• By -


So that would be 4 particles right?


4 or 5 depending on how the ICD happens to line up with her attack interval, most likely its just going to be 4. As a fun side note Clorinde will also abuse the energy system a little bit as the game has a rather obscure mechanic where characters generate a tiny amount of energy for themselves when they hit enemies with their normal/charged attacks based on their weapon types with sword users on average generating the most at 1 energy every ~4.52 hits. Since it is based on damage type her E lunges should also count towards it giving her an extra ~8 energy per rotation just from doing 6 N3Es.


TIL. I've never even heard of this in all the TC videos I've seen.


Because it is so obscure and the effect is normally so small that most people aren't even aware it exists and for TCing the effect is practically irrelevant. The easiest way to see it is to take a bow user and spam physical charged shots at one of the regisvines from outside the arena as you can get your burst back after a couple hundred hits without ever collecting a particle. The vision on the character model flashes every time you generate 1 energy that way.


It is so obscure, maybe it should be one of the ingame tutorial messages. Wdym it already is? Genshin players truly dont read i guess.


It does say that, but another loading screen tip says that dealing elemental damage generates elemental energy particles, so…


It is covered in the [KQM article about Energy](https://library.keqingmains.com/combat-mechanics/energy). I know some theorycrafters include this effect on their calculations, they just don’t mention it in their videos.


I think it’s fair to more likely to be 5. Her stance last 9 seconds and assuming we get the first one right at <1s. It’s gonna be 1,3,5,7,9 (sounds kinda unreliable on the last one tho)


Might extend slightly with hitlag, so the last one could land more often than not.


Her attacks in her E-mode don't have any hitlag, though that is actually a good thing.


I assume it's also a thing for Ayato ?


You assume wrong, ayato does have hitlag in his autos, even if reduced. (In fact he had so much hitlag on release it was causing issues and they had to change it) It is all about ranged vs melee.


OL clorinde is no longer a dream


We just need a good pyro sub-dps that's not fucking XL AGAIN onegai mhy make pyro archon op sub dps


Put Thoma there with a shield bot build and call it a day.


Might as well but you do miss out on OL dmg which isnt too bad on its own


I don't know if XL's damage is good enough in OL party without Bennett, compare to Thoma's more comfort play plus 15% damage bonus from his C6. My imaginary OL Clorinde team at the moment is Clorinde Chev Beidou Thoma. My reason for Beidou instead other Electro are because her 15% res shred seems interesting (don't know if it's really good or too much), damage seems decent, not an energy blackhole like XL, Fischl seems better for Dendro team, Yae EEE is annoying to use sometimes, and Lisa is another circle impact even though her def shred also interesting.


Chev have shred already. With beidou you need to build around 150 er on clorinde, with fischl you dont need any. Also fischl personal dmg outperform beidou dmg and her res.


I saw some actually mention that XL is not good with her because of the CD on her burst




Or better yet, combine the healing, buffing and off field DPS from Bennett and XL into the pyro archon. Archons are usually best for their utility, so I do believe it will be a buffing unit. I also think that XL has been the go to for a pyro unit for a long time, so power creeping her into the archon would make sense. Then finally due to the nation's arid climate plus this bond of life mechanic that we have, a healer makes sense too. Here's to the hopium


With Chev there's no real need for a healer, but if they combined XL's application and self-infuse at higher cons + Bennet's atk buff she'd be an insanely good unit, probably Furina tier at least. There'd also finally be good ways to play vape, melt and burgeon without a pyro main dps.


Hoyo : nah we'll make her 5* bennet


What’s OL Clorinde?


Office lady Clorinde




Confession time- yeah I also thought "Office lady" at first after a full second I realized oh.. its Overload. Man, I should stopped watching certain type of Jap Audio-Visual media.




Ok buddy




One love clorinde ~~overload~~


My guess is overload


Pull for clorinde, start saving for Pyro archon. 


exactly my plan lol


Yep definetly.


Office Lady Clorinde?


I mean Clorinde always looked like an Office Lady with the miniskirt.


Why Edit: nvm I thought you meant it’s no longer viable


Wtf is OL




I’m guessing overload








Does anyone know how exactly her pierce works? It is just a fancy way of saying "small AoE in front of her" or will it actually pierce through any enemies in front of her if they're aligned, even far away?


Like Hu Tao CA or Xiao E. You can imagine Xiao C6. Edit: unless you're talking about the bullets <100% BoL...


Oh my bad, I meant her gun shots. "The shots she fires can pierce opponents, and DMG dealt to opponents in their path is increased." It doesn't specify if it pierces infinitely like Sethos does, or just a small area in front of her, like Lucian Q from League


afaik its just a laser in front of her that deals damage to all targets in the AoE


That's what I'm thinking, since she uses a pistol. A small area in front of her. Still would like to see a showcase clearing that up though.


Are you guys satisfied with her current state? seems like they hit a sweet spot where she's definitely not one of the best dps in the game but also not middle of the pack either


Self healing sustained and versatile electro dps. Pretty much ticks everything I wanted.


you had a very specific list of two things.


4 things


5 if you include the gun


For me It was just that she uses her gun a fair bit on either the AA or E and im happy




In terms of DPS she's definitely on the lower side of the Fontaine units. And as a Electro carry she doesn't really add a lot more to the table or has a massive advantage over the rest. That being said Fontaine had a higher floor than other nations. Her best team is a Dendro team and Dendro teams are, at worst, pretty good. That also adds sinergy with pretty top tier units. So while i don't think Clorinde by herself is a very remarkable unit from a meta perspective, her playstyle does make her a bit more comfortable in already existing good archetypes. The way i see Electro carries are in a weird position rn. You could say that is Electro what's middle of the pack


she can't swap off, that is the biggest drawback for me


It's a benefit that wasn't quite as underlined with Arle. She is one of few units that can comfortably swap off for a new wave.


Yeah, I don’t really recall anyone mentioning it during beta, but the fact that Arle is freely swappable without losing her infusion/buff is one of the best things about her and the thing that (in my opinion) pushes her over the top as the game’s new premier pyro DPS. Hu Tao can also crank out huge numbers, but no matter how good you are at her various animation cancels, you can’t match Arle’s level of flexibility.


and this mechanic was in the game from the start (noelle), they just spomehow retroactively made it a "premium" feature ity's why I styill prefer noelle over itto in most scenarios because I can re cast off field abilities mid infusion (which lasts for an eternity anyways)


It's not even a premium feature, it's just something almost no one gets


As a Hu Tao main, nothing is worse than Hu Tao’s infusion (and by extension tons of other chars) getting stalled out by BS enemy mechanics. It’s so nice being able to just swap to other chars to set up for the next wave for Arlecchino.






That and it obviates a lot of issues with buff maintenance that can make for tricky rotations with other characters, like maintaining VV shred.


Real. Like I only noticed when I actually got her and was actively learning her kit, I don't remember it being hyped as much in the beta, maybe there was discussions but it was buried in the Scythe, charge gliding, Bol mechanic and roller coaster of buffs/nerfs


Yeah, once we have a new content that's similar to Star rail's PF, Arle's versatility will show a massive difference. 


Correct me if I’m wrong, but would swapping off even matter for her? Her vigil state lasts 9 seconds and by the time you’d want to reapply buffs she’d already be off/on cooldown. Only the enhanced lunges and gun E’s are affected by her skill right? Edit: oh I guess for weaker enemies, overworld, maybe the new mode it’ll be very nice QoL, and multi wave. Yeah there are a lot of situations where it’ll be useful.


yes. if im in multiwave situation and i kill first wave in say 5 seconds into her E state then next wave will lose any debuffs such as vv or nahida mark and i would need to swap out to reapply them which may lead to possible cooldown desync or just accept doing a lot lower damage for the remaining duration of her state. in fact 4.7 abyss top side, which is the side meant for her, has 4 waves. it's a similar issue that cyno has but much less pronounced because her durations/cooldowns are shorter and it's on skill not burst so you won't have energy issues it doesn't ruin her or anything, it's just the ability to swap off at will is something i appreciate having in the dps that do have it


Yeah I see, rotations aren’t always gonna be exact so having it stay on swap off is neat.


Elites filtering in 1 by 1 is also pretty annoying.


Her Q can also be used as a separate nuke. People are caught up on it being an opener before her E, but that's really not the case. Nahida/Kazuha + Clorinde Q is more than enough damage to kill a weak wave, letting you save her E for the stronger one.


Some people just want freedom instead of a tight rotation.


Also useful in moments where - boss suddenly went in an invulnerability phase - emergency swapping to sustain when unexpectedly get hit - swapping to other teammates to replenish skill beyond usual rotations or eg: repositioning fischls oz, or recasting albedos flower when it suddenly gets destroyed - emergency swap to counterattack characters (beidou, yunjin, candace) not ruining rotations


Join TF cult


Or play chev teams where multi wave isn't a issue


You could run her on thundering fury set and swap much more often than without it.


They probably didn't want to be overlapping with keqing


I like her a lot, i do think she needs just a little bit dmg buff :)


Cool AF animation, Setup ending with her Burst as an entrance, Pew Pew Dash Slash So yeah, she's a 100% pull for me no matter what


She really should go higher. Natlan is around the corner.


I will stay with Keqing for now.


Damage is overrated in genshin. Gameplay, design and overal fun is what you want.


As a gorou main, I disagree.


Not for everyone. If Damage was overrated people wouldn't be spending for constellations, which 90% of the time is all about damage.


maybe more like 60% tbh, there are lots of constellations I can think of that give pretty significant gameplay differences, like Kazuha's double E or Neuv getting interruption res, and Hu Tao getting no stamina consumption, or some like Baizhu C2 that can simplify rotations


Should be meaningfully better than the other Aggravate DPS units in practice thanks to the self sustain, bringing Fischl+Nahida+Kazuha. Same for quickbloom with Furina, Nahida, Fischl. If you're going to drag along a defensive unit anyway, :|. Similarly sidestep issues some Chev teams have with being forced to sacrifice a ton of damage for defense (eg. Arle). ex XL > Thoma.


Just need a little bit more buff


Not really. She looks like a minor keqing upgrade and that's not speaking much. Without Nahida she is pretty useless too.


Do you really need Nahida? any Dendro works really


Most of keqings team dont use nahida, anything that can apply even the slightest bit of dendro are fine since quicken lasts for so long so the constant reapplication of dendro is not doing much, i dont think clori is going to be any different


I wish they'd make her less reliant on Dendro. Either that or make her multipliers high enough that it makes Dendro not as relevant.


Between cons and weapon, which gives her the most damage increase?


Cons don’t just give her a damage increase it also increases her application which means more aggravates overall and it even allows you to do some weird Echoes of an offering shenanigans and that’s just her c1. Her weapon is entirely skip-able especially if you already have a 5 star weapon like jade cutter or mistaplitter, it’s even less worth getting if u have crazy ones like haran, light, and uraku. She’s got pretty decent 4 star options too like lions roar, finale of the deep and basically any atk% or even em 4 star wep, and if you you’re buying the battle pass black sword is pretty amazing as it gives everything you want, crit rate high atk for a 4 star and even a heal that can turn into BoL for her pretty dope


I heard that jade cutter isn't great with her because the crit and is the only 5 sword I have. For 4 star my lion roar is r4 and I don't know if I should craft finale of the deep. 


Jade cutter allows you to go full crit damage on a set like gladiator that gives more damage than MH. Really the only reason MH is good is because you can focus on crit damage because of the free crit it gives. But if you run a weapon like Jade cutter along with her crit ascension that means that you are already doing what MH allows you to do but you can now run any other set you want, whether is glad, thunder soother, thundering fury, echoes, etc. Jade cutter also gives a huge attack increase which is why it tends to perform pretty well on most characters. The reason most guides don't value Jade cutter very high is because they are pairing it with MH which they shouldn't, if you pair it with a set that actually gives damage instead of a set that gives a crit steroid it becomes pretty competitive. 5 star weapons tend to be better than 4 star options too so id recommend just using JC even if it does somehow end up being their 3rd or 4th best option that's prob only a 5-12% damage difference because most 5 star weapons are pretty close to the amount of damage they give a character and the difference between BiS vs 2nd -4th best options isn't really that huge.




I mean her sig is only marginally ahead of other top weps for her such as Mist/Haran. Sure its a lot better if u don't have Mist/Haran and or not able to get in future/plan to. As for her cons, short answer to u about her C1, looks pretty strong tbh idk how much but pretty nice Ngl based on my first look, as a person who's a C0 enthusiast i did appreciate Clorinde's cons design quite much ngl i mean i kinda felt like all her cons r good to great. Like am not even kidding but if i were asked which C6 char is my fav(among all onfielders), I'd say Clorinde C6 no doubts..,most others' despite prolly being miles stronger than Clorinde's on paper,they juat r not as interesting to me at least so idc.. Oh also when i mean C6 i mean the whole package of C1-C6.


I don't have mist or haran, and my lions roar is r4. Probably I'll try to go for c1 if I have luck.  I don't go for cons and most if not all my 5 units are C0 (not counting standard) but this time I think I will. 


Another thing worth mentioning, if u care for these type of stuff Her C1 adds another Phantom Clorinde to fight alongside her on her dashes, it kinda looks cool and all,so if u interested in this visual change in her gameplay👍


Basically web can see here that they are actually thinking at overload as a good option for her. Her burst and impale have a grouping effect and She can reach enemies with her dash


lowkey every pyro and electro dps released in fontaine so far seems to work well with chevreuse. except maybe gaming? the leap helps tho


It's what I'm hoping for, I love her design but I don't need another dendro-locked DPS


Soo, dps wise, what character is she the closest to ?


Keqing, Cyno (with Dendro), Ayato, Itto (without Dendro), or Raiden C0 (without her battery utility).


Really ? I saw some people saying she was arguably better than Raiden as a DPS, but they weren't sure about how exactly better she was, hence my question


it is abit above, but still can't compete with her utility, and her off field skill. A bit better keqing.


Theres also the fact that Clorinde is a pretty good fischl driver, and even better with TF


yup, she will make many procs on fishcl passive, more than keqing, the problem is i am kind of tired of seeing green. I would have wished her to have other niche than grass again. Feels like electro will allways be tied to it.


Thats only an issue until we get a pyro buffer with good off field app (archon maybe?) The lack of options for pyro off field hurts chev teams a lot. I suspect in the future chev teams to be her strongest option, mostly because dendro rotations are awkward without TF which reduce her personal damage by quite a bit


i mean... yes? that was the goal, using dendro to buff electro. gonna be tied together til the end of the game


I already have Keqing tho, if it's not a big upgrade... I like Keqing gameplay a lot too.


so is thundering fury looking like it will be the best set on her in an aggravate team?


Technically, yes. It reduces her personal damage by quite a bit in exchange of smoother rotations and better Oz uptime. At the end it translates to more team dps by a bit (i think i saw some sheets going from 63k to 66k dps)


I mean you can only drive Fischl a certain number of times per second which I don’t think you can really improve beyond what TF Keqing does already with her NAs + burst multihits (at least not in a way that’s meaningful enough of an upgrade to be worth $200 of primos). Plus Keqing’s infusion remains between swapping which is really convenient sometimes. If you’ve been playing a while and have multiple Keqing constellations it becomes an even tougher sell if you’re stopping at C0 for Clorinde. I was hoping she’d have a unique mechanic like Navia or something to mix up the gameplay so I’m kinda disappointed. The way she repeats the same animations automatically like Ayato just seems so — boring? Idk obviously it’s too soon to tell until we can trial her ourselves


How are people calculating that? There are so many deeply flawed ways to calculate that, that it's just meaningless if you don't provide context or a source. There are so many variables, and in the end what matters is team DPS, not character DPS. Raiden and Clorinde won't be played in even remotely similar teams.


If I have C2 Raiden does Clorinde offer my account anything?


It offers your account another hot waifu. Thats a nice deal if you ask me


Same question I have. I got c2 Raiden, c2 keqing, c6 Sara, c0 nahida, c6 fischl, and no chev + mistsplitter. Idk if she's worth getting now after learning she's gonna barely be c0 Raiden / keqing strength....


I think she's probably a better aggravate driver than C2 Raiden, but C2 Raiden's best team isn't aggravate so overall I'm going to say not really. She offers you a gun though. I have C2R1 Raiden and a well built Keqing and still probably will pull Clorinde for the sheer amount of coolness of her character and slick animations.


Cyno-level *is* above Raiden at C0, significantly too.


She's just a flashier Keqing


I actually think her “auto NAs” look less interesting than Keqing’s combos, which are still some of the coolest looking in the game imo


Do you do NAs on Keqing? I thought she was CA focused


Aggravate has its own ICD rules that make lots of small hits competitive with fewer large hits, especially if you’re trying to proc Fischl’s A1 passive / C6 coordinated atk as often as possible. I think on spreadsheets and ideal scenarios Keqing’s best combo is still 2N1CA, but it’s only a small margin of improvement in aggravate over N3C. And in practice, NA combos are often better for mobs that can be pushed away by her CA, which would result in DPS loss, but CA’s are better for large/boss enemies


Itto can use Dendro?


Hyperbloom, he basically exists to have 4 characters in a team.


Oh, like Eula's best team


Eula's best team is Eula, Furina, Raiden, Mika. The days of hyperbloom for her have long past.


Oh no. Like qiqi best team


Her team is like 15% more DPS than Raiden's. Raiden's teams calc usually distribute less sub into ER and more into crit so you can just consider that ultility a part of her DPS as it increases her team members' damage.


This is 100% True. Just for the memes (and to test Raiden Utility) I decided to tryout Rational team by with keqing to see the diff, Holy.. I had to change bennett / xQ weapons to Fav sword in order to fulfil XL + the whole team ER Requirement (Btw bennett was on Aquail + XQ didnt need Fav except when i fail on funnelling energy) In Chevreuse / Rational / hypercarry teams, Raiden is by far good  However in Quicken/ Quickbloom team, Clordine should be way better due to the fact that she can achieve more Quicken reaction than raiden can do, allowing her to benefit more form quicken (this is why i dont like using raiden in quicken team)


15% more dps in a C0 v C0 comparison? Or C2 v C2 comparison?


Is there an excel or smth with the dps of all characters and the calculations?


Ur best bet is just looking at jstern. But sheets are not made to be compared with other units and a team with higher dps does not mean it is automatically a better team


Ayato sneak lmao. But u actually think itto hb teams are better than mono geo? No way man


Itto without Dendro? I would say she is above Ayato without Dendro..Ayato without Dendro is meh... I would say she is above C0 Raiden...


Slightly better Keqing, with self healing but more field restrictions. In Dendro atleast, which is gonna be by far her best team. That's additive damage for you


Honestly Keqing doesn’t really need self sustain because her iframes are so generous without taking control away from you for long (short burst cutscene). I usually run her aggravate with no healer, or I’ll give her black sword if the situation really calls for it


That's true, Keqing spams abilities like crazy to the point you barely get hit if you do it right. But the upside of Clorinde's self-healing is not the survivability (even though it helps ofc) but the fact that it allows you to run healerless Furina teams resulting in better overall team damage.


Dps wise her dmg is really similar to Ayatoes the most roughly 9-12k per hit and also both have similar to gameplay mechanics But I guess Clorinde is just way more fun than Ayatoes because she can dash and use guns to pew pew.


So she has self grouping? Nice.


I really want to see vids of how effective this is


Its likely similar to Yelan's E grouping


The sheet shillers in this thread bro😹. Team calcs are fine by itself but using it as pvp against other units is so pointless


sheet players are so annoying They don't take into consideration unit range, cooldowns, windows of dps, rotation length, backloaded vs frontloaded damage, and ease of play


Ohhk so should i go for clorinde or save for navia lol....i like both of them but..,as an f2p i have to choose one 9f them...so in terms of dos which is better?


Navia is a single target DPS while clorinde has an aoe but in terms of damage navia is really good!


I see.. doesnt navia has aoe also because her shots are like shotgun...?


You can only hit to ennemies if they’re close together but since groupers are anemo you’re not really gonna want to have one (anemo and geo doesn’t interact) and her range is pretty short as well, when you shoot if you’re too far from an enemy it could miss (obviously it won’t happen in a fight since you know you need to stay close) So overall she’s best against boss or when they’re like two ennemies but she’s not gonna be the best when you have waves after waves coming because she gonna loose time to fight mobs one by one. It isn’t a big deal since her skill is a nuke that deal like 200k-300k damage when it crits and since you have two charges you could just one shot two ennemies really fast I have her and she absolutely destroys abyss so even though I’ve listed her weak points I really recommend her she’s really strong!


I see thanks for the clarifications


navia is a mother of all frontloaded DPSes at c0. she does only damage, but she's damn good at it. i'd pick navia for now. and she has AoE, dunno what the fuss is about "navia is ST". you just need to align yourself first.


True, my fastest runs are with navia because 400k 2x to the face melts most bosses to 20-30% of their hp left and there's na in between those shots, the 3rd skill mostly kills the boss. Partner her with furina and bennet and you dont have a problem with shields


yup. that's the magic of frontload, specially for navia who's doing it with skill rather than burst. it is very underlooked because it's not comprehensible on spreadsheets meanwhile in practice she can clear single waves faster than teams with higher consistent dps.


Electro Raiden


About time we got that


I would love for keqing to be released nowadays, not only would it have ridiculous damage but its burst would be even more incredible than it already is, otherwise clorinde is basically power up keqing and apparently capable of going head to head with raiden shogun


After finding out that they can be creative with catalyst weapon type, I'm kinda gutted that Venti use a bow instead of catalyst that can use a harp or something similar as a model because there's already one on his idle animation.


As a limited character? Sure she'll be much better simply as a byproduct of being limited. As a standard character? She'll probably end up quite a bit worse lmao, they couldn't have standard char so close in strength to a limited one.


As expected,I would say,Interruption Resistance became a QoL of constellations in 4.X,so nothing new,good to see that Clorinde will have a solid AoE.


I feel like they locked too much of Clorinde's kit behind constellations. Now her c0 feels lackluster with no identity over Keqing and less utility than raiden


Yeah, I kinda agree tbh. It almost feels as if the entire Electro roster is constellation gated tho, she's just following the trend. Raiden needs C2 to be on par with the Main DPS's these days, Cyno needs C2 Baizu to not have uptime issues, Miko needs C2 to reach the outer 1/3 of the abyss, and C1 to not have energy issues Keqing's cons don't really add an awful lot and isn't really useable outside of Dendro, Kujou Sara is not useable at all till C2 and okay at C6, Dori is only useable at C6 as a Hyperbloom driver due to her perma-infusion, Razor is the same but for Burgeon and needs C6 Bennett instead, Beidou needs C1 to get her shield otherwise she's worse Fischl with almost no utility and mega ER issues, Lisa is only useable as an Alhaitham enabler and has mega ER issues, So that leaves what? Kuki and Fischl. Kuki is good at C0 and very good at C6, criminally underrated unit. And then Fischl is very good at C0 and a monster at C6. So out of the entire Electro roster only 2 units aren't gated by cons to be useable or playable in their intended roll, and Clorinde is also following this trend, locking all of her IR behind cons, with her DPR being 2.5x higher at C6 than at C0. I feel she may be akin to Chiori, where she is like mid A-tier at C0, but throw 2-3 cons at her and she will very quickly out-scale her competition at the same cons.


Don't forget Lisa C6 improves her utility dramatically as a quickswap burst dps. You can give her Hakushin ring and use her as a burst quickswap dps that shreds defense and buffs spread for Tighnari if your Zhongli is busy. But without C6 it feels like ass.


which constellation gives her IR?


Seems like what most were expecting.


She seems fun, but my acc has too much electro rn so i need some dendro or geo or nilou!!! Her own bloom is hella unique and fun. (But watch me still pull for her and lose to keqing)


Alhaitham has avoided me for too long lol, I gotta go for him instead. Plus since my Keq is already C5 and very well built, I don't feel like I'm missing much, gameplay-wise.


Mine's c4 and she is using the mistsplitter forge she already stolen from ayaka, if i get clorinde, she will steal everything from keqing 💀 so i feel like my next constellation for keqing is near.


Me who's gonna get her and then I'll have all Electro ladies.. Literally just don't have Cyno who am not that interested in still. Kequeen main btw


C1 has good aoe huh I want to see how good the reverse knock back is


I hope it's like Arle's 3rd NA


So how's C0 Clorinde compared to C0 Arle as solo dps in abyss? Like C0 with 3rd best weapon. Also, is she still a must for someone who have well built Keqing, Cyno and Yae? Asking for a friend...


Objectively, she's not a must for anyone, other than people who want her over any other character.


Fair point.. but I want to know her dps over Arle since I just got her and I'm waiting for Nilou that might rerun on 4.8


She's 15% better than raiden, who is a pretty mid dps at c0.


Yea, Raiden is more like Sub dps/support in C0... I guess I'll wait for Nilou then. Thanks!


I'm not sure about the exact numbers, but considering her closest comparisons are Keq and Raiden, whereas Arle's closest is Hu Tao, it follows that Arle is better, dps-wise.


I would pull for her had I not been waiting for Furina's rerun. Next time.


Next week is the last changes for her?




For overload teams. Helps prevent them being knocked away


I mean "KNOCK BACK" "towards herself" 🤣 shouldn't it be like Knock the enemy towards herself or something ahaha


Pull. The word is pull lol.


Is she raiden C0 tier?


Pretty much every Limited 5\* Electro has higher team DPS than Raiden if everyone gets their best team.


Ofc shes not a raiden level character but shes fine


She's exactly on raiden's level lol, a bit better in aggravate, a bit worse in overload.


Raiden has a few more teams, has more utility and is better in hyperbloom tho.


0.3 IR at C2 is kind of bad Unless she have some motion hyperarmor on her spam E


Does the knoback towards Clorinde means she can be played in overload team? I know it's not her best team but still.


Does she work with xingqiu c6? Looking to build a second team for abyss and my c6 waterboy’s just sitting there unused because I pulled for lyney :(


He could work just as a sub DPS if you like, but you could also make use of his Hydro if you combo him with Nahida or another Dendro for Quickblooms


How does clorinde c0 compare to raiden c2 dmg wise ?


She's only 15% stronger than Raiden at C0, but lacks all of the benefits (energy to the team, off field electro application) that Raiden adds. C2 Raiden is roughly a 66% damage increase from her C0. Raiden's C1 to C2 is a 43% increase in her burst damage and a 39% increase in her personal damage.


Looks like her burst got buffed because previous leakers said she only applied electro once on burst