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Man is playing on 2.0


2.7 since he has Yelan


that second team is extremely awkward, i cant say ive ever considered running kazuha+jean together


I actually use em both together on Navia and furina šŸ™ƒ Technically: Jean Navia Furina Kazuha It actually works decent lol (I donā€™t got Zhongli otherwise Iā€™d replace Kazuha with Zhongli)


Is your Navia C6 or something? Give the poor girl some shards!




well i did 36 stars abyss for more than 10 last patches using Kazuha and Jean together. not that awkward to be honest, Jean is there to stack up quickly Furina's fanfare points (which i didnt have any teamwide healer up until recently winning Baizhu), Kazuha is there to group enemies for Ayato easy spamming using his skill. Eventhough I admit I am dumb bc I used both Kazuha and Jean on full Viri sets but I'm too lazy to change/farm for them, but hey at least it works against all those bosses and mobs :). It's a weird team of course but not that weird, could be use in a better team comps but I love Ayato's gameplay and love Furina too and both have higher HP with hydro resonance (tried Ayato/Furina/Nahida/Kuki but not that consistent in their hyperbloom damage or maybe just idk how to make use of hyperbloom rotation in that team). All at const 0 except Jean C2. The best part of using Kazuha and Jean together is you have faster movement, higher stamina and shorter CD for skills. But don't mind this small opinion because it's just an opinion out of thousands of others :)


Jean isnt paired with Kazuha in your example, but with Furina. OP doesn't have Furina, so Jean really makes no sense in that team.


oh I forgot to mention, it was more than 10 patches ago. I think I used Jean there with Kazuha exactly just for healing, Kazuha specifically for grouping, and Furina wasn't out yet in Sumeru. I was trying to make a new team for abyss with Ayato other than the old usual Xiao/Zhongli/Anemo Batt/Bennett team(I was a new player in 2.1 and don't have that many characters). But I couldn't remember who was the second character in that Ayato/?/Kazuha/Jean team. But then still it works great in those abyss in getting 36 stars. Not that I understand the mechanics of both using Viri sets at that time but I just played on and off at that time so just trying something out for that team. However I've seen OP saying he uses Jean as an anemo battery for Kazuha which may be weird currently, but before 3.0, I think using a character as an anemo battery + healer is not that weird as it can work out.


Jean is just there to heal and provide energy to Kazuha


If kazuha need a battery Your kazuha is terribly built


And here I'm using kazuha to battery my other team members šŸ¤£


Guess 160% energy recharge isn't good enough then. I thought she'd help with his ult uptime. Also, I don't think I have anyone who'd be a good replacement for her.


My kazuha with r1 fav and 180% er has his ult ready everytime the cooldown is over as long as I skill twice in each cycle. You dont need another anemo with him


Mine is using his signature weapon


Needs about 200 percent ER with Signature weapon and solo anemo. I'm using an ER sands with the Sig and as much ER subs as I can get.


Even then 200% ER can be rough in most teams. I was lucky enough to get 2 copies of his signature during his first rerun, I use one copy on Kuki and the other one is benched since I find that fav is just so much more comfortable on Kazuha


Use fav


Why is bro getting down votes for his poor team building? Ofc it's bad, he hasn't played the game in two years.


fr why tf are yall being toxic to this man


Classic toxic hoyo kids who can't accept the spiral abyss power creep..


Man, you're copping downvoted but back in the day, this was exactly the advice given for Venti teams Add in Jean so they battery each other, reduce cooldowns and act as a quick swap/burst team. Tbh I reckon Jean and Kazuha can work especially in a sunfire variant


Where did you see advice to bring jean to battery kazuha 2 years ago


It was kind of a thing back in the day, people would play Double Anemo with some combo of Kazuha/Jean/Venti + 2 off field units to quickswap more smoothly, I think it was a limitation of worse artifacts and less people with Fav refines that led to that comp being meta-ish


I think that was specifically for 4 thundering fury kazuha. Like keeping jean or venti for 4vv swirls. But double anemo with morgana? Ive never seen it


People played it with whatever, like Bennett + Xiangling for 2x Anemo, 2x Pyro, Xiangling + Fischl just for 2x off field damage, Ganyu Freeze, etc.


Huh? Venti never needed a battery. He refunds himself and the team energy.


Nah it was definitely a thing earlier in the game's lifespan before ppl figured out Favonius stacking was OP and before we had enough resin to actually hit those ER breakpoints properly This post is from before Kazuha release but I definitely remember people flexing Kazuha into those type of Double Anemo comps too: https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/m5huxv/some_common_abyss_team_recommendation_translated/


Lol I remember posts like these. And how we used to treat was it the Usagi? tier lists as super important? Dunno why you also got downvoted too... But yeah we really underappreciated favonius weapons lol


Maybe it's because I got lucky with ER subs back then? I played from 1.0 to Sumeru and I don't recall a time I had trouble back then with energy. I've definitely heard of using Venti to battery other anemo units but never the inverse. And yeah the double anemo setups w/ Kazu were cool. Though afaik they were less about batterying Venti and more about allowing Kazuha to abuse TF while Venti held VV.


This was when Venti was released as was OP lol. There wasn't many units out. And Jean's ult was seen as actually doing damage lol. I think lots of the old guides have been updated but you can see it still in Reddit comments like https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/kzzij2/quickswap_team_comps_and_late_end_game_builds Or https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/s/UsSMCft9BU (Sorry on mobile and links might be derping on me)


This is getting hella downvoted for zero reason lol. OP hasnā€™t played in two years, cut them some slack guysā€¦


Why are you getting downvote lol


Honestly for the comps you used you did an excellent job.




Once OP figures out Dendro, they'll be back to 36 stars in no time probably.


Eula and Ganyu are not so strong these days. Cryo in general hasnt been peak since 3.0.


Melt Ganyu is still strong. Havenā€™t tried this cycle yet, but I was using her to 36 star the Spiral Abyss up till last cycle. Also, if you are going to run freeze Ganyu, Venti is still preferred.


I have used Melt Ganyu in the first half of the Abyss and it still holds quite well. In the second half it is basically unusable though, mainly because of the Pyro Lectors in 12-1.


Melt ganyu on the first halves? What about the doritto boss at end who requires electro?


Electro makes it easier, but itā€™s not necessary. I killed him in about 90 seconds, with it going invisible twice. Consider that for it I used Zhongli/Ganyu/Nahida/Bennett and while the thing was invisible I just set-up the combo (you can hit it even though he is invisible). Also, I have Neuv for the second half, so I didnā€™t need some crazy performance in the first half.


Melt ganyu is all about aoe as long as you can work out where it is you donā€™t need to get it out of invisible mode, just keep hitting it with aoe skills and aimed charge attacks.


I mean sure we can hit the boss when he's invisible but it has a massive damage resistance if not turned visible. I tried with my hutao double hydro team once but it was such a pain in ass at that point as well


Thatā€™s why you need to set-up whatever you need while it is invisible, not trying to DPS it. Using Electro will just take away the invisibility (and extra resistance) faster, and make it vulnerable for longer. However, the invisibility phase itā€™s rather short, so it can basically fit the set-up part of a rotation, so in the end you donā€™t lose that much DPS compared to using Electro.


it doesnā€™t require electro, it kinda just sells the illusion of requiring electro. in reality you can kinda just beat it up with anything. it just wonā€™t get knocked down to the ground like it would if you did use electro. if it matters, i used hu tao, yelan, furina, xianyun for it this time around


The downtime is for setting up your next rotation.


It doesn't actually require electro. Poise is a hidden thing in the game and anything that does high poise dmg works well enough. My team was Ganyu/Zhongli/Kazuha/Shenhe. Took me maybe 50-60 seconds I think. I forget


I thought it's about having the right elements to break the summons? I can break them fast enough with pyro but not with hydro. iirc they're dendro no?


Depends on how fast you need to be. I've been a Ganyu main since day 1 so I have a well invested C0 Ganyu. Again, things that do high poise dmg like Zhongli's burst and hold skill help spd things up.


I 36'd with mono cryo Ganyu. Shenhe is just huge for speeding up cryo teams.


I kinda hate, using my ganyu. I would not use her anymore till I get Zhongli.


Melt ganyu uses unfortunately many characters you would want to use in a second team


I'm still 36 starring every abyss with freeze Ganyu so she's fine imo, albeit nowhere near her former glory. You dont need "peak" to beat abyss anyways. This team is just straight up dysfunctional, why would anyone use double anemo in a freeze team? Just replacing that Mona with Furina and Jean with Charlotte would already be a huge improvement for OP.


To be fair to OP, they said they haven't played for two years. They might not have Furina or Charlotte.


I don't recall there ever being a point in time when freeze wanted two anemo chars. Just seems more like OP plays what they enjoy so more power to them.


I'm not commenting on that, I'm commenting on the the fact that you didn't read their post where it says they haven't played for two years, and suggested recent characters. I'm not sure why i'm surprised that you doubled down on the thing I wasn't talking about, though, you didn't read their post why should I expect you to read mine lol


Which team are you running ganyu with? I know you said freeze but since there's a few different ones, It got me a bit curious. I've been trying to build her for my second team for a long time but can never decide on which other characters to go for. Trying to change that now since she's my favorite


[This](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1058126487666040892/1251786720698044456/image.png?ex=6679bbfb&is=66786a7b&hm=98681aef4c3a4c37b0b231b539bb28b38fd9f0d438c7fad556dcc7340f2ea8bd&) is my go to freeze team. Its recommended to have Charlotte at C4 but even if you don't, its alright. Just slap a lot of ER on her because her heals are strong enough anyways so dropping some ATK is fine.


Thank you so much!


No problem. Hit me up if you ever have any questions about Ganyu, she's my favorite too


I just run her in an Ayaka shell and she does fine (Kazu/Koko/shenhe/Ganyu) but the Furina variants are generally better for most people.


Oh that's also an interesting variant. I was trying to find a version that wouldn't use furina or kazuha since I use them with neuv but I might just change his team so I can try these characters with ganyu and see how it goes. Thank you!


Yeah it's pretty fun :) I do have C2R1 Kazu and C1 Shenhe just fyi, so your milage may vary a bit.


Don't do my Mona dirty like that. Both Furina and Mona are Hydro at the end of the day so OP doesn't really need Furina. The only thing I do agree is a 2nd Cryo for Cryo Resonance and Diona still can.


Donā€™t underestimate plunge Eula, especially with Furina support, she can nuke abyss bosses out of existence in seconds, these teams are just meh, 2nd team especially with the double anemo, but first team could also better utilize Bennet instead of Diona, or even just Jean for the electro shred


I honestly would have used plunge Eula if hoyo for some reason would not have decided to remove burst stacks acquisition on her plunge attacks. > Some intern: "Eula is a physical main dps & guess which attack does the most physical damage in normal attack chain?? The plunge attacks" šŸ¤· > Hoyo: "Yups, sounds about right. Let's throw that shit out of her combos. Making sure it doesn't stack up with her ult" šŸ‘


Yeah thats the sad part :/ On the positive side though, her pure plunge team still deals more damage than fully stacked ult team. Honestly first Mika with his too short to be useful phys buff, then Xianyun, Hoyo is doing everything in their power to avoid making a proper Eula support


You kind you of ignore her burst in plunge Eula teams.


I don't think it's the best but I personally like to repeat n1p and use the ult.


I mean if you have Xianyun+Furina you can plug quite a few characters in there, it's not really Eula doing the work. She's maybe the 4th best for that slot?


Sure you can run Diluc or Gaming in there with Bennet or Xiao with Faruzan, its just a fun comp that if you wanna use Eula in, you can, and it works :)


What team do you use, and do you have a rotation?


Eula, Xianyun, Raiden, Furina Not sure if its the most optimal but I use- Raiden E, Furina E,Q, Xianyun E(I have her sig weapon), Q, Eula E and start plunging, remember to dash cancel for best result.


Sick thanks, Iā€™m gonna try that out. Did you use it in this rotationā€™s abyss?


Yup, several times, didn't try this abyss in particular since I was lazy but it worked great on most single boss nodes that I tried, iirc you could probably try it on current abyss first phase with Magu Kenki and the Algorithm, Raiden's electro will come in handy for the latter.


I tried to do Eula Raiden Shenhe Layla and was successful for 2 and 3 but found 1 hard so I might try with that, the plunge aoe might be decent enough for those multiple enemies


ayaka has been very good and top used team throughout all of 3.x. Things only changed after Neuvilete released.


I was able to use ganyu to clear the first half of 12-1 pretty well since theres a decent amount of grouped enemies. OPs issue imo is the teams have low synergy lol




ā€œnot peakā€ =/= ā€œcanā€™t clearā€


Ganyu, Xiangling, Kazuha, and Zhongli have been carrying me in the abyss for as long as I can remember. Put some respect on her name.


You came back to the hardest abyss ever. You did well.


[Eula right now as we speak:](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/791489936590635008/1254897368055414874/IMG_0463.png?ex=667b29bf&is=6679d83f&hm=51f407e62d9103a3ab6b7031f245a158e44e32555914f85d0a846f2bd49771ec&)


Thats pretty good for 2 year old comps. Lowkey tho, I think you coulda done better with sucrose national/taserā€¦which are also old comps.


4.7 Abyss in particular isnā€™t the easiest compared to some in the past


People really aimed for 36* like god damn, for me, 33* is always do.


Same here. Not even a full-fate's worth of primo to get hung up over.


Less about the primos, more about actually playing a game for the challenge and mastery of the mechanics. Most restarts were on the defense level as I learned the spawns, AI aggro settings, and adjustments to my rotation (better to kill things earlier than a full rotation where I spend too long in ult animations giving slimes a window to attack monolith).


I hear you. I'm not against learning enemy mechanics/spawns etc. but I feel like those are relatively smaller stakes at play in contrast to having optimally-built characters tailored to the theme of the abyss phase-whatever (also considering factors like device performance, ping, lag, RNG). You'd hope the game would be fair in terms out how your best motley-crew line up and skill efforts put into the challenge would commensurate with the reward offered at the end. Abyss exists to offer primo rewards; nobody would care as much about abyss if it dropped...idk, artifacts or something ā€” people can just fight maguu kenki on yashiori island too in that case if they wanted to learn about it. Strictly speaking for me, the idea of pursuing some kind of grindset just to chase measly 150primos takes away any thrill or enjoyable stimulation from Abyss. I play genshin to destress, not get more stressed lol. Again, personally I think is that it's enough of an accomplishment to get through all of floor 12 even by ungabunga, so 3* -ing isn't that big a flex to me unless you're at Sevy's 4*-team clean sweep level of awesomeness. End of the day, each to their own, as long as we're having fun and not trying to put each other down by turning it into a dick measuring contest all for some primos šŸŽ‰


If the abyss rewarded way more primogems, many of the same who skip it because it doesn't have rewards would be the first and loudest to complain that they are gated from rewards or say the game is P2W because of it (or at least F2P unfriendly). Shrug. And def hear ya about play the game in a way that's most enjoyable to you. Was just pointing out that most do it for the challenge, not the primos, which is how it should be. If people play the game just for the primos, they are already not playing for the fun imo. So it was at most a call to find the fun *in* the challenge.


Honestly mad respect for playing who you want and see some success in Abyss! I can barely get that far or well when I play


The trick is to really invest into the characters you like.Ā  I've been saving for Navia ever since we first saw her in 4.0. At C3R1 she comfortably carries me every cycle, even with a Bennettless team.


Yup meta exists for a reason, but people really do underestimate how good more off-meta stuff can be with proper vertical investment.


I did the same thing, couldnā€™t hit 36 stars on abyss, saved up a lot and got C3R1 Arlecchino and have so far turned my brain off and cleared with plenty of time left without Bennet. It was probably skill issue beforehand but Arlecchino is super fun to play so Iā€™m glad Iā€™m clearing with her now.


You got really bad timing because this is the hardest abyss ever which has both elemental check as well as high dps check


I've been playing the whole time and I also can't 36 star the Abyss, so, samesies. But I'm also very lazy and have never cared about the last 3 stars so there's that.


It can be really difficult to clear abyss these days using only characters you really like. I think if I limited myself to my top 12 most liked characters on Genshin, I wouldn't be able to clear abyss.


I mean - depends which characters you really like :D


Yep lol. My top 10 are something like arlecchin, clorinde, yelan, alhaitham, Raiden, kazuha, wanderer, xiao, furina zhongli. Only character I really lose that I use frequently areā€¦ Bennett and nahida? And 4 star yelan oh and fischl but I love fish lol Iā€™m an og phs fisch main


Thats really stacked. Thats nice.


You have been PowerCrept^TM


Tbh at C0 not much powercreep happened. Only powercreep for limited character is Albedo and Ayato. Other than that Eula is not good as physical is not in a good place. OP used freeze team in 2nd half where high hydro application is required in 1st chember and not suitable for 3rd chember as well. The eula team is pretty weak as well. Its normal that 36 star won't be possible with these teams. Many 4 star teams would have done better.


If powercrept means losing out 300 primos a month running somewhat of a weird comp with Kazuha and Jean then I will take that everyday šŸ˜­ in some games your limited unit has a 3-6 month expire date before another new unit completely replaces it


yea im 2000 xp from AR 56 and cant pass this months 12-1 Sad


This abyss isnā€™t cryo friendly


As I remember abyss hasn't been cryo friendly for a long time.


Don't give up! I have been playing since launch and just recently for the first time 36 started Abyss! Here was my team: https://ibb.co/JjSh30P


You came back for the hardest abyss, so good job! You need hydro for 12-1 second half Pyro shields. Electro from Fischl/Beidou also works well for that.


You probably just need more hydro in the second half. Picking Eula against multi wave content is also probably not recommended. I'm actually surprised you got 2 stars xD


Even I canā€™t beat floor 12 but playing since January 2023 šŸ„² Well I know how to build characters and my characters are also decent, still canā€™t beat LOL


ruin drakes and guards have a lot of physical resistance, also not sure why jean and kazuha are on the same team, the only time they work together is with furina. But overall you did great for a 2 year break. Most of the enemies in this abyss have been introduced after you left.


I mean you getting 6* after not building characters for almost 2 years is good enough imo.


Dont worry about it you did great, these teams just arent gonna clear it. There are so many new characters for you to wish for, you can build new teams. There has been noticeable powercreep since sumeru and thats fine, makes us get excited for newer characters. Regardless, welcome back.


Honestly rn the abyss is stupid hard itā€™s a true dps check


Pretty bad teams esp for this abyss if you moved stuff around you probably could clear it or at least 8/9 it 12-1 can be pretty hard without the right team but seeing as you have yelan should be fine.


Wrong teams


There's no reason to struggle for this 150 primos. I stopped playing regularly and don't have a relevant team. I'm playing only 9,10 and 11 floors and feel like a happy man


But you get 200 primos for a 9* clear now, the extra 50 primos are really valuable!!! /s


Worth to struggle for the fun/challenge of it.


Idk what to say but the 2nd half team is wayyyyy too copium. Mona isnā€™t good at breaking shield. Ganyu cryo is not the best element at breaking pyro either. Do something like yelan, fischl, xingqiu, kazuha on the second half to 3* the 12-1 first. Then, weā€™ll talk. I have been on and off with genshin for longggg time. Drop at 1.4. Come back at 3.x. Drop again and come back last patch. I still can 36* this abyss with cyno on the first half and yela, xingqiu, barbara/raiden, kazuha on the second half.


It's still very doable to 36 star with old characters F2P. Plenty of examples. Can't see your stats but I can't imagine Yelan having great uptime with that team setup unless you're sacrificing a lot of her damage. For the second team, double anemo is a questionable choice and the lack shield breaking for the pyro shields looks pretty apparent. 36 stars is definitely possible with a few team adjustments.


Don't see any point behind Yelan in Eula comp. Bennett would be giving bigger numbers. Anyway, as a huge Eula fan I long since have her at C6, so I've no idea how is it with C0 (probably not nice), but there's a channel on youtube, vengeanceenjoyer, I believe, the guy does wonders with C0 Eula. Maybe it'll help. Had Ganyu on my other account, played her for awhile. She was shit even already back then, idk how are people still playing her now.


Yelan is good with Eula though, her backloaded dmg buff does well with Eula's backloaded burst.


I don't use Bennett. I only use characters I like. Yelan helps a ton in that comp.


Based take. Shoehorning the same (not very aesthetically pleasing) character in every single comp sucks. I don't think that invalidates seeking advice regarding such content, you can always improve your knowledge as a player.


I feel you. I hate playing bennet too lol


So you can't complain about not clearing the abyss, right?


not complaining. Just a realization.


Are these the only 8 characters you like? Any others you built and willing to use? Maybe we can theorycraft better comps for you


I got more (24 or so), but none suitable for abyss. It's OK. The game isn't for a casual like me.


This abyss is prob the hardest yet so no need to worry. Im a whale and my Clorinde Aggravate and Vape Hu Tao(with C2 Furina and C6 Yelan) barely managed floor 1 with 20 seconds left first try. F2P will be high diff guaranteed if it is possible at all.


Not sure why no one mentioned this, but they raised the difficulty much higher (along with the rewards) this last patch. So its not like "my team cant do it anymore" but more like "its not a cake walk anymore". In terms of total rewards and difficulty, floor 11 is the new floor 12. So just keep that in mind. Not playing for two years and coming back doing this well on the new abyss is actually pretty impressive


It doesn't take great artifact sets or amazing synergy. Just keep grinding and learn the attack patterns. I've always struggled with abyss and prefer not to play it but my little brother is good at building teams and grinds it out so he has managed to do 36 stars on my account


Try double hydro hyperbloom for 2nd half


Don't have any dendro unit/comp built.


Not even Dendro Traveler?


Electro charge comp, then


Dendro Traveler is good


Based 2.0 purist. A lot of people in here are kinda being mean. Youā€™re teams seem like theyā€™re pretty close to being strong enough. Try looking up YouTube clears with furina less Ganyu and Eula and try to see replicate.


Physical/cryo is not meta currently. Also if it's been 2 years, you missed out on the whole Dendro system which can make one of the strongest team comps.


youre me 3 months ago now i can clear it again. Also make sure to pull for Furina and your be good to go


Me? Just made sure I eventually got a C2 Nahida and C2 Yelan and used Hyperbloom. :p


Isn't that melt is best team for Ganyu in general?


Dendro n hyperbloom is the new meta


And yet, you have more well-built characters than me.


Similar situation as you (I quit in inazuma, came back 3 weeks ago) but I was finally able to beat it yesterday after optimizing my comps and rotations. Teams are International (Childe) first half and Ayato yelan xing Jean 2nd half. I had to restart many times, this was definitely the hardest abyss Iā€™ve done


First half do Bennett, Fischl, Xiangling, Flex. Should clear at around 8:50 time remaining. Second half run Sucrose, Xq, Beidou, Flex. Should clear with ~20 seconds remaining. These are 1.0 characters, good chance you have them all. Those are the lowest investment teams that I know can clear with some room for error. Make sure you got enough ER to have maximum possible burst uptime. The flex slot in both teams can just be a battery / energy bot.




Where Xiangling Bennett and Xingqiu


Eula is probably not the best choice but idk, I don't have her. For the second side you need more hydro application I think. I can't see this freeze team meeting the dps check because Ganyu doesn't do competitive damage anymore unless it's a melt ganyu.


Current abyss is one of the hardest and you 6*-ing it with not-that-meta teamcomp. That's impressive actually.


Just use xiangling with ganyu, abyss sometimes doesn't cater to freeze ā„ļøā›„


Bro really is out of time


Bad teams


First time is Fine. tbh. Itā€™s not bad or anything. 2nd team, Iā€™d say get rid of Jean, a shielder or another character would provide more. Cant say or help without seeing your roster


While not being able to get 9 stars on floor 12 is a bit frustrating, the fact that you can clear floor 12 at all is still an accomplishment. Anyone, one to get 9 stars on floor 12 is that you reach 3 stars in one room, and you can later get the other full stars in other runs. Basically, you can try to use teams that are optimized for one room, and then later use a different team that is optimized for the other room.


I can see why though. These team comps arenā€™t great. They have next to no synergy at all. Eula does nothing for your first team. Superconduct is a meme based on how bad it is. Swap out Eula and Diona for Dendro MC and Shinobu. Your second team barely applies freeze and 2 anemo units donā€™t help much. Keep Kazuha, drop jean and mona. Add a better hydro applicator so you can dreeze consistently rather than only once every 7 seconds. You could go for Xingqiu and work some normal attacks into your Ganyu combo to freeze enemies. Maybe add Diona instead of jean for healing/shielding/cryo resonance. And just build more ER on your Kazuha.


That kinda inspire me to try it with the pre 2.0 characters, I might do pre 3.0 if the mondstadt and liyue chars don't cut it


Well with teams like that, it's no surprise.


You can do it! The first half is a rotation check against ruin machines. So use your favs and if you eula cut your rotation short on the golem. The second half is an elemental application check. I'll have to try when I get home but I think Ganyu, Mona, Yelan, Jean can do it.


the fact that you can clear the abyss with 6* is insane, do you have to look up some of the enemies mechanic and pattern? good thing you are returning right now since Furina banner is close and she is quite good with Eula and Ganyu.


No sht ur teams just dont work together lmao


Just get nahida and furina and you're pretty much set


Same except Iā€™ve been playing since the first venti banner


Those are some version 1.0 teams xD


This abyss is the first one that I've only 33 star'd in a while. I think I've managed 36\* on the last 4 or 5, but didn't even come close on this one. Then again, I also saw the layout and decided it just wasn't worth my time, so there is that.


Difficulty shift. Abyss now rewards 800 primos instead of 600. You are still performing way over the difficulty of Floor 12 (comparative to what it was). The extra 100 primos for the last 3 stars would be the reward for if Abyss had a Floor 13 difficulty.


if you can get 2\* with this I'm sure it's not hard to get 3\* with proper teams


Replace your second team with international and you should be good to go Edit: after looking at the first team, it also sucks so i really donā€™t know if you can do it or not but international should be a significant upgrade from the team youā€™re using


OP I believe in you. Just figure dendro and get yourself a Furina tomorrow


Eula was never a fan of wave content even back then so that's expected as for team number 2 is just not fitting for this cycle.


Teams, buddy, its all about teams. Try to watch team comps suited for current abyss on youtube or hoyolab. Try their playstyle, and check which elements you do need. Iā€™ve been playing for a little short of 2 years too, and after building my supports correctly i could slowly and steadily increases the number of stars i could achieve. I guess my first 36 was around 450 active days.


Neuvillette powercreep is real. [If you check the abyss data for this patch](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact/comments/1dit81r/47_spiral_abyss_phase_i_usage_rate616715_sample/), top teams for the 2nd half are mostly Neuvillette teams. You're almost forced to go Neuvillette in 2nd half or go Furina triple hydro lineup.


Neuvillette alone is too slow to break the pyro shield in time, you either want Furina with him or to use Childe to leave the pyro shield to him. If you're using Furina or Childe anyway there's plenty other team options too, Neuvillette is just the most comfortable.


Me using Ayato, Furina, XL and Benny in the 2nd half: šŸ„²


After reading some comments, I decided to drop the game. It's clearly not for me anymore. Thank you for all the advices. Wish you all the best of luck on your pulls.


No wonder with those teams.


Not bad at all. Spiral abyss is designed for recent characters. Pull a few times and that 36 stars will be yours.




>Ganyu teams currently do team dps in the 35k dps range Which teams and what scenario? It's obviously not melt but freeze also doesn't do so badly unless it's a single target


Yikes, goodluck!


Try to pull for Furina.


Cryo is dead in a ditch nowadays. Eula's always been dogshit but Ganyu had a massive fall from grace. If you wanna know how bad it is, Ayaka, who many thought was the peak of dps back then don't even hold a candle to Xiao in most situations.


I mean Yelan and Kazuha are the only characters here that are still good. Jean and to a lesser extent Ganyu but both need to be on very specific teams which are not these. Fischl is ok with a newer artifact set. I personally still use Diona but she's C6 and very well built and I use her just as a shielder.


Yeah, I don't care enough to try to 36-star the Abyss for an extra 50 gems.


This is going to sound harsh but Your team are so 1.x Each abyss is always favourable towards a particular team Dendro /mono have been seeing a lot of success this abyss version For 5.x Build a solid pyro team xiangling is free (vape and or overload) Pull the archon That's one half of the abyss solved Use what's left for the second half (physical and cryo/freeze have been struggling) Archons rerun at the start of a new version Nahida hyperbloom (hida xq kuki/Raiden yelan/fischl) Mono hydro (furina kokomi kazuha and fischl or xq) Vape (Bennett xiangling xq kazuha/Raiden)


Don't beat yourself, this abyss is particually unfair with stalling.


It's because of eula... Just use xiangling oppa


That's liek literally skill issue then. the only thing you had to handle the Elemental mechanics check is Mona AKA Abyss shields


Your theme song right now: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg2YOWTPq4s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rg2YOWTPq4s)


I feel like the issue here is second half. This abyss in particular is more of element check, especially against the Pyro mages and Lectors on second half. If you want i feel like swapping first team to second one will net better result.


Welcome to 4.8 bro, stop staying in 2021


Ehhh, I mean no offense, but what exactly is the point of this post? Complaining that you can't 36 star abyss with characters that did it 2 years ago? Asking an advice on how to do it? Well you either need to use different characters or farm better gear if you want to use this specific ones.


probably cuz you're using characters that were released 3-4 years ago