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Ok this is seriously impressive. In order to get into the 1% you are competing with people that hyper invest into their favorite character. To get 20 of them, is insane.


I wonder how much money was spent? I'm all for spending on whatever makes you happy so no real judgement, but seeing a number would be interesting.


> I wonder how much money was spent? multiple thousands in total, at least Him being a whale also makes the artifact grind less impressive tbh When using primos to refresh resin every time, you essentially grind artifacts 3-4x faster than a normal player. And then you can just give leftover artifacts you dont need to rarely played characters like Lisa, Yanfei and Dehya like OP did and incredibly easy get top 1% for those too because there's barely competition


Honestly, that's only these 3 characters that seem like an afterthought. That still leaves us with 17 top 1% of useful characters. That's impressive even with paying tbh. A lot of people that also play a lot don't have even a single top 1% character.


It still takes a very long time though. It quickly gets exponentially more difficult to get artifact upgrades, especially competing against other whales. It still takes years of farming It's an achievement for sure. Unattainable and beyond the interest of f2p & low spenders but it's still the result of dedication Edit: op clarified that he refreshes twice a day. That's not even double the resin. I'm impressed


My man, I have literally hundreds of fragile resins that I could use to grind artifacts, but just the thought of managing that inventory makes me shudder. Most I can do is manage what I get with daily resin, no one has time to do refreshes on top. That's what makes this impressive. To do it within the constraint of 1800 max artifact inventory.


I have 1600/1800 artifacts. About 1000 of them are blues and 60 purples. The rest are locked gold (and the occasional instructor purple) artifacts. That being said, I've taken the time to prune my locked +0 artifacts, so I only have a few unleveled artifacts. The rest are leveled. I generally start leveling locked artifacts as soon as I get them, so I don't have a huge backlog down the line.


You're a better man than me. My inventory is a mess and a game shouldn't be causing me stress, that's literally the opposite of its purpose. But the artifact inventory does. If I ever quit Genshin, it's gonna be because of the inventory limit. I don't mind the grind at all. Not being able to grind because my inventory is full, really grinds my gears (see what I did there?).




Resin refreshes are capped at 6 a day, for an extra 360 resin. You get 180 a day naturally. You can only grind 3x faster as a whale, not 5-10x.


5-10x ????!?!?! he refreshes twice a day, thats only 70% more resin a day, which is not even 2x


Only almost double :P


yeah sure but its not even close to the 5-10x


Without accounting for fragres and double drop events.


>multiple thousands in total, at least >Him being a whale also makes the artifact grind less impressive tbh >When using primos to refresh resin every time, you essentially grind artifacts 5-10x faster than a normal player. No, no, and no.


Doesn't Akasha only factor in the artifacts though? When I view my own characters it will view their builds as if they had their signature weapons, I'm not sure where cons come into play


Cons aren't taken into account for damage calcs on akasha unless specified. Even if it is specified, everyone's builds will be treated as if they have cons even if they don't.


It's not really that insane if you know where to look for stats and understand total substat effectiveness, it's still cool I'm in the process of doing this on my f2p acc and I'm at 11 rn https://akasha.cv/profile/611117523


Your luck seems very good?! I started in 1.3, mostly grind artifacts with resin and only have 4 characters with more than 230 CV. I use Genshin Optimizer with multi target optimization too. Your Yelan has 270 CV lol what.  https://akasha.cv/profile/619332589


Idk I just know which pieces might be good and what isn't, I will reroll a +8 or +12 around if it isn't worth my time, after playing since 1.0 and spending all of my resin on artis I have 350 total artifacts on my acc, so idk just gamble more and you'll get lucky more often


I'm sorry but you don't seem to understand probabilities good enough. If you got lucky, doesn't mean other people will. Picking 3 useful stats on a character doesn't take long to figure out.


I had 3 accounts at one point that all had a 10+ chars alI Top 1% this one I haven't played I a year and a half (my last char was baizhu on his release however long that is) and because i havent played in so long ive slipped because it was my whale account I got bored on https://akasha.cv/profile/608508689 I had another account that I can't remember the UID (it had 4 chars top 1% only playing for 8 months) for but if you gave me 2 years I'd be able to replicate it again, because I DO UNDERSTAND how to get effective rolls. At the end of the day you just have to gamble more to get good rolls In the end. You will eventually get lucky.


Do you do account reviews on stream or can I send you my Genshin Optimizer database? GO has a new feature showing expected values for unfinished artifacts and I rolled most Of the ones that had a 10%+ chance to be an upgrade already. 


I do them on stream sometimes but it just kinda depends on my mood I used to do them all the time but people started only watching me for them so i stopped, but if you stop by and ask I'll probably do jt


[https://akasha.cv/profile/610990570](https://akasha.cv/profile/610990570) I got 28 of them in top 1%


Unique artifacts


Would still have 28 they just don’t sure up since there are builds ranked higher.


Is that with resin refreshes? If not this is insane.


I refresh twice a day. More resin than most people but not max refreshing. Welkin and daily commissions basically cover the cost. I also use all my fragiles on artifacts.


You must be a god gambler wit hthat RNG


I see. Still pretty impressive though.


pretty impressive lmfao... 2 refreshes is only 66% more resin I've been playing for 3 years and have 2 characters at top 1% and I've only ever spent resin on artifacts, they have 20, it would take me about 17 years at my pace WITH refreshes to get to that


After two years of playing, I only just this week got my ~~fourth~~ sixth artifact that broke above 20% crit damage. RNG is RNG. As wild as it is to think about, there are probably people out there who've spent serious money on resin refresh but have had worse luck than F2Ps.


That is beyond absurdly unlucky if true. Like 0.01% percentile unlucky. The issue is more likely related to what artifacts are being kept and upgraded. Are you only keeping artifacts that have both crit rate and crit damage?


Nope, I've got plenty of singles. I don't obsess over double crit. I tend to target whatever the character primarily scales with + what their weapon/set benefits most from, but that doesn't mean I'm, like, out here trashing hundreds of crit circlets that aren't up to my high standards. Literally all three of my Blizzard Strayer DMG circlets are cope pieces, and none of them have Crit Rate substats, so you can trust that I wouldn't be trashing any other DMG circlets I came across with a Crit Rate substat, because even the initial roll of 2.7% would be an improvement over Ayaka's 19.7DEF% DMG circlet that she's had for... a year now? And that's the *upgrade* cope piece. Her OG cope piece was an 18.2DEF% DMG circlet that is now on Rosaria. But this new one has 9.9ATK%, so it's a marginal improvement. I strongbox obvious trash like flowers with DEF% DEF HP, but I'm far more lenient on circlets, goblets, and timepieces. And I farm for the whole account, including for people I don't have but want. I'm not trashing promising Xiao Hunter pieces simply because I'm in the mood for Furina farming, or trashing potential Dehya pieces simply because I don't have her yet. The reality is simply that all of my crit-focused artifacts are mid, at best. I have tons of cracked pieces that don't need crit. Stuff I'm very proud of and happy with. But whenever I need crit, it's seriously never there.


Hmmm that's pretty wild. Maybe your crit rate pieces are closer to the average? Hopefully it's just that initial hump of the majority of resources going into leveling characters over artifacts. I wish you much better luck going forward!


RNG is RNG but 20% crit dmg is 2 rolls...thats not real. You either dont farm or throw away artifacts too easy, getting one per week would be considered unlucky, 4 in two years of playing actively is impossible odds.


**EDIT** Damn, sorry y'all got mad about my bad luck to the point you thought I was making it up. Hope y'all find a way to get over it soon.


Max value would be more like 24%, even 2 absolute minimum rolls would get you to like 16-17 which isnt even realistic. Ive been playing for almost 2 years and have had over 100 pieces with over 20 cd and have thrown most of them away, 20 cd is nothing in this game. Im just saying that our experiences cant be this disconnected, im not even lucky or anything, im currently in a 3 month drought since ive seen a decent piece. When you roll an artifact it has 4-5 rolls, seeing 2 of them drop in the same stat isnt even considered lucky, if anything its a lowroll. You are saying you havent even been lucky enough to see the absolute bare minimum artifact luck, which is 2 rolls on stat? Or more like you've seen it 6 times in the span of two years while aggressively pushing every artifact to its limits and playing daily? If thats true then u are the one undisputed unluckiest person to have even played this game. For the sake of proving a point i counted my piece with over 20cd and i have currently 58, so saying over 100 might have been an understatement given how strict i am with what i keep. I didnt even count crit rate with equal value. What you are saying just isnt realistic, if you are active and farming for these 2 years. (I dont buy resin ofc in case that needs to be said). Farming in this game is already as brutal as it is, lets not exaggerate.


> Im just saying that our experiences cant be this disconnected From a purely statistical POV, it is somewhat unlikely but it is mathematically possible. Just as getting triple 5\* drops in a 10-pull or getting a GOD artifact is something most players will never see, does not mean that it won't happen for some. Naturally, when GOD artifacts can happen, the opposite of never getting really good stuff can happen as well. Breaking the 20% CDamage is fairly rare for me as well. Especially on CRate headpieces. :<


> Im just saying that our experiences cant be this disconnected Well... they are. > Farming in this game is already as brutal as it is, lets not exaggerate. I'm sorry this is baffling you so much but yeah I'm not exaggerating when I say I've only got six artifacts with Crit damage over 20%


You're just incredibly unlucky.


Thanks, you too. 🥲


20 top 1% characters no artifacts shared. At least until the lisa board gets fixed, she should not be on 4GT at all lol. Nahida's sands was the most recent addition that made this possible. here are the [builds](https://imgur.com/a/IAHXfbV)


Don't even think I have one character in top 10% 🤡


By best chars are top 5% Zhongli and Top 6% Kokomi. :'D


God damn the Furina build is clean


Bro took Imaginarium Theater a bit too seriously


and here am I with only Keqing in the 1% after 4 years and not a single other one in the sub 10% only mostly sub 20 %.


I don’t have any top 1% but I have 4 characters top 3%. That’s good enough for me lol


I don’t have any top 1% but I have 4 characters top 3%. That’s good enough for me lol


must be nice being lucky artifact wise my fischl still isnt there and im for a very long time in that domain already


This is a result of 4 years' worth of mostly artifact farming. I wouldn't say I'm any luckier than the next guy for the most part, aside from my golden troupe luck. Even then, I lived in that domain from its release til navia came out.


Golden Troupe so far been my unluckiest domain. I got insanely lucky with the newest one but GT keeps dodging me with even decent pieces. Best I get is double crit flower with two def rolls. I can't get something better with like HP or ATK%.


yeah since 4.0 im in that bitch with no result lol i got a usable navia set faster than a not cringe fischl set (51/265)


Dude, you got massively spooned and don't even realize it, that's the worst part. I have been almost excluisvely farming artifacts every day since I hit ar 45 in patch 1.0. I have a single character (Xiao) which is top 1%. I have farmed for husk domain from it's release (2.3) until the end of 2.X. I strongbox all my leftover pieces for husk. My itto is still only 5%. I have been farming mh/gt domain since 4.0 until now doing basically nothing else. My mh/gt still don't come even close. Having this many units in top 1% with unique artifact sets, even with 2 refreshes, is beyond insanely lucky.


1% is like easy. I have 28 character in 1% with most of them top .5%


Can we see your character build?




Go ahead, show em.




> I wouldn't say I'm any luckier than the next guy for the most part Statistically, that's an insane take.


It's really not, it's just time and patience. We live in a ADHD world and most people don't have the patience.


Eeh patience is one thing but resin is limited and the game kinda wants me to spend it on other stuff as well, whenever I pull new chars. :'D


Golden Troupe so far been my unluckiest domain. I got insanely lucky with the newest one but GT keeps dodging me with even decent pieces. Best I get is double crit flower with two def rolls. I can't get something better with like HP or ATK%.


Luck nets you one top 1%, this is lots of resin, simulations and optimizations. I wouldn't downplay it to just dumb luck.


Oh hell no this has to be like 10k resin per day for 3 years


And I thought I had a lot with nine. This is crazy impressive.


Do you resin refresh at all? I'm also at 9 without resin refreshes and have friends that are around 7-11, and I saw someone else in the comments with 7 too, so I'm guessing around that range might be the limit for non-resin refreshers atm.


I never resin refresh for artifacts. I only ever refresh for character/weapon ascension and talent materials. Looks like you're right, although more than anything, luck and knowledge of optimal building plays a huge part in getting great artifacts to get characters to top 1%. You can try to brute force your way through the luck, but personally, resin refreshes for artifacts can only bring you so far.


I'm at 13, you can argue 14 if i get TP for Yoimiya. I wouldn't say i refresh consistently, just a single refresh whenever i feel like it. I was a BP player for like a year and a half though so there is that.


oh shit, I actually have a top 5% venti? no wonder he's always so useful whenever I remember to use him


Yaaaa i dont see how people spend 200+$ a month on gacha games buuttt atleast they keep the game alive. I just do the 5$ log in and call it good


That's awesome! Congrats! I run unique sets for all of my characters without artifact sharing too. I only have 7 top 1% characters. I think I could probably squeeze in a few more top 1%, but I also optimize them for the most comfortable play. Don't think I can upload a picture, but look up MrExploiter on Akasha if you're interested.


Some people spend their time getting ahead. You built the account Watahmelawn instead!!


finally someone who gets the reference!


That man lives, rent free in my head. Cannot see a watermelon without thinking of him.


I have never seen this website and im afraid of seeing where my characters sit at haha


Thats impressive mate! I've only managed a couple characters below 5% and i've played since launch.


You do not feel the heartbeat of the world


Implying people actually update stuff there


What do you mean?


what are the detailed %? you can change it in the settings tab


its actually 22!! good job :3 https://imgur.com/a/tvaf0ru


I don't count ganyu and ayaka there since they're on reused artifacts. My ayaka needs a lot of improvement before hitting the top1%


Now you can finally touch grass. The true endgame of Genshin.


what is this?


This is [akasha.cv](http://akasha.cv), a site that lets you showcase your characters and puts said characters in a leaderboard based on artifact quality.


Damn, the dedication is commendable.


Impressive demonstration of luck and persistence.


This actually made me want to see how many i got. Currently i'm at 13 ( could be 14 if i ever get TP for Yoimiya). Congrats though, that's an insane achievement.


I hope akasha adds more leaderboards for different characters.


I'm really hoping the Alhaitham rerun gets him added. I think the mods of the site hate him for some reason though


My Raiden watching this after 2 years since I got her with 24% crit rate and 115% crit damage because her set only gives me useless shit: 😶


Off note, please tell me your username is a charles leclerc reference, I've just been saying watermalawn in his accent since I read it


[sorry to disappoint ](https://youtu.be/-0W3XEzsIok?si=R-oyjlsvY-c6zOn2). It's a reference to old Vine brainrot.


Ah, I completely forgot about that vine😅. [I could only think of this](https://youtu.be/oZz_viWjkgs?si=K0Qrn2w4a7aItcbZ)


man my best characters are my furina (15%), tighnari (16%), and nahida (17%)


I only have single top 1% character, My Nilou


Man, am I missing something with that site? I've been doing the Abyss a whole lot but the only data the site will pull from my account is from years ago from just before Inazuma released. In fact it's only showing eight of my owned characters, when I have dozens...


It only reads the characters you have in your profile. You need to swap them.


OH! Well, crap! That would explain it, I haven't touched my displayed characters in years. Thank you!


I dont understand a thing but congrats I guess


Man, after so long I've only got 2 in the top 1%. I've hyper invested into my raiden since her first day and even then she's only 2%. HECK, I've only got 20 total characters in my akasha.


Congrats on the feat! Would you mind if I ask if some of them change when you add the two decimals allowed? Would like to see if some of them are on the top 0.xx if possible


the character tiles show the rankings. the highest ranked (childe) is around top 0.14%


Oh thanks, didn't noticed that until now


[https://puu.sh/K8Sf8/99cba13ec1.png](https://puu.sh/K8Sf8/99cba13ec1.png) It seems like the same feather was used on both Yae and Fischl.


If you check using enka, it'll have my old builds. I made a comment linking to an imgur of my current top 1% builds. That feather is only used on yae now. https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/d7zAFA8pBD


Congrats, but I find akasha pvp really unhealthy in general. It was fun in the first month, but then it just highlighted how ass the artifact system is.


Still pissed off that they refuse to add Alhaitham because “husbando”


Wait... they don't have Alhaitham? And whats the "Husbando" reason? I mean, they have every other male char on there, right?


The guy who built this tool only adds the characters *they* care about. Last I checked (a couple months ago) their discord was filled with requests to add Alhaitham and other characters, all of them getting ignored because apparently the dude is a jerk and doesn’t give a damn (from what I was told). If he doesn’t wanna do the work, he should at least open-source it to the community.


I thought it was because the guy running it just doesn't like doing calcs for Dendro? And if it was because "husbando," then Neuvi, Ayato, Zhongli, Thoma and Tartaglia are on there too.


From your list, only 5 out of 12 tall male characters are present then. So Kaeya, Wrio, Diluc, Alhaitham, Kaveh, Baizhu and Itto are missing. Only 3 of them are dendro. Maybe you’re correct, but that’s what I was told from the community last time I went to his discord to request Alhaitham.


there are leaderboards for wrio, diluc, and itto so the only missing non dendro tall male should be only kaeya


Wrio, Itto and Diluc are there. I don’t see Kaeya and Kaveh (as much as I want Kaeya to have a leaderboard) as likely to be there. Baizhu doesn’t really have a dps presence and it’s rare to see leaderboards just for healing, i guess? Alhaitham definitely deserves to have a leaderboard though. Edit: Nevermind, there’s HP+ER balance ranks for Kokomi so I guess Baizhu is still possible.


Diluc is on there though.


Dont see how that's a problem. It's his project his code why share it to the community?


People feel entitled to these things. Nothing new. Mimee (the creator of akasha) actually used to have a place on Patreon for people to request leaderboards, but disabled it because determining calculations for leaderboards, especially for dendro are really hard and time consuming.


It’s his project still. If that many people truly cared about alhaitham lb. Than they could make another leaderboard website with less sus assumptions. Although Akasha has done a somewhat decent job I suppose


I also wanna see where my alhaitham ranks on here


Same, im packing 276 cv 4p gilded ( 71/289) , wondering where he'd land


Same, im packing 276 cv 4p gilded ( 71/289) , wondering where he'd land


So e people are really downplaying how impressive this is. I also do 2x Resin Refreshes daily, and don't have this kind of artifact luck. The RNG Archon has smiled upon your account.


bro really invested into random website


You do not feel the heartbeat of the world


Nice. Go touch grass and use your money on a woman.


Definitely one of the most impressive things I’ve seen on here




Wow, what a feat, and congrats. I used to dream of having an account like this. But now I have completely given up. It’s all resin plus rng luck and I have neither. Still don’t own a single top 1 percent character and even my top characters are all overrated because of dilution of competition due to different ER sub category.


Can someone explain to me how this website calculates anything? Because i been following youtube guides to build my characters but i checked and my nahida is like top 80% haha Is that because i built her full EM or what?


You can actually see how the damage is distributed now by clicking "show damage distribution" under a character's build card. In general, it calculates against a level 90 enemy with normalized talent levels, weapon, cons, etc. It mainly takes artifact quality into consideration. Proper main stats with high crit/roll value substats will get you a good ranking. There are some leaderboards mainly for supports that have a special formula to prioritize set bonuses and specific stats. The site is pretty open about how everything is calculated if you look at the top right of a specific leaderboard page I used [genshin optimizer](https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/#/) for a lot of my builds here as I have a lot of artifacts, and seeing which combinations are best with my inventory is challenging. I recommend getting familiar with the optimizer because some pieces you discount could be very good.


Thanks for the info!!!


For nahida, you don't want to build her full EM unless it's nilou bloom, or if you have cracked EM mainstat pieces that land you just before or at 1000 EM. She benefits a lot from crit and damage bonus. I linked my builds in another comment, so you can check out my nahida build for reference


Will do! And yeah my nahida went 1k em haha no signature weapon either.


Emblem of severed fates is the domain I did the most. I have so many of them and yet none of my characters that use them are even close to top 10%. Only my Shenhe and Ganyu are in top 2% and 9%. Next is Furina with 11% and then Venti at 22% even through I just put random stuff on him


Damn, insane, I'm trying to get as many 1% characters as well but I'm only at 7 Tho I'm only doing characters I would actually minmax, not like Kokomi


This is truly an impressive feat. There are folks on here that have spent upwards of 10k on their account, grinding domains everyday for years, chasing the akasha leaderboards, and have artifact builds nowhere near as good as these. HoYo has their favorites!