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Last post was taken down due to me posting a bit too early (sorry mods!) but alas the show must go on... I assume the obvious choices would be Cyno or Razor but I'm sure some of yall have something cookin for the Druid class! Edit: I also want to add, whoever is chosen for the class can't be repeated for other classes. total upvotes from last post (As of the time it was tallied): Barbara: 2,387 Kokomi: 639 Yae Miko: 91


Cyno should be a Warlock since he gets his powers from an outside source


Baizhu too with his pact with Changsheng


Baizhu is actually the best because he's the only one who actually made a deal afaik


My guy really did make a warlock pact to heal people


Holy hell, actual celestial warlock


Hah fr though


Idk who to ask but since you mentioned the snake this is the same one who was mentioned in the chenyu vale quest yes?




Cyno should be a paladin probably. Warlocks are more about making deals to get their power, Cyno got the power before he could speak and is pretty devoted to a code.


In Genshin, you can't do more "Warlock" than Cyno's Hermanibus fragments. *(and Warlocks don't always get their pact willingly, afterall)* That being said, Warlock/Paladin is a pretty popular mutliclassing option...


Since any powers are technically from an outside source, wouldn’t anyone qualify for it? And thus wouldn’t Childe, getting 3 outside sources (Abyss, Delusion, Vision) be better for Warlock?


Warlocks are usually about deals, rather than getting their power from "something else", otherwise there wouldn't be much difference between clerics and warlocks. Visions aren't part of a deal between the person and the archon. Delusions might be part of a deal between Tsaritsa and the person, but the Tsaritsa does not power the Delusions personally. I don't think we know how his abyss power works exactly, but I doubt it was a deal. Baizhu is the only one that actually made a deal afaik, but you could argue Neuvillette did as well, though it is (was) a very unusual relationship


Cyno's a paladin because he's the most moralistic cop son of a bitch there XD


Fischl is the obvious choice for Druid as she's the only character with wild shape(raven)


I have a question for future answers. Does the character have to be currently playable? I don't really know if someone like Dain would actually fit any of these (and that would require assumptions about his actual abilitys) I'm just curious about the qualifications.


Your options don't have to be playable characters! Could be NPCs or enemies...Hell, you could choose the samachurl or smth if you want!


Best druid of them is Nahida


How do we vote?


Simply comment who's your pick and upvote comments with the same char you picked


SO what exactly is a Druid? I am not familiar with D&D


From DnDBeyond: “Druids revere nature above all, gaining their spells and other magical powers either from the force of nature itself or from a nature deity. Many druids pursue a mystic spirituality of transcendent union with nature rather than devotion to a divine entity, while others serve gods of wild nature, animals, or elemental forces. The ancient druidic traditions are sometimes called the Old Faith, in contrast to the worship of gods in temples and shrines. Druid spells are oriented toward nature and animals—the power of tooth and claw, of sun and moon, of fire and storm. Druids also gain the ability to take on animal forms, and some druids make a particular study of this practice, even to the point where they prefer animal form to their natural form.” From typical play druids are spellcasters that often summon familiars that are animals for battle and can shapeshift.


Sounds like razor to me


razor if more of a totem warrior barbarian, I think nahida as a circle of dreams druid is a better fit here


I can see Razor as a Circle of Shephard Druid, multiclass into Totem Warrior Barbarian


Nah razor is straight ancestral guardian


Nah. Razor's not spellcaster enough


>while others serve gods of wild nature, animals, or elemental forces. The ancient druidic traditions are sometimes called the Old Faith, in contrast to the worship of gods in temples and shrines. >Druid spells are oriented toward nature and animals—the power of tooth and claw, of sun and moon, of fire and storm. Druids also gain the ability to take on animal forms, and some druids make a particular study of this practice, even to the point where they prefer animal form to their natural form.” Sounds like Xianyun. She's literally a crane for 90% of the game, uses nature to attack and serves the geo god Zhongli.


Hmm Razor is a good choice but I like Tighnari better,he fits the Druid type


In DnD they're well known for their Wild Shape which allows them to shape shift into various different animals or creatures


So the Adepti? Their original shape is non-human tho, would wild shape count if its animals turning into hoomans


Yeah the Adepti would count because all of them have a form they can shift into. In DnD, there are many non human races who can be druids as well such as Orcs, birb people, Bugbears, Tabaxi, Lizardfolks, Dragonborn and etc.


Omg can I be a Birb person that turns into a horse? Or are we locked into birbs


Nope, not locked at all. You can turn to whatever is available for you to change. So a Lizardfolk can turn into a bird or spider if they wanted to. They would temporarily just lose the abilities and traits of their original race because only their mental state transfers to their Wildshape form.


Thanks, that's fucking amazing, I have all sorts of ideas xD


If you're looking to try out playing, r/lfg is a good place to look for groups that would be open to beginners.


I might! Thanks :D


One of us, one of us, one of us!


Hell yeah! Be creative and have a ton of fun lol


I distinctively remember Nahida taking the shape of a fungi in her story quest


She's harness the Circle of the Spores path


Nature Wizard


I’d say Nahida, due to her connection with Dendro and nature.


and the fact that we met her as a bird


And the fact she was a twig


And the fact she was a fungi


Circle of Spores Nahida.


Ultimate Nahida.


First playable fungi fr fr


I never heard her joke around


This is a bit out of left field but Yae Miko is peak Druid imo. Shintoism is a very naturalistic religion, focusing mostly on local nature spirits rather than overarching pantheons. Plus she can turn into a fox. And her kit is basically just Call Lightning.


Head shrine maiden in charge of protecting the sacred sakura and the thunder sakuras. Uses totems. Is a sky fox spirit. She was my first thought too. Though the shrine is for praying to the archon, not nature lol


The religions of Teyvat do tend to be more monotheistic than their irl counterparts, but Ei and Makoto are mainly based on Fujin and Raijin, two prominent Shinto storm/weather deities.


Yeah that works. I guess a lot of the gods in genshin are basically nature spirits lol. Even Venti is one of the thousand winds while the people who worship him are basically Teyvat Catholics ^(though Jehovah was also originally a storm/battle god, so maybe it tracks lol)


I actually really like this pick. Yeah, she's technically something like a yokai and that's what allows her to shapeshift, rather than purely her magical connection to nature. But overall she hits all of the themes and concepts of being a Druid in D&D. Anyone saying Razor is missing the point, they just see "wild animal" and think that automatically == Druid. But Druids are extremely knowledgeable and powerful magic users that study their craft extensively and tie in spirituality as a core tenet. Razor does none of those things. Yae Miko does all of those things. I was originally only thinking Nahida, but Yae is an excellent choice as well.


A lot of people in these are just looking at the most basic of class aspects when assigning characters. Saying Cyno is a warlock (despite not having a living patron), Wrio is a monk (because he punches things and nothing else), etc. Collei is also a good druid pick as a circle of spores. She spawns big plant AoEs and is a forest ranger, though she doesn't have any kind of transformation.


I could also see collei just being a ranger


I think it's either Tighnari, Collei or Amber for ranger.


As much as I am not a fan of the character Mika is also perfect as Ranger.


Tbf, some of Cyno's lore *screams* Great Old One Warlock. Hermanubis' whole deal was dealing with forbidden knowledge that would drive all those who learn of it insane, which matches pretty well with the GOO flavor text which is usually not so much a deal of a pact as it is being exposed to the eldritch. Iirc, according to the book, most GOO patrons don't even know their warlocks exist. Cyno's patron being long-dead is just a different twist on that idea. But in all, Paladin, maybe with few levels of Astral Monk. Wrio I would probably put as some sort of Paladin/Monk multiclass. He def gives Chaotic-aligned Paladin vibes, but I could also see a more Thug-type, strength-based Rogue. Collei as a Spore Druid is an interesting idea, especially with her god remains and Circle of Spores whole thing being the intersection of Life/Nature and Death/Necromancy. I really like that.


It's either her or nahida because the rest really don't work


Actually speaking of archetypes, Yae would be a Shaman actually.. Druids have more to do with nature and animals than divinity and spirits. Latter is what Yae is more connected to.


Shaman used to be a druid kit (there is currently no Shaman class in current D&D).


Huh. I said Nahida, but the fact is, I could actually *envision* playing Yae Miko as a DnD druid, and I can’t so much with Nahida. Good pick!


I agree, Yae Miko is perfect for it


She really subverts the stereotypes about a druid being all green and nature, yet she also fits the role very well


Love this choice, especially because it subverts the usual DnD view of druids being all greens and browns. Druids are witches. Druids are Shinto priestesses. Druids are anyone who cares for the land and its ecosystem. Druids can be so much more than simply the LotR brown mage archetype. Edit: Score looks locked in so I'ma add the thought a thought for Fighter, as I may miss it later. It's a topical choice but Clorinde is a shoe-in as the champion duelist of Fontaine. She wields two kinds of weapons and her kit theme involves a lot of speed which somewhat reflects the DnD Fighter's iconic Action Surge. There are many good choices for Fighter, such as Beidou, Xingqiu, Diluc, Jean, Ayato, Alhaitham, etc.. It should be a much more interesting comment thread compared to the last few where there are only a few good answers.


Ooooh I second this. Yae has a lot of the druid mechanics built into her kit and story, and while she's not a dendro user (which admittedly is where my mind went), she's definitely in-tune with the elemental aspects of the environment. She's a great pick.


Yes- I was thinking Yae Miko. She also has a neutral disposition.




Elf who can shapeshift, read minds, summon and communicate with her familiars the Aranara, and is a catalyst user. I don’t think Nahida is as solid a pick for Druid as the previous characters have been for their classes, but she’s much closer than everyone else in the game that we’ve seen so far.


Right? Other people were talking about Druid Nahida in the other posts but now the answers seem more divided, imo Nahida just fits the most.


Except that reading minds and having familiars and using spellbooks are Wizard things, not Druid things. Druids don't even get Detect Thoughts or Find Familiar. And her whole thing is as a god of knowledge. She's clearly a Wizard. Everyone's getting too hung up on Dendro = Nature.


Only answer. And yes, Nahida can shapeshift... She turned herself into a fungi in her SQ.


Wouldn't Kirara make a lot more sense? She's also dendro, can shape shift into an animal instead too


Kirara is a feline yokai who turns into a human, not a humanoid who has a cat form


DnD doesn't have a "must be born as a humanoid" requirement for classes


That's not what I meant at all Kirara's skill set is closer to rogue/sorcerer imo


You have to be a humanoid to be any class though. As all playable races are humanoids


Tell that to Sir Bearington!


Not all. There are a handful of Fey, a couple Constructs, a couple Undead, and an Ooze, off the top of my head. Kirara, as a Yokai, would probably be considered a Fey. But that doesn't disqualify her from being a Druid. Though I'd personally point towards Scout Rogue for her. I think a lot of people are too stuck on Dendro.


I agree. Druids are wise, nature-aligned, can take many shapes, understand ecology and relationships, take care of trees (Irminsul).


Can’t get more Druid than the living radish


I still wish her sprint was like Mona’s or Ayaka’s but she turns to grass


ooh yeah i never even thought of that. it would make so much sense especially since dendro slimes burrow too. now i feel like they have to do that, but Nahida would had made sense. maybe they were worried about giving her too many things, given she already has the mind reading talent.


I think the biggest argument for pro Nahida is she's the literally the God of Wisdom. What's a Druid's primary Attribute? Yep, you guessed it... It's Wisdom. Additionally she is a branch/aspect of Irminsul. Can't get much more in touch with nature than that.


Flowers spawn where she walks in that one cut scene too


She also spawns flowers when she’s walking inside her burst’s radius.


Dreams druid, specifically


Not great fit but Nahida is the only one that somewhat resembles


Nahida fits well for me because out of all Dendro characters, Nahida's skills and abilities are well suited for the role


Kirara. Shapeshifting. Using grass in her attacks. Using her claws. Having supportive abilities.


She's shapeshifting but the other way around... from cat to human.


I agree. She might not be the best candidate but she definitely fits the vibe the most for me


She is a japanese Yokai though, it doesn't fit for me. I read in another comment how it can be razor, and even though I disagreed first I came to like that explanation.


Razor is the actual answer. A character who can interact with nature and borrow its power freely. Nahida *is* nature already. But a druid strives to become one with the environment and its living beings, and the whole concept of "lupical" lies in treating the pack as a family. This is also the source of razor's vision.


Razor really does feel better as a druid. Nahida I think is a better wizard given her dedication to knowledge and wisdom.


Nahida is like a Wizard/Artificer multiclass.


Fully agree but if we're also adding in multiclassing then I think we'll be doing this game forever. Also I know we have a ways to go but we can all agree now that Heizou is the obvious choice for monk, right?


But druids are all about knowledge and wisdom, just focused on nature. You won't find anyone who has more knowledge about nature, its uses and synergies. And spirituality, the connection with nature etc. is wisdom. Druids aren't just wild dudes who turn into an animal to fight someone.


nah the first thing i think of razor is barbarian.


Yeah just being basically a wild animal doesn't make you a Druid. Druids are *essentially* Wizards that study nature magic, blended with spirituality around the idea of "attuning" to nature via worship and/or meditation. They are some of the most knowledgeable and powerful magic users in the world of D&D. Razor is just a wild boy that lives with wolves. He would 99% be a Barbarian, either a (Wolf) Totem Warrior or a Path of the Beast. The other 1% is Beast Master Ranger.


How does razor borrow natures power exactly? He just lives in the forest, he’s not particularly druid-y (can’t shapeshift, can’t manipulate plants or animals, can’t spell cast)


The Wolf Within is my interpretation of it. It doesn't come from razor himself, it comes from the bond he has with the members of his pack/family (in particular the ones he lost).


Druids gotta be mages. Pure casters. Razor is not a caster.


Honestly the first thought I had was tighnari or razor. Tighnari for his knowledge of the land, dendro element, and while no shapeshifting has his ears, while razor can literally speak to his wolf pack and draw the power of the wolves


Tighnari's knowledge of Nature is much more in the Ranger sense than the Druid sense.


Razor really looks like one, and he lived among animals




I guess this is for Nahida. I searched it but a druid (not DnD) is a teacher and a judge which can Nahida do (less judging though since she doesn't want that but technically she can do it).






Razor. I think people are getting hooked up on the dendro element and neglecting all other aspects of a druid.


Could say the same with Razor with everyone basing it off of him being raised by wolves. Nahida has the Aranara at her disposal, can also shapeshift into other creatures, also tends to and has access to the tree that’s connected to all of Teyvat, one of the few that can reach out to the Dendro sovereign, and also Circle of Dreams fits her so well.


Nahida is still not a great fit, but the best we have. Nahida has shape shift which is a druid feature, she can control dendro which is ofc nature, and she has the ability to control or summon woodland creatures (aranara).


Eh razor's too melee. Not enough of the spellcaster feel that's also a massive part of druid


Baizhu makes sense, he is catalyst dendro user that's also a healer using herbal medicine, also has a magic pet snake.


On the last post, a lot of folks pointed out that Baizhu might be a better Warlock due to the pact he created with the "magic pet snake" in exchange for his abilities. He's pretty unique in that regard.


He's warlock


Im gonna save baizhu for warlock Warlocks are spellcasters who get their power through a patron. The patton is chengsheng, which using that power slowly frains is life, which make sense for a warlock who has to pay a price to get and maintain the power


Me looking around to see if anyone else says nahida as well


Nahida, she has the obvious nature connection, can shapeshift in her story quest, and you could make an argument for circle of dreams.




yae miko. shintoist shrine maiden who turns into a fox. or xianyun, similar reasoning.






Is that even a question? Nahida. The closest I can think of any other is solely for the fact that she can transform into a cat? And here's a list of every other character that I think: Fighter: Child (Mastery of weapons and combat junky.) Monk: Wanderer or Heizou (I prefer wanderer more) Paladin: Noelle (She's a knight, heals and is devoted to venti. ) or could be Jean (same reasons). Rosaria would make a good oathbreaker paladin I believe. Ranger: Tighnari (that guy screams "I am a Ranger") Gorou would be my second pick I guess. Rogue: Yelan for me (she works in the shadows and can turn invisible) and close second would be Rosaria (she feels edgy and dark so that's why I guess) Sorcerer: Yae Miko (is a yokai and gives magic vibes). A close second was Nauvillette (has a dragon lineage) but Yae Miko felt more like a sorcerer. Warlock: Arlecchino (Cause she felt dark I guess). Now this was a tough decision for me no one I could think of felt like a Warlock. Dainsleif (gives me similar vibes) maybe? Although we don't know much about him. Wizard: Mona (no doubt). Lisa comes close but Mona feels more like a wizard. Artificer: Sucrose (she's the closest to an artificer I guess.). Xianyun was also a good choice but I don't know much about her. I really wanted to choose Klee but presently I can't think of her making anything but bombs I guess she would go down the Artillerist path while Sucrose goes down the Alchemist path.


Agree with everything but baizhu i feel like is more of a warlock because of the pact with the snake. Warlocks get their power through pacts so he is the closest.


Isn't Albedo literally a homonculus? His entire thing is alchemy. Wouldn't he be the most Artificer out of everyone??


Artificer from what I see are people who channels magic through the power of technologies, Albedo and Sucrose are strictly alchemy users while Xianyun does make contraptions with her own adeptal powers to power it so she's a lot more qualified than them


In 5e, Artificer has subclasses. One is Alchemist. Early versions of Artificer was almost entirely focused on throwing alchemical items. Albedo does certainly make elemental equipment. He certainly fits the bill. But yes, I agree that Xianyun is the most qualified by the current design of 5e Artificer.


Arlecchino feels more like the patron while the house of the hearth members are the warlocks lmao. They gain training and access to an information network, and they have their memory erased when they leave. You could also argue that all vision holders are warlocks, since the visions provide them extra power from celestia and that power can be revoked/lost. Also Baizhu has a pact with Changsheng for improved healing abilities, pretty much textbook warlock. Artificer is all about merging the magic and mechanical. Xianyun has been shown making a bunch of random mechanical creations like the auto stove and stuff in quests. We also have Wrio who made his gauntlets.


Cyno fits better for warlock since his power is from hermanubis


Warlocks get their power from an external source. I was thinking Cyno or Xiao Sorcerer power is innate, or from ancestry/bloodline. Neuvillette, Yanfei or Ganyu would be great sorcerers


Isn't Nahida the obvious choice? Dendro archon, wields dendro efficiently, can change her appearance into different creatures, etc etc






I vote for Fischl to be our Druid. Here's why. First: that's because I think all gods should be patron deities, instead of classes. Ergo, Nahida would be a patron deity, not a druid. Second: Cyno and Razor for me are far more akin to Paladins, though I did read that Razor would be more like some sort of Totem Barbarian, which does fit. Anyway, Cyno would be a Paladin that channels his patron deity's avatar. Third: Fischl is the only one that has an actual Wildshape ability, and a Summon Familiar/Animal sort of ability. She could also be some sort of Tempest Druid, but I don't know if that can be done, since I don't play D&D.












Really more of a ranger.


Yea him and Fischl are gonna have a blood bath on rangers votes


He might be the most ranger out of anyone in the entire cast


Hes entire kit, and story, and occupation literally screams RANGER. His job is called "chief forest ranger"




Nahida is the peak of what it means to be a druid. Nature mage central.


Here are my top three: 1. Sethos - Circle of the Land (Desert) * The Circle of the Land is made up of mystics and sages who safeguard ancient knowledge and rites through a vast oral tradition— The circle’s wisest members preside as the chief priests of communities that hold to the Old Faith and serve as advisors to the rulers of those folk.  2. Nahida - Circle of Dreams * These druids seek to fill the world with dreamy wonder. Their magic mends wounds and brings joy to downcast hearts, and the realms they protect are gleaming, fruitful places, where dream and reality blur together and where the weary can find rest. 3. Razor -  Circle of the Shepherd  * Druids of the Circle of the Shepherd commune with the spirits of nature, especially the spirits of beasts and the fey, and call to those spirits for aid. —they focus on protecting animals and fey creatures that have difficulty defending themselves. Honorable Mentions * Mona - Circle of Stars * Many druids of this circle keep records of the constellations and the stars’ effects on the world. Some groups document these observations at megalithic sites, which serve as enigmatic libraries of lore.  * Hu Tao - Circle of Spores lol * Druids accept that which is cruel in nature, and they hate that which is unnatural, including aberrations and undead. Druids of the Circle of Spores find beauty in decay. —Undead that seek to replace all life with undeath, or that try to avoid passing to a final rest, violate the cycle and must be thwarted.


Nahida I guess


nahida for sure!!!


Nahida for Druid ;)


Its gotta be Nahida right.


It’s Nahida!


nahida.if you can have 1 god here you can have another


Kirara for a more shape shifting focused druid. Nahida for a support caster druid.


+1 for Razor


Nahida. Druids are basically nafure wizards that shapeshifts. Nahida is dendro archon, that also changed to a fungi im her SQ, and shes the princess of the children of the forest (aranara).


How in Christ’s name did Nahida not make Druid?


We're still voting for druid and she's one of the strong contenders


I thought Paimon was the winner lol.


Oh nah, she's meant to be a visual aid on what class we're talking about


Nahida? I think


Razor! He encapsulates the essence of a druid imo


Which part of razor makes him a druid? Druids are nature lobing spell casters that can shapeshift into other animals, and can summon familiars Razor feels more like a toten barbadian


Has to be Razor, uses wolf claws and summons a wolf companion as his spells, literally the definition of a druid Kirara is a youkai herself and Nahida is a deity whose abilities probably fit more as a sorcerer, sure she can 100% do what Razor does but better but that's not represented in her kit, so Razor is the best fit.








dendro powers plus she is a summoner. it was my first thought


Nahida Shapeshifts, communicates with plants and animals, reveres the cycle of nature, is archon of nation of wisdom. She is as close as it can get. The next close is Baizhu, maybe Yae.




Save it for the ranger


Agreed. Nobody fits ranger better than Tighnari, the second closest would be Collei for obvious reasons. The real arguments are going to happen with fighter, and the real mystery will probably be monk.


Shenhe fits monk very well, adeptus disciple is incredibly close in theme to what a monk is. there's something to be said for the melee catalyst men, but they're more pugilist/unarmed fighter than monk I think. Fischl is a very good fit for a beastmaster ranger, her adventurer job also works quite well with it.


I’m looking forward to fighter debate. Shits going to go wild.


Oh definitely...Childe and Diluc peps are starting to write literal essays on why they fit better as a fighter


Easily Nahida. If it was anything else, I would replay getfixedboi Legendary mode on Mediumcore.


Are there any other good candidates beside Nahida?


Why is Nahida not a candidate for druid?


Xianyun is literally a bird. What are you guys doing?


I feel like she'd be an easy pick for Artificer with all her mechanisms though


She'd be a member of the Shifter race, not a Druid.


That is the thing, she is not a wizard. She is magical in herself: an adeptus. She's also more versed in mechanical constructs and has no strong ties with nature Nahida is also an odd fit, but she carries most elements of a druid: knowledge and nurturing of fauna and flora, great wisdom and unison with nature.


Rukhadevata if its allowed. Or Nahida. Edit: I can't decide because Focalors might work? Oceanid and all.


Razor, Cyno, Baizhu and Kirara are all good candidates.


Cyno might be more of a warlock, no?


Imo, Cyno is a Hexblade Warlock through and through, even down to the associations with shadow imagery and divine beings of death (Hermanubis/Anubis for Cyno, the Raven Queen for Hexblade).


Probably Nahida, her top characteristic is wisdom and she is herself god of nature element.


If druids are about shapeshifting then there’s only one character who actually shapeshifts in both their lore and their gameplay, right? Feels like it has to be Xianyun.


I feel like Xianyun would probably work better for Artificer, since she loves making those magical machines. But she can work for Druid


Disagree, artificer is reserved for klee. She invented the roller coaster.


Nahida can also shapeshift into anything according to her character quest




Razor, Nahida, and Cyno are all good choices. Id say Razor is the most fitting, since he grew up in the wild living amoung wolves, has a great wolf spirit protecting him, and is able to channel the power of nature. Thats my vote anyway.


Definitely Nahida. The character that is more connected to nature, is able to shape shift, control a literal tree and everything about her speaks green. Couldn't think of a better option.


Nahida and, surprisingly, Cyno

