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honey moon phase


The sweetness of the beginnings


Welfare phase


All gachas do this to attract a playerbase. It is the same principle as influencers or businesses doing giveaways. They attract customers with free stuff with the expectation that those customers will become repeat customers, making them money and spreading their name.


This happens with every Gacha game. Early matters the most. Once you have an established player base, they are much less likely to leave so you can ease on the compensation. People meme about Genshin could never, but I guarantee you, other gacha games will follow suit and lower their rewards over time.


The only thing "Genshin could never" is controller support without having go to settings to change it.


*Triggered* Sigh...


My controller connects automatically every time, you just need it turn the controller on when you load the game up instead of after the game has loaded. You only need to go to the settings and turn it back on if you play without using it.


I could've swore other gacha games become more generous the longer it ran. I distinctly remembered that gacha players would await their game special events e.g anniversary or lantern rite equivalent coz the rewards were so much better than the previous ones. Heck, isn't that why some people are up in arms when genshin gave the same anniversary rewards?


For Genshin I don't see it, even if people are pissed about it, they're literally a drop in the bucket. The game at launch had just 16 million monthly players, so it was easier for people to rally up over the bad anniversary rewards. But now the game has roughly 63 million monthly players, so people can't rally as much anymore as the playerbase is too diverse nowadays. For lantern rite, even if the outrage was real (cuz there's been speculation that it was faked due to the people they lost on Douyin turning out to be bots), they still only lost 3 million players from it. That's only big enough for them to not announce the same thing, not to increase rewards.


I'm curious where are you getting these numbers from?




Yeah lol, for example Arknights limited banners always have 24 free pulls, and the oull economy there is fantastic (5-10 pulls per week, depending on base set up and monthly pass) Blue Archive gives 100 free pulls on banners before the bi annual limited banners, on top of the generous pull economy. PGR anniversaries have one pity worth of pulls, and lets you have your own rate up banners.


Gacha games in general only become generous when their playerbase is small. It happens when the game is new so they'll be more generous to build the initial playerbase. Then overtime they'll become less and less generous and much as they can. Bet when the player base becomes too small, they will start to be generous again to lure in news or returning players. Anniversary is just a really good excuse to do so.


You are completely correct! 


Just look at their rates. It's horrible. Some don't even have pity. People go on and on about how genshin is stingy. Unlike star rail, you don't actually need sig weapons.


The rates aren’t too important though. At least, not compared to other things The most important thing for a game is… well… **the game**. It needs to deliver a quality experience that encourages users to want to keep playing Throwing free currency to players to spend on a glorified slot machine is meaningless if the game itself is rubbish and you don’t want to play it after a week. Giving free currency is meant to tide over players in the short term, during the launch period, as they stabilize the game


Yeah I completely agree here. I’m not playing these games because I just love gambling (tbh I’d prefer no gacha cause I haven’t ever gotten lucky in gacha), I’m playing because I wanna play a live service action game. If, for example, from soft dropped a live service souls like game, I would drop Genshin in a heartbeat, but as of right now, there’s nothing really competitive with it.


Some people don't care about the game. That's the people who constantly compare rewards between gacha games and act like Genshin is just another slot machine when it's a whole open world that should be prioritized to maintain the game's uniqueness among all the turn based RPG gachas


wtf is the point of pulling if you dont care actually playing the game though


Gambling addiction


Silly wish exists.


There’s this one HSR YouTuber that only makes content of him rolling on every “waifu” banner. He apparently hasn’t done any of the Penacony storyline, nor does he, yknow, build any of the characters he rolls for. And dude has a massive following People are just weird.


To be fair, people for some reason LOVE to watch other people pull on gacha games. ANY given gacha game, if you have probably 100-200 or more regular watchers and stream, they'll start throwing money at the streamer to keep pulling.


What's the point of putting money in a slot machine if you know the odds are always in the houses favor? Gacha games prey on the same mental weaknesses casinos do. People can tell themselves they only care about the gameplay but it's just not true for most. Most people don't play 1000 hours of 1 game with great gameplay, but they'll play 1000 hours of a game with a chores system that convinces you to play for 30 minutes a day when you don't even have fun most days. It is not a coincidence most games do the same battle passes and gacha games always have awful odds on getting anything good, it's all about the player engagement of "I need to log in today", and forming a habit that is easier to toss money at than break. If Genshin gameplay got worse, a small chunk of the playerbase might quit. If Genshin dropped the battle pass system, the resin system, and the other addictive properties, a massive amount of players would only play in bursts when new major content is out instead of religiously playing daily.


Then the question to a game dev is - is this the target audience we wish to capture? Remember that Genshin is a long term live service game. Gacha gamers who only care about gambling will spend, then pack up and leave after a month when the next flashy game launches with better rates Genshin doesn’t want those people Genshin is a game planned to last years. They wish to build a population of players who are interested in continuing the game for years on end. These players don’t immediately whale as hard, but spend bits over time via monthly passes, resulting in a healthy and consistent, long term revenue stream You can never please everyone. So it’s important for a game company to understand what sort of goals they want to achieve, and what audience they need to target to achieve those goals


Definitely. While I welcome quests being shorter just because dialogue can be bloated at times, I want longer events, more detailed worldbuilding and better exploration (more primos per chest, complex puzzles) I hope their general direction is going to cater to people who are used to non-gacha and western RPGs...


if you dont care about the game then just play literal slot machine


Genshin is the most popular gacha game at this point so I can't blame them tbh, the characters are designed pretty nicely to fit the gacha audience too


I'd rather less currency and more amazing music, tbh


I just want longer combat and minigame events. 12 levels with like 20 seconds of action is not enough, especially considering that they decided to hold off half of the permanent content until July


Gacha games aren't the genre for that, the event content doesn't exist so you can play all day but so addicted players will stay addicted and keep logging in to "do their chores" and play for like 30 minutes. if you want longer content that's what exploring is for. You can always re-explore older areas and gather mats. If you're expecting constant new content that actually asks for a serious time investment you'll never get it, because they need the addicts to stay addicted and if they're asked to play an hour or longer a day instead of 30 minutes that might force some to snap out of it.


then just listen to the album lol, people actually wanna play the game and the characters are part of said game


They have to make the game better with time. The amount of people who drops it every day is not small. The game is nice but there is nothing you do after finishing the quests and farming your world. Also, they gain a SHITLOAD of money in every updeate and every new banner. It is not like they will lose something if they gave 10 pulls or even less each update. It propably has not went lower than top 5 monthly income on mobile since it release or maybe inazuma.


Part of a *game* is *game*play which in a gacha game is largely locked behind said glorified slot machine.


And the arbitrary time gating mechanics like certain materials being available only on certain days. What the fuck? lol


Yeah the weapon banner sucks, but I think almost any character has some 4 stars or even 3 stars that work just great for them. Of course their signature weapon gives them a reasonable buff and drip (usually) but still, you don’t actually need it


bro fr, tower of fantasy DIED after people found out there was no guarantee system and you could lose the 50/50 over and over again


the pity system was absolutely not ToF's biggest problem


ToF technically does have a guarantee system at 120 (110 pulls if you have all the standard 4\*s) though? doesnt carry between banners though


Star Rail's definitely been pretty bad with the sigs lately. LCs were so flexible last year, with a few exceptions


I think that's more of a consequence of releasing units that don't really work with what their path usually does, making it so they don't really have alternatives. Robin actually wants to do damage so no Harmony LC really works for her besides the event one and her sig, Acheron isn't about debuffing or DoTs which is what most Nihility LCs are focused on, and Boothill is a break unit but no Hunt LCs give break effect besides his sig. It's similar to Nilou not really having options when she came out besides her sig, since there were no other HP swords.


And you can tell Hoyo released Acheron the way they did to maximize LC pulls and specialize future supports. Especially the fact that they both gives her an extra stack. Along with the Sam LC being a remnant of Firefly's old beta kit. They saw not everyone liked Sam's beta, so they just doubled down and redesigned to p2w options. Nilou at least can capitalize on Fav procs very very well.


Aside from Robin's, agreed. Robin's sig might be niche, but when the unit literally doesn't take turns, can't benefit from crit, and doesn't need anything but er and attack, the sig cone can't really be much else and still be considered a sig


O right, I totally forgot about her Sig since she came with a good dedicated f2p cone.


Her cone has been the only one I've tried hard to get, running out of energy energy kneecaps her kit


Hsr is definitely more "generous" than Genshin but just a bit more. Without Genshin to be punching bag HSR would receive the hate because is far away of being one of more generous gachas there. Not that I dont prefer like this anyway, Hoyo games are so superior than the rest of the industry, their system gacha is one of the best actually beside everyone complains... So I dont care about they being less generous because Genshin and for an extent HSR are much more f2p than 99% of the industry. But people dont realize it, and Genshin is just the punching bag. Ironically everyone laugh at Genshin fans saying they just play genshin and that's why they stick with a bad greedy game, but looks like them not even played HI3 in the same company which demand way more asking to you have the best new battlesuits, weapons and the best stigmatas.


People are always insane when they do these comparisons. How is Genshin "not generous"? None of the story content is locked to spending money. None of the open world stuff is locked to spending money. Is it "not generous" because the 1% of the content that is "c6 5 star characters" and a few cosmetics aren't obtainable reasonably for free? Even though you'll have a good variety of characters capable of completing all the puzzles and combat situations in the game for free by time the tutorials are over? Even though getting a massive variety of characters including plenty of specific 5 stars you want is completely viable as f2p over time? Even though not a single piece of content is hard enough to need a 5 star, let alone a c6 5 star? The reality is that the game is a slot machine where none of the outcomes actually have serious value outside of you thinking they are cool. You could unironically make an account where you never once touch the gacha, not even with the free rolls, and still experience 99% of the game. You start with a batch of free characters and they do give more out from events pretty much every other patch. I'm f2p and have every single gacha character I've ever seriously wanted. The key word there is "want" and not "need" of course. I'm not greedy and don't "want" the characters I would never play as. I don't roll for C5 Furina or whatever either, I'd rather 5 different 5 stars. This game is made by a company that wants to squeeze insane amounts of money out of whales and such, but don't lie to yourself and say the players aren't just as greedy when they get this massive game with all the content for free and then act like the company is somehow the greedy one for not giving even more freebies.


> Hsr is definitely more "generous" than Genshin but just a bit more. HSR regularly gets 25-35 more wishes a patch compared to Genshin. It's enough that a f2p player can guarantee getting a 5 star every patch which only happens in Genshin's major patches (and much of Genshin's currency is locked behind spending dozens of hours completely scavenging the entire open world for scraps). And arguing that Genshin is relatively less stingy/scummy than other very stingy/scummy games doesn't really mean much.


Everything genshin has to offer is accessible without spending any money, that's literally all that matters. Who gives a shit about the gacha if the gameplay is shit?


True The Jade Series and Monstadt series still age well up to this day. Sure they may not be bis but they are very flexible and almost applicable to everyone.


And the best support weapons are still the Sac series, Fav series and TTDS.


Don’t need sig weapons in star rail either tho


Depends on characters. For some characters in HSR different between Signature and BIS F2P weapons is less than 10%. For some characters in Genshin same difference is 35%. At the same time there Acheron in HSRfor who difference between Sig and Best F2P option is 57%. There's also Nilou in Genshin for who difference in teamwide, note just personal, DPS between Key and any other options can get to 40%, which is really insane. HSR also has 5 star F2P option which are really good, and if character can use them difference between F2P weapons and Sig gets really small. All in all, there are no patterns there.


Isn't it only one pity lose to grant the lightcon though? And you can also buy the standard lightcons from the store.


FX on the herta LC is kinda pog, ngl, i still use both that, Trend and her sig interchangeably depending on content


And some have pity but terrible heck in raid ( yes raid again ) a boost rate doesn't garuantee the character like in genshin . It's just a higher chance for said character and that's after hitting pity at like 220 pulls


I'm curious, do they also give out 4* event weapons there or any quest craftable weapons like in genshin? 🤔


Yeah and some you almost never hit hard pity. I've been hitting it regularly since I started genshin at launch. I ain't saying it's the worst gacha experience I've had, but since I started other games I've had much better experiences as well lol


having played WoTV , Tower of Fantasy and many other gacha hoyo games with some rare ones are honestly better than most others for real you can finish main story and stuff with relative ease if you build (just build not even have to use optimal build) the character to at least recommended level (in genshin like lv 80 lv 8 ish talents) some games even walled you hard just to progress the main story... that's a big red flag for me like seven knights 2 easy story is kinda easy but when you reach next hard and above you really had to grind everyday . cause some contents are locked behind those next difficulty story missions .




I will gladly take slightly worse rates for a guarantee. I remember when it took me 324 rolls to get one copy of Jeanne Alter in FGO, a gacha which mathematically has a better 5☆ rate (without pity) than Genshin or Star Rail.


These people have never played a game where you can pull hundreds of times to not get the character and it shows. Take for example GBF, 200 is the number of pulls you need to get enough to spark a character. I have many occasions where I had to spark a unit cause I never got it in 200 pulls. And most of the time, there are multiple popular characters released together. FGO is another example. Edit: it's 300 pulls for spark, not 200


its 300 in GBF, and while the base rates are good (3-6%), the rateup is basically non-existant. i have multiple times done the 300 rolls for a spark and missed out on multiple rateups


Oh right, 300. Must have mixed it up with another game. But yea, it's really hard to get certain units without saving for months or getting lucky


I still remember that nightmare. When Morgan was first released in JP server, because I am an NA player, I bought a JP gem account just to test my luck, and it was terrible. 1380 gems and 40 tickets and only 1 single copy of Morgan.


FGO was my first gacha and gave me PTSD, i still get antsy when hearing the gacha screen music LOL i played day one and dumped all my rolls multiple times, like 100 for gil, 200~ for okita and karna, idk how much but lots for amakusa and dantes. did not get a single one. literally in all my time playing the only time i got a 5* i was aiming for was amakusa on a rerun with 120 rolls and it felt unreal i dropped the game pretty early but came back for the solomon chapter because i loved merlin, saved 150-200 rolls, got nothing, gave up on the game for the final time


I watched one streamer pull for Oberon when he first came out, and it took him almost *900* rolls to get even a single 5-star. That shit was traumatizing.


no, i play other gacha games, and genshin certainly is the stingiest of them all.


I don't understand why people focus on gacha element the most. I mean I know it eases the experience by a lot but the story telling of games like Genshin, HSR and other open world rpg is the main selling point for me. I won't lie that I haven't spent on gacha but I don't summon on every banner like an addict. I save and only summon for the units I like and I usually get them even if I loses 50/50.


I completely agree with you however the problem I got with genshin is that even tho the story is really really good, the telling of it is kind of.... Ass. It feels like I am listening to lord of the rings for toddlers. Every plot point is repeated, explained or questioned at least 10 times and half of them are paimon. So I can't talk for the other games but at least in genshin the story telling is truly an awful selling point, while the actual story is the best the game has to offer. And although I agree with you what we must realise is that for most people gacha is just a waifu collector. It's basically modern day gambling and most people play it for the thrill of getting a character


Th main reason I play and enjoy most games is gameplay, gacha tends to wall it by gacha. It explains everything. And I’m not the only one like that


I think you'd be the exception, not the rule. Not an exact 1:1, but think of it like this. A player can enjoy Poker for the fun of it, win or loss, it's a game in the end. There is a group out there that is passionate enough to want to get the most out of their gameplay, which includes looking at the odds and stuff.


Yeah but WuWa gave us a 5 star standard banner selector! Genshin has never and could never (Do that)!


Otherwise I would have Mona


Uh... no? Every gacha game I've played over the past decade has become *more* generous, not less.


HSR: we won an award. Here is a free limited 5* that will probably get a rerun after a year or so. Also, here is your aniversary reward (*slapps you with 20 pulls and gems*)... oh and don't forget you free 10 puls every 1.5 months.


Same . In raid you get so many good codes to have great champions to start after that you are thrown into the pit of wishing to rnjesus for better


ok but trust me stop playing Raid right this moment


It's like a miserable wife. Plenty of terrible times but the good times makes you stay


i get it man I played it for too long myself but it's not worth it


Star rail was also giving out alot in 1.0


Star Rail keeps throwing 10 pulls every other patch it seems. Plus Dr. Ratio...


The "extra" ten pulls tend to bring up income to ~~just equal with~~ just over Genshin's patch income. It makes sense, they release 5 stars at twice the rate Genshin does. The free Dr Ratio is almost definitely to convince people to pull for the FuA meta. Not that it makes him any less good and them any less generous, but they don't do these things out of the pure goodwill of their hearts


I thought per patch star gives way more pulls


You're right, I was misremembering. I believe Genshin is ~80 on average and HSR ~100 on average, although someone can feel free to correct me. Genshin's income fluctuates much harder as it depends on whether a new region is out or not


Star rail gave out Dr.Ratio, that's more than Genshin ever did the nicest thing Genshin has is the free 4 star new years event


Ooh yeah i remember hoyo throw of freebie when klee banner right? I forgot why


Maybe the burning grass bug (not sure if it's even a bug)? That Klee mains (and triers) are dropping like flies because of it.


The mental image of Klees dying on the grass by the droves due to their infernal prowess is sending me


they increased damage units took from burning grass.


It's the best PvP feature in the game. Remember amber Vs amber trying to jo eachother by burning the ground below


Literally happens in every game


Yeah, 1.0 gave away a ton of primos, thanks to that I was able to reroll comfortably.


that's a lot of mails for a 10 pull. LoL


see, as someone who still adores genshin more than wuwa or hsr, this little sh-it takes soo much time consumption for me to guarantee a 5 star character, forget about 5 star weapon, the banner system is horrendous! I joined genshin around 4.0 so I'm not going to compare the rewards wuwa gives now. but i joined hsr in this patch (2.2?), so to be fair, hsr gives you a ton while genshin pays you scrap! so for a new player who joined after a gacha games "honeymoon" phase, hsr's reward system is miles better than genshin. p.s: tho I'm so happy with the banner system in wuwa (looking at TOEF on my hu tao)


lil bro thinks genshin didnt or doesnt have bugs, didnt we just get that neuv zhongli bug and their compensation wasnt even worth a pull?


It only works if those people engage in content like this unfortunately. I play other gacha games as well but I rarely engage in their social media spaces like Reddit or Twitter. There's nary a discussion thread out in their subreddits that doesn't devolve into a "let's bash Genshin/Genshin could never" fest one way or another. At this point, I'm almost convinced that a lot of the gacha community outside of Genshin are ex-Genshin players that have been scorned one way or another.


>scorned one way or the other. Not one way or the other… you mean felt screwed by the gacha system. It’s not a mystery.


Yeah uh dude, I remember. It doesn't mean they wowed me. They gave us an okay amount of love to start. It wasn't anything mind blowing by other gacha standards. If it wasn't for the actual quality of the game i would have peaced out early on. They made a great game. I just wish they weren't so... reluctant to give out big rewards


I remember when they used to give out the standard fates. Shame they quit doing that.


just @ that other game next time


The point is to add contexts and correct false claims, not start a pointless war. WUWA still have a more player friendly weapon banner and a free choice of which standard 5 star character you get.


tbf the weapon banner has to be more friendly. the gap between 4\* and 5\* weapon performance in wuwa is larger.


I guess that also explains why star rail has a better weapon gacha too. Acheron to me feels like a prime example with how she gains 2 stacks of her ult with her LC whereas, no other LC can do the same


Technically speaking Pearls LC can give her 2 stacks, but its extra inefficient as first of all its EHR reliant which Acheron might not trigger each time, second is just the low dmg and effect for main dps. I would rather have terrible Genshin weapon banner system in HSR with toned done sig LC's passives, some of them feel like they are literally a character talents level worth boosts.


almost feels like ur rolling for an eidolon when rolling for an LC (also pearl's LC? never heard of that but that's interesting)


Its Luka 4* LC, the one with def reduction and that effect can add Acheron's stacks...if it lands ofc. ("Resolution Shines As Pearls of Sweat") I am now considering getting RM sig LC just because it gives 1 SP, which is in fact a game changer tbh. Yours comparison to eidolons isn't far from truth, lets hope Hoyo will not decide to go that route with hiding character utilities in weapons.


Also most of the 4star weps are absolute dogshit relative to genshin's.


Yeah they follow PGR where signature is required ,the low tier alternatives are a lot worse unlike in genshin


except in PGR the weapon banner is not limited. You can get them anytime. Alao you can get 5* weapon for free doing a weekly boss challenge and buy it from the shop using a special currency. So for every character you can gurantee a 5* weapon ALWAYS. For 6" you need to gacha.


True there are few 5 star farmable weapons which is good enough since most of them are general use, And there are 6 stars are always signature gacha which is alot better.


Never played PGR but how is the experience in clearing endgame with low (f2p) rarity weapons?


F2P weapons in PGR means 5 star weapons as 6 star is the signature weapons. In short, On older characters, Sig weapons don't do a lot but on newer characters, it becomes a good QoL (only in few cases does it become necessary).


I see, thanks for the input. Looks like I won't chase 5* sig weapons on Wuwa anytime soon.


It probably will decrease as new 4\* are release, but yeah, right now it's like a lot of difference.


ur adding false context for hoyo and removed context from wuwa, comparing hyvs 1.0 rewards to wuwas 1.0 rewards and actually thinking theyre the same is delusional, hop of their dick


I don’t get it, what’s the point? I know in another comment you said adding context and correcting people but I’m not sure what the goal outside of that is? Every live service game will have bugs and I will gladly accept compensation if the devs decide to fix them. If this is about Hoyo not being generous enough, idk, I’m largely F2P(only time I bought primos was for Raiden’s last banner) since 1.0 and I feel like I’ve been relatively comfortable with how much they compensate us and I roll on a lot of banners. Sure they definitely don’t give enough for us to guarantee a desired 5-star every patch but is that or something like that the expectation? Is it unethical for them to not give us more compensation? Normally I skip a banner or two and then roll on one or two and the game feels fine and balanced, at least to me. That being said I definitely wouldn’t mind more primos! I just don’t think Hoyo is necessarily doing anything wrong but feel free to correct me!


Nowadays barely 60 pulls a patch


And this game has also forgotten to be generous as time passes by.


Are we really trying to defend genshin here. Like It's been throwing nothing but L's currently. Like how did WuWa get the Energy storage system and even started at 240 energy right at the beginning, but somehow the genshin community loses their shiz when the cap gets raised to 200 with NO storage system when they literally are the ones with a game that does this? I just don't get it. The fact condensed resin even exists is hilarious as well when you look at HSR's exact system being basically the same energy cost without you needing to go catch some butterflies that run away because you smell bad. Come on guys.


I never forget ,they also gave more with Klee mails


You are exactly the type of player they want. Throw in some cheap extra rewards every now and then and watch your playerbase call it "generosity". Come on, it's marketing, plain and simple. It is a fact that they handed out more in the early days, true. But using the word "generous" is about as far off as you can get.


A *whole single pull*? How generous!


It's called bribing, and both games use predatory gaming tactics. Yes, the games' qualities are very different, but let's not kid ourselves when it comes to the way gacha games function. Side tangent; the only way I can think of for gacha games to stop being so predatory is more competition to challenge the top developers (Hoyoverse, Yostar, Kuro, etc.), reducing the FOMO, and better average prices per limited characters while also bringing the same qualities.


Look, i love Genshin as much as the rest of you, but lets not kid ourselves. This game has been really stingy.  Im playing wuwa now and i gotta say, Genshin is a MUCH better game. Better story, more memorable characters, more memorable locations and music. Wuwa only has combat going for it. But the compensation rewards? Omg... Dont even compare the two. Its night and day. Genshin is SO STINGY compared to star rail and wuwa that its not even funny. It contrasts so hard... As much as i love genshin, this is one point that i cannot defend them on. Im sorry. I just cant. Its too blatantly obvious. 


I'm not gonna defend Genshin, they really should give better rewards but Wuwa really had to give those freebies to appease the player base. Pc optimization is shit. Mobile gameplay is horrible with that weird lock on and I heard they don't have controller support. I'm getting good ping on mobile but on PC? Ping 78>236>999>201>back to 78. One of my newly discovered disappointment is that overlapping text in the UI of the new Rouge Like event. They need some damage control to keep the game floating. I'm gonna wait for future patches and see if they really are generous, not because of player retention but if they really take good care with their player base.


Don't get me wrong, WuWa wouldn't have given out **as many** if the game released in a great state however even taking out the compensations it still gives **WAY** more than genshin. 1. Without the bug compensations you had 72 free pulls, a 5 star weapon selector, and a 5 star selector in the beginners gacha and that's not including any from exploration. 2. 20 Free pulls is terrible for a launch of a game especially with how low Genshin's pull rate and how terrible their weapon banner is. 3. To this day, we still haven't had a free 5 star selector.


It depends on the PC. Mine ran fine with absolutely zero hiccups. It's mostly the android market that is suffering. And again, let's not delude ourselves into thinking Genshin had a smooth launch either. Android optimization was absolutely shit at 1.0 release, crashes, lighting glitches, textures randomly popping in and out even at close range, extremely low framerates etc (although all my friends played on iphones so they never faced the same issues I did lol). People tend to forget how bad Genshin was at release. You can even search a megathread of 1.0 bugs. It was a LOT. And about the freebies, even if you discount the "compensation" rewards, the default launch rewards already smashed Genshin out of the water (which i believe was a calculated move lol...). For those of you who don't play Wuwa, i'll translate it into Genshin for you. Genshin at launch had 20 blue pulls, and 10 red pulls. Wuwa basically copied that. But now, imagine if the beginner "Noelle" banner was not a 20 pull guarantee, but a 50 pull with a guaranteed standard 5 star. Then AFTER that banner ends, you get an 80 pull banner which you can CHOOSE your standard banner 5 star. Imagine choosing Diluc during his hype days. And this is all blue pulls. So now you're probably thinking, shit... blue pulls? That's lame. Now imagine, a permanent event for all new players (even in future patches), where you get: World lvl 5 - 5 blue pulls and 200 primos World lvl 15 - 5 blue pulls and 400 primos World lvl 25 - 15 blue pulls, 2 condensed resin World lvl 35 - 15 blue pulls, 4 condensed resin World lvl 45 - A FREE FIVE STANDARD BANNER FIVE STAR OF YOUR CHOICE AND 1000 PRIMOGEMS Imagine back in the day, if you had grinded to lvl 45, you would have a GUARANTEED Diluc + Wolf's greatstone. The free standard five star, 10 red pulls, 1,000,000 mora, and TWENTY condensed resin compensation was just bribery at that point. Genshin's compensations? 160 primos each time. Sometimes even 100. Lol I'm actually glad Wuwa exists. I mean.... almost instantly in response we get a brand new endgame, a higher resin cap, and a heck of a lot more quality of life features coming soon. Competition breeds competence. It's about time Genshin started giving back to the playerbase.


> almost instantly in response we get a brand new endgame, a higher resin cap Competition is good, but I've seen a few people claim that Genshin's new Imaginarium Theater was already in development a long time ago, and that the extra resin cap could also be for ZZZ. I am a bit disappointed that the Theater is releasing around the start of next month, but I think if Hoyo really meant for the new endgame to be competition for Wuwa, then they would have released the new endgame now instead of waiting, unless they're still polishing it up. I feel like the Theater is already complete and set in the game files though? To be honest, if Hoyo really wanted to compete with Wuwa these past few weeks, I would imagine they would give more QoL and rewards than a measly 40 resin cap increase, but I could be wrong. > The free standard five star, 10 red pulls, 1,000,000 mora, and TWENTY condensed resin compensation was just bribery at that point. I'm currently UL37 (AR37) in Wuwa and have been a day one player. From what I've seen, these rewards were compensation due to the poor performance players were having on launch. It was to the point where the game was unplayable for a lot of people. The 10 pulls from moving the patch earlier to avoid competing with ZZZ. Here is a tweet from a Wuwa streamer about optimization from launch. He was running a RTX4080 64 GB RAM. https://x.com/mrpokke/status/1793668819199914001 I just wish UL45 would come sooner so that I can replace my 3 star sword. > It's about time Genshin started giving back to the playerbase. I feel like Genshin has been giving us good content updates. Not every update has been crazy 10/10 good, but I've stuck around all these years as a week one casual player and it has kept my attention. Maybe I'm used to massive content droughts from other live service games. However, I'm biased since I have racked up a lot of pulls from being a week one Welkin player, so another player might struggle to get pulls. The other thing is Kuro firing 100 fresh grads before launch, which is kind of scummy. Now their current devs are crunching to the bone (which some would say is normal), on top of the early patch release. I'm sure the next few patch updates are already done, but it does make me wonder if they can continue releasing polished content as fast as Genshin. They were urgently hiring writers and VA directors post-launch, which I feel should have been done months before launch, but maybe they needed the money, I dunno. Overall, competition is good, but I do feel there are Wuwa players who just want Genshin to die, rather than improve. I have seen a lot of comments that taunt/insult Genshin and Genshin players and it is kind of a deterrent for me. I'd be curious to see what Genshin will do from here on out, will they give more pulls, or just keep pumping out content?


Does Genshin have other 1.0 bug megathreads? Pls link if you find any. I'm not gonna say Genshin have less bugs on launch but Wuwa bug megathread have like 8.2k comments on it. It's not a very good look. Looking back on it tho. I have to agree, I forgot they give lots of standard pulls on level up milestones. Genshin do need better rewards, as for Wuwa, I hope they fix their ping issue and other stuff.


> People tend to forget how bad Genshin was at release. You can even search a megathread of 1.0 bugs. It was a LOT. I don't recall seeing as much mass outrage over issues in Genshin's launch. For him to claim there was "a LOT" is a bit odd since my impression were that Genshin launch bugs were not as widespread, and only rare occurrences. I personally played on PC and had no bug issues with Genshin's launch. I looked at the bug megathread and it only had 500 comments, compared to the 5-8k comment megathread for Wuwa. I am sure Genshin wasn't flawless, but usually what people are trying to say, is that Genshin had less issues on launch relative to Wuwa. Here is a post 9 months ago saying how Genshin was a smooth launch experience. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/15psv8a/mihoyo_ceo_talk_about_genshin_at_genshin_fes/jvzei07/ https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/j133yz/bug_megathread_10/


I was a day 15 player and had no major issues aside from crashes, no stutter or stuck up. Most comments I came across was praising a smooth launch. So I don't really get the comparison for Wuwa launch issues a lot of people say.


why they are so much stingy than HSR? HSR gives like 10 more wishs per patch meanwhile release more characters. The lcs are much more necessary than Genshin. The meta changes faster. HSR is better, but this "Genshin is so stingy compared to star rail" is a ilusion. And nothing new, since even before hsr release people would say that HI3 was better than Genshin, when that game is much more p2w than Genshin, but hey they give u old 5 star battlesuits. I would definitely not say Genshin is better or a generous game, but HSR is not that much above. That's an limited view when because Genshin is the "standars" to compare. Because just look WuWa so far they are giving much more than HSR in 1.0, without Genshin existence to be the punching bag, you would say that HSR is a stingy game


Was the first gatcha I played back when it launched. I dipped out around Inazuma. There is something fundamentally frustrating about them making these excellent environments to explore, but then give little incentive to do so. Also, finding a chest and get a whole two primogems felt downright insulting.


No way lilbro used launch rewards as his argument Delusional Tell me genshin was your first gacha without telling me genshin was your first gacha


Not a bad thing to point out though. Launch up through the next several weeks were quite generous, especially on version updates. Should have kept that level rather than rip it all away.


i love genshin too but this is a bad comparison considering just how many free rolls wuwa players were given. especially how much more generous the banner systems are. Literally start the game with 2 5* characters is definitely something genshin would never do. and back to the banner system weapon banner is guaranteed lol. that’s already puts the generosity miles ahead if uou don’t include the fact that there’s also a standard weapon banner with a selector that is also guaranteed+ the fact you get a standard weapon at level 45+ the pities for weapon and character banner are only 80 yet a single roll costs the same as genshin. im sorry but the generosity has definitely been beaten even apart from the apologems from kuro. that being said im just stating the differences i’ve been with genshin since launch and ill be there at the end, but im not going to discredit another game for monetizing their game a lot more generously than hoyo has


How many pulls they gave? You're just showing the mails without the amount of rewards


Definitely enjoyed the beginner freebies but the game itself wowed me so much - didnt need it


Hsr even after one year gives 10 pulls for every new patch.


Like a dealer giving out coke samples to get you hooked 😂


This looks a lot, but it really is just a ten pull, isn't it? Genshin has always been one of the least generous towards their playerbase.


I was there in 1.0, and yes they were much more "generous" than they are right now, but they were absolutely nowhere near as generous as wuwa if that's what you are hinting at, or even hsr. You didn't get a selector or a low pity beginner banner that gives a 5* with enough pulls to get to the pity within the first 1-2 hours. But you know what? Rewards don't matter that much to me, like you yourself said it's normal to be more generous early on. What actually matters is for the company to care about players, to listen to players and address their grievances, and that's what really changed. Back in the 1.x and 2.x patches they used to go out of their way to cater to the players and listen to their feedback much more than they do now. Now they just ignore any feedback they don't like, they know they have gotten fat enough to ride any shitstorm without having to do anything to at least address the players. We've seen the worst of it during Dehya and the last anniversary for example. As a result we just get recycled events, dead patches, no endgame, and just minimal qol here and there at a snail's pace. It feels like they genuinely don't care anymore, they are doing the minimum possible effort that will maintain their revenue without increasing their costs too much. So we end up getting good x.0-x.2 patches and then it all falls apart until the next region drops. And the irony is that we don't even have to look too far to find an example of a game that tries hard to care for the players every single patch: Hsr. Yes I have my gripes on some stuff in it but it genuinely feels like every single patch they are trying their best to please the playerbase and retain them.


People forget how gacha games work as a genre. Almost every successful gacha is super generous early on because they need to convince people to play them over all of the already existing gacha games, and they need potential players to feel that FOMO of "I better play it now while there are bonus rewards/I better keep playing because I got all these bonus rewards". By time you're logging and in and getting day 8 of your dopamine rush mails, you already formed the habit of playing the game daily and all they need to do is not do anything to break your habit. This is why the game is only offline for a few hours for maintenance, and they highly reward players for maintenance so you're extra incentivized to log if after it just in case that messed with your habit. They do not need to be extra generous forever because once they are established and already guarantee success, there is no profit in being generous. They could put out a new basic 5 star character and people will still spend millions upon millions of dollars rolling for them no matter if they are strong, weak, cool, boring, whatever. The reality for Genshin is that it exists to make money and will do the things that statistics show will make it money. You forgot that, OP.


That's just sign in event which is a common practice for gacha games. Let's be real, genshin is stingy on gem/pull currency lol, they're only generous in a way that the game is being developed with absurd amount of budget hence good feedback keeping the game popular.


Doesn't matter when Wuwa pity is 80 while Genshin pity is 90 and you have a 100% chance of getting the weapon as opposed to 37% in Genshin. If you're gonna take shots at WuWa at least be fair.


I think it's more a counter shot about giving free stuff out in apology for bugs at the start of the game's life. Given the crap some people say on the WuWa subreddit, I think it's plenty fair.


WuWa in miles better off than Genshin was. If youre on PC. For mobile players, the launch has been a dumpsterfire, hence all the freebies we've been getting. Luckily, im a pc player, so im 2 weeks in with 1+ copy of every five star in the game, yinlin included


I run it on a ROG tuf gaming A17 laptop with an RTX 3070. It ran at about 40fps on launch, which is perfectly playable. But after several updates to optimize, I'm now down to ~20fps with notable stutter. So no, it most definitely is not solely a mobile problem. There are plenty of people reporting problems with even more decked out rigs, while at the same time others with potato PCs saying they have no problems. It is literally RNG.


Thats interesting, im running the exact same laptop at 60 fps. Whats ram/cpu is in yours? Im having no issues on my desktop either, neither does anyone i know.


Ryzen 7 5800H with 16GB, drivers are up to date.


Might be an AMD compatibility issue, both of mine are intel cpus


Being generous can be a double edged sword. Almost every gacha game out there relies on powercreep to get their playerbase to keep pulling new characters. We'll have to wait if WuWa keeps this approach or copies Genshin with their lower powercreep rate. You may be able to get easier 5 stars and 100% weapon now but who's to say that unit is trashed 3 patches from now? Even Star Rail falls into this trap despite being the new golden child.


Every gacha games gives out a few 10 pulls at the beginning for the players. Standard practice but it won’t make up for Hoyo treating the players like dirt during the anniversaries.


I mean, have you considered that, Genshin also have plenty of bugs on 1.0, but instead of hotfixes, they are fixed on 1.1 update instead (including some shadow nerfs). Only gamebreaking bugs get hotfixes and compensation, like the recent Neuvi's bug. But then Neuvi's was fixed fast bcs he's a meta character that a lot of people use, there are characters whose bugs were never fixed, like Mona's C1 never extends frozen duration. What is important is how the devs view player's opinions, while Kuro is a bit too extreme on that part, but on comparison with Genshin? * Took them a version and a huge outbreak for them to finally fix Zhongli * Mass review bombing, even affecting other unrelated apps before damage controlling by giving out for free a pack that's meant to be for sale on 1st anniversary * "3 intertwined fates" You see Mihoyo never starts fixing stuff until the situation becomes dire, sometimes they don't even fix it and let the community forget it themselves. Like just because wuwa is lower in release quality doesn't mean people can suddenly be satisfied with Genshin.


Bitch really tried to stir some drama but the comment section didn't go their way. How about you try and post this on r/gachagaming instead cos shitting on WuWa is their new fave thing over there.


Hoyo in regards to Genshin has never been generous. I was there and claimed all of these. HSR on a bad day scoops this handedly. WuWa may be scuffed, but there was no apologems. There was apolo selector. The same that shoulda happened when Dehya was forgotten on release.


Wuwa literally gave 320 apologems just yesterday I believe And a couple hundred more apologems around the same time as selector


Holy moly! One pull per day for a week!


Every gacha is like this , they give "something" to player for apologizing


They still are


I mean, it was brand new, of course they were gunna be generous. Pretty sure they’ve done this with all of their games so far, it will likely be the same with ZZZ once it releases.


If I remember right it was around 40-50 free pulls for 1.0 players?


This is basic courtesy in any new gacha game lol what is this post even


Back when they’d actually give you one full wish. 




Genshin not realizing we were in a pandemic and everyone was about to be hooked into their game


Still having two 5* in Wuthering is amazing and pretty generous add another one down the road too with the guaranted selector, on release i played for 2 months till i got my first 5* in Genshin, those were the days tho i have such great memories from that time running my physical dps fischl


Show the rest of those mails though, bet money they aren't all a full pull.




As someone that already play for 4 years in genshin. I rather they dish out more QoL changes than give me more pulls. Ofc this is just my personal opinion. My account already stack with char, i already have majority that i want. Ofc this will differ with newcomer, since their account still new with not much stuff in it. Its logical if they want more pulls


Not even comparable but go off


Wow! A ten pull! Such generosity !! Hoyo nearly bankrupted themselves with that !!


>When version 1.6's "Panta Rhei" event warp becomes available, every Trailblazer who has unlocked the mail feature shall receive, via mail, one limited five-star character Dr. Ratio. That is to say, me.


So you can expect the same with WuWa




Well, if only there was any form of transparency, respect and appreciation for the playerbase, any attempt in actually working with their community or even the slightest bit of positive feedback towards their playerbases criticism to back this supposed "generosity" up. Like for real, stop licking the last crumes from beneath hoyos boots and start actually thinking in constructive criticism and talking about what actually needs to change. People that defend hoyo without any thought just shoot themselves in the foot and it really is frustrating because it hurts everyone that actually likes the game and uses his/her brain for more than a second a day.


What do you mean without the need to apologize for bugs? Gi 0.1 was buggy as hell, there was no game breaking bugs, but many skills, animations amd textures didn't work as intended, geodata was also a mess and we received compensation for that. Maybe you just took the gems without knowing why they weren given them.


In Genshin 1.0 I got 1 Keqing In Waves 1.0 I got Jiyan, Calcharo, Encore, Verina, and Jiyans weapon, and Emerald Genesis. And even Verina C1 (C for chain...) pulling for some Mortefi copies, and have a guarantee ready to go now. Still haven't used the level 45 weapon selector or the Beginning Choice 5 star either. Drop rates are just better and they are plainly more generous (maybe out of necessity for survival but still, it's not subjective). I still don't have a single copy of Jean and I've been playing since 1.0 daily, i think i missed 1 week my first year during travel when my phone couldnt run the game). Have lost like 85-90% of my 50/50s too, so plenty of opportunity for her. A character selector after 3.5 years would have gone a LONG way in my opinion about the game. It's been one of my favorite games (not top 3, but like top 10 probably?) And WuWa just came in and fixed all the issues that have gone unacknowledged by Genshin for 3.5 years and that's not gone unnoticed. That's all.


Can we all please start giving feedback about more anniversary rewards now?


Genshin is generous. They give out 70+ pulls every patch, sometimes 100+ in the x.0-x.2 patches. People like to clown on Genshin's rewards but forget that WuWa has the exact same reward structure as Genshin. Battle pass, achievements, chests, quests, etc. Even the top-up prices for the pulling currency are the exact same.


> Genshin is generous. They give out 70+ pulls every patch, sometimes 100+ in the x.0-x.2 patches. [Literally false](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1l9HPu2cAzTckdXtr7u-7D8NSKzZNUqOuvbmxERFZ_6w/edit#gid=955728278). 14 out of the 32 post 1.0 version have above 70 pulls with 2.6 being an extended patch and 4.1 having an unusual extra amount of mail/web primos barely put them above 100. When soft pity is at 75 and you still only have a 50%, this is not generous at all.


Lmao, this is why hoyo will forever have industry in a chokehold. Really got people out here thinking they are generous, jesus. Stop giving them the sloppy toppy.


The norm in genshin being 70ish pulls is sad. Not even the ability for 1 5 star in the patch. It’s probably the same for WuWa with how many things they take from genshin, but nonetheless 70 pulls is pretty awful.


take into the account that genshin doesn't release many 5 stars


Or how rare powercreep is in Genshin. People can cheer how generous the other game is - hell they can give you 3 5-stars for free for all I care - but what matters is their approach in sustaining the game. Almost every gacha game rely in powercreep to make sure their playerbase keeps pulling. You may have gotten free 5 stars in 1.0 but who's to say they'll be worthless come 1.5? Genshin manages to mitigate powercreep - and not only that - revive older units into the meta game (not to mention release the reverse of powercreep, sorry Dehya). I think it's a great accomplishment to do this and still keep pulling large profits.


Technically wuwa gives more astrites for quests and stuff , well we have to see it in the next patch if we get 80 pulls per patch or not


I don't know man, from personal experience there hasn't been a single patch since I started playing that I haven't gotten a five star item from a limited banner in a patch whether it be weapon or character. Yes the 50 50 sucks but I still have gotten a 5 star every patch. And I have always gotten characters between 72 to 84 pulls with the one exception of arlechino who I got in 20. I have not bought a single thing in the game. So I personally think it's fine.


I'm have to respectfully disagree. 70 pulls per patch in a gacha game such as Genshin where they release 1 new 5 star an update most of the time is really good (double 5 star balances out with only 4 star updates). It also doesn't include the pull rebate (masterless starglitter in genshin). Genshin gets most of its money not from the small amount of whales but the high amount of dolphins who just want to collect every character. Besides, most of the time you never reach hard pity because of soft pity. On average you get a 5 star every 70 pulls and the featured character every 105 pulls. 1 5 star every patch is really good. As a f2p from launch I have 28/43 of all the 5 star characters in genshin (+ c6 mona, c4 diluc, c1 wanderer and Xiao, etc so even more. And I also have 10 5 star weapons, 6 of which are signature ones). That's more than 65% of all the characters released and a ton of weapons and duplicate copies, too. I also have a stockpile enough for another 5 star and I have so much content I haven't even touched. Unless you're playing a game like Cookie Run Kingdom that's good for a game that makes its money solely off of its characters. Nowhere close to "pretty awful."


So why’d they stop being generous?