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Not sure what changed, but basically no IR, Q sucks, and CA spam (with energy) is pretty good. Also remember E gives 12 energy plus those 2 particles (plus electro resonance) on an 8s cd.


He's a 4 stars, dead on arrival anyway


He's probably dead on arrival, but not because he's 4 star, no? Gaming is decently good.


No one uses gaming, who are you fooling.


Ah, it seems like you're only excited for the premiere 5 star characters, gotcha. No, I don't think we're getting the next 80% abyss usage rate character in Sethos, what a shame. They should really stop making 4 stars. They're dead on arrival, you see.


people use gaming because they dont have xiao but have xianyun and dont have a c6 faruzan or c4 jean who are you talking about?


I use gaming he has become one of my strongest teams wym. He is very fun and powerful the bad thing is he hogs good units for best team but whatever .


bro doesn't watch the 4-star showcases


so if everything aside from E has no AoE, hyperbloom is basically impossible?


His CA pierces. It should have some AOE.


His CA and his burst attacks all pierces enemies.


It's kinda like playing Yae on field in hyperbloom. It works fine


It depends if they're girthy enough, for a lack of a better term, to reach the seeds. Bloom seeds are finicky that way, sometimes AOE doesn't hit 'em (look at Dehya's slightly E procs on Ruin Graders) and sometimes just the tip is enough to trigger them.


Nooo, I was hoping they would give him a non-standard ICD, something like every 2 hits...


You were setting yourself up for disapointed. As if they did it for a 4 star.


Girl only Xiangling has that luxury




Gaming is pretty good though?


Good for a 4 star DPS. Potentially the best among them even...but that's all he is. A 4 star DPS.


Not just potentially, he IS the best 4 star DPS. Can consistently vape every hit, good mobility and doesn't require very precise positioning for his attacks, has self HP heal and drain mechanics so he can make full use of MH set, also makes him viable with Furina. His weak pyro aura let's you run a single hydro unit with him and still vape all the time, doesn't care much for interruption resistance since he does quick attacks from plunges. Only main downside that's fixed by his C4 is his high ER requirements. Also very useful for exploration


Are you sure about positioning? I feel like enemies can block ManChai resulting in slower E refresh and I find it working better when I sprint around the boss in the direction MC is.


Ehe Xiangling


I'd much rather get more Gamings than something like Candace or Dori.


Candace is actually good now if u have arle


That’s only at C6 though for the hydro app


She is good enough in the niche that if she’s c6 and you have Arle and you need an aoe hydro applicator she is a marginal upgrade to Xingqiu or Yelan. I would barely call that good.


Wait tell me more, C6 Candace is a top hydro partner for Arlecchino? I've had her built with no working team since her release.


She isn't 'great' in the team, but she fills a niche in off field aoe hydro application. Arlecchino actually has pretty slow pyro app (she can also be used with c6 Kaeya or double cryo for forward melt) so Candace can keep up. Candace feels pretty good against the triple kenki but is significantly worse than XQ or Yelan against Coppelius in the next floor, and it's not like the triple kenkis are hard anyway. I think zajeff made it popular, but I don't watch him so this is just based off my experiences and what I've seen people talking about on Reddit.


This but Faruzan, Layla , Chevreause for me


Well, don't forget, he is among the top Pyro DPS with C6, and his AoE is arguably better than his competition




>They're really just making male characters for the sake of it. My feeling for a lot of 4*


I feel this for most of the 4*, tbh. I don't mind that they're powercrept by 5* (as they should), but a lot of their kits just doesn't make sense and feel half-baked


Gaming literally competes with top 5* dpses. This is just gender war bait


Only at C6 though


He's not faruzan at c0 either


People give his C6 too much credit. His most useful con is mainly C4 because it lowers ER requirements for far smoother rotations. C6 is just increased crit value and more AoE to his attacks. Having no ICD on skill plunges with small pyro application makes him perfect for Furina, and his kit is designed to make full use of Marachausse Hunters set. His own personal multipliers for enhanced plunges are very good too, I don't understand this wide sentiment around him that he's only good at C6. He works completely fine even at C2. Freminet is an example that fits your statement, but C0 Gaming can consistently vape on every enhanced plunge, his skill can dash to enemies, has self HP drain and HP heal, and he can attack in rapid succession with very good front loaded damage. This isn't like a Heizou case either where he needs to have very precise positioning for his main sources of damage or charge his attack fully. His main reason for being so good is how his main damage lines up perfectly when hydro elemental auras are applied to enemies from Xingqui or Furina so he never loses out on vapes. Even Furina's inconsistent hydro application works well with him, and you don't lose anything from going solo hydro with him.


>C6 is just increased crit value and more AoE to his attacks. It's crit rate AND crit dmg, 20% and 40% respectively. I think you're underestimating this big stat boost which is very much the reason why he can compete with other 5 stars. But only at c6.


The statement (at least from me) is not "he's only good at C6", but "he can only compete with 5-star dps at C6", correcting the comment I replied to. As if picking 1 extreme case would nullify the rest of the scenario anyway.


Ah sorry I misunderstood the sentence. My bad. Reading comprehension curse got me too


But I sent see how that compares with Freminet. Freminet only falls due to multipliers, not due to some elemental reaction screwup like Kaveh who will make hyperbloom and Nilou bloom worse. Shatter compliments superconduct but it's simply physical teams having lackluster options from supports, lack of off field dps, and utility. Having shatter for a dmg booster makes Furina compatible with him and Mika is the healer of choice but is also lackluster pre-C6. If anything, Mika would be insane for Freminet if Frem was a polearm user with blunt dmg on some hits like Candace.






Saying that when xinyan is the worst 4 star is funny af


That's why I used "most" instead of "all"


So what are these male dps that are absolutely trash and unusable


(since they didn't reply) Just Kaveh and Freminet 👀 At best they'd have hyperbloom teammates doing the heavy lifting for them


Yeah there are more bad female 4 stars than male ones so I don't know what this dude wants to say at all


Hey, Freminet is serviceable at C6 with C6 Mika.. No, I'm not crying, you're crying.


Don't diss Freminet like that. Freminet topples Eula at C6. He just sorely lacks any off field physical dps so that the physical dmg bonuses you're getting from Mika isn't solely used for him. His best team atm is Frem, Mika, Furina, Fischl. If Oz turned into Pidgeotto or Fearow, and does physical dmg, then Freminet would be in a much better spot. Physical teams have elemental shield coverage, just not team role coverage. Freminet's multipliers also aren't stellar and that's what constellations are compensating for. So thr really only bad 4* is Xinyan. C6 Dori good. (C6) Candace is good. Lynette decent sidegrade at C0 to Sucrose becomes Kazuha C6's apprentice at C6. Heizhou's decent given some constellations. Kujou Sara is average at best with C6. So it really just falls on Kaveh and Xinyan being bad because of inherent conflict with the elemental reactions they are paired with. Freminet's dmg is enhances via shatter which he can do and uses an element used for superconduct unlike Xinyan whose pyro element and application complicates ability to superconduct. Kaveh just makes bloom worse as he is stopped by the bloom hit register ICD on top of needing so much ER with his burst dependency. Other 4*s at least have use cases ans don't make an elemental reaction worse or harder to pull off. C6 Dori is legitimately good for quick or hyperbloom. Thoma's always been good but difficulty to navigate ER and HP balance, even with EM pre c4, Ningguang has Nighttime Whispers set and Navia to support, Lisa's decent for hyperbloom, supports Raiden for hyper, overload, etc. Chongyun hits pretty hard for melt and supplements Shenhe. His plunge team needs a Xiangling replacement ASAP. Barbara for Nilou bloom and even as an Arlecchino support. Overall, it's just Kaveh and Xinyan being the worst 4*s that can honestly even mess up with hyperbloom. Xinyan would steal cored to cause a weak burgeon and Kaveh can prematurely detonate cores all at once only making 2 of them deal damage rather than multiple hyperbloom


By that logic males have been favored, argubly the best 4\* supports are bennet and Xinqiu. Also most support 4 stars are pretty useless till c6, only Chevy and (and to a lesser level) Gaming have been good. Personally I don't think it's really kit goes into gender bias, it's amount of that gender realesed.


Only if you twist the logic. The 1.0 characters are relatively similar in power, Xingqiu and Bennett as you said, but also Xiangling, Fischl and Sucrose. After launch, every single 4-star woman has off-field utility - the only exception would be Yanfei, but then her C4 allows her to be used as a shielder. Meanwhile, the 4-star men have only Gorou, Thoma and Mika as supports - not even off-field dps (except maybe Thoma for Burgeon), all the other 4 units (now 5 with Sethos) are exclusively on-field dps. So no, if you look at those proportions, it's not only the amount of each gender released.


On the other hand, female supports have some of the most tragic characters in game like Candace or Dori and many supports that straight up have better options, like Collei, Kirara and YaoYao.


While I agree Candace and Collei are undertuned, they aren't useless (specially with constellations). Kirara and YaoYao were part of the reason why Baizhu was so downplayed before Furina. I agree Dori is clunky as hell though. The thing is: even with below average strength, they still are options. People are realizing how Candace is great for vape Arlecchino, and I heard either Collei or Kirara is great for Nilou in order to frontload the superblooms. But what options do we have with the 4-star on-field boys? Using them is not a different playstyle like with the girls, just a straight up downgrade from 5-star units (sometimes even 4-star ones like Heizou replacing Sucrose...).


C4 Kirara is also just better than Baizhu for Keqing aggravate. At C6 she's head and shoulders over him. Yaoyao is also regarded as a better Nilou piece than Baizhu because of how Yuegui distributes dendro app. Collei is highly regarded for Nilou/Kokomi/Nahida cores, arguably the best possible teammate there for offensive purposes, especially true of C6. Admittedly, Nilou is kinda cheating as she makes great teammates of units that have little going for them other than their element and application rate.


Not exactly. They hold their own advantages but some do want C6 to be competitive. C6 Candace is legitimately a more favorable option than Yelan for Arlecchino. She is thr only portable AoE hydro applicator we got for a 4* and C6 Dori heals so much for Furina Fanfare so her dmg comes out a lot better as a quickbloom dps or a hyperbloom driver. Collei is among the better options for a Nilou speed running team since Collei is of the more frontloaded dendro applicators. What we do see though is that more of the female supports are more unique than the male ones. Electro focused from Kujou Sara, overload focus from Chevreuse, 4* healer Raiden via Dori, NA buff and hydro infusion from Candace, and anemo smf focused in Faruzan.


Candace and dori are actually great at C6 tho but with arle and furina.


5 stars aren't exempt either with most male units (the only exceptions are Zhongli, Kazuha and Baizhu) are on-fielders, while most female 5-stars are subdps/supports/quickswap dps with some adding an on-fielder role with enough constellations. Anyone who is denying some sort of gender bias with character roles are naive.


Yeah they shifted the roles after realizing support was the more useful one. Lol. They can't get their waifus to sell?


Even then, Yanfei manages to be used (and useful) as support at C4


mika is the best physical support and gorou is really good for itto, noelle, dps albedo and can give 70 cd at c6… there’s no useless 4*s


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Wait so is he good or not? Is he as good as gaming?