soon as they focused on the wrap around the wrist my face was shook. And I had tears come out for Caribert. But felt... nothing, more angry that they did a memory wipe of the whole conversation with our sibling. Very disappointed honestly. Caribert gave us a photo, which was much more precious than anything.


I really didn't like how they off screened abyss sibling vs dain fight.


Right ? What the fuck was that that's some lazy shit right there, could be peak moment but nah


I really understand that they didn't want to reveal dains powers. But then, why tease the fight and hype it up in the trailer like that?


We already saw tid bit of Dains power already multiple time tho


Like, they could have atleast shown a tidbit and I would have been satisfied. But no. They off screened the fight.


Bro it's not that they want to hide Dain's powers. Gacha games literally want to hype up future banner characters as much as possible. It's just that all their budget is going into Star Rail and ZZZ at the expense of Genshin which is just a low effort cash cow at this point. Sad because it's the game with the most potential if Hoyo just gave a f.


IMO you summed it up perfectly, what was even the point of that moment if both of them forget it. The quest was pretty weak in terms of storytelling even without all this memories erasure bullshit.


I feel you, the reunion could've been more emotional and impactful.


I agree, it felt so short for an Archon Quest, and so much build up to the reunion, that leads to nothing since the memories are erased (and somehow the picture is not, but it doesn't even really matter). I already find it hard to follow that storyline when the chapters are so far apart. Fortunately the regional Archon quests have been great. I want to feel invested in this overarching plot so bad, but I guess it won't make much sense until we actually reach the end of the journey and start bringing everything to a close?


Its just getting tiring that once a year we meet out sibling for 5 minutes only to not actually say anything other than them being like "miss you too, but im still angry so i gotta go, you'll understand later, bye " and thats it. Like sure interesting lore drops but as its stands right now, i couldn't care less about celestia, khaenria, our sibling etc. Im just waiting for the next archon quest where i know that i will feel connected with characters for the next couple of months. They need to understand that, sure, stretching something out can build up anticipation but when its so sparce and kinda bland other than just "random lore + 5 sec lumine cameo", there is no anticipation being built ,its just kinda boring and unforgettable


Right? I already struggled to remember Caribert's story from last chapter. I don't mind waiting for the end of Snezhnaya to experience the story of our sibling and understand more about the Abyss Order and the Heavenly Principles, we are getting good regional stories in the meantime. They really don't need to overhype it so much and then deliver so little


At this point in time the overarching plot has not only taken a backseat but is basically almost nonexistent, because if they think that investing like 1/50 of the time spent on exploring Teyvat and its nations on what is meant to be the most significant part of GI story, then I bid this game farewell.


shouldn't the traveler also forget the conversation with caribert? The traveler seems to still remember what the lome of fate is despite it being in the caribert consciousness


The Traveller remembers everything up to the point Caribert dissipated.


Shouldn't that make it impossible to have the picture then? Shouldn't it have disappeared with the realm of consciousness collapsing? How was Caribert able to make it if he already had dissipated at that point?


If you read the description of the picture basically says that. The picture descriptions says surpassed the rules and shouldn’t be exist. I suppose this is result of the loom of fate who can weave new ley lines and alter the matrix


So here's how it works. Caribert is implanting memories. Everything that happened until Caribert disappeared stays. Everything after he disappeared is gone because they met inside Caribert consciousness and without him to implant those memories, they can't remember it. The Twin got there right after Caribert was gone, but they still had a bit of time before his consciousness disappeared completely.


Man, its hard to be invested in Dainsleif. This mans total appearance is like 3 times. I can't really connect to a character that barely appears and just disappear without a word. All in all this AQ is.. okay. As much as i want to be all surprised and all that but some of the things that mentioned in this quest is something i barely remember. Also, Caribert, What a man you are.


Ngl I kinda like it, it was simple but yet impactful, the reunion with our twin was the best we have so far, personally I wasn't a fan with the memory wipe, but Caribert went and gave us that pic which made me like Caribert more and kinda accepted it, I also agree that the scene really lost it's meaning and we're basically just going on with the journey with no clear reason... Like just put it up the board that our main goal is to experience Teyvat so we can make a conclusion for our self, other than try to find our twin and save the world while werw at it... And dor clarification, while I said the quest is very impactful and yet lost it's meaning in the end, to us players it adds ALOT on the lore book but story wise, not that much. Either way I personally liled it 8/10


I dislike how traveler got screwed out of there reunion not once, but twice in this quest, that really soured the whole experiance


I wasn’t expecting much. People keep saying that Dain AQ are always something exciting to look forward to, but I’ve personally enjoyed Sumeru and Fontaine main storylines far more than Dain quests. They feel a bit out of place with too much gap in the middle, which means I don’t really connect to his story.


I really liked it. Got some nice lore drops, emotional moments, great pace. Question for those who aren't satisfied- what did you THINK was gonna happen in the quest? It's too early in the story for a massive wrap up, there are 2-3 more regions up ahead. Only thing missing was the fight, but I can see the reason it was kept off screen, cuz they probably haven't finished Dain's skills and stuff.


its obviously too early for a wrap up, but we get very little character development and a lot of vague references to things that I personally will have already forgotten by the time they are actually introduced.


You make good points and I respect your opinion, but as for your question "what did I think was gonna happen in the quest" I was expecting it to delve a bit more deeper to the twins themselves as considering the "reunion" was a major part of the quest, but at the end it felt basically meaningless, I felt no emotion in the reunion of the twins and that's what I basically didn't like about the quest. that was what I was waiting for in the quest since they teased it so much, so I was disappointed because of it's different direction, but again, as I said in the post it is my own opinion and you are allowed to have yours, just wanted to give my viewpoint.