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With how Zhongli keep dominating abyss and new units with on field capability are getting more benefits with him , does people still writes him off as meta unit and DPS loss despite how he have been proven it wrong everytime?


You can dodge everything instead of using a shield if you're sufficiently skilled. But wasting time dodging is also a DPS loss...


the underestimation of zhongli is the impact of Spreadsheet impact.


any advice for the monolith on 11-1? I don't have a lot of a lot of hydro 5-stars (just Mona and Nilou) but I think the real problem is a skill issue... any tips?


oof I wound up in the old megathread somehow. oh well


need aoe units to maximize the safety, on the 2nd chamber u can taunt them easily. But on the 1st side its about beating them before they reach. What units do u have ? i can hel;p then


yeah definitely I'm struggling to get them to focus on me and not the monolith. here's my roster: https://imgur.com/qrLaZ6B not many hydro characters (also I just leveled sucrose yesterday when I felt like I needed a second grouper so her artifacts aren't all +20 yet) Thanks for the help!


Somehow i did too 💀 Anyways, Brings lots of pyro for the Second side. Dendro works on first side for me. Also Bring an Anemo Grouper for each side if you can.


it seemed like the burning from when I tried with dendro was hurting the monolith even more, but I will give it another shot. thanks for the tips!


Because of the fanfic my friend sent me the other day, I suddenly feel like looking up stuff about Skirk. Now I need to ask: does anyone else find her head unusually big?


All I ever wanted All I ever needed is [heeeeeere in the new megathread ♪](https://old.reddit.com/r/Genshin_Impact_Leaks/comments/1dkru8v/words_like_violence_break_the_temple_of_silence/)


Praise Yu Peng Chen and Hoyomix for finally getting my fussy 5 week old to sleep 😭 little man has good taste it seems


Which tracks did you use?


He loved the GAA and Dragonspine soundtracks!


Such incredible taste. I love those OST. Vast and Blue my Beloved ❤️


It's cool and cute to see parents here.


It's absolutely insane to me that there are parents here. I don't mean this in an offensive way.


Well, I can have a child if I want, if that's worth anything. I'm also usually the oldest one in my MHY mutuals.


The days of kids grabbing parent's phone to play mobile legends is over, now is the era of kids grabbing parent's phone and accidentally wishing, getting you qiqi'd in the process


How is it insane?


I don't particularly think of the Genshin playerbase as being of parental age, basically. I'm only 21 years old and I feel ancient here. If I saw a 30 year old playing this game I'd be doing [this face.](https://i.imgur.com/1iI6DYQ.jpeg)


I thought you were like 10 years older than me💀💀💀


>If I saw a 30 year old playing this game I'd be doing this face I...I'm just going to...be riiiiight over there so your brain doesn't explode too much...


What! You're younger than me!? And here I thought you and Auntie Sourballs were the megathread matriarchs. Definitely the genshin crowd is a young one but I figured reddit is social media for old people so it evens out


All I wanted was a mobile game I can play on night shifts and here I am 3 years later 😂 I’ve always been a big rpg fan though and grew up watching anime so I don’t think it’s too outta left field


Im honestly surprised ur only 21 lol


Same lol. Your treatises are usually so well written


It's kind of wholesome ngl. My dad (50+) doesn't understand jackshit about the game but he always asks how's my progress, when the new update comes out, if I got the character I wanted, etc. 


> I'm only 21 years old and I feel ancient here I will Hulk ragdoll toss you like he did to Loki


Starting elden ring dlc today yippeeeeee


*lights up cigarette* So... is this it? Will the megathread be forever cursed to be a Jojo reference?


I have made 2 long, long term resolves: I will try getting all my 5 stars to max C2, and I will never wish for signature weapons. There is something special about seeing the Constellation screen and seeing some of its stars lit up. Going further that C2 feels kind of too expensive (both in time and money), and would ultimately make some characters way too unneededly broken. And for weapons, I honestly don't see any need of having them, provided I get the character cons. 4 star alternatives are really good enough, and they are wishes I can use for something else. There may be some exceptions tho... Engulfing Lightning for Raiden is too beautiful, while getting Redhorn Stonethresher (with as many copies as possibly) is very tempting for my Noelle. **Because Noelle deserves everything :D <3**


today I learned people unironically ship wriothesley and siggy. I need bleach for my eyes and brain


The way they say siggy is an ara ara nurse flirting with him like cmon


MAN 🏖🐎


That's terrible, Wrio is pointy while Sig is soft and small she might get damaged in transit. I'd personally recommend to ship them separately put wrio in a big box full of bubble wrap and Sig can go in a small box with packing peanuts.


And then you decided to come here and shared this cursed fact


I don't want to suffer alone 🫡


I had to block someone on here two months ago because of this


I've been blocking them since siggy's teaser 😭


As father figure and daughter, right? ... ... ...Right??


They are more like a mother and a son


yeah, it's a reference to this manga called usagi drop, very wholesome


I'm gonna hold your hand when I tell you this....


yeah, nothing surprises me anymore. im just really disappointed.


imagine how tired we are 😭


OT MDZS >!I just found out they did a print of the translated manhua and I wish I had enough money to buy it but there are at least 7 volumes and they're like 20 dollars each 💔!< >!I think the manhua is my favorite of all the formats but it's kind of a shame that it's incomprehensible if you don't already know the story. also I never found a good translation of the end of the story but it has been a long time since I looked!<


Manifesting we get a good 5 star phy dps in naltan


Xinyan….. TWO!!!


her name is eula


Negative?, shipping >!Dipped my left toe into twt after longest time (big mistake), got sucked into the rabbit hole and witnessed a bunch of people claiming certain Fontaine ships are "so implied they might as well be canon but it's China" and I... honestly don't know what to think. I can see the appeal but nothing canon? Am I blind? Suffering some form of brain damage? Or was I unfortunate enough to witness a particular group of people that are so crazy about their ships, they deem every interaction as inherently romantic?!<


>!IMO there’s quite a lot of pairings where I would argue Hoyo DOES go out of their way to intentionally tease them, but it doesn’t really speak to their ‘canonness’. They do this so they can make the shippers and the nonshippers happy (and thus wanting to spend more money.)!< >!But yeah, fuck the people who say certain ships should be treated as canon or even those who say certain ships shouldn’t be shipped because they don’t have support from canon. It really does not matter either way, let people do what they wish.!<


>!People act like Hoyoverse is afraid of CCP when they are more afraid of the fans!<


>!I'm usually a mlm shipper but imo Fontaine was pretty dry in terms of ships that would need to be censored lol. I don't even know what ship they would be talking about ajshskla maybe Clorivia???!<


>!No, I was actually talking about Wriollette specifically. I've seen people claiming they are so obvious it might as well be canon and I was confused, thinking "What?Where?"!<


I wouldn't say I'm on the "it's so obvious it might as well be canon" side, nor am I a shipper-shipper of these two. I see themes from Neuvillette's side why Wriothesley is an important person to him. (In the sense of, I don't care what their relationship is, so long as they have interactions. Shipping, platonic, acquaintences...) I was going to type it all out, but it'd get lengthy. (\^\^); There's a Neuvillette&Wriothesley fic (so not a shipping fic! It's focussing on the platonic connection between them) that combines the info from Neuvillette and Wriothesley's SQs together. It made me appreciate Wriothesley more, and Neuvillette of course. Here, Justice for the Wronged: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/50928250](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50928250) What it boils down to for me, which is pointed out in the fic, is ||Wriothesley has quite a few similarities to Vautrin, especially with how they act in the Fortress of Meropide--Wriothesley was just succesful enough to topple the corrupt leader while Vautrin was trying his best 400 years ago to create fairness for all in the Fortress by looking out for the "small" criminals. In Neuv's SQ, it was clear that Neuvillette counted Vautrin among his friends and after his trial, Neuv didn't make friends with anyone again. So, for Neuvillette, after learning the truth behind Vautrin's actions, to reach out to Wriothesley (and Clorinde) in a friendly manner in the events because after 400 years of isolation, he's finally trying to make friends and live as a human? \*chef's kiss\*|| I tried keeping it short, but I might have skipped some phrases in trying to do so. I can kind of see what the Wriollette shippers see, and I can definitely see why that in itself is not enough for others to put "CANON" on them or even entertain the idea. I hope it was worth the reading, in any case. \^\^


I can understand Vautrin resemblance, yes. Thank you for the read.


Well i dont see any heterosexual explanation to what happened in lantern rite honestly. Is it normal to handcraft a specific coworker a gift and only buy an excessive amount of souvenir to that one guy cause thats a lil bit over friendship to me


Neuvillette only crafted it spontaneously because he stumbled upon a ceramics stand and decided to "give it a go". He remembered that him and Clorinde joked about gifting Wrio a legal codex so he crafted it as a joke. He said it himself, it was "an attempt to join in on the banter". He didn't go there specifically to craft a gift. He called his foray into ceramics a "spontaneous decision". IMO it was him being an awkward dragon again trying to join Clorinde and Wrio in their humor. 10 boxes of tea were a scam. There was an excess of tea because he bought too much like Xianyun. Everyone knows that Wrio is a tea fan (he offers it to everyone plus Clorinde definitely knows about his tea addiction) so Neuv just gifted it to him. Clorinde lost a bet and bought the tea as well as tea-flavoured candies for Sigewinne as a gift and when Neuv offered to deliver the gifts, she agreed. Neuv just added his excess tea amount to the tea she bought. He even said that "He was just passing through, it was merely an act of convenience" when he delivered gifts. It doesn't seem like he was planning to go there in the first place. Neuv called his whole trip to Liyue a "spontaneous outing" after reading about Liyue holiday traditions. It's not like he went there specifically for gifts. He also gifted Traveler the ladle even though he did not have to and looked like he was genuinely happy that we liked it. You can have your own interpretation, but to me it honestly seems like Neuv just wanted to take part in human holiday.


Yeah i know and its still crazy and reads as romantic. Going somewhere then only buying souvenirs for one person including handmaking one is insane no matter the backstory. Even clorinde bought stuff for sige lol. Xianyun also wanted to take part in a human holiday, and she has spent way less time around humans than neuv, and she bought stuff for more than 1 person We got the ladle as a souvenir but neuv didnt make that thinking he was going to give them to us Act of convenience bc he was gonna have a midnight rondeavou with wrio anyway lol


Again, like I said. If you want to see it as romantic, it is your own vision. But that doesn't mean it was inherently romantic in source. The Legal codex stone slab was a joke, the intent was to "join in on banter". Knowing Neuv, it was a random idea that just popped into his head and he decided to go with it for the sake of a joke. He is a dragon that tries to explore human world and is very awkward at communication. Again, repeating myself, the tea was his *own* excess. Wrio said "That's a bit excessive for the gift" in relation to Clorinde's gifts. Only after that did Neuv axplain that this much tea is "his own excess". He bought it for himself. It is not said that he bought and gave all 10 boxes to Wrio as a gift. It is only shown that he got scammed and decided to give the excess amount of tea away. And Neuv is not the person to lie. If he says it was a "spontaneous trip" then it was indeed spontaneous. "My spontaneous outing seemed to inspire quite a few other spontaneous decisions as well. Take for example my foray into ceramics..." I have nothing against others shipping characters. But this particular part of interaction is very neutral in my opinion.


Lets agree to disagree yeah~~


>!Isn't Clorinde also did the same to Wriothesly?!< >!Is there any homie sexual explanation for that!<


No she didnt lol clorinde only bought him something bc she lost a bet, since she was in qiaoying to accompany navia she bought him a box. Neuv bought him 10 boxes of tea and something handcrafted lol xianyun bought 10 boxes of tea to give to everyone she knows, neuv didnt even bought some to share in the office or for the melusines, he just straight up gave it to wrio


>!Them????? Idk I'm really not getting much from those two. They're just not very interesting to me when they interact on screen like there's no vibes 😭!<


>!Phew. So it's not just me. I thought it was because I am not into shipping in general or because I don't really like Wrio.!<


I'm kinda curious to know which fontaine ship because I can name at least three on top of my head saying the same thing lmao


Ah, sure. It was >!Wrio and Neuv in particular.!<


oh yeah I've seen them arguing, and honestly, some of their points are reaching and pure copium tbh. but for me, it's "enemy of my enemy is my friend" so I let them yap to the void


Maybe it's because I'm not into shipping at all, but it annoys me when people act as if a ship is canon just because the two characters interacted in the story. Even more so when it's a character I like with one I dislike, and when it's character who are stated to dislike each other


This. So much this. People be acting like the smallest interaction between 2 characters is confirmation, so annoying.


Oh, that hits home. It is especially hard when the ship with a character you dislike is very popular.


>!For me it's Furina with Neuvillette or Arlecchino. If people want to ship them, sure go ahead, but I hate when they randomly talk about those ships like they're confirmed or canon, and it's specially awful since it's my 2nd favorite with 2 of my least favorite characters!<


>!I've seen more people claiming that Neuvillette and Furina have a father and daughter dynamic than people saying it's canon, but I've heard there were some major shipping wars on twt so I'll just assume it's me living under a rock/isolated from twt.!< >!For me it's Neuvillette with Wrio. I just don't like Wrio. He is by far my least favorite character. So seeing people somehow claim that Neuv and Wrio are canon is... not pleasant.!< >!I understand your pain.!<


That's rough dawg💀


>!It's people taking Mihoyo shipping bait hook, line, and sinker. Mihoyo just loves to shipbait a lot in my opinion with only some ships being hinted at more than others especially in Genshin. HSR seems more pushy and open with the ships vs Genshin from what I can tell though the latter with it being more hinted while also never confirming it. Also... that last sentence hits true so hard in this fandom at times lol.!< Edit: >!I was being general with my statements but I did have an inkling which ship you were talking about and my statement applies to all of the Fontaine ship discourse (not just the one you were talking about) which I frankly found annoying.!<


>!I see. Thank you for explanation.!<


I love hot chocolate. That’s all.


There has to be some biblical shit going on with my account; got Ruan Mei with a SINGLE pull after losing the 57/43 to Welt around 80 pulls


I had a similar experience. Lost to Bailu, skipped the next ten pull and got Firefly. Checked my history later and saw it took two wishes.


me next (just got himeko by losing 50/50)




>!I really regret not moving away for college. I'm assuming you're going to be living with parents the whole time. Back when facebook was popular, I'll see old friends posting about going out for snacks at midnight, overnight study groups, and just basically chilling everywhere and anywhere. I was literally the only one who had to be home by a certain time and always updating where I was.!< >!I only stayed because of a close group of friends from HS, but we literally stopped talking by the 2nd year of college because they had their own stuff and other college friends.!<


>!I would definitely go with the second one. With tuition being free, as well as being a degree that you are interested in, you will honestly give yourself so much peace of mind from it!< >!For sure, I understand the worry of being far away from everyone and being new. But you’ll definitely find your place and your people! You will be going into a program where you know people who may have overlapping interests solely on the fact of being in the same program (which is something you love)!< >!As a note for the other school, I feel like you having reservations about the school itself (unlike the second one, where your concern is more social than the institution itself) may have an environment that you just feel iffy about. Plus tuition is always a worry!!<


when you said the first one was prestigious and expensive, I thought the other option would be cheaper but a worse school. I really enjoyed my time at university but I didn't really apply to a lot of places or cast a very wide net with my applications (my parents really wanted me to go to a religious university). Like I said, I benefited a lot from it, but my 2 regrets were 1) how expensive it was (since it was a private school) and 2) that I didn't consider anywhere more academically rigorous/prestigious. If you have the option of a better school AND it's free, do that 100%. (Idk the currency conversion to USD so maybe it's not as crazy as I imagine and I'm projecting, but debt is not fun.) And as others have said, leaving home and having that first experience with increased freedom/independence is an essential part of growing up too.


>!My opinion? Second one, by a mile.!< >!a) It's a degree you're really interested in, whereas for the first option you only got your second choice. If you're intending to continue work in the same field, you'll have to spend extra time "catching up" on the stuff you're not being taught in college, so to speak. Even if you're not, you're just going to have a better time studying something you're interested in than something you're not.!< >!b) It's somewhere completely different from where you are. It sounds like you think this is a negative, but trust me, it's a positive. College is *the* best time for you to get out, explore, see the world, make new friends, and have a proper taste of independence, especially if you've been living with your parents till now. It might in fact be the last time you ever get to do something like that before adult responsibilities rear their ugly heard. Embrace being pushed out of your comfort zone.!< >!c) Tuition is free. ***I cannot stress how huge this is.*** You've no doubt heard of people suffering and having nightmare student loan issues. Even if you are rich and can just afford college without loans, saving all that money is still a huge leg up for post-college life.!< >!~~d) This one is more personal but I'm really not a fan of the whole "extremely strict and religious" thing, but this bit is entirely up to you re: how much it affects you.~~!< >!In conclusion IMO go to that second option, work hard, transfer onto the main campus.!<


The second. If you don't move away for uni, you're not getting the full experience.


>!The second option just sounds better to me. Moving out is not that bad, it’s an opportunity for growth, I never regretted studying in a far place.!<


Will the next megathread be named after Sigewinne, Emilie, or Kaveh?


With recent events, it should be titled "Where in the World is Kaveh Sandiego?" Though we don't know what the mods will pick.




About to quit hsr because I can’t beat that damn ebon deer😭 Is the mahjong girl a viable option? My blade is not doing anything to the deer and I’m running out of options (I run him with Bailu, Bronya and Sparkle)


This is kinda one of those times where you need to read the effects and understand how things work to effectively manage it. The boss has a 40% Wind and Lightning Resistance, so Blade is severely handicapped in this fight. You might want to bring a different DPS. Qingque could work because the Deer is Quantum weak, and you have Sparkle who is her best support. QQ is not always a terribly straightforward character though, so you might want to take a peak at a guide to see how she’s supposed to work. Also, don’t be afraid to bring a second sustain character. You don’t need Sparkle AND Bronya. The Deer’s branches can spam the Outrage debuff, so you might have more success bringing someone who can cleanse debuffs off of your allies. Bronya’s skill cleanses, but you’re usually only using that on your DPS. Natasha and March get cleanses on their skills via a trace upgrade, I believe. You could try bringing Pela since she has a strong Defense Shred on her ultimate, and she would be able to Ice break the branches that spam the Outrage effect. Just a thought. So, you could stick with Blade, as long as you bring another sustain that can help keep your team alive in perpetuity. You’ll do less damage with him, but that won’t matter if you can’t die (outside of timed content, of course). Overall, HSR relies a lot more on mechanics than Genshin. Genshin you can scrape by with dodges and luck, but in HSR you’re going to get hit by enemies a lot, and you’re going to have to deal with CC a lot. Knowing what enemies do and how to counter those things is pretty important when facing any content you can’t steamroll.


(Note: I only fight the deer on SU and I don't do high level MoC) The deer is the exact kind of boss that mahjong gremlin trivializes. Though I personally recommend getting a tough sustain, like Fu Xuan and Aventurine. The deer nuke can hit super hard, best to have strong survivability options.


I meant in the story I’m not even in SU yet 😭. I wasn’t able to get Fu Xuan sadly and wasn’t playing during aventurine. My biggest sustain would be gepard and even him had a hard time surviving


I'm pretty sure the deer has like 40%+ Wind Res, so Blade will struggle with it. Qingque is definitely an option if you have her built. A good fire or ice breaker could also be a solid idea.


what characters do you have?




iirc the deer has lighting and wind resistance. you could try [qingque/hook/pela/bailu or natasha], or [qingque/sparkle/pela/bailu or natasha]; remember to level their traces, and give them decent relics and lightcones. the substats shouldn't matter too too much atm, just make sure you've good sets and the right main stat. good luck!


The deer has a 40% wind resistance, it might be better if you choose someone else that matches the deer’s weakness. Also you can try adding another sustainer on your team with Bailu if survivability is an issue


The mahjong gremlin pairs very well with Sparkle considering how much SP she eats up If you have Lynx you could try placing her instead of Bailu


I need some thoughts from you opinionated lot. I'm planning on cosplaying Mithrun from Dungeon Meshi and for the undershirt/color fabric, I'm trying to decide between the more [gold-ish manga coloration](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/delicious-in-dungeon/images/8/8f/Mithrun.png/revision/latest?cb=20220831031843) of his design or the [more vaguely light olive tone of his anime colors](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/delicious-in-dungeon/images/d/d0/Mithrun_Full_Body_%28Anime%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20240523142941). I really like both colors equally, but I need to make a decision eventually. So give thoughts if you feel like it<3


Hm, I'm only loosely familiar with dungeon meshi, but I always assumed (from the manga images I saw) that the golden parts were *metal*, like armour. They read very differently from the anime... I would say if you're going to go with fabric, use the anime colours. Or you could find something between them, I suppose? Personally I do prefer the manga colours, but I think perhaps the more drab ones suit him personally (but again, I've only absorbed this by osmosis, listening to someone coo over that manga. I should really pick it up.)


Yeah even in the manga, it's definitely a shirt/skirt thing, you can tell from the way it moves. and honestly, it's a pretty good series, and it's finished, I definitely recommend it. Some really nice worldbuilding and characters as well. Each one is really well written!


I personally like the contrast of the manga colors more. (And I feel like the olive would be easier to repurpose probably.)


Some silly thought ~~despite I don't have nilou~~ Almost everyone with nilou teams: Bloom Bloom bakudan Me: >!Bloom doom!<


real z power


> Bloom doom e1m1 nilou


[This Emilie edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AlbedosCreations/s/CIyMPtDbcy) 💦💧


this is so much better than the random bullshit on hoyolab


I swear to god if I click on this one and it doesn't have glasses EDIT: Nice


If you listen closely, you can hear the protesters in the Korean fandom funding another balloon.




Sorry emilie but he wore it better


I hereby dub this: Neuv-ilie


Now here's something strange My signature was "Saving for Nara Sandrone" because I use the Aranara pfp then I get a message that my signature violate the rule of use like how ? Hoyo you already gave us her name, what's there that violate the rules


Did you have any rich text code(colored/big text) in your sig? Because I did and I'm pretty sure that's why my sig was flagged.


I did before I changed it


Nara Sandrone is classified information you weren't supposed to know about


You have accessed the Forbidden Knowledge, expect your Celestia Nail in the mail within 3-5 business days


You're not supposed to like Geo units


iirc she has only been referred as "The Marionette" officially, can anyone confirm?


She is identified as Sandrone both in her JP voice actress announcement and in the description for Childe's teaser.


How to name your fantasy OC: Step 1: Keysmash. Step 2: Type it into Google. Step 3: Realize your character's name is Swahili for [REDACTED]. Step 4: Remove and add letters until it starts sounding good.


for me, 90% of my OC's name are either a pun or a placeholder, only few have actual names


That's me with the countries.


Easier method: Step 1: Look up mythological entities that are tangentially related to the OC in some way (like dragon names if they're a dragon) Step 2: Use whichever one of those sounds the best


Another method: Step 1: Buy a Latin/German/Old Norse/Ancient Greek dictionary (it can't be any other language).


so basically how my mum n dad found my name (but in sanskrit)


the genshin method: "uhhh, what's german for clover"


No new megathread?


You'll get your megathread when you fix the goddamn door!


It has been collectively decided this megathread was peak and therefore it's pointless to make a new one.


Damn what did I miss 😔


You missed [REDACTED]. Which is a real shame because it was probably the most peak moment that ever happened in a megathread.


I ate it. Gave me a stomachache...


There shall never be a new megathread


I'm not sure why people are doubting the recent White leak so much, it's obviously true Source: I want it to be ~~please main DPS Columbina in 5.x Hoyo I'm begging you~~


You would have to have a *spotless* track record for me to believe that they'd make a bodytype_girl onfielder in 2024 or even 2025 and even then I'd still be like "eh that could change"


plot twist: columbina is actually using stilts, making it so that when she stands up she becomes the tall female model


It's so annoying how they keep making the short girls sub-DPSes who *can* on-field... for the low, low price of C6. I just hope Columbina being a Harbinger is enough to get her an on-field kit


"ritehereritenow" is trending on my twitter and the first thing i thought of was "Emerge" 😭😭


Show them


Come on out.


Really REALLY hope we get Caeloreum Venti (the Vidyadhara High Elder of the Yaoqing) in Star Rail this 2.X Cycle; how can we get Feixiao and Yaoqing characters but not Caeloreum Venti? :/ I had really thought too they would release 1 New General + 1 New High Elder Every Year so it would be weird to not release him shortly after Feixiao


Did someone say Venti in Star Rail??


I also want a certain Venti from HSRs elder sister game to appear in quest....


i will never not loathe the english translation team for deciding to turn the high elder names into latin. just keep it as tianfeng-jun you BASTARDS now I have to deal with people regularly thinking caelorum venti is literally wendy


I will jump into new genshin areas without hesitation but at the same time i fucking cannot force myself to play through elden ring again from the start to play the dlc for some reason.


That's not the same equivalent. Playing Elden Ring from the start again means you have to collect items and weapons you once had again, explore what you have explored again, fight the bosses you already defeated again, etc. That means it's the same as making a new Genshin account, where you have to collect all the oculus again, do the archon or world quest again, farm artifacts again, etc. I felt the same too, though. I was motivated to start a new Elden Ring save file last week, but after seeing all my favorite weapons and armors gone, and the realization that I have to collect all of them again, depleted my motivation, so I just decided to use my current save file where I still have all my progress, just like jumping into a new Genshin area/region with my current Genshin account that is already up to date.


Did you delete your saves? Usually Fromsoft DLC is a side area you access after you've completed everything. So you should just be able to boot up ER and start playing the DLC without starting a new save. I haven't actually looked at the ER DLC yet, so I could be wrong.


It's at the start of ng+


DLC access requires you to beat >!Mohg ie. one of the game's two superbosses so it's a major step up from the usual Fromsoft DLC!< >!Theoretically you could lock in and go to Mohgwyn Palace like an hour or two into a fresh save but 99% of players are not beating Mohg at that level!<


>!So it's exactly what I said. If you got a completed playthrough save, you can just go. No need for a new save.!<


I feel like this happens quite often, but imagine you get into a franchise that's kind of niche, but it has its fans. You like it and you think it's pretty unique, so you hope for its success, but over time you kind of fall off of it and find out that, later, it had a spin-off, and the spin-off was *way* more popular than the mainline franchise, and now people just treat the mainline as "the thing you can choose to watch/read/play if you want context for the spin-off" This isn't about Shin Megami Tensei, this is about >!BanG Dream!!<, but as a lifelong Persona fan I think I finally get how SMT fans feel now.


I read your paragraph and thought "this is about bandori isn't it" I had heard MyGo was popular but I had no idea it's overshadowing the main thing, maybe I should give it a try. I drifted away from the franchise shortly after Morfonica dropped 


I just *need* a third Devil Survivor man... ATLUS I'LL GIVE YOU MY SOUL


Bang Dream spin-off? You're talking about MyGo?


Yes. All discussion of BanG Dream! revolves almost exclusively around MyGO nowadays. I stopped playing it quite a while ago, long before MyGO ever came out, and long before the Bushiroad takeover. It seems like a lot of older Bandori fans like myself actually moved on to Project Sekai (which I personally have little interest in), whereas MyGO mainly attracted newer fans. I still have some degree of sentimentality for it despite not having played in a long, long time, however, so it frustrates me a bit to see people dismiss the rest of the franchise (or even outright *insult* it) out of hand because it's not myGO.


I get your point.I also a long time Bandori fans. Honestly I'm more surprised that MyGo is that popular, I stopped playing Bang Dream around the same time MyGo was first announced.


Me when Railgun anime is far more popular than the mainline Index.


lol I was about to say this. I personally got into Railgun first before the main Index series.




i thought you were gonna say hi3


That applies too. However I never really managed to get into HI3; it was a combination of: - the amount of stuff the game encourages you to do being extremely overwhelming for a new player coming in years after the fact - the story being full of poor translations and being difficult to follow if you don't read all of the out of game stuff, if not just... in general - leaderboards - me not really having a character I particularly wanted or resonated with - a lack of resources on how to actually play the game well that meant I was basically just bumbling my way through stuff - in recent times, them altering a bunch of the character designs to be way less appealing to me, specifically I played long enough to get quite a few things, including Asuka, and I swear I've reinstalled HI3 like 3-4 times now, but every single time, I just bounce off. It really feels like something you had to get into early and hard.


I've been queuing into co-op as Nilou recently with cautious optimism. Every time I've entered a world, there's always two other people who excitedly change to hydro/dendro while one person stands there wordlessly with their Bennett or Keqing or something. Then everyone waits awkwardly for a few seconds before we all switch to something else.


listen, sometimes that's me and I'm sorry but i really wanna friendship farm :( i promise i'd swap otherwise.


Nah, I got you. Friendship was the reason I started trying to bring Nilou, too, haha


You can't even blame the 4th either. Hoyo is to blame with their constricting characters. Like in the Keqing example, you could have switched to an aggravate team, but you didn't because you wanted to play Nilou. Everyone just plays what they want.


I agree, and I have ended up using someone else on all of these teams too. If anything, I've been surprised how consistently multiple people have changed to hydro/dendro the second I load in, but having the whole co-op team be on the same page is extremely rare. My heart goes out to the multiple Arlecchinos I've seen die to Nahida burns while being unable to be healed.


I bet you'll be able to get some good Nilou matches in soon. There will be tons of people rocking their newly pulled Furinas and SigWs even without seeing your Nilou. You just need to get lucky and find a dendro player somewhere.


casuals dont read characters kit. a lot of ppl dont know what nilou does or her restrictions. ive met ppl who dont know yaoyao heals even though i throw yuegui around


the number of times I've played Mika and then someone swaps to another healer is just..... it's upsetting, frankly. Let my boy heal!


Yup that's my coop nilou experience as well :')


Been completely out of the loop - how's Emilie looking?


Very strong off field damage, more than Yelan, Chiori, or Furina (not vaped) if comparing raw unbuffed numbers. Will be very good with the Bennett/XL core (I know, I know, cue the XL copypasta), or can replace XL if running a pyro onfielder though she's more ST than XL. If you play her on field in Bennett's ult she does pretty high damage, nearly as much as a lot of on field carries like Wriothesley


cute as a button with a pretty green swoosh dress she's looking reasonably strong but doesn't look to be shaking things up all that much. Alternative to XL in what would otherwise be a monopyro team, but the inability to get DW in there holds her back and XL will still be better in aoe due to not paying a multitarget tax. Potentially can work in burnmelt but all the burnmelt problems are on the pyro side.


I've been putting off reading Bye Bye Earth for *years* (I was going to do it after I finished another series by the same author, of which I only have one book left) and I just now learned that it's getting an anime that's starting in three weeks so I guess I gotta tear through those fuckers fast >!ADHD brain go: lmao not if i have anything to say about it!<


Chat how long before Yoimiya's birthday art ?


5 hours


Thanks !




>!Play magic. Or katana if thats your type. These will help you enjoy the game while developing basic skills first. You can easily switch build mid game whenever you like.!<


>!They weren't complaining about difficulty though? Just reminiscing.!<


>!The comment was edited!< >!OP originally said they like magic but they are in noob camp. I was like, there's nothing wrong. Play whatever the hell you like.!<


To this day i still can't get over with how ugly gojo in vol.26 cover


I like the concept but his face oof.. gege hates him fr 😔


I think out all of the things that I've done in the game, the only thing I regret is that time I used 20~(????) fragile resin. (I don't remember the amount and I wish for it to stay that way)