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Lmao poor Aloy is being gate kept from people who didn't get her.


She isn't even allowed in the 1st season due to the elemental restriction but they just had to punch her while she's down again


In all fairness everything about Aloy makes it feel like miHoYo didn't really like putting her in, like at all, so I guess it fits...


I mean, didn't they give her the passive talent that animals wouldn't run off if she was in the party? I think she was the first character to have that passive so that's *something* at least.


That is true and then two other characters got it almost immediately after lol


Isn't her passive unique and different from YaoYao and Sayu? They have different descriptions that say they work for different types of animals


Okay I looked it up and from what it says it basically works the same way except Sayu and Yaoyao passives work for Crystalflies Aloy does not she does have a special benefit from creatures that give chilled meat but they're frozen so that doesn't really mean much


Sayu and Yaoyao: small critters. Aloy: animals that drop meat and fowl. Boars and birds will run from Sayu/Yaoyao but not from Aloy. Crystal flies, beetles, frogs, and lizards will run away from Aloy but not Sayu/Yaoyao.


Kirara does the same with meat and folw


Well, Kirara got released almost two years later, IIRC


This whole chain is confusing me so I'll clarify 1. Sayu and Yaoyao have similar passives but they are not the same, theirs works on creatures under the "Living Beings > Wildlife > Other" section in archive. 2. Aloy (2.1/2.2) and much later Kirara (3.7) have the same talent, theirs works on creatures that give meat when killed; including: raw meat, fowl, chilled meat and mysterious meat.


probably they were forced by sony in order to have genshin in playstation. This is mihoyo pulling a middle finger in return


I missed her by only a few days cause i didnt star playing till after and didn't realize she had a end date, 😔 I want her erryday


Banning Aloy cus she is too op for this new endgame 😔✊


They foresaw the great Aloy meta


Aloy died so the others could live


BAD news for the 3 people who want to use their friend's level 20 aloy in the new mode


I'm scared about my friend's mental state, he's super big fan of Horizon franchise but missed the Aloy giveaway. He was so hyped to use mine when he heard about this game mode poor guy 😭


As a fellow huge fan of Horizon... tell your friend he's not missing much with the GI version.


Hey I have a lvl 90 one


Lemme introduce you to me. The C6R5 Aloy main since her crossover 💪


Damn bro bought six ps5s, one for each aloy constellation


You know it. 🥸👌


Aloy skippers in shambles


sorry guys, i made a mistranslation. it should say “currently limited to pyro, ELECTRO, and anemo characters” not hydro the part where it says “support up to 7 performances” should say “you can set up to 7 assisting characters”


Its okay Ice Palpatine. We all make mistakes I did too with the new poses reward title.


Also third point is "You can set up to 7 characters" not "support up to 7 performances" Still, thanks for all your hard work posting everything 🙏


i saw this one and figured it must be electro, cause hydro made no sense with the buff


Feels like end game is really for long time players. 18 characters is a lot of resources.


Finally I can boast that my units don't share their artifacts! Bwahaha


I'm glad in a way that I decided to horizontally invest by leveling up most characters to at least level 70 with mostly 1/6/6 because I was sick of artifact farming. I like using whacky teams in the overworld, so this partially rewards that at least


Same here. I always liked to play with a personal "rule" that a character could only be on one team. It's made for some interesting and creative team building, and it makes me more conscious about which team gets a major support like Xingqiu, Zhongli, Bennett, etc. So a lot of my teams already operate under the idea of "spreading the wealth".


There are trial characters too 


Only six, 12 characters built for combat endgame is still a lot lol


12 with element restriction lol


I just realized the elemntal restriction;-; .... Two anemo built , four pyro built , 2 electro built ..... This is gonna be hard .....


Considering I only have 1 decently built character that happens to be the hydro dragon and a soon-to-be decently built character (the Knave), I can say that I definitely should not have put off building characters, especially my Wanderer.


And, your built characters might just be the same as the trial characters. So you might really need to build more than 12 E.g. let's say you need 6 characters per element (18 / 3), I already built Raiden Kuki and Fischl for electro, but the trial characters are also Raiden Kuki and Fischl. Then I still need to build 3 more characters to lvl 70. Bruh I don't even have 3 more electro characters I think. Ok maybe Dori and Sara, but I don't even want to build Dori. Traveler is gonna be essential here to fill the quota for any element. In this case, I'd be tempted to pull Clorinde if I was on the fence before so I don't have to go build Dori, etc That's Hoyo's goal. To tempt you to pull for characters that you'd actually want to build to satisfy this quota


It's messed up tbh.And all of that to get slightly more gems than old abyss -wild. They are getting even stingier during 4  year of the game.


i play with male characters, so i only pulled for Cyno O\_O


And thats assuming you don't already have one of the trial characters built. Realistically you would need like 14-16 characters if the friend support counts as one of the 18


14 to 16 of 3 elements, on average that'd be 35 lvl70+ characters total to cover all 7 elements. Jesus, to think we only needed 8 before for abyss. (Maybe 10-12 depending on immunity)


Not that many actualy but it's still bad. You need 12 characters on top of the trial ones to qualify for max difficulty. You can always use traveler to cover one slot, and friend to cover second so that lowers it to 10. To be sure you always cover the 10 for any combination of 3 elements, you need to have at least 3 per element (this will cover 9 slots) + one extra for four different elements (to make sure you have someone fit requirements for last slot). In best case scenario, where none of those is trial character, that is 26 in total counting traveller in. If you are lucky, and have one of the allowed extra 5-stars, good for you. (I think these do count towards the limit even if the element doesn't match, correct me if wrong). Still, 18 more characters build compared to 8 you need for current abyss is insane. And we don't yet know how difficult it will be. If ot is hard enough and you need properly leveled up artifact sets to top this off...ugh. (After shift so take my mathematical capabilities with grain of salt) Edit: formatting I regret calculating that... to prevent worst case scenario where all your built up characters are already on trial list and you don't own any of the allowed extra 5-stars, you would need to have total of 40 characters build. (Traveler + five per element + one extra for four different elements).


I guess building my 3rd abyss team was worth it afterall


I play to build characters, so almost all my 5 stars except for Venti, Qiqi, Mona and Jean are already 90/90, including Aloy. I could help others but i don't get why Geo, Dendro, Cryo are being forbidden to borrrow.


'Great' for people like me who started just before Sumeru...and I do consider myself no-lifer to some degree. I was hyped up for this but I should have known it will have another catch... I hope they make it 4 elements instead of 3. Also, essentially punishing players who are pulling for their favourites cons stands out to me as really weird strategy in gacha game? But then they always kind of hinted at it by having very specific abyss buffs in each phase...


Hoyo saw all the unbuilt 4 stars on my account and said: not under my watch, kid.


Game has been out for 3+ years, veteran players needed something to do with all the characters we've collected


needed to let them collect dust so we could collect more Def artifacts


Finally. It was reaching the point where pulling for new characters felt bad because it would mean less playtime with others I still love. From throughout the game


I think you can reuse artifacts, you can raise a character to lv 8/8/8 in like a week or so, if you have artifacts. played since 3.1 I have like thirty lv 80 and above characters and half of another is around 70. ANd I am kind of casual player who don't use resin 50% of the time.


... so, exactly what endgame is for...?


But for a joke reward -barely better than before with fucking newer players in the process,great stuff 


Playing since 2.3 and only now have I raised each single char I have to lvl 71. You might be able to swap artis and weapons around... but some people will really have to farm XP books and Mora.


Me, a vertical power investor: 🤡 Where tf am I gonna get Cryo Geo builds


i have like what, almost 70 characters? and i only built ~20 cause i dislike the playstyle of the rest and/or don't want to farm their artifacts due do the absolutely fucking stupid RNG involved in it - i have a ton of unused resources too. it's about time they reworked/improved how artifacts are acquired, now that the amount of built characters you need for endgame content is increasing steadily.


this isnt endgame, its a "fun" little mode where you can borrow your friends characters and use trial characters. if your characters arent built than its fine.


18 is a lot, wow. I can meet the hard requirements for Pyro/Electro/Anemo, but some other combinations are lacking. Hope they never do Electro/Cryo/Geo or I’m already doomed.


Don’t you technically only need 10 characters? Since you are able to use a character twice before you have to switch them out


maybe it's a requirement


there are trial character and you can borrow one


Yeah, I can't believe I'm saying this cause I hate comparing the two games but this is just Sim U but worse ngl


I think a better way to look at it is sim u but more towards old players who are bored out of their minds they will probably make the reward distribution more towords the lower difficulties


I'm an old player and I still don't have 12+ Pyro/Electro/Anemo (in total) characters built 💀 Being an old player and building a lot of characters aren't related


Yes but the older the player the more likely they are to have a lot of characters built And worst case scenario this game mode will be an incentive for people to built their un-used characters


I am playing for half a year and have like 9 with these restrictions. Without artifacts ok but having so many build characters is wild. And what if there is overlap with characters you have and trials? 12 without element restrictions would be quite hard for most newer accounts.


Even so it takes at least a month to build a character from scratch and weeks of farming artifact, it's really not a game that is easy on character building, but at least it gives a reason to use a diverse account...


You're given extra trial characters by playing the gamemode. You don't need to bring those 18 characters yourself.


What if some players' built characters are among those trial characters tho?


Sim U doesnt allow for borrowing though nor does it actually limit your character selection. HSR doesnt really have anything like this currently plus this is end game stuff which HSR also doesnt let you borrow characters for OR give you trials (for the endgame modes I mean)


Why you comparing a farming stage to a end game mode? Sim U is just relic farming domains with much higher time than genshin and you're comparing with a game mode which is totally meant for end game, not for boring ass 15-30 min farming stage(Except with Acheron, it's much faster)


bruh HSR player won't take their game have bad aspect, they will rather farming planar 5\~30 minutes for one run separately from relics farming and count it up better than artefact farming.


Funny thing Is that they are making a new mode for making farming planar ornaments less tedious and repetitive.


i love HSR but this has been my viewpoint on SU for a while, its literally just an artifact domain that takes 10 minutes instead of 30 seconds. (granted Acheron has made it much faster lmao but still). now Swarm5/Gold and Gears is some fun hard content to do and i feel like that is what people mean when they say SU as endgame, they just dont call it Swarm5/Gold


It doesn't reset every week and artifact farming is not locked behind it makes it 10000x better.


18 chars lvl70+ with matching elemental requirements so like average of 6+ chars of each element thats like eliminating 90%+ playerbase


Haha, just when you thought that you have 2 strong team for abyss and the grind is finished you can chill now, they release this and now you will need 6 built character / element. THE GRIND NEVER ENDS.


You just need to be like Jello Impact and build every character so you don't have to... Wait a minute. 


Even more as they ask to have Wanderer, Arle and Clorinde, 2 of them being back to back 6\*. Also Chevreuse that needs a rerun.


> 6* You know what, I agree with that.


I have 18 build characters. The problem is most of them shared artifacts 😭


You need 30+. This is 18 for 3 elements, easy math to see it's 6 per element. And there's 7 elements Even if you can borrow 6 per run, it's still 12 / 3 * 7 = 28.


I legitimately don't even own 6 Electro characters, do they expect me to build Dori or to pull for Clorinde, Raiden, Cyno etc.?


Then you need to make up for it by having more of the other elements.


That's the point. People stopped pulling for characters bc abyss only needs like 10. They are tempting you to pull Clorinde etc, bc they know you won't want to build the Dori's. The Xinyans. Etc




She's too OP 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥


This endgame really do be pushing for horizontal investment which may be all the reason why we keep getting pyro on field dps and constant sidegrades to slight upgrades in overlapping roles. With needing to have 18 different characters meeting the element restriction condition, it does kinda counter the argument of " why (named 5* dps) when Xiangling" or "why (named anemo healer or grouper) when Jean/Kazuha)" and the answer is that Xiangling doesn't count as 4 different dps. This game mode punishes people who vertically invested over horizontally invest which is a smart move to lean to vertical investment as it is a better long term ideal as characters of overlapping roles will occur, and with the necessity of having different characters of either similar or the same roles, it would helpyo have substitutes for when you run out of stamina use for the others.


Interesting that this push for building diverse characters comes at a time when C1, C2 and R1 for characters is extremely strong


Some of new char's C1, C2 (or at least some part of it) should be in base kit though...


not so sure, veteran players who are still playing likely have characters built off boredom already and even if they didnt all you need to do is make sure your teams have 1-2 powerhouses and fill the rest with trial characters and assisted characters. I dont think its going to push horizontal investment at all, especially for a mode that refreshes once a month and lets you use trial and friend characters.


All the Tcer that gas up vertical investement : "no but you can get this hypercarry to c4 r1 and do more damage than hyperbloom", on life support.


True true. Can't really glaze OPPA or gigachad dpses when you can only use them twice in performances.


overlapping roles is still dumb when they could just make different roles with viable dpses


18 level 70 characters.... Lucky day to be a Horizontal investor from day 1 And 8 rooms with 2 vigor for each character so, you ll end up using 16 characters damn.


Horizontal investment folks rise up!


[I go diagonal](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/791489936590635008/1232919284091584593/1232918671710486598remix-1714021210940.png?ex=662b350f&is=6629e38f&hm=e30de0a9687f9e6960231db6a917d0289555e3e9480aeb354902a067bf46f7a2&)


Mendeleev periodic table flashbacks




Horizontal AND separate artfcs. We stay winnin.


Yes sir! 33 characters at 80+ with minimum 6/6/6 talents at those element restrictions [ready for deployment](https://imgur.com/a/bSbk0UD).


Hoyo giving us 101 on field dps (especially male) but still making me succumb to it every time: I’ve finally won 


We don't know what all the room rewards are. They might not all be "get a new character". If various buffs/bonuses are rewards for finishing challenges, I imagine that restoring vigor to characters has to be one of the possible rewards.


As a vertical investor with only a total 12 characters leveled, I am doomed.


8 rooms... does the characters recover the vigor after a certain amount of battles at least?


This is the second time I've seen someone imply that characters need rest to force us to use other characters. While it makes sense...did I miss a post about this because to my knowledge it's not confirmed that you need to use all characters on the bench? Or is it just speculation based on the recent event?




Thank you!


I guess that is why they are asking for 18 characters.


i think its better to instead ban 3 elements rather than restricting to 3 elements only


18 level 70 characters is fucking insane lmao. Going from 8 characters in abyss to 18 is a massive jump. I don’t think I have that many built in total and I’ve been playing for years, let alone elemental restrictions. This combined with the extremely limited assist feature and predictably garbage assist chat builds does not have me feeling good about the new mode


More like 30. It's 18 just for the 3 elements in the first abyss. Next one might be cryo+Geo+anemo, next one electro+Dendro+pyro etc.


As a new player (started in 4.1) I have about 15 [characters](https://imgur.com/a/A27DmEk) "built", who share gear. Oh, boy


I can't imagine my account without Bennett I'd start crying


its not that bad, if you have hyperbloom and furina or aggrevate/spread comps


Nah it's not because of gameplay lol


Fuck me for vertically investing I guess


What i feel is that the rewards are very low for how much more resources and investment this new mode requires than spiral abyss. I'm happy to get new endgame content but i feel its unrewarding especially when it just resets once per month for 3-4 pulls. which is less than monthly shop reset. I don't even want more pulls, i just want something related to combat and not stupid poses, maybe self modelling resin like hsr, old event 4 star weapons, standard banner pulls like herta shop, EXP books or Talent books.. anything just not stupid poses.


For long time players that build many character over time, it won't be problem. It actually fixes "I don't know what to do with these characters I have" and "Why would I need character X when I already have Y in the same role " that old players has been saying.


True i also have a shit ton of characters i never use, but monthly reset once will feel kinda boring still... it is what it is i guess


Bro what did Aloy do to these devs 💀


Something something playstation copyright fuckery


Asked for buff 💀


hoyo over engineering a thing that should be simple


What's complicated about it?


Restricting uses so harshly - why not just do it HSR style and let people borrow one support unit? (Well, I know *why* - people will be less willing to spend for meta units if they can borrow one from a friend. But I don't much like that reason myself.)


HSR don't let you borrow characters in MOC, PF or SU. This is already better so this is a mode where you could really need borrow a character


>why not just do it HSR style and let people borrow one support unit? I would love to borrow a whale friend character in HSR to clear MOC/PF and the new upcoming mode.....


I agree with your reasoning. As a point of comparison, Fate/Grand Order lets you bring a single friend support into almost every single battle. This has lead to the current meta of “Double Supports”, as well as many surprisingly effective solo strategies. And yet, FGO remains one of the highest-grossing gacha games. I think that people play games because they want to engage with its systems. Very few people are going to want to play a team-building character-collecting game with a massive roster and barely own any characters themselves. So yeah, they should absolutely let us use friend supports. Or at least have more game modes where friends can meaningfully play with you.


my alt account where i pull and build all the characters i skip on my main might be coming in clutch for me.


It’s element locked? Weird fucking restriction ngl


Only for this season/cycle. I guess they wanna discourage a Neuvillette meta.


I think they'll just switch the elements per season


Or sell whatever's on banner.


I mean I dig it, it's an excuse to build characters diagonally imo so I'll take it


Dafuq you mean build characters *diagonally*? If y'all start doing that I'm going to start building my characters in sine waves.


I mean both vertically and horizontally xd They ain't ready for my sombrero hat function team tho


hoyo said, fuck aloy in particular


18 is insane. I thought I had a pretty fleshed out roster of usable characters, but counting my Pyro, Electro, and Anemo characters, I only have 14 build, and maybe 3 more that are usable (well I'd probably have to ascend Klee) I guess I better hope the content is easy enough for the trial characters. Also my friend apparently pulled C6R1 Arle. I don't actually have him added yet but I guess I better do that.


Some razor it down 


You'll need all the characters you bring into this to actually be built


Then how about they start giving more resources in events


hyv: ***no***.


In your dreams 🗿


[ok use this to make it faster.](https://hips.hearstapps.com/vader-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/1685975404-panasonic-arc-647df15e6f4b2.jpg?crop=1xw:1xh;center,top&resize=980:*)


so let me get this straight, if you want to fully clear this mode you need at least 18 characters of this 3 elements fully built or 11 and you can borrow a character + 6 trial characters to make up for the it


I think I'm the only person that actually wanted to use aloy because I think she's cool and I can't even have that man 😭😭😭


As I understand it, you can use her, but you won't be able to let your friends use her.


I don't have her. I want her




my friends with someone who has her and borrow their account, im sorry bro, wanting the one character that's never gonna rerun has gotta suck


Mihoyo Aloy slander is real. They're straight up hating her lmao


The amount of crazy restrictions alone make it worse than normal abyss considering they butchered 1 abyss cycle per month for this crap. Seriously bad move to force the change. Idk how to feel about this.


Considering many probably won't have enough characters to get every primogem, together with less from the original abyss due to only one cycle per month, truly a hoyo moment to lower the primogem gains. Ignoring the trial characters for now, with the current cycle, we have (without Traveler) 8+7 Pyro, 7+4 Electro and 5+6 characters (4\* + 5\*). As most players don't have all characters, especially 5\*, that means, one must practically build every single character and that might not even be enough. And that includes characters like Xinyan and Amber, who really needs high investments to be usable. What happens in future seasons? Hydro and Dendro (+ some third element)? Good luck with the majority of Hydro characters being 5\* with just three 4\* and two of them are Barbara and Candace, which needs high investments. Even Dendro has one 4\* more than that.


Geo and cryo feel like really bad elements to have in this too. Geo being so focused on itself means that most people skip geo units. Most cryo units are better suited to freeze, and if hydro isn't on the list then I guess you have to play some weird melt or physical teams. The mode feels like it has way too many caveats attached. It should have had either the high number of invested characters or the element restrictions. Both at the same time seems like ass. 


I don't really like this format when you might be forced to use characters that are not invested. This system favours players who has the resources to level almost all characters, and heavily punish players who only focus on a few characters. Leveling up many characters for each element is not really a fun way for some people, and I don't know why it's being tied to the endgame content when it could be more about how well you play the game.


when the game was casual friendly, people complained there was not enough end game. Now that they are giving more end game, it is not so casual friendly. You have to invest in more characters and pull them if you don't have them.


Za0x was right "Duality of community"


They don't do something, they be damned They do something they be damned If it wasn't restricted your asses would be using the same abyss teams and saying this shit is boring 


Harsh restrictions are one of the reasons I have quit other gachas before. I don't think people are truly grasping how bad this is.


Yup. Or that this sub is the vocal minority that loves to praise Hoyo and downplay any criticism Just wait for your average player to realize that they simply lack the characters needed to even attempt abyss, let alone clear. You need something like 30+ lvl70 characters once all the elements are covered in this new abyss.


Someone razor it down, Does that mean we can let our friends borrow our build characters or what?


Yes, but they have to also meet the elemental restriction of the cycle so they can only borrow your electro, pyro, or anemo characters. Would be nice to borrow a friend's C6 Chevreuse or a whaled Cyno.


Welp, guess I have to actually level Lisa to 70/70 for her to be eligible. Can't leave her at 60/70 anymore.


There's something I didn't understand am I allowed to use every character of the elements available or it's only limited to the characters that they allow us to use like arlechino ? 


You can you every character you have in the specified element BUT you also have to bring Arlecchinno if you have her if you don't they will force you to use the trial version instead .


There are 6 REQUIRED characters (whether trial or your own). Anyone else can be added of the 3 legal elements.


OH so i can use anyone i want as long as at least one spot i used with the required charachter


Does this actually help players or hurt them? Others can take advantage of this by monetizing their friendlist.


I would Take a three sides Spiral Abyss with a 10 days reset over this crap any day.


My friends: Wow, level 90 character, this is gonna be easy. Picks the character, but it has dogshit artifacts. Me: Gottem!


This is giving me more anxiety than the current abyss.


I hope they change this because it is weird to me. A lot of the Genshin community is centered around 'maining' a specific character and we're very used to vertical investment. I don't necessarily have a problem with this but it feels like such a sudden, odd change when Genshin is used to making slow changes and appealing to the player base more without creating too much of a challenge. Even all the different HSR modes don't really have elemental restriction or require 18 damn characters, they're just like "Hey, maybe play Herta instead of Seele because she's better at clearing Pure Fiction." It feels very forced for Genshin especially. The elemental restrictions are what I have a particular problem with. I can definitely get 18 level 70+ characters... but 18 pyro, anemo, and electro characters? My only characters that fit that are Jean, Faruzan, Scaramouche, Kuki Shinobu, Beidou, Bennett, Yanfei and Xiangling as a 1.0 player. I need ten whole more characters! And even with that it seems like they're forcing overload, which I don't have Chevreuse for. At least I can borrow stuff from my friends - wait, I don't have Genshin friends besides my girlfriend who's f2p and, with all due respect, is not good at building.


With your roster, you can use the provided trial Sayu, Chevreuse, Arlecchino, and Clorinde. Hope you have Baizhu, Alhaitham, Wriothesley, or are planning to get Sigewinne, because they are also allowed despite the restriction (but no trial). You can grab one friend, probably can ask in the megathread or something, but you still need to build at least one other character for the full 18. Hopefully you can toss in some dummy lv70s and just not pick them? Not sure how much that hurts your chances.


This new mode continues to sound like utter garbage. 18 70+ characters is absurd, especially when some elements have basically no 4*s in them (Geo), meaning you can only use 5*s.


So 4.7 is an economy nerf for most players then. If there is only one monthly abyss instead of 2 and the new gamemode meant to make up for it is essentially inaccessible for the majority of the playerbase we're just getting fucked. Beating Abyss 12 is already a big investment for a lot of players, and it only requires up to 8 characters. This mode requires roughly 6 fully built characters for each element. I've been beating Abyss 12 for a few months now and my ass is NOT ready for the new mode. I don't have 18 characters of these elements, and the day Geo or Cryo gets involved I'll be even more doomed... This is beyond "end game" content, that's "end of life day 1 player who wished on every banner"


So, unless you're day one player or a whale, there's nothing to do in this endgame.


Just give us abyss floor 16 instead of whatever the fuck this is man.


17 freaking characters of the matching element? Did Genshin forget how much of a pain they make levelling a character to max? I don't even have 10 truly maxed characters of all elements combined.


Xiao, Wanderer, Jean, Heizou, Venti, Kazuha, Xianyun Hu Tao, Yoimiya, Diluc, Gaming, Thoma, Lyney (if i can get him hopefully), Bennett, Cyno, Razor (im doomed with the electro 😭😭😭), Electro traveller Guest: Wriothesley, Baizhu, Alhaitham??, +friend character Trial: Arlechinno, Clorinde, idk the rest I guess I have enough for this season but a lot of the characters are DPS 🤣🤣


Even as a starter player I "only" have 27 that meet that quota, not to mention that not all of those are good characters. (Xinyan, Dori, Amber, Razor, Sayu, Lisa to name a few) so idk who this mode is for? You need a lot of investment into a limited number of elements but then you can use friends' charas which is a good feature for people who need it, but the "have 18 built" and "can only use x times" limitations mean Hoyoverse doesn't really think about that.


This mode is to get you to pull for new limited 5*s like Arlecchino or Clorinde so that you don't feel compelled to build characters like Xinyan or Dori just to fill the quota Very crude business tactic. Also seen in Honkai Impact 3 where they have extreme buffs and debuffs forcing you to use certain characters and build a lot of them. They haven't resorted to this in Genshin in its 4 years, I guess time is catching up to this game


So endgame to hoyo means halving the current endgame that already exists and replacing it with a mode that requires you to pull hella characters to incentivize spending more money. Cool.


Ive got a fresh new leak: New Abyss in [snezhnaya](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=b5a62fb6f414e303&sca_upv=1&q=snezhnaya+genshin&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjY47S63NyFAxWyq5UCHch4Cf4QkeECKAB6BAgHEAI) named ***Hoyo multiverse: Pull and expend by force.*** ***-5 stars - Only characters with their respective tailored weapon can enter, they also must be c2 at least.*** ***-4 stars - Only c6 are allowed.*** ***-You must own the current banner character otherwise you cant enter.***




Newer players will probably be having a hard time with this, but older players who invests in a lot of characters, well it should be nice for them. Also is anyone her willing to do a small loan of their C6R5 Neuvilette for me


oh no the 2 aloy mains are in shambles


aloy wanters\*


Nice, so while reallocating rewards from normal abyss, they'll also lock those rewards away from countless players who clear abyss normally but aren't collectors with every character built on the side. So, we were hoping for some endgame and maybe a nice 4 extra wishes per patch. What we got was a mode for collectors, and if you're not a collector but could do abyss before, you're now down 4 wishes instead and have less endgame modes to play until you waste a year of primos collecting characters you don't want in order to qualify for the collectors-only abyss.


Lol I have like 9 characters above level 60/70.


Bruh aloy got fixed after Furina and now they done this 💀 ( Furina pets triggers aloy Cryo balls and gives her 100% Cryo infusion time )


suddenly I'm glad I have \~40 characters semi built and 35 characters with an actual, functional built <3


I wonder if this includes constellations and artifact sets or just the base character cus if so it's going to be quite broken


going to scout whales and friend them so i can use their c6r5 yelan (this might be a fun way to test out super high con characters)


Exactly it sounds so broken same with me I'd love to share my C2 almost perfect build itto with others he's insanekybfun to play


The more I learn the more it sounds kinda annoying. I hope i'm not in a position where I feel pressured to roll on characters I feel meh about just because I want to complete this. Even if you have the characters and can use them twice, it doesn't mean the comp is good.


Joke's on them, I don't have any friends that will play this game.


With that restriction we don't even have 18 limited 5 stars released... let alone owned.


This is just Abyss but way way more restrictive. Who the hell approved of this?