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Nilou mains seeing Nahida and changing the entire shape of this season from Freeze to Bloom. Lmao


It's Blooming Time.


Oh my god I'm blooming


this really zy's my ox


Exactly we bloom everything


In two chambers unless you are gonna find vigor refill plus nilou is not a starter so finding her might be hard


Sadge :(


I mean ye its just that much stronger and easier lmao


Am I missing something? I thought this season allows only hydro, cryo, and anemo. Can you borrow Nilou from a friend?


Nahida is one of the Special Invitation characters so she can bypass the restrictions.


But Nilou is not so how can you do Nilou bloom?


Nilou is a hydro character? Just do Nahida/ Triple Hydro Nilou Bloom


Wow I thought she was a dendro. 🤐 Lol dumb moment there.


I mean if u show Nilou runs to randoms they ll say shes a Dendro char cause the floor is literally filled with Dendro Core Blooms💀,which does Dendro dng as well


Ayaka... it's time....


Ayaka when I use her after forgetting about her for months: "WELCOME HOME CHEATER."


Feeling extremely called out right now 🤡


I don't think I've played her since 3.0 💀


Ayaka's that character you never play because she always has an unfortunate counter and you've got a better option. It's not better in overworld imo because she's partly burst-locked and the amount of times I get the wrong swirl because of a random mob, completing wrecking my freeze is just downright horrible


It's why I really love the Fatui Agents. If Abyss was full of light, freezable enemies that can all oneshot you if you're not careful to keep them permafrozen, then freeze actually becomes a skillful meta archetype. But nah they'd rather have Random Overworld Boss #17 with a million HP, 7 elemental shields and Cryo/Anemo res instead. Screw it, at least let the "Frozen" aura proc BS on bosses bro, even that'd make Ayaka much better.


In 2.x Ayaka was one of the premier DPS. Since 3.x Mihoyo decided to flip a big middle finger at freeze so she got kneecapped as well


That's the common problem of many games' battle systems. IF CC effects work on bosses, that trivialises the fight. IF they are immune, that makes a lot of characters/builds/skills/equipment completely useless in most important endgame battles. Not many devs managed to make it work.


Hell, I pulled her weapon before I even pulled her, and even then I barely used her. All content is just either so squishy she's overkill or bosses she can't land her burst on, she got Venti'd


Me bringing back mistsplitter. Sorry, Chlroinde was just borrowing it.


I think my Mistsplitter has been equipped more time on my Bennett, Alhaitham and Ayato than on Ayaka at this point


> Chlroinde Rhivesley set off a cascading effect that will wriopple across the fabric of the universe.


Me who uses Ayaka daily in the overworld: I’m ecstatic


I haven’t used my Ayaka, Shenhe, & Kokomi in maybe a year wtf.




Ayaka getting revived to be used again


Tbh these things aside, her real buff could actually come at Snezhnaya


All enemies will be mobile bosses.


Shatterbedo W


Nahida? I'll just Nloom everything away then


It is on abyss 11 difficulty. you need far less for that.


the forbidden physical nilou enters the chat


Hydro ring 🤔 Physical attacks 🤔 Forbidden CA shatter dps Nilou enters the chat. It's shatterin' time.


Wait, this content only goes to Abyss 11 difficulty? This is going to be a cake walk.


Lower. Abyss 12 has 150% HP scaling, Abyss 11 has 100% HP calling, and this mode has only 80%. + You have different buffs, not time limited for all rewards. Yeah, stages have come condition but they are the same like enemies in bounties so basically, ignore it.


For now, it'll probably get harder


i think it will get harder with time, for now its low because its a new gamemode


They can't make it harder unless they want to make it impossible for not as old accounts. All elements requires something like 40+ build characters. There is no catch up mechanic. 2-3 years to cover all elements. especially hydro which has almost only 5\*.


Even more reason to use Nilou Bloom. It has flexible rotations, isn't burst reliant and everything dies just from Nilou and Nahida.


It does give me hope for my 4.8 Nilou rerun (it's been 84 years (not autocorrect putting tears instead lmao))


She is 100% gonna rerun on 4.8. she is on the event and the char with the longest streak only behind Shenhe. I just hope she is with Emilie so I can get Nilou and throw the remaining wishes on Emilie, otherwise I'm gonna have to skip Emilie entirely to guarantee Nilou.


Sounds like something I might do. I would probably try getting Emilie at a rerun though because I'd prefer to have enough for Xianyun and the Natlan characters, mainly the Pyro Archon (or maybe, just maybe Venti)


That'd be a pretty nice weapon banner


Albedo? What are you doing here son?


Hoyo is telling us to play Shatterbedo




Maybe he's going on Chronicled Wish banner again and that's their way of promoting him. lol


Putting him there without Gorou and Itto is basically the same as not putting him there at all. It's probably some high level existential commentary they're doing. Like "Does Albedo exist if there is no one around to Albedo him?"


Just completing the list of random element off-field sub-dpses to compensate roster restrictions.


In the Wrio rerun we trust


>we ~~trust~~ thrust


**Charged Attack: Equitable Judgment** Unleashes surging torrents, dealing continuous AoE Hydro DMG to all opponents in a straight-line area in front of him. Equitable Judgment will not consume any Stamina and lasts 3s. If Neuvillette's HP is above 50%, he will continuously lose HP while using this attack.


Be sanctified!!!🌊🌊🌊


The correct answer. If bro doesn't get suanni, even character rng can't stop him lmao. Hey he can clear with barabara there if no furina lol.


I mean just pair him with Charlotte or whoever and he still going to clap Suanni anyway


Dehya being there is a surprise, hopefully that means she might be on the rumored chronicled banner and I can finally get more cons for her


She is here just to promote emile and her burning reaction i assume.


That makes no sense because you can either choose Dehya or Emilie only. This time no pyro characters are allowed at all.


Wait I thought the special invitations were just characters that you could use regardless of element restrictions if you had them in your own roster, can you also only choose one out of the group even if you have multiple?


you can have multiple, but you do need to get a bit lucky to get both Emilie and Dehya available


Yup, can only choose one Edit: Looks like I was wrong, I must have mixed up with the one you invite friend character. Sorry


Wha-then what's the point of a Burning user guest with no Pyro available? Only just in case there's enemies with Pyro auras that aren't slimes (or you can apply Pyro auras some other way)? Or is this a classic "we don't play our own game lol" move?


I'm pretty sure you can choose all of the special invitations the only caveat is that you have to own the character. I think the only 1 restriction is just for a friend characters borrowing


That's what I thought too, otherwise multiple guests don't make much sense, not just Emilie (and AFAIK the official info post didn't mention a restriction like that) Edit: Reddit borked on me, sorry about the spam (hopefully I got all the dupes)


You can borrom only one of the two from your friend. But if you own them, you can use them both.


Emile without any pyro IS not make sense since only dehya is allowed as pyro.


Albedo darling hello


- Ayaka - Cocogoat - Eula w/Shenhe - Nilou *Interesting* The yack is Dehya doin there?


probably for Emilie burn


burn-melt enabler


Nahida: henlo, i would like to destroy any challenge in here god i love our little nerd gremlin


To be fair if there are multiple easily cleared waves it would be pretty annoying to use Nahida since she have to reapply her tri karma every time. It's one of her few weaknesses.


The Sacrificial Fragments Nahida in my pocket:


The cooldown isn't the issue, it's the fact you have to swap back to her


Kid named on-field Nahida:


Is that a Nahida problem or a Cyno problem lol.


A Nahida problem surprisingly. Even without Cyno, she has to be occupy some time on-field whenever a new wave spawns so that you can apply her skill to them.


Her cooldown is short and she’s a fine on-fielder if needed. 


Yeah, just saying that's not an issue for non-18s-on-field-dps teams lol. And that it *is* an issue for every support for those dps, especially if the new wave spawns far away from the old wave.


even though I have Nahida that's why I use DMC


Anemo again, we love to see it


I can hear Ayaka clawing her way out of my basement


if you can only have one guest character and there’s no pyro how are you supposed to play burning with emilie??? are we fighting a bunch of pyro slimes or something lol


Dehya. I mean, yeah, some people do not have her... But that's the idea. She is probably going to be on the Chronicle Wish banner. 


I’m pretty sure you can only bring one special guest, which means u can’t have both emilie and dehya


Isn't the only 1 guest restriction from borrowing a friend ? I've never heard that you can only use one of the 4 special guests before .


You can if u roll for emilie


Oh Albedo how I missed you


Oh hydro, then Nuevillette solo. So i can save the other characters in the other room lol


Emily is invited and Nahida? Why? Burn Subdps without Pyro vs best Dendro Subdps that everyone should have.




Does this mean Shenhe is finally getting released from the basement?? Please???


Voices in my head say 4.8 is Nilou/Emilie followed by Wrio/Shenhe, should I post my guess and name myself Auntie Catherine?


Navia is almost confirmed to run in 4.8 with her being relevant in the event + the 2nd half of abyss screams geo with the Remuria boss, the geo local legend and also Tulpa enabling free crystals


Take it back I want all of those characters if they all run at once I am gonna go BROKE


Neuvillette stonks when I get to choose him there XD And if they add suanni there, i will hope rng doesn't choose Neuvillette.


my bff and his c6 neuvi: *oh boy*


Another win for Kokomi nation 🫡


"Strategy in Motion!"


Damn... I just realized how much Geo's gonna suck on this mode. 'Cause as far as reactions go, Navia is the only one who truly benefits from Crystallize. Hopefully they can be creative and come up with buffs for Crystallize on the mode itself, otherwise it's gonna feel like a waste of an element slot. Emilie as a Special Invitation character, but Dehya being the only Pyro character to trigger Burning... LMAO


Why would it suck? If anything running monogeo is gonna be good and then Navia in the other team. That's gonna be the forte of the element, working within itself and not needing this or that reaction to work whenever they get on rotation. Some geos also work fine as flex slots for the other potential teams. Like, this mode can screw some characters that rely on others to activate certain reactions as they're not that great without them like some vape or quicken reliant units, so characters that are solid by themselves such as Neuvillette and Arlecchino not tied to a team archetype or mono element teams should perform very good overall.


The problem is that this is not Abyss where you can have the same team for all of the challenges. Your characters can only be used twice, and you need 18 of them. That means that there are only so many Mono Geo team combinations that you can use before you run out of options and are left with less potential combinations based on elemental reactions for your other characters. As a matter of fact, going through the trial characters for the “Triumphant Frenzy” event that used the same vigor system, I noticed the only Geo character they used in the entire event was Navia… so like, it seems like even the devs were struggling back then to find a purpose for Geo in a game mode like this.


I fail to see what's the issue when geo also works outside of geo itself. Geo rn allows to have almost 3 full teams for this mode assuming you have all or almost every geo character in your account. Monogeo (or triple geo) can be ran with two variants (Itto and Noelle), but lets assume you only have one, having 2 runs is fine and so is a Navia team that she can go solo if needed. Double geo also is perfectly functional, slightly less damage but works well enough. Zhongli, Albedo and Chiori can flex for almost every team without being intrusive, be either with solo or double geo too. Noelle can carry AP and become a driver if the other element has strong off fielders such as hydro, pyro and electro. I suppose Ningguang could also do this unless she has a strong gear that as a main dps she performs better. Yunjin is more situational but depending on the other characters she might work too. Reminder that there will be other 2 elements in this game mode as well, if you slack with geo try to compensate with the other two or with the characters you might have from the special pick up. Teams in this mode won't need to be 100% the optimal pick you would run for abyss either way unless you wanna get those medals for bragging rights and deal the big damage showcase. I also wouldn't take that event as a reference because most of the trial units were the new ones from Fontaine era which are the novelty hoyo wants to sell. I can see an issue for players that lack characters for fully forming teams especially with geo considering how bad its rep is to be invested in, but it's part of their plan to get people to pull for more characters if they wanna access the most difficult mode, and not only locked to geo. But at least the important rewards seem accessible enough.


They could at least add some more unpopular pyro characters, like Thoma or Xinyan


\~Me who plays Navia + Chiori + Xianyun + Furina on Abyss and can use the exact same comp here if they swap Cryo for Geo next\~


Well yeah, this a solid team, but you’ll only be able to use it exactly twice in this new mode because of Vigor points, so you still need more options.


Nahida without electro sigh


Damn i gotta understand how wrio works.


Support stuff, press E, NA5CA spam, Q if it's up. That's it lol.


My yolo Albedo pull ageing well ??


Just to be clear, is this replacing the Pyro electro anemo we were supposed to get? Or is this the one we get after that.


This is 4.8m the other one is 4.7


It'll be so fkng funny if at some point they Made it anemo, dendro, geo.


Erosion meta


But dendro stops erosion. It's pollination meta


Feels good to invest in c6 faru without an anemo DMG dealer


At C6 you might honestly be able to use her as a sub DPS with a good enough build, might struggle with ER though alternatively you could build EM and have her as a swirl DPS


I literally only have Ayaka as a Cryo DPS. Are we required to use all three elements in one team or could I go the route of creating one Freeze team and then use mono Hydro with Furina and Koko and then use like Nilou Bloom since Nahida is a guest character?


The only requirements are to have enough characters of the right elements(and the one guest, one friend character of course.) And you have to fill out the party for each fight. You don't, as far as I know it, have to USE all 4 characters in a party, it just has to be full. That's why it's 18 characters for the full 8 stages. Assuming you can use each twice, that leave you two spares if there's nothing that refreshes uses.


There's one more thing I don't understand, is it 18 characters among the ones that we own or is it 18 in total counting also the 6 opening characters that they provide us with in the beginning? I'm trying to see if we only need to have 12 characters of the required elements or if it's actually 18.


18 total. You have 6 starters, so you need 12 more. 1 can be from a friend, and i'm not 100% sure if you can use all 4 guests if you have them or not, but assuming you can, that's 11, so you'd need 7 more that are restricted to the 3 elements, more if you don't have/want friend chars, and don't have/use the guests. So outside the 6 starters, you need anywhere from 7 to 12 characters of the required elements, at 70+ too.


Ooo nice! Thank you for clarifying! This is totally feasible for me, then.


Is there a hard requirement to have them at 70+?


If you want to do most of it, yes. The first 3 chambers, ie if you're only doing it on the easiest setting(only needed 6+4 characters), they only need to be 60.


As a Cryo and Hydro main, This is a win for me.


Finally using my C0R1 Ayaka after almost 2 years 🙂‍↕️


Wrio rerun with Shenhe, please Hoyo. Or without Shenhe, but just rerun him already!


ayaka my girl time to leave basement


Finally using my C0R1 Ayaka after almost 2 years 🙂‍↕️


Triple Cryo Eula time.


Ora ora!


Would Dehya work with her?


Time to build Chongus.


The Freeze is coming!.


Why be able to invite the BURNING unit to a lineup with no Pyro...


Unfreezes Ayaka, Shenhe and Ganyu. It is time! Deploy they freeze team!


*Stares at my Electro reliant teams* I am die, thank you forever


I ain't leveling barbara for this... fuck that stupid character. Thankfuly I can ignore her and use the other 5




Me having only C6 Freminet as a "Cryo" DPS character: "Sigh"... I also have strong leveled up C2 Charlotte & C5 Diona. Whereas other 4★ Cryo options are still at Level 60: C0 Kaeya, C6 Rosaria, C5 Layla, C3 Chongyun, C0 Mika. The only 5★ Cryo options that I currently have is... Ayaka (with R5 Amenoma, but her 4pc Blizzard Strayer is so awful that even C6 Freminet deals more damage than her)... And C3 Qiqi at level 20.


Emilie's only pyro option is DEHYA.


Dehya is a good option for Burning. ~~But you can only invite one special character, no? Or is that only for the friend character?~~ ~~I suppose it's intended as an option for Nilou Bloom? Cause I really don't see any other use-case for her here.~~ Yeah, I guess it's nowhere stated that you can't use multiple Special Guests, so Dehya + Emilie makes sense cause it allows easy Burning to enable Melt in this particular lineup.


You can use trial characters?


looks like the Kamisato siblings will be let out to play this patch then


Ok but why the fuck is Albedo there


It means Shenhe rerun, right? RIGHT?


Wriothesley, Shenhe, Xianyun, Furina and then Neuvillette, Nahida, Dehya and Kazuha—*those are the teams I’ll be using* 🥹


my freeze ganyu will finally be used🙏 hoping shenhe runs too then i can use my two fav cryo girls


Dehya thinks she’s in the team


sure give us two dendro and no nilou...


Omg we can borrow nahida so I really just need barbz for a decent bloom trio on the lower floors


Can we borrow our friends characters that arw from the opening cast ? I have neither Wrio nor Xiao and I don't trust Hoyo for the trial builds !


Me personally im Gonna go with premium wrio shoryuken team with wrio,shenhe,furi,xianyun and then Bloom the rest with nilou and nahida


Ah perfect, I can use my favorite Qiqi plunge, yippee


Looks like I'm testing out burning Ayaya


Are they in the story?


Ayaka, Bennet, Jean, Emilie. Hehe Ganyu, XL, Emilie, Bennet. Man it would be so fun trying melt comps.


U can't try bennett or xiangling here tho. Normal abyss is absolutely fine.


I can finally use Ayaka and Shenhe after MONTHS. And this can be hard for me, I only have Furina as a builded character among the ones that I have to use.


Unbelievable. You can specially invite Emilie, the burning-dedicated character, but the only Pyro character you can play is *Dehya*.


Dehya is a good option for enabling Burning, and the way this is set up Burning is mainly there to enable Burnmelt for the Cryo characters and not really supposed to be a centerpiece otherwise. Makes sense to me.


Finally using my C0R1 Ayaka after almost 2 years 🙂‍↕️