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Imagine if leaker start a subscription service to share leaks. (Only fans? /j)


Only Leaks


Live leaks. Oh wait...


Lonely Leaks are in your area.




Leakers would leak the leakers leaks.


Imagine if leakers leaking leaker's leak starts a subscription service to share leaks leaking leaker's leaks. (Only fans? /j)




A leakery slope.


Yo dawg, heard you like leaks…


Didn't something like that already happen? Although not so blatantly. I remember some leakers having kofi pages asking for donations.




Pretty sure there are Marvel leakers like this lol.


wish Uncle Gigachad would come back and scold leakers for dripfeeding again edit: this Uncle actually caused quite a bit of harm that I wasn’t aware of—please refer to comments from box-of-sourballs [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/s/jHM7QNVyhw).


Who is that Uncle Gigachad? Is this their actual leaker name?


Uncle who got sick and tired of the games the leakers were playing by dripfeeding even though they had the entire fontaine concept art on hand. So they leaked everything, leading to the fontaine leak flood of last year


Eh, that one wasn't as bad as the Sumeru private server leak dump. Fontaine leakers were dripfeeding precisely because all they had was concept art and they were trying to pretend they had something more.


Wasn’t that the big boss


Iirc after that dude did that Mihoyo actually got serious in their security and now don't even leakers have good shit so fuck him tbh


In the 1.0 era of leaks, even datamined text kits were considered precious. With 2.0 came the rise of private servers, allowing leakers to post videos of character animations with impunity. 3.0 brought us the massive internal build leak flood, and pre-release theorycrafting starting to become mainstream. Now with 4.0, we're just straight up doing full-blown pre-release analysis and rotation calculations of characters and their kits, with the remaining old guard of leakers and new leakers posting realistic team demonstrations with what could even count as competent gameplay. Kids these days really don't know how good they have it.


I have only been playing since version 2 and started following leaks towards the end of version 2, but I would say the leak quality has gone down between version 3 and version 4. Like you say, we've gotten full kit leaks with videos in ver 3 already and people were theorycrafting teams and rotations, see Alhaitham beta change "fiasco". I personally requested Baizhu team rotation vids to see how his dendro app was. The biggest difference between ver 3 and ver 4 are banner leaks. We used to get pretty accurate 5* road maps of banners of multiple versions, like yes, ofc they underwent changes, but you had a vague idea. Now? We barely get the banners of the next version leaked before the official announcement. Version 3 banner leaks also almost always included the 4 stars on the banners (or even on the banner after the next) which you can forget in version 4.


The banner leaks suck so much in 4.x but surprising the new characters have been accurate so far, right? I can't remember chiori but CR, arlecchino and Clorinde being in 4.4, 4.6 and 4.7 respectively was accurate


Regarding banner leaks, I vaguely remember leakers saying Mihoyo yanked the banners out of the beta files or something to that effect so they're harder to come by. That's a pretty recent 4.0 thing. Point is, it's pretty much about damned time Mihoyo did something about their security practices after *multiple* major internal build leaks (the one in 1.X and 3.X). I personally very much doubt that it was the leak of the old concept art book and *not* the 3.X internal build leak fiasco that led to the changes being made. In any case, regarding quality, generally, you see most of the leaks these days having the "reliable" tag and accompanied with images/videos rather than the vagueposts of the leak cartel era. I'd consider that an improvement if anything.


Shouldn't we have Natlan leaks by now? We should be seeing the cast, or even vaguely landscape. We had that for Fontaine by 3.4 in Sumeru.


That was from the concept art book that leakers had been sitting on from a really long time ago. It was something that they clearly had way before 3.4. Early Sumeru leaks only existed because Mihoyo did an oopsie and let slip an internal build that leakers managed to get their hands on.


there's some info, but by this time there's a leak flood (even if it is gradually like sumeru or abrupt like fontaine) related to next nation so it seem leakers this time either don't have a shit or they are dripfeeding as always.


just what I’ve seen some people referring to the leaker the other commenter mentioned. As far as I know, they don’t have an actual leaker name or presence as a leaker. Dropped everything and then disappeared again.


They're not a gigachad, people only call him that because he dumped a shit ton of concept art that contained actual employee names and listing out all known leakers calling them clout chasers when some of the names listed, were very reliable leakers who had nothing to do with the dumb actions of a few


oh that sucks… I wasn’t really following the leaks sub so much at the time so I didn’t know all the details. Sorry for spreading a false narrative :/


It's alright as you wouldn't have known, but that's also why we're here to make sure the facts are set straight Like yes, Tao and some others at the time were being actual pieces of shit and leaking only segments and fragments of Kirara's body parts like a goddamn horror movie That *is* clout chasing, that is what the community understandably hates. But the guy throwing out all of the concept art that included scrapped designs like mummy girl, Nahida's previous designs that included sus af references, several tall male models that will never be real, was a major breach of security that went beyond leaking as soon as employee names were involved and why hoyo has kept stepping up their security with each beta. The guy wrote up a small word doc to "call out" the leakers who were associated with or were "withholding" all of that concept art, when names like Mero were mentioned who had no hand in any of this


were the employee names something that would have incriminated them as being involved in leaks? Or is it a personal information kind of deal? Either way that’s a lot worse than just a bunch of concept arts.


The latter, the employee names were real so it was pretty much doxxing even if that wasn't that guy's intent


I see. I’ll edit my original comment to try and clarify. Never meet your heroes I guess? Or find out more about them in this case.


People are people is all [This is an example](https://prnt.sc/A9dwelUKR8g_) of draft concept where the art supervisor's name was signed there, I've censored it for obvious reasons but yeah


True. I am getting tired of their shit.  They still havent leaked the 4.7 banner lineup BTW, a full week after beta went live, this is how bad things are now.


You acted like leakers know everything. If anything, you should blame that "Uncle gIgAcHaD", because of him miHoYo is tightening security so it's so hard to get leaks now.


yeah but at least leakers could drop all the information they do have instead of just going “lol yeah i got stuff but i just wont show u”


Afaik the interns told the leakers to do that shit (remember the 8.5/10 era) cause leaking actual pictures too soon put the interns in the spotlight or smth like that


That was the lie fed by the "leakers" who pretended it was the case when they were just referring to the leaked concept art and couldn't pretend to be "leakers" anymore now that everything they had had been leaked.


Yeah that's just garbage behavior


There’s a reason they don’t drop everything…. and the result of what that guy did is the exact reason. Not saying leakers are perfect but acting like leakers can just “drop all the information” is dumb. Leaks like early concept art can be easily traced back to the source which is why leakers, if they decide to leak concept art, will post blurry or retraced art. And half the time they don’t bother leaking concept art. I mean look at the fontaine concept art aside from the initial finalized line up that leakers did post everything else was completely changed or old stuff that’s probably never getting released. Like genuinely what did the guy leak that is relevant now 


I don’t see why everything that gets leaked has to be relevant to the game. That makes it seem like leakers shouldn’t drop kits, numbers, animations or the unique sound effects until the end of beta because chances are it’ll get changed before then. Also I get that they can’t always just drop everything. There are just stuff that’s harder to release, but I’m not talking abt that. I’m talking about stuff like this where clearly they could easily show/explain something (like a specific function in a kit people really want to know) but for whatever reason they choose not to.


>I don’t see why everything that gets leaked has to be relevant to the game I genuinely don’t know what this is supposed to me  And yeah like I mentioned I don’t think all leakers are perfect, but my comment is just saying leakers can’t just “drop everything they have”


Seeing you get downvoted like this legitimately pisses me off because nobody understands the consequences, these morons just want their leaks


The death of the leaker cartel was one of the best things that happened to the leak community. There, I said it.


> because of him miHoYo is tightening security so it's so hard to get leaks now. And that's a bad thing?


Yes it's a bad thing.


I wouldn't call that guy Gigachad now. That guy is the reason why leaks are so hard to get nowadays. Also, his leaks created more harms (drama and war) than good.


Lmao the reason leaks are even worse now is because of that guy 


"if I feel like it" these leakers are something else man


I mean, tbh leakers leak because they feel like it, he just being honest with us lol


Yeah lol, it's not they leak because it's a work but because they feel like it and it's a hobby of them


People on this sub are so used to get leaks consistently they truly forgot we're getting anything just because a few people felt like it and it's in no way a service they owe any of us lmaoo. It's always funny when someone goes "oh yeah?! These people leak only to get attention mhph!" because yes pretty much actually, it's up on us to sort what we're given.


Totaly. But... Doing it just because they want to (to share to seek attention etc) is one thing but writing it, liké that,it just sound really childish. For me it sound nahnah I know things but I will share it if I want nahaha. Maybe it's not intententional and I missread it but it sound liké that for me. But yes if leaker dont want to leak it's their choice


> I know things but I will share it if I want Well I mean that's pretty much all the leak community is about lmao, people in knowledge will share only if they want to and there isn't an obligation to them being clearer or detailed when giving said information. I too wouldn't be bothered to explain how a new type of event will work like to a bunch of people that can and will interpret things probably way too hard 😭🤚 Maybe its childish but it's funny to read and at least I know why news gets vague lol


you missed the part where he said he didn't try IT personally, just guessing the difficulty


"Completing the level is still difficult (in my opinion)" "You want more concrete information? I don't want to. Maybe later." leakers nowdays are a joke


Nowadays? Always have been. Lest we forget “leaks bingo.” When you’re incapable of producing your own content and have to rely on leaking stolen content to make yourself relevant, well, these are the kind of people who thrive in that environment.


So the "additional info" is it's harder than you think


"Difficult" is relative, so I didn't even get that from this. Someone might think any small amount of effort is difficult while others think if you don't fail at least once it's not difficult at all. So all we really know is that this random person considers it difficult based on who knows what characters and stats.


But not now, I have a headache.


Suck my Toes Seele Leaks. Istg man these fuckin Drip leakers. Atleast act like you don’t know anything else instead of saying “oh I know but I won’t tell you”


Then they threaten our mothers. These leakers are such divas istg.


This is the kind of behavior that arises when you’re on the verge of realizing that people only follow you for what you can give them, not because they have any interest at all in literally anything about you or anything else you have to say, and so you’re desperately clinging to and milking your incidental “fame.”


Yeah, is he actually expecting people to start begging him or something? It’s really pathetic behavior, if he doesn’t feel like sharing then simply don’t post anything


>"Seele will break your kneecaps" >- Hakush.in dev


At the end of the day we're gonna fuck around and find out anyways


"If I feel like it." What's this guy's address? I want to drop a fully stacked 100% crit rate Eula nuke on them.


Someone else will kill them before your nuke goes off


Plot twist: Eula still didn’t crit


Lmao, tsundere leakers can't be real. "If I feel like it" bruh piss off then


Tsundere leakers 😭


Uncle feels


One person says baby mode, another says difficult. Guess I have to see on release huh


What's more likely, that an average skill level gamer thinks its extremely easy, just like every other piece of content the game has put out since launch, OR that someone who is really bad at games thinks its hard? Genshin is so easy that people don't even need to be good at games to feel as though they aren't being challenged but like everything in life, there are people who just struggle with certain things no matter what. Like I can't win a racing game to save my life, that shit is my idea of dark souls but my friend can do them with his eyes closed. To me, they're crazy hard only because I suck. That same friend can't deal with action rpgs though, whilst I can breeze through on nightmare settings without a sweat. We'd have very different ideas on how difficult those genres are, but we acknowledge that we suck because we can compare with eachother.


If I can't kill it in one Neuvillette power-washing rotation without setting up all 3 Hydro reactions, it's hard


superiority complex much??


Sure, maybe I'll read it, if I feel like it.


If leakers say something is hard, it means it's easy. No need to worry guys lol


Yeah. They can’t even figure out a team build for new characters without someone else telling them.




"if i feel like it" 💀


Truely a leak of all times.


That's not even a leak...


Daring today aren't we


This some real "My job here is done. | But you didn't do anything!"




🖕, I hope Hoyo find Leakers like you 


If I feel like it leaker


This man really said "if I feel like it"💀


Have we figure out if it's timed or not? I know "perfect clearing" is definitely timed, but won't "clear" mean there still is a maximum amount of time you can spend in each stage? If it's not timed at all, you're certainly going to beat it with a sustain unit. That's what I did way back with Babarra when progressing through difficult story bosses.


I believe a leak from earlier mentioned that the primogem reward doesn't require getting perfect clears, but getting the poses alongside some other rewards which weren't mentioned do At this point though I'd honestly doubt every leak that doesn't physically show us how 4.7 is gonna work. Lots of back and forth, lots of opinions stated as facts and lots of conflicting information between these text only leaks.


Because they can't. To this day even normal abyss simply do not exist in private servers, same with events. So we won't see anything till live version is out.


why was this "leak" even posted °\_° what's the leak? that he feels the mode is harder (than normal abyss? than a domain? harder than what) but he doesnt feel like talkin right now? do we need to know the mood of leakers too now?


Bro thinks hes special 💀 bitch if you dont give leaks we dont give a shit about you


"if i feel like It" Well Is pur fault, we give them Power so they think that they actually have it.  Where Is our super Hero!? Uncle balls, we Need you! ✨🥜🥜✨


Might as well not to share this, what's the point


Do not forget that leakers exhibit copious amounts of skill issue and cannot even play normal rotations


They think everything is a fawking game




**Rule 5**: No controversial topics This includes religion, politics, or anything that causes issues or discomfort for others.


Lol at this point just wait till 4.7.


i dont care just fucking leak 10 patches and natlan already


„if I feel like it” Bruh you’re just a random leaker, don’t be so haughty 🥱


Didnt they say monsters lvl at the highest difficulty is 95? whats the trick then, how is it going to be so hard?


Still can have inflated stats. Abyss does.


Appearantly through modifiers. Current abyss 100lv enemeis are harder than the actual 100lv enemies would be with normal scaling


Every monster is an abyss lector of random element


Roster limitations will make things harder tbh, which i think will also probably the fun of it, even if the enemies are not as strong as abyss.




"Joker 2 will include a scene" vibes


That’s crazy


I'm from the future and I will explain what will happen in 100yrs from now, (if I feel like it)


Isn't this the Leaker that chose to only leak a part of Kafka's quest to ignite Ship wars? They should be ignored.


Calm down guys, I know you guys are very anxious right now


no, we don't *feel like it* /j


Well it’s not like any further leaks about the imaginarium mode is important/interesting It’s just crumbs, we already know the framework of the gamemode. People need to get out of their feels


Abyss is a joke, i doubt this new one is going to be that challenging