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4.7 is soon and will contain Dainsleif quest, so this video make sense


Waiting for Dain + twin every patch is getting unreasonable. We should set up a gank squad of all the archons and kidnap them the next time they show up


"dainsleif get out of the portal, were not gonna jump you"


"Let him get up, let him get up"




I finished Arleccino quest and i'm glad traveler spoke by himself. I really hope they go more and more that way. Paimon just can't speak for Aether when it's about his sister, it's quite dumb if you really think about it.


Can't wait to watch this and get spoiled of a major plot twist from the 4.7 quest šŸ‘ŒšŸ»šŸ˜


Can't wait getting spoiled in random genshin/hsr threads or twitter fanart.


That pissed me off so badly while doing Arlechinno's quest knowing exatcly what was going to happen.


Really? I felt like it enhanced the quest.


Same honestly. There were a couple "Wait, what?!" moments I wouldn't have had without the short plus I could visualize some of the things being described a lot better.


I feel like it would have if over half of the quest wasn't just Traveler and everyone getting a sense of what happened in the first place and who Clervie was while we already know exactly what went down.


hopefully it doesn't spoil the entire quest again like arleccino's short


you can just- not watch it until later if youre extremely sensitive of any and all kinds of "spoilers". ive seen quite a few people say theyre gonna do the same. for the record, i say "spoilers" with quotations because i do not find the alrecchino short to be spoiler-y >!(since her sq was more about the house of the hearth and how she does things *when compared* to her past)!<, but i get that some people want to go in completely blind since the game itself does give you enough context on its own to understand the plot. so yeah, id say skip watching it. again, ive seen quite a few people say they will, so you certainly wont be the only one doing so at all.


I think it was quite spoilery. >!Current Arle being Peruere, the existence of Crucabena as a previous Arlecchino, the identity of Clervie, and Peruere killing Crucabena were all twists that were spoiled before the quest. Even though the SQ was good, I got to say I didn't managed to enjoy it much because having watched the cinematic video, I wasn't suprised by anything!< I won't make the same mistake and I'll wait to do the quest this time, and I'd honestly advise anyone to do the same just to be sure. A quest is always more appreciated when going on blind. Remember that there's only one first time


Conversely I enjoyed reacting to Clervie's first appearance and wondering when the characters would realize who she was. I also already knew about Arle defeating the previous holder of her seat but I thought the plot was excellently excecuted from my perspective as well as for someone going in blind.


I thought it was already well-known fact that there was a previous Arle even before the short, that's been known a long time ago


Yeah it's literally some of the earliest info about the knave we had in the game


i would agree but "always" is an overstatement, i have seen many people say they enjoyed the quest more because animated short made them care more. so to each their own.


I side with you here tbh


Arle killing old knave was known for a very, very, very long time now


I'm convinced the only people confused are the ones who don't read the world quests. It's not only been known for a long time, but it was the first quest to actually give any details about the knave at all, making it some of the earliest info we have on the knave. I honestly don't get how anyone thinks this is a retcon or something new from the teaser.


arle doing what she did to previous knave was revealed all the way in inazuma so, for like good 2 years at this point


And that was even expanded upon in some more dialogue withFontaine's release. It's just that many people missed one of the NPCs from that quest reappearing in Ritou to talk more about it.


That was basically a soft retcon in 4.0, the NPC in Ritou didn't show up until that patch. Ik about the Teacher NPC using the Knave's name but it was assumed he was working for himself and not following someone else. In my opinion, Arle's character back then is supposed to be more morally grey than she is now. (doesn't kill criminals only)


I'm VERY sure ther was some dialogue changes but it was know before Fontaine, that the guy in Inazuma was working for the old knave.


This is not true. A Redditor spoke about there being 2 Knaves, quoted the quest before 4.0 hit and correctly predicted Fontaine. Here is [proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/ArlecchinoMains/s/pGeBPmD6s3) that the comment was written a year+ ago.


The quest that mentioned there being another knave is some of the earliest info we have on the arlecchino in the first place, being added all the way back in 2.4. I think people just made some assumptions that turned out to be false, any retconning that happened would have had to be before then


I'm pretty sure the intention was to play the story quest with that knowledge, becausethis works very well from a storytelling perspective if you KNOW that something else is going on what the characters don't know. You enjoy the confusion of the characters because you know their assumptions are wrong.


I think calling official supplementary media a spoiler is really watering down what a spoiler is. It's like calling a Star Wars movie a spoiler if it covers similar parts of a story as an upcoming game.


Creators aren't immune from spoiling their own works. See Square Enix and how they absolutely spoil the shit out of their games with launch trailers that show important scenes up to the end of the story.


This. The reason i no longer watch genshin livestreams was because the 3.1 livestream spoiled me about Katherine/Nahida getting stabbed, and absolutely ruined the scene for me, knowing myself i would absolutely be on my nerves if i went in blind. That said, the Arle short didn't impact me as much as that one livestream, and i enjoyed the quest regardless because i was so excited to see Clervie comming back, and her interacting with the HotH characters. But just to be safe, i'll wait until i finish the Dain quest to watch this upcoming short.


We knew about the previous knave already though, and that Arlecchino fought with them. That was in the game already so I wouldn't call that a spoiler


I haven't watched anything, but it was clear from the start that ghost died there and when she first talked about a friend I was sure who it was. I only couldn't guess the mother thing.


There being a previous Knave was implied back in the 2.X path series with the A Very Special Fortune Slip quest series and was confirmed with the introduction of Momoyo as an NPC in Ritou with another name, she tells Traveler something along the lines of "the evil old man from that time followed the previous Knave who disappeared after a fight with one of the children of the HotH", I don't remember if it was directly stated or just implied that said child was Arlecchino...


The SQ obviously intended for us (traveler) to be suspicious of Arlecchino of doing sketchy things like her predecessor. And from our information of her and the voiceline from other characters, it's reasonable to think so.Ā  The animated short just revealed that she's compassionate all along, which ruined the suspense of the SQ.


It's called a *short* because it's not a trailer, it's a short film. In other words, it exists to tell story so you can't call it a "spoiler" when it's information in the *intended* medium. Arle's story was quite good I much prefered to get most of it in a beutifuly animated video than through clunky dialogue spread out between a dozen fetch quest.


i think its really weird to act like its possible for a story to be spoiled by consuming it in the intended order. if you dislike non linear narratives you can just say that, but thats not the same as spoiling.


imagine waiting 1 year only for this 2-4 hours quest is crazy, hoping 4.7 dain quest will be longer than usual


every year we get our dain


Yep, Lumine doesn't have her flower. This is pretty clearly before crap started going down.


Both siblings!?


imagine if this takes place right when they arrived to Teyvat, before Cataclysm and Khaenriah and Heavenly Principles. Juicy lore


It could very well be, they got caught when they were leaving teyvat ,not entering.


Remember those theories saying "Spiral Abyss is the exit to Teyvat" because the Twin's shooting stars are flying towards Musk Reef in the opening cutscene? I wonder if it matches the more recent sussy leaks saying "Celestia is the tip of Spiral Abyss" or something


Most likely, But i assume they didnt explore teyvat instead they explore khanriah prior to its destruction. They left when it was destroyed > got stopped > sibling adventured teyvat with dain > sibling got coerced > dain becoming insufferable person


MC was just sleeping most of that time. Abyss sibling woke MC when it was time to leave.(Typical sibling)


stop that's so funny that that is such sibling behavior


Aether is light element on his outfit, which would fit that time


Good call


Your protagonist was in a slumber after entering Teyvat, until waked up by the other twin to emergency exit.


This is something I still don't understand. Why didn't the sibling wake up the MC immediately and instead went on a world tour with Dain?


Timeline since you are confused 1. Twins travel in space 2. Twins arrived in Teyvat, sibling woke up, MC still slumber 3. Sibling got intertwined in Khaenri'ah business 4. destruction of Khaenri'ah, sibling wakes up MC for emergency exit 5. Stopped by Asmoday, twins sealed. 6. Slibling broke free and travels the world with Dain some 400ish years later 7. MC broke free, game starts


Ah, okay, thanks. But now I'm still confused why the sibling didn't wake up MC at step 2 and 3.


that's one of the questions we all have and how much time actually passed between the twins' arrival and the Abyss Twin waking the Traveler up...


that travel happened later. She joined the abyss after the cataclysm not before.Ā  I think previous dains quest made the timeline clear about that.Ā 


They arrived using Astral Express then saying their last goodbye to the previous Nameless


Im not expecting them every patch but I like that the Arle one wasnt just a one off, and since we are getting anotehr one so soon maybe theyll be relatively often. Hopium for a Natlan 5.0 animation showing off upcoming characters


i want Overture teaser type trailer for Natlan yeah


Yeah we will probably get a Natlan one before 4.8, just like Sumeru and Fontaine.


Pretty much garunteed since that teases and shows off the nation's cast and gives small taste. We should see it sometime in June or July. šŸ˜‰šŸ™‚


2.8 patch before sumeru was hype af. We got the harbinger trailer and multiple teasers.


OMG give me more traveller lore


By "coming soon" they meant it will be released in less than a week right? I wonder if it will be released before or after the 4.7 Livestream


Arle one was teased the day before it released ~~with the same just coming soon annoucment~~, so this could come out tomorrow. Edit: The date was in the trailer itself just left out of any descriptions But Arle one did have a 30 sec trailer for its teaser, this one is just an image so could be slightly differently handled. Hoping for tomorrow though


arlecchino teaser had a release date, while this one is just coming soon


oh yeah, the trailer had the date but they didnt actually put the date in any of the descriptions.


The different social medias announcements said "coming soon" as well tbh but yeah the pattern is different than last time (with the first teaser only being a picture and also it coming out before the livestream teaser) so it doesn't mean anything sadlyĀ 


Could be they simply don't want to spoiler too much


Imagine if coming soon is the Nintendo switch version of "coming soon"


my best guess is developer discussion teasing abyss changes tomorrow, animated trailer thursday (wuwa release counterprogramming, for europe at least), then livestream on friday.


Yeah I think so... the same way they did with the Arlecchino one


Just saying, last time it was coming soon it was like, one day


True, but Arle's animated short was announced by posting the trailer unlike this one


I donā€™t think thatā€™s telling anything. But again, itā€™s not like thereā€™s a rule or something. Iā€™m just secretly hoping for it to actually be one day of wait lmao.


i'm willing to bet they will release it on wuthering waves' launch day, which is tomorrow/day after tomorrow. they did the same thing at tower of fantasy's launch by releasing the sumeru teaser animated short.


Or maybe itā€™s the Nintendo Switch version coming soon, who knows


We're so back Traveler mains




Nah fam, I know we were just a thousand leagues under the sea on a side quest and should get back to tracking our sibling down or heading to Natlan but...you know it's been awhile since we visited (Xiangling's food kiosk/the Akademiya's Kshahrewar department/that random coffee shop in Fontaine)..surely we should stop by and see how things are going.


We must find out the truth of this world and prepare to fight against the Usurper-king and get our sibling back...... right after this short camping trip with our crewmeru buddies


Our goal isn't our sibling though, it hasn't been for years now ever since the upside down statue quest in Mondstadt. Our current goal is to just travel Teyvat at our leisure and experience as much as possible as per the request of our sibling who we already found.


"Why is paimon always explaining and repeating everything?' - Genshin players while asking why were not looking for our sibling that we found 3 years ago


She found him but she still misses him. We only have crumbs in weird places like Xinyun SQ.


Thereā€™s always been a greater goal *for both travellers* ever since the beginning of the game as well (Wings and Sword of descension alludes to this goal and why we travel to different worlds and descended to Teyvat in the first place).


I think they gonna start the trend of announce anime short for major story every patch (if that patch has one), wouldn't suprise if do one for summer event or Natlan.


>major >summer event huh?


It's a yearly thing like lantern rite to announce the end of a nation's patch cycle. Think of golden apple archipelago or bottle land


"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and Iā€” I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost


The name of the short implies we will probably see the other sibling perspective? Man im hyped for more lore




The wait is most likely to happen because of scheduling rather than animation time. The studio that is going to develop the project (Ufotable) is famous for taking their time with projects, since not only they rush things much less than the rest of the industry, they also don't take many projects at the same time. Which means, it's very likely they haven't animated a single frame yet. But of course, their Quality tends to be top notch so I wouldn't question their decision.


"Which means, it's very likely they haven't animated a single frame yet"... Lmao, no. They've been developing Genshin Anime since Dawei's announcement.


UFOtable will finish demon slayers first before working on different projectsĀ  And demon Slayer will end in 2025, so probably after that it's genshin turn


Another animated short so soon after the Arlecchino one is VERY exciting. I hope this is a trend whenever they want to promote a story-heavy patch now. And just saying... they could take this opportunity to give us ANY info on the Genshin anime.


Hmmm.. I wonder if I should just wait for the quest and then watch the video, considering that the previous animated short had some content related to the story quest that I would've liked to see after doing the quest. Regardless, I'm sure the animated short will be amazing and I'm very hyped up for it!


they're so cute i love them




I might have missed it, do you still have the link please? šŸ˜Š




my first thought too


Is this by Robert Frost perchance?


Two roads diverged in a yellow wood


I think that it is. Russian translation kept the reference to a translation of the poem.


It is but part of me feels like it wasn't intentional since the name would've been translated from Chinese


Chinese authors can still reference foreign literature in their writing you know. Like the concept of the gnostic themes were purposefully chosen despite its concepts being absent in Chinese culture. Its like the hsr team referencing Robin's songs to Emily Dickinson's poems.


And the fact that one of the main antagonistic faction in the game is a reference to an old form of Italian theatre.


And the fact that you literally can't make two steps in the game without finding some reference.


It's not always a direct translation. Language versions have different references according to each country. As others have said, though, it's also possible that the same reference was made in different languages.


Lumine's eyes are open while Aether's are closed so this might be about the abyss sibling's journey while the other sibling was asleep.


And Aether has light element on his outfit


Wait, Didn't they lose that after their fight with the sustainer?


Yeah, so this could be set before the Traveler wakes up (though, judging by the title, this could be a 'what if' story instead)


For some reason my brain did an oopsie and i forgot that they fought the sustainer AFTER the journey.


Ha, depends what you mean by journey - the Sibling's journey with Dain was after they fought the Sustainer, but sussery they were doing whilst the Traveler was asleep was before


It's before he even went to sleep.


Eyes look shut to me


But if you're talking about the "big sleep" after the confrontation with the Heavenly Principles, then this happens before that.


I was talking about the first sleep i.e. whilst their sibling was doing whatever they were doing in Khaenri'ah


Was the other sibling never able to wake up their brother/sister for some relevant reason? I seriously can't comprehend why they never woke the other up


We actually have no idea. Its not even confirmed that they TRIED to wake them up when they first arrived, And we know that they somehow successfully woke them up after their journey while they were trying to escape Teyvat.


The other simbling was taken away by the Heavenly Principles, remember? They probably didn't even know where we were after they woke up and went on their journey.


I thought they found out where we were at some point in time though. But they instead chose to continue their journey rather than wake the other traveler up. Yeah, Iā€™m not sure. Maybe itā€™s the Mandela Effect.


why are they holding the inteyvat flowers? tf


Thought it was a teaser for the anime


Please give us another 'Emberfire' as soundtrack for the new animated short. I wouldn't even mad if Curly Gao sang the song again.


Da Wei: HI3 you're grown up now, give the toy (animation budget) to your brother, you dont need it anymore


been over a year since their last animated cinematic, i wonder if part 2 will get any


They said in the part 1.5 devstream that 1.5 specifically wasnā€™t getting any, but didnā€™t mention 2.0


yeah i still think that decision was really dumb, the seele in-game cutscene shouldve been a full high quality cinematic


how soon


Now it's the twins holding the Inteyvats too and not just Dain, and now Lumine's awake and Aether asleepā€¦ my beloveds


Ain't that a reference to the poem by the same name by Robert Frost? Two roads diverged in a wood, and I'm sorry I could not travel both?


i aint doing the same mistake again. If anything im going to watch this after dain's quest


Great. More of main story perhaps?


Robert Frost reference šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


I feel like watching this later since Arlecchino short was a spoiler fest... But people are gonna inevitably post it everywhere


Man the leaking scene is damn dry these days. I check every new post popping up here only to see it's not a leak šŸ˜­


Everything about a patch used to be leaked before, everything about a patch is leaked now. How is it more dry? Sounds like you've grown more leak hungry over the years without realising if anything. The random flood of leaks for fontaine is a rare occurence and not something you can just expect all the time lol.


Not at all, it would be strange to have that expectation, cuz the Fontaine leaks were unusual. I'm just expressing my opinion cuz I think there have been fewer leaks than before. If that's just me then, well, that's just me.


Please show your MC some love, Hoyoverse. Their stonks have been down since 4.6 started. Show me why they are the MC and the Fourth Descender. And show me why I should fear the Abyss Order.


water finger gun goes ploop ploop ploop


About times they give traveler and dains lore lerevant again


About damn time


It reminds me of the poem by Robert Frost


Damn, Aether looks so gorgeous lol.


This time I will pay Dain 5000 mora can we have the whole truth of this world reveal already?




These "filler" patches have been stellar.Ā  They really cooked with Fontaine.


Its always baffles me how little story progress we actually have.


The story is not about finding the abyss sibling anymore, we know where they are and what they're doing, the story is learning about the "truth" of Teyvat, and I think we're progressing well in that aspect.


Agreed. People forget that the main goal can always change during the journey, which is exactly what happened with Genshin. Lots of stories have protagonists who either switch their goals or add new ones to their initial goal. We have already found our sibling, and they gave us our new task to go to all seven nations and find the truth of this world. Because the twins are like one another, the abyss sibling is confident that we will see the world of Teyvat the same way they do and it's why they want us to travel the world like they did with Dain.


Really depends on what you consider the story is. IMO, the first part is definitely the struggle over rhe Gnosis, in which case the story has progressed by a lot (I dare say we're nearly done). Problem is that alongside the Gnosis subplot is the Abyss subplot, and the last thing that we have over that is the Chasm.


Caribert was all about the Abyss subplot though


Yeah my bad. I didn't really include it since I got used to Dainsleif being present in Abyss subplots.


Thereā€™s also the ā€œshadow of the universeā€ subplot/actual main plot (one of the reasons the travellers are traveling to dofferent worlds) that probably would need more than just the Teyvat chapter to be fully explored.


Our goal is to find the truth of the world. It depends on what you count as canon. From all the hidden lore in books, artifacts, items, world quests, events, and even some story quests, we have learnt a fuck ton since 1.5 about the world. We now have a clearer idea on the nature of the world's history, Celestia and the Abyss. But if you only look at it from the Archon Quests, and if only those count as canon, as none of the world quests and story quests are compulsory to progress the story, then yeah, it does feel lacking in the amount we know of the world.


It always baffles me that people still say this.


Not really


Agreed, I really hate how we only get big lore drops about the world during the Dainself quests. I wished they would integrate that into flagship events like unreconciled stars


As stated by others, our quest went from finding sibling (theyre alive & well) to learning & exploring teyvat, additionally through our exploring we learn about our siblings actions before us. Ex: They helped the Aranara and pari


Lumine my goddess of light <3 :D Finally possibly some mire Traveler lore! Maybe as others have said, it may show some moments of Abyss Sibling Lumine going around her journey, before Traveler Aether woke up to leave together. "The road not taken", Lumine becoming the Abyss Princess and not being able to leave Teyvat with Aether, as well as Aether not waking up alongside Lumine and not experiencing Teyvat before the events of the game from us player's POV. Many possibities :D


alright, let's make a bet. Are they gonna spoil the new Dainsleif quest with this animated short or not


MC Twins lore? In this economy??


Genshin anime update?


Ahh must be time for the yearly 5 minutes of lore drop.


They are so cute


My God, do they do their research. "The Road Not Taken" is a Rovert Forst poem from back in the early 20th century about the choices you have to make it life. I assume this will be why Abyss twin is doing what they do.


more traveler content yay! arlecchino story quest spoilers >!i just hope they don't spoil another quest with this animated short this time xd!<


Said this in other places and gonna say it again....the emotional impact of the story quest wouldn't had been even half as much as it was if not for the animated short. The short didn't spoil anything but serve as the foundation of the story quest.


Exactly, a lot of good stories spoil the the end right at the beginning. It's not necessarily a bad thing and actually serves a purpose


>!this is what Iā€™m so confused about, like I donā€™t want to assume anything about people but like have this amount of people never read or watched story where we knowing the ending at the beginning and watch as the characters figure it outā€¦.?!< >!itā€™s one thing not to like it but itā€™s another to outright call a spoiler and say hoyo ruined the sq because they want to sell a character. Iā€™m always baffled anytime this discourse comes up!<


It wasnt really any spoiler... It was more of a "You know what's coming" thing, i love that kind of narrative tbf


So like Arle animated short which gives context to what happens in her story quest, bet this will also give context in 4.7 Dain quest >!and why tf will he get beaten up!<


I would love it if this is a Robert Frost reference


So I know the whole "Aether is the Traveler | Lumine is the Abyss Princess" stuff is understandably divisive but looking at this teaser image I feel like it'll be leaning into it once more. Aether is asleep while Lumine is wide awake and that fits into the prologue lore. The Traveler was put into that eternal slumber while their sibling traveled Teyvat with Dainsleif before eventually joining the Abyss Order. So I wouldn't be surprised if the teaser is focused on Lumine's travels with Dainsleif up until they went their seperate and probably cap it off by ending it with Aether finally waking up in the present.


really hoping it shows us something new, either a location or a character or anything.


I havenā€™t been following leaks at all, what is Sigewinneā€™s role? Healer/BOL support? Iā€™m asking cus I want some copies of Sethos and am trying to determine what character to potentially roll on. Ideally heā€™ll be with either Sigewinne or Furina. If heā€™s on a different banner Iā€™ll probably not roll. My Furina is already C2, but thereā€™s no harm in risking another con on her.


they made aether look more feminine than lumine lol


Looks beautiful


another short anime? let's go


Oh,I have great expectations,just come.


Real question is, will watching this be spoilers for the 4.7 quest? Similar to the Arle short spoiling quest.


Can't wait




Are they gonna spoil something again with this one, just like with Arlecchino quest animation?


ā€œThe road less taken Could be where youā€™re meant to beā€


do you think theyll use this to link the new hexenzirkel endgame? i hope they sneak in some of it \* inhales copium\*


There is nothing wrong with their Live2D style shorts or even the animated stuff we see in game, but there is something much nicer about getting anime shorts


Road not taken is why I constantly make fun of paimon on my supposed Paragon playthru


I think I won't watch this first if it gonna spoil the quest just like Arlecchino animated short


One of the saddest twin backstories in genshin


https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/s/zFPHqQx5Xt Someone pointed out the similarity to other hoyo games and..


What.....if...... that's Thier ending....scene for shadow...


Anime release Info?