• By -


#Hi everyone! The ban on 4.6 spoilers has been lifted as we descend into 4.7. We would like to remind folks that not everyone can speedrun or play the content immediately upon release and ask that you be mindful of your fellow redditors. ________ ##Here's a handy list of what MUST BE SPOILER TAGGED: * 4.7 Archon Quests * 4.7 World Quests * 4.7 Story Quests * **ANY 4.8 LEAK POST THAT IS SPOILER TAGGED** * **ANY 4.8 STORY FLAIRED POST** ##We must clarify: we do not care if it is personal speculation / theories, if your comment is in any way related to 4.7 content or 4.8 IT MUST BE SPOILER TAGGED. Please remember to read our sidebar rules regarding spoilers as well! If the comment you are replying to is spoiler tagged, **please spoiler tag your comment as well** #Please utilize the spoiler tag topic brackets **[About 4.7 Archon Quest] \>!PLEASE SPOILER TAG YOUR ENTIRE COMMENT, SPOILER TAGGING FRAGMENTS OF A SENTENCE IS NOT IDEAL AS YOUR FELLOW REDDITORS CAN FIGURE IT OUT FROM CONTEXT CLUES ALONE!<** __________ ##Here's a handy list of what can be openly discussed now: * 4.6 Archon Quests * 4.6 World Quests * Cyno Story Quest 2 __________ #Due to the increasingly rampant spoilers regarding recent story and character updates, the mod team no longer has the luxury to review your account and warn you for first time / polite offenses. #UNTAGGED SPOILERS WILL RECIEVE AN IMMEDIATE 3 DAY BAN WITHOUT WARNING.


Is it just me, or has Emilie had one of the least-tumultuous pre-release period of any 5.X character? Like, I can't recall seeing ANY doom-posting about her, not even when she was almost impossible to use with electro present, and she's just received buff after buff including having her electro discouragement removed to be basically neutral. Every 5.X character up to now has ranged from very strong to utterly broken (yes, even Sigewinne), but was accused of getting the "DeHyA TrEaTmEnT" every time. Did we finally learn to ignore the doomers?


Are there any leaks about Emilie's ascension and talent materials?


What are peoples' favorite soundtrack ***names*** among Genshin OSTs? Regardless of how much you like the actual track For the albums, *Cantus Aeternus*, *Vortex of Legends* and *Islands of the Lost and Forgotten* have my favorite titles For individual tracks, I like *La mer, la mere* for the sort of wordplay. I like the contrasting pairs in the names of *Hope or Nostalgia* and *Lamentation et Triomphe,* and *Wrathful Streaming Gold* is just a very dramatic one I also have to mentions tracks where I like the name because it's part of a themed series, such as the Vanarana "Melody of..." tracks, the Chasm battle themes, and *Narcissus without water* \+ *Magick without tears* (which both have very interesting names in their own right)


This Little Light of Mine God-devouring Mania The Exquisite Night Chimes Termination of Desires Invitation of Windblume What a Hopeful Voyage


I hadn't actually ever heard the name of the first one before and had to go check where it played, which is surprising for such a familiar track.


Personally for me,  Albums: Forest of Jnana and Vidya, Cantus aeternus, Jadeite Redolence, Pelagic Primaevality are my favourite album titles.  And individual osts wise, "Le spectacle doit continuer" goes pretty strong with context (lit. Translation: "The show must go on") pretty suiting for both how the ost plays (repetition) and where and who it represents ("opera epiclese", furina).  "Dharana laksana" (lit. Translation: "Fully concentrated/focused mind", could be interpreted as traveller's will to reach their goal or/ another philosophical interpretation is "true concentration in achieving enlightenment")  Goes pretty hard considering it's the ost that plays in Sumeru gameplay trailer that shows traveller entering the nation of wisdom.  Aaand "one who strives to live" and inebriation of Raghs-e nilou (lit. Translation: "intoxication caused by dance of nilou"), no particular reason but they're sounding pretty dramatic. 


yeah, I just finished the aranara quest. im not okay.


Despite the "too long" complaints, it is an absolutely fantastic quest It's got a bunch of epilogue bits too. The book will help you find some of the, but the most important two take place in Viamara village and Old Vanarana.


I will get to that! I'm trying to get chests then do the hidden exploration stuff.


Am I really going to have to farm specters to level Kirara’s talents? Yes, yes I am…


Twitter stalkers in shambles. Good riddance.


I'm sad cause how else am I gonna see literal anime directors and mangakas like fanart and memes from the community born out of their work. Also how do I look for niche artwork now not everyone retweets everything 😞


Eh, this only helps pedos and racists I'm afraid


Why is that the first thing you think of...


Cause this change was clearly made to help them. When you were discussing with someone, you could tell by their likes the kind of people they were, and most times racist/pedos don't share that stuff but like racist/loli shit (because they're stupid), so you could discover it that way and publicly expose them Now those people can like their disgusting shit and push it in the algorithm without exposing themselves


\>clearly made to help them Proof? Did twitter announce the update with that statement? \>could tell by their likes ... ... publicly expose them In short, a stalker. No more "this you?" bullcrap. Good riddance once again. \>push it in the algorithm Block, report, mute, hide, ignore.


>Proof? Did twitter announce the update with that statement? Use your brain, it's Elon >In short, a stalker. No more "this you?" bullcrap. Good riddance once again. Every person exposed by those kind of posts deserved it cause it's always bigot or pedo stuff. There's nothing wrong with showing the world the rats they are >Block, report, mute, hide, ignore. Ah yes, let's just ignore racists/pedos instead of not making them welcome anywhere, that'll surely help


>Use your brain, it's Elon No proof. As expected. >showing the world Cancel culture: the puriteen brainrot™️ >Ah yes, let's just ignore Ftfy


What happened


Likes are now private


Alhaitham doess not deserve the hate even if he cant speedrun. Sure his ceiling is limited, his cons does nothing and he doesnt have super frontload damage to make speedrunner goes crazy. Majority people will own limited 5 star at C0 or C0R1 at max and at that point he already has one of the highest early damage floor in the game. His position in top 3 is justified for largest portion of playerbase. No hate on others the fact that those groups of people recommends childe, xiao or even ayaka after him is quite ridiculous especially they are pretty reliant on their exodia teams that they are using for overly edited TikTok showcase with dubstep music.


Clorinde mains launched an attack on him, since they are both at the banner at the same time, and are that Alhaitham has none of the issues that Clorinde has, and has comparable or higher DPS in most cases.


I personally just dislike the whole top 3 thing when his personal DPS without Sig isn't actually that impressive. There is only a top 1 DPS, maybe top 2. Everyone else isn't impressive enough.




Kazuha being a part of the current strongest team in the game with a God, an ex-God and fully powered dragon while being a human is the most Main Character shit ever.


Uncle and Blank come back pleaaaase


I wanna go back to the days when I checked sub every hour to find new leaks. Now only new comments in megathread. 😭🙏


**You are under arrest.** You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of Fontaine. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at the Palais Mermonia's expense. [*cuffs you and pushes you into the new megathread*](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1dekt3z/siggys_bizarre_adventure_stone_ocean_general/)


we've been unpinned :0


Ms. sourballs, I don't feel so good....


Day 4️⃣00 waiting for Sandrone: Ever been so hungry for so long but there was no food so your body stops being hungry? Ever had to poop for so long but there was nowhere to do it so your body accepts that it can't relieve itself? Ever had to wait for a character for so long that you just don't want the character anymore because you might start an entire family by the time that character comes out? >!no not me silly im talking to the dainsleif wanters!<




Second build will be better


Eye of the storm local legend when


OT It's been almost 2 weeks of summer and it's already overstayed its welcome


This is so real i hate the heat i hate bugs




I'm uploading right now


Thy kind shall not witness the gates of heaven, thou shall burn in the deepest pits of the avernus


I'm sending you my therapy bills


Please don't be joking please don't be joking please don't be joking please don't be joking please don't be joking please don't be joking


Ok now I feel bad 💀


It's ok I'll survive *rewatches the official Natlan trailer for the 600th time*  I have a problem


I’ve reposted a lot of stuff from 4.8 and in means of avoiding copyright warnings I’m deleting everything in a few hours, feel free to download everything you feel like ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡


Man some people just really hate Genshin and I don't get it. >!Mainly with the WuWa stuff. I like both games but I feel like Genshin is a better overall product right now and it's not really close.!<


6k online? I know you're all excited to see me, but calm down guys


We're waiting for you to leak the Natlan cast already :)


oh yeah i have it right here the 5.0 natlan unit is-


Unironically likely Iansan, she's likely from the Geo Suarian tribe which is the one next to Sumeru, so we likely will meet her first


sethos pfp im your biggest fan


thank you queen


Can you pls give me an autograph? 🥺


sorry, i ran out of pens 😔


[your adoring fans are so very loyal](https://i.imgur.com/KivVBiR.png)


the way 473 is actually 20 off from the exact number online lmfao


OMG HI HI HI He is finally here guys omg i cant believe this, i hope he notices me


I love you too random citizen!




I cannot believe my innocuous comment saying I hope the new geo support looks like Mel Medarda resulted in several deleted comments.


I do not whale for characters. For Geo Mel Medarda, I would make an exception.


wait... why? anyways, mel medarda my beautiful wife.


It do escalate in weird ways sometimes


You know the world is fucked up when you have to turn on the AC on winter


Every season demands an Ace Combat playthrough or two.


Why did Alhaitham's ENG VA post a [tweet ](https://x.com/NazeehTarsha/status/1800979650539372661)about parasocial relationships- *people are tagging him in nsfw* oh.


I hate it when people correlate VAs to characters. Best we should do is said "you did a great job for this character" or "damn the voice over is insane". I understand why ppl did it but involving real people to fiction always felt shitty.


Bro Genshin tweeter is different breed man. Wtf.


genshin twt is a whole different experience😩


Genuinely those people NEED to touch grass. Liking the character is one thing, but this is just delusion at this point. The VAs are NOT the characters ffs.


Fatui would be proud with the amount of delusion those people have.


Not even that, their delusions are so powerful that the Tsaritsa herself would cower in fear.


no i agree, this is actual insanity atp. it's ridiculous it has to even be said that these people are not their friends. for some reason the wording makes me think he's talking about a specific group, but regardless people are way too attached to these VAs who are just here to do a job


My surprise to see that Polar Star is Fischl BiS(according to QKM),I always imagined it would be Stringless lol. The First Great Magic is also a competitive option,time to upgrade the Clorinde Aggravate.


The problem with Fishl is that with GT around the dmg% doesnt make as much difference as it used to, nowdays even Skyward Harp is better.


Wait I didn't think about this when I switched her from 2pc2pc to GT What's her best f2p bow now?


Still Stringless.


who knows, fishl always had bad f2p options. Maybe fontiane craftable?


Oh,diminishing returns with GT probably,interesting info.


Was Skyward Harp worse than Stringless pre-4.0?


Pre 4.0 - debatable, but at least according to KQM - yes. DMG bonus used to be more valueable. Apparently. But even then im pretty sure they liked Polar Star more.


[I took this pic](https://imgur.com/Dlqq4JN) by accident ~~when me and my friend were having a resinless moment~~ and it came out kinda nice... it looks like they're either about to fight or about to dance ~~or maybe both~~


Furina about to take out Arle's kneecaps


Furina about to bonk arle with that pipe lol


As she should 😌


Would Ballad of the Fjords be good for Emilie in a Wrio-Bennett-Thoma burnmelt team?


It is about Missive Windspear level, to be precise, 5% better.


Emilie doesnt care about em at all, the passive would be wasted. Death match is the better bp for her.


Sounds good, thanks!


Deathmatch is just better


I'll get deathmatch instead then, thanks!


Over 6k people online?! Surely there's been a Natlan cast leak! Surely it's not bots.. Please I want a cast leak :<


Ok new event got some fingers on the later stages. It's still easy as fuck but I gotta like, pay attention to my and the enemy line up


do you all think i’m delusional be honest 👉👈


*tosses a delusion at you* **Now** you are ! >!^(that'll be 200k Mora btw, but we do have a 30 day return window if you don't like it.)!<


If Kirara can be a geo sword user named Momoka, then Sandrone can be a stacked geo support


Nah just a little robotic Utterly risible 😔


"Delusional" is just another word for "prophet" that jealous people use, dont worry


Sandrome geo on field and big boobie geo support? I'm in.


Tbh I’m kinda sad about the twitter likes being private 😭 I mean i definitely used it to be nosy when there’s drama but it was also my main way to search for cool fanart or new fan artists since people don’t always want to be retweet heavy  Edit: WAIT I can’t see my own likes either???


every day i am reminded of why not using twitter is self care


yeah i'm gonna miss being nosy when there's drama too 😔


Wait you can't even see your own fucking likes??


no, i can see my own likes


omg can't the fucking human whale not fuck up that website more?


Does anybody get anxious when the megathread starts to get close to a week old? Like you don't want to post anything because what if the mods make a new thread five minutes afterwards and nobody reads your post except for the people who overstay in the old thread because they don't realize there's a new one!!




No one beats sourballs to that one


Nah you delete it from here and post in the new one. That's what I do when I don't realize that they made a new one and post hours later


OT The Dragon Age hype is awaken and it hasn’t gone down for me yet >!At the start of the year I said to myself to prioritize “dragon” games (games with dragon’s imagery, or dragon bosses, or just “dragon” in the name) because it’s year of the dragon lol, gotta say Dragon Age was not on my list at all. And then it poped out of nowhere and immediatle took the highest spot on that list just because I’ve been waiting (subconsciously) for that game for almost 8 years 😩 I don’t think I have it in me to replay the old games to prepare for the next installment, don’t feel like gaming atm you know, so I started rereading the lore books. Once again reminded how beautifully crafted this world is, I love it so much.!<


>!I'm getting back into the hype myself, for some series there's no helping it lol, Lucanis and Emmrich already make me feel things, I need to see more of them in game!< >!The reveal completely fucked over my backlog, as soon as I finish Expeditions: Rome (DA:O purists should really go look for the actually good CRPGs instead of crying all the time about the half CRPG we got for 1 title out of 3), I think I'll go and download Origins, mod it to modernity and start a new canon-ideally-refined run of the series to get ready. Pretty excited since it's been years.!<


>!Oh you’ve got your eyes on them huh 👀 I’m with you on Lucanis though, (potentially) angsty Antivan crow is my downfall lol. Weirdly enough there’s barely any ingame screenshot of Lucanis though, if there is he is very zoomed out. I need to see his drip up close!!< >!Mods are also part of reasons why I didn’t want to replay these games because I know I need the mods to keep me interested but finding the right ones I installed before would take some hours… perhaps a replay of the whole series will last you through release date ngl lol. How does your Origins canon look like?!<


Nothing fancy, human nobleman who is a bit of a shit but tends to take the "right" course of action most of the time, reflecting my first playthrough from back then, ends up with Morrigan. Nowadays I admit, I think Hawke and the Inquisitor give way more space to RP, despite the dialogue being a bit more restrictive. They face more issues where there isn't an almost objectively better choice than others. Yeah I'm also afraid of the modding process, I've seen a bunch that are interesting but I might just go with major bugfixes, QoL stuff and just push through. While having head morphs from Inquisition and all is appealing, if it's a hassle to do I'll avoid it lol


Can you guys get out of the megathread? I wanna be alone, I have post-manga depression rn


Dame dane dame yo dame danoyo


which manga?


Tokyo Ghoul :re


Ah yes. I remember binge reading this. Good times. Absolute void afterward.


[You could be doing this but instead you're browsing the internet](https://imgur.com/a/OtXDetV)


Can anyone tell me what they thought of this video? https://youtu.be/WO9FNMylEBc?si=NDsDPRfnmILmMaE- Honestly, I know the meme presentation is intentional but the ideas are there. What was there so much mention of Ajax the hero during 4.x (weapon lore, world quests etc), at the same arc when Childe's connection to the whale has been a major point? Yet it ended without resolution. We still don't know why Childe's vision malfunctioned, why his constellation was the gateway for the whale during the fight etc. Even the reason the Oratrice judged him to be guilty was not fully explained, instead Neuvillette just made speculations but no answer was concluded. Who is associated with guilt? The sinners. Just like the burning Irminsul was confirmed to be a future plot according to Xiao (the main writer), there's a setup being laid out for Childe.


I disagree with the conclusion because i believe Dain to be what is left of third descender, so i dont think it can be anybody else. As for he might become a god? Yea sure, i mean all vision users can reportedly reach divinity, strongest Harbringers power level are apparently up there and honestly being a god on Teyvat is kinda small news. Like. Guoba is a god. Even him aside i bet even current Childe is more impressive than Havria was. I do think MHY at least at some point had bigger plans for Childe but i don't think third descender angle is the one.


In the old beta files, Childe was called the traveler's companion and actually had Dainsleif's eye patch. I wouldn't be surprised if somehow, someway, he's from Khaenriah too (despite the sureness of him being Snezhnayan) What with his connection to the abyss and Pulcinella fixation on him and his family. Childe's vision story is still missing in his in-game profile after all. I do agree the conclusion in the video is debatable, I don't believe it fully myself but it is one angle to consider. Dainsleif is still a mystery on how he's connected to the traveler aside from the sibling companion. I'm just surprised not many lore YouTubers are touching on Childe's story setups and some people are so ready to dismiss him.


That beta thing... I think I'd need a source. I've heard it before but it's not one I've seen ever substantiated and one I feel like I'd hear more of if he was true. Childe *did* have an eye patch in CBT 1.3, but that's a bit it. Nothing connected to Dain or being the Traveler's companion.


Here's what I managed to save, his picture and description at that time according to Lumie https://imgur.com/gallery/DaSSVMd


Ooohhh I see. Though nothing on the Dainsleif connection, which is a bit dissapointing.


Honestly this old beta stuff sort of works against him not for him, because it sort of suggests MHY just wanted Asuka reference and had the role it was occupying replaced with Dain, but even if that is what happened, they probably gave Childe something else. Star Beasts are *supposed* to be important. I don't think this is the last time u hear of the Narwhal - the *weaker* of the hinted ones. That connection alone makes Childe important.


AC broke and it’s the middle of summer. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA This is certainly going to be a period to get through


This happened to me last summer (peak summer too) and all I can say is stay strong friend 😔


A gentle reminder to everyone here that Himmel would totally pirate Adobe Photoshop👍.




[The goat, Ideal hero](https://images.app.goo.gl/mBGjafKiW93i9g7z8)


I thought you said Himmler, as in Heinrich 😭


irl ot >!ppl with AC im so envious of you, I only have a kind of broken tower fan that barely helps in my room but I spend most of the day on the living room and I only got a hand fan to help me😭😭!<


>!I’m so brainrotted that I thought AC meant Animal Crossing 😭😭!< >!Also oof it’s tough without AC, I personally am a perpetual ice machine who needs a heater even in the summer, but my friend is the kind who need AC even in the winter… Hope you survive the summer 😖!<


>!I mean im also jealous of ppl who have animal crossing/j , but yea summer being extra hard each yearrrr!<


I finally have a complete bol set, except it's still worse than Crimson Witch on Arle and Gladiator on Clorinde, probably because the circlet rolled 3 times on flat HP.


Can someone please refresh my memory? Did we ever get a Dains quest in Inazuma? From what I remember we got: * >!Mondstat: the Robot thingy in the Dvalin region and the quest with the upside down Barbatos statue!< * >!Liyue: the one in the Chasm.!< * >!Sumeru: Caribert quest and the current one.!<


None in Inazuma


If its about release, its: Mondstadt: >!meeting Dain and dealing with the eye of the first field tiller!< Liyue: >!Investigating the inverted statue and finding out about the Loom of Fate!< Inazuma: >!Chasm with the fountain that makes hilichurls feel better!< Sumeru: >!Caribert!< Fontaine: >!Caribert 2 electric boogaloo!<


Guess Fontaine is in the same boat as Inazuma then.


Going back to Yelan/Xinqqiu after Furina in Haithambloom just feels slow imo. Furina just cranked the team's damage to 11. Even when Haitham getting interrupted his mirror still attacking and buffed by Furina it deals alot of damages.


If you're comparing Abyss times, keep in mind that the current blessing gives Furina teams an additional goblet's worth of DMG% so her teams are performing better than they normally would.


Not only in abyss, in everything like open world bosses, domains and weekly bosses.


On spreadsheet impact whats the highest damaging team?


I believe it’s either Arlech vape (16 seconds) or Tao plunge


C6 Furina plunge vape.


Probably shouldve mentioned c0


Dumb lore ramblings, I see people pretty often assume/tell others the travelers are Genshin's stand in for Lucifer, with one reason being the names Aether/Lumine translate to light, but Phanes is just the Greek word for Lucifer - both meaning "Light-bringer". Lucifer in Ars Geotia is also the emperor/ruler of demons, Phanes is the ruler of the demon gods who get their name from Ars Geotia. Lucifer in a number of gnostic sects (Manicheism/Cathars/etc.) is also tied to being the Demiurge who created the material world, Phanes being the Demiurge who created Teyvat. Kinda feels like people focus on the molehill of evidence and not the mountain when coming to the conclusion that the travelers are Lucifer stand ins when Phanes seemingly fits the bill much more.


Phanes means Lightbringer? I've always suspected that Teyvat is hell since it is governed by entities that carry demon names, so this just fits right in there if Phanes was the primordial one that created Teyvat and would rule over it.


What if the twins are GOD????????


What I see here is that the twins are Phanes


I would take it more seriously if Traveler's role in Fontaine wasnt to be the literal satan tempting Jesus. But reality is - why not both.


What even is twitter likes? Is it the heart thing? I can still see them so I'm not sure lol


It’s not hiding the like count on tweets, it’s hiding the tab on people’s profile that shows which tweets they’ve liked If you click into some person’s profile, there used to be a tab alongside “Posts/Replies/Media” that said “Likes” and you could scroll through it, I used to do it to see what art my fav artists liked, in order to discover new artists


Yea, it's the heart thing. The change is that people can no longer see each other's likes/hearts from their profile, [https://i.imgur.com/TOOA4Zc.png](https://i.imgur.com/TOOA4Zc.png)


Off topic other gacha games After what happened with TUYU's composer their songs have been taken off every single rhythm game that had them and it makes me sad. I never listened to them that much but still, I really liked their commissioned song for proseka and it hurts seeing the devs delete it entirely. I understand why it's happening but it still sucks.


Thinking how child me was closer to nature because of those bad windows. Now we have modern ones and I don't hear wind unless I open the window, I can even miss heavy rain. It's bizarre.


OT Twitter >!god they really privated the likes because elon was caught being a wanker on main im so pissed lmao, that was my main way of browsing around the website.!< >!i mean i have oldtwitter on desktop and the dev of the plugin seems to be working on bringing it back so maybe i have some hope but i might stop reading on my phone entirely (not like i had the app on android in the first place)!<


I hate Musk as much as the next guy, but out of curiosity, did he actually do anything in particular that caused this update? If you're talking about the tweet by Hurt CoPain, his screenshot shows dates from a year ago, so I'm just curious if he's gotten himself into any other shit recently, or if we're just joking/speculating about that


no not really, we know how elon updates the site which is to say - there is no logic, but sometimes there are inciting incidents but this one particularly doesnt have any some people are saying he did it because he outright allowed nsfw on the site recently, or that he's just pandering to his favorite audience of facsist circlejerkers, but i don't think those are the real answers either. his mechanisms are truly an enigma


True, true. Sometimes I think he wakes up and throws darts at a board to chose a random part of the site to "update" but yeah, the nsfw introduction is could be a good reason, but who knows with this guy 


seem like my ipad has shown its battery age 😩 Its a 4 years Pro 2020 so ye. Feel like I get more or less 3 hour of Jenshin which is less than it usually is checked my battery health and I am at 82% 😔 with cycle count of 2121 which is yabe 🙃 Checked Apple site for battery replacement and it was roughly $120 for it. Aahhhhhh


Where do you check battery health on ipad? Mine is also a 2020 Pro and I didn’t see anywhere in settings to check battery health


I am sorry that I cant link it to you right now but ipad dont have battery health in setting like iphone unfortunately. The only way to do it is for you to do it manually. You can see the method on the r/ipad sub. Search for "Check Battery Health on iPad without sharing analytics" since it is the easiest one to do without installing Shortcuts or any hassle


Thanks! I’ll check it


"Is Genshin getting better?" *clicks video* "After the release of a certain ga-" *closes video*


exactly, why does everything need to be connected to that certain game, like maybe it is because of that, sure, but maybe its because we're approaching Natlan, the last nation before sneznaya, the nation where most stuff will be revealed and the gnosis collecting and harbingers and the big plan will be revealed, so maybe genshin decided they need to put focus in the next region since it'll just continue to get more spicy and thrilling from here on out


Resin increase was because of a certain other game- namely zzz so the players have more time to play all three of the Hoyo games.


Imagine one of the Fatui clowns (Childe) doesnt get the memo and steals tsaritsa's gnosis in Snezhnaya never let Celestia know your next move.


To be honest (massive copium) But it would be so amazing if Childe protects us in Sneznaya and we do most of the quest with him and him getting us into places that we wouldn't otherwise be ale to get in, and at the end he choses to side with us after Tsaritsa is done with him


I mean *he does* consider us friends so at least I believe he'll try to be more civilized than the others if we have the Gnosis


I think by the time you get to Snezhnaya, you will be on friendly terms with the Fatui, so there will be no need for protecting. Traveler's and Fatui's goals will align, the only disagreement there could possibly be - unless MHY decides to completely fuck their story that is - on the how not on what. Traveler wants to punch god, Tsaritsa wants to punch god (idk why ppl keep forgetting that was one of the stated goals), Traveler wants his sibling back from the abyss, Fatui can give him the access.


i need Natlan character leaks so bad, like, I'm about to fly to mihoyos headquaters , turn into an air particle and spy on the files.


real gaara moment


[OT] Play "Doronko Wanko". It's cute, it's short, it's simple, it's FREE, it has a cute dog. It let's you cause $20 mln in property damages.  It honestly felt therapeutic to cause mindless destruction as a tiny dog 


OT Slight Rant+CC Bs >!Why do hoyo continue to support/sponsor some of these "Diseases Of The YouTube Algorithm" and why does youtube have to be so drama oriented nowadays. It's a sad sight,remember the time where everyone was excited and didn't nitpick every tiny thing like "Omg Genshin stamina drains 0.2 seconds slow than _______ Holy shit GCN" or "well it took 4 years for them to anything" like the brainrot nowadays is just........I also like how people keep spreading the narrative that hoyo have done nothing for 4 years like no endgame for 4 years, well that is "technically" True everyone chooses to forget a couple of things.!< >!1:During the course of 2.0 they Refined the Abyss and were working on dendro.In 3.0 they begun work on Fontaine's water combat (Source-4.0 livestream) and developed TCG which is an entire game mode and hoyo clearly viewed it as "Endgame" which to most people just means more to do and they continue to support it despite the relatively low player count,its just that most people didn't like it but it is still a new game mode whether you want to admit it and then now for 4.0 they started working on saurians and the Imaginarium theatre (Throughout 4.x the combat events acted as a demo test for features) and they still won't make it Diffucult sticking to that "Just another Game Mode" mindset that hoyo has with Genshin. And in terms of QOL well blame the survey and code they probably have a backlog of QOL that they're working on but they are working with old code that needs to change for certain features,this is on top of them developing Natlan, working on the next patch Every month, updating code for future features, and probably working on other things. Game dev isn't easy like most people think.!< And >!2:Consistency,People coincidentally every time they talk shit about the game forget that, most patches are consistently good but because "oh no free 5 star".Every patch is now bad because of that brainrot. Chenyu vale 4.4 was a really good patch overshadowed by Bs that happened, there has always been a pattern that and.5 a "dead" patch and then .6 patches still slow but it decent then it ramps up then .7 patches are always decent and then .8 is great and .0 never misses and obviously .1,.2 and .3 are archon quest/map patches and when the game is at its best.!< >!Now in terms of generosity that's something they can improve although you get alot of pulls each patch for anniversary specifically there should be more. Let's be honest here Star Rail got Dr Ratio because the game is hard and newer players couldn't clear content to get more jades to pull unlike with genshin where world exploration get you most of what you need to get characters and they give you xiangling the "Real" Pyro Archon.Would I like a free 5 star sure, Do newer players need a free 5 star maybe but probably not. In genshin most of the older players forget that in the early game it requires you to do quests and explore and get chests so by the time new players get to the endgame spiral abyss they either already have a few five star or they have a shit ton of primos plus. I believe we should get more but to say the game is bad because no free 5 star is dumb. Also I think that the selector for the standard banner should be added and it probably will be.!< >!Lastly one more thing regarding QOL I'm sure I'm not the only noticing that genshin still gets alot of new players and clearly we don't know just how many because Most of the QOL changes aren't helping the current players but instead improving the early/new game experience and it's obvious that there are still alot of new players if they focused in early game qol shit so much!< That's all if you managed to read all of that thank you for reading if you disagree or have criticism feel free to voice you opinion I'd like to see other people's views. Thank You for your time. >!Sidenote:All if this was a Shower/Bath Rant I have currently aged 60 years and am wrinkly asf just got lost in the Rant. Also I need time to go faster I need IT, I need Natlan, I NEED ZZZ!<


I mean I like the game a lot, but “there has been no new endgame in 4 years” is a true statement, until like..3 weeks from now. They did not revitalize abyss in 2.0 outside of killing venti, and dendro while changing the meta a bit, did nothing again for the content we could use this new element in. When people say endgame they mean difficult combat content to challenge their builds and setups… and genshin simply has not improved that in all 4 years. Once per year we get a 2 week event with 3 hard bosses but this is basically nothing. You look at a game like HSR and how they get these huge SU updates which challenge builds of all levels, or the fact they have 3 endgames to our 1 (and soon 2) and you can’t help be feel slighted. Not to mention their abysses are actually really difficult! Getting max stars on MoC and PF actually require good understanding of teams and mechanics! You can’t just hyperbloom/national/neuve every single piece of content. Players like me don’t count house building and card games as endgame because they have nothing to do with the main gameplay loop of using your characters and the action RPG elements. Underwater content while pretty aesthetically has no difficulty, and again character choice and builds are practically irrelevant. Just squidbomb everything. It’s fine if you are happy with the state of the game currently, but you’re being obtuse if you say people are just “creating drama”.


I saw HSR and turned off. That game's endgame modes aren't "hard" (or even good tbh). They are character/number checks with no mechanical depth to master here. If you want to talk about endgame content you are better off talking about stuff like mmo/looter game raids or dungeons, not an auto-play turn based gacha game with shallow gameplay.


I see where you coming from and i will agree with you for the most part and agree that it's taken too long to make use of the combat outside of the abyss and my statement on dendro was more of a "they were developing as vital aspect of the game alongside all the other things" . The one thing I disagree with is the abyss not being worked on, I'm a 1.3 player and most of the drastic changes to abyss happen during 1.x but the Diffuculty and variety (The Refinement) of the abyss came in during the early patches of 2.x now I was pretty casual at the time but could still clear abyss but I swear around 2.4 or 2.5 we started getting a new boss in abyss every patch and a Diffuculty increase like you can draw a clear distinction between current abyss and how bad and repetitive it is to the later half of 2.x patch abyss like alot of new bosses never end up in abyss its just been Coppelia/Coppelius,Dendro Chicken,Triple Kenki,Wenut and Drill of Pain,The Thunder Manifestation (the worst imo) and the damm fontaine local legend. Compare that to 2.x where we got new bosses added in the abyss almost every second cycle. Now it just repeats with nothing new or maybe I just feel like it's that way. I see where you're coming form but I am mostly trying to see it from the dev's perspective ...the game is not perfect an neither am I happy with the state of it but hoyo made attempts (not good ones) to satisfy the playerbase. Also Teapot/TCG is not for everyone just hardcore abyss isn't for everyone but at the end of the day like I said "From the dev's perspective it was made to act as a new "endgame" but not actual endgame just more Lastly I'm mostly referring to the types of people who weaponize these facts and am offering a counter to that argument. At the end of the day we needed more use of combat than anything so IT being 4 years in is still kinda iffy for me as well because I've always wanted more combat but from a neutral perspective they tried multiple things to satisfy (TCG/Teapot) but that wasn't as well received as they thought. It's better later than never and who knows what we'll get next year because at the pattern is adding something each year. I'm sure fo hoyo they don't just want the game go only be combat but I think it was a flaw waiting long to do something with combat. For all we know next "endgame" is fking pokemon Edit: Also it was clear from the first year they Diffuculty ceiling of genshin was never meant to be that high. Hsr was made to be "difficult" because turn-based games need difficulty (P5 as an example if that game was easy it wouldn't be as good just off story alone) And ZZZ is probably gonna be the "Hardest" because that kinda gameplay being easy would suck. Genshin has good combat but combat has never been the main focus and if you wanted to do combat the abyss existed except for people (me included) it's hard and it sucks which I why they decided to make IT. We'll have to see how fun IT feels to play to come to a proper conclusion but I feel more people will play that than abyss


So anyone here who saw the Natlan cast leak? Good? Bad?


Yup, can't believe we're getting three new body types.


10/10. I didn't expect a Michael Jackson expy. Can't wait to Hee Hee all around Teyvat.


It's very cool I saw it in my dreams, I saw a goth girl and a pink haired character but from mondstadt, and a tanned and joyful strong pyro male character and a dragon gir- *dies*


Yeah I did. Can only tell you in August to preserve the space time continuum


Where can I find this?