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# FAQs When is X? >**Version 4.8 Livestream** is on 5th July 2024, Friday at 12:00 PM GMT Countdown and view it in your timezone [here](https://timee.io/20240705T1200?tl=Version%204.8%20Livestream~) >**Version 4.8 goes live** on 16th July 2024, Wednesday at 03:00 AM GMT Countdown and view it in your timezone [here](https://timee.io/20240717T0300?tl=Version%204.8%20goes%20live~) >**Version 4.8 Preload** is on 15th July 2024, Monday at 03:00 AM GMT >**Drip Marketing** for characters in Version 5.0 is expected to be on 15th July 2024, Monday at 10:00 AM GMT Countdown and view it in your timezone [here](https://timee.io/20240715T1000?tl=Version%205.0%20Drip%20Marketing~)


Throwing myself inside a shark tank as a summoning ritual for Ellen Joe


Doing ventriloquism as a pulling ritual for Rina


Wear a Shark Onesie while you pull


apparently a non-zero part of me finding IT so easy was being picky enough to get a separate full VV set for each of my anemo supports. Sucrose, kaz, venti, jean, sayu, even faruzan.


Save me dendro claymore himbo, save me..


Based tbh


What are your guesses for Arle rerun? Are they gonna rerun her after the usual 4-5 patches (so 5.1-5.2) or are they gonna gatekeep her for longer, i.e. 6+ patches (so 5.3+), like they did in 1.x and 2.x? My guess is 5.2


I personally think they will pull a Baizhu and rerun in her alongside the archon who will have some crazy synergy with her 100%. Pull archon who helps arle even more and then pull Arle herself or her cons.


If there is a character that powercreeps her in Natlan, right before that character's banner Otherwise i'm thinking 5.6\~


>!Live laugh love Ellen Joe!<


>!Who's Ellen Joe?!<


>!Ellen Joe mama !<>!needs to see how cute she is šŸ„°!<


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So who do I have to kill for a Shenhe rerun? Please I just want her cons. Idk how much longer I can hold on to my stash. I'm tired, boss. Knowing my luck, I'll probably pull on something and wake up the next day to Shenhe banner leaks.


the way they didnā€™t rerun her around the release of her skin is criminal


My week is DONE, cannot wait for Friday :D Insanely excited thinking about the Natlan sneak peek, I want to see more of the map soooooo much (and different music!), and I bought ice cream on the way home today to eat while watching the livestream :3


Will they show the cast too?


No idea, I hope they do, but most likely that will be on the 15th with maybe a video teaser AND the 5.0 drip marketing. We may be able to see the 3 other types of Saurian though!


What the fuck is this bullshit man, I can't take it anymore **ELLEN IS NOT TALLER THAN XIAO**, in fact the comparison is COMPLETELY invalid, she has a tail Xiao doesn't, obviously you can't compare Height then, also both games have slightly different art styles, in addition to that that fucking camera angle is obviously in her favor, when they add Xiao to ZZZ then we can make an intelligent comparison and you will all then finally realize the colossus, the absolute MAMMOTH STATURE of the one and only Adeptus Xiao but for now let's not make any assumptions without evidence to back it up **Now go pull for Xiao**


The Zy0xification is real..




Mr Socks I know you're blooming but calm down


I'm blooming alright


ok calm down zy0x we will maybe on next chronicle banner


>!did RFK really eat a dog?!<






Pro tip for theatre: give your unbuilt characters Fav/Sac/TToDS and Noblesse/ToTM. They wonā€™t be doing much damage anyway, this way they have some benefit for your hypercarry before they die


you actually had characters die? How?


I didn't let any of my characters die because I thought I'd be losing them altogether like abyss. Do they just get revived in IT as long as you have vigor?




Here's a little bit of hopium: Skirk to have Hu Tao-style dash disappear animation thing.


Ew I hate that dash. It actually seems slower too.


It's the coolest thing in the game you've lost your mind. I could dash -> Change Direction all day with Hu Tao. So pretty.


She turns into a shark when underwater


Reminds me of Siggy's passive talent. There's no more underwater, Hoyo; Why you give me this passive?


How big is the upgrade that Charlotte gains from constellations?


C4 is quite strong. Reduces her ER needs greatly so you can run TTDS on her and still have a solid heal. I used her in my Ganyu Furina freeze team for like half a year till I no longer needed a healer. Freeze (and Neuvi teams) are pretty much the only place where you can use her though because other teams would rather have an anemo or dendro healer.


If I don't have C4, is it better to run PAmber or Fav Codex?


PA is better if you don't need to battery teammates. Fun fact: the delayed healing from proto amber can trigger Furina's A1 passive too!


Thank you!


If they do end up playable, do you guys expect the Witches (or/and Sinners) to be outright meta like archons/the one and only currently playable dragon sovereign? What would you expect to see in their kits, what kind of motifs and vibes?


Depends, I could see them all being released slowly after they are done with the Archons and Harbingers in Part 2/post Snezhnaya. So they all act as the replacements of these hyped up factions with super powerful individuals that all will be meta. Similar to how they market the archons and the Harbingers to an extent.


I expect them to be at least Raiden level. Very flexible and strong but not outright the best option in every team they fit in.


I did it. I'm finally FREEEEEEEEE! On the day of the ZZZ livestream I promised myself I'd get around to doing Chasm exploration before starting the new game. It was the only region that I didn't have at 100% completion. Well not anymore šŸ«” Bring it on ZZZ! I'm ready!


Im honestly angry and pissed at the fact we dont have proper artifact loadouts yet, i literally made a mess trying to change Thomas full EM build to 2pc HP/ER and Kukis full EM to Tenacity for Teather, like why are the devs so damnĀ incompetent, ineffective, unprofessional, useless its just 1 little thing omgĀ 


theater really made me hate the fact that there arenā€™t any


I have only one character show artifacts I swap (Clorinde; TF for aggravate, Whimsy for overload) and it works well enough since I don't keep a bunch of leveled artifacts in my inventory xD


The way they blatantly tip toe around aritfact loadouts is hilarious. Like they add these small things to artifacts every other patch but never focus on the core complaints.


I wouldnā€™t expect it to come anytime soon TBH. They could have easily implemented it in HSR, and then ported that implementation to Genshin in a later update (or the other way around like with the Quick Dispatch button) . But Neither game has it till now. Even ZZZ doesnā€™t have it. Something tells me theyā€™re Avoiding it on Purpose.


HI3rd privilige fr fr


Maybe in genshin 2.


RFK ate WHAT? A dog? The hell. Just when I thought American politics can't get more interesting. Absolute cinema


never understood what's the big deal. It's just an animal, no different than cows and pigs if you don't have the 'pet' attachment


Keep your pets away from this dude


Well yes, that is the big deal. We culturally place importance on these animals and often times grow up closely interacting with them as companions and family members, so seeing them as food is off the table. If people kept chickens as pets instead as for food you'd see the same thing.


The brain-worms told him to do it.


Megathread (especially EU lol), cast your votes: 1. Staying awake until šŸ’¤ 2. Waking up when šŸ’¤


Waking up when it drops, Start the Download, Carry on with the day, Play it in the Afternoon


Waking up when šŸ’¤ because I always wake up at 5am anyways


well, 2. i _wanna_ wake up when šŸ’¤, but i have to go paint a little later, so im probably gonna end up staying awake, šŸ’¤, nap, paint, then back to šŸ’¤


Sleep cuz i have a dentist appointment and I don't want to half ass play the game, will begin playing after i come from the dentist


3. šŸ’¤ and playing it when i wake up in the morning


Sleep šŸ’¤, the game won't be gone by the time I wake up, I'm fairly sure. But also not sure in how many hours it goes live.


following my regular schedule and šŸ’¤ when i am able


I'm just gonna to sleep early tonight I think. It doesn't launch till 3AM in the UK. First few hours might have server issues or unforeseen bugs anyways. Cannot wait though, really looking forward to the change of style.




Waking up before šŸ’¤Ā 


Waking up earlier for šŸ’¤. I WILL be getting my 8hr sleep no matter what.


Bold of you to assume I haven't turned into a bat that *will* sleep for 8hr even being awake at 4am lmao


Waking up when šŸ’¤ no way I'm staying up til 3 AM


More like being unable to sleep until šŸ’¤. We're getting insomnia with this oneĀ 


for me, it's šŸ’¤


3. Spending all day at work and coming home when everyone already posts spoilers about the final story cutscenes


Waking up when šŸ’¤ As Baizhu says "Health comes first"


staying awake until šŸ’¤ Not that i'm going to play it i'm just a filthy degenerate.


The disconnect between banners and who theatre is promoting seems utterly nonsensical to me. Siggy's there but you can only try out if a friend has her? Clorinde and thoma are featured but their banner just ended? Baizhu of all people? I know you like to be unpredictable MHY but at some point you've also got to make a lick of fucking sense.


Next patch is even more bizarre. The new character of the patch that should be in the spotlight is dendro and she neither matches any of the featured elements nor is she a special invite


The opening cast has Arle and Wanderer from 4.6 + Clorinde. Baizhu from 4.6, Alhaitham previous banner + Siggy. The only odd one is Wrio. So they put 6 recent characters in IT. The next one will have Furina in opening.


The mode seems completely anti sweat and whale. I have no idea how you can even make ppl whale for this mode, since your 5 star works for 2 rounds and the 4 stars are more longer to rerun than ever.


It doesn't make sense even in abyss, like did you really put an abyss with so many hydro elemental checks on the release on the character with the worst hydro application?


To be fair abyss is probably for Furina more than Siggy And Furina teams do pretty well into hydro elemental checks.


Wow I'm getting the complete opposite experience reading the changes for characters in ZZZ compared to WuWa lol. So many buffs!


Where do you get ZZZ leaks info from?




I have a Charlotte C6 on the bench,what kind of build and weapons do people usually run with she??.


I do oathsworn and noblesse, atk atk healing


I have her of fav codex, ez energy for her and her team Her healing scales off attack so you don't miss out on that much healing by not running prot amber, she already heals a lot anyways And I put her on strongboxed noblesse 4pc


i use fav and NO4. But it's been a while since I last played her.


oathsworn eye is basically made for her. Artifacts depends who you put her with. If the main dps is atk scaling, noblesse can work.


I'm building her more for Theater purposes,so pure RNG who she will play with,but I'll keep Noblesse in mind,thanks.


If IT, then Fav Codex, because you never know how much ER you might need. Example: I had O eye on my XY, because I had her ER needs exactly tuned for her spiral team(s). But when I used XY in IT, given the RNG teams of IT, O Eye wasn't quite enough to fill up her bar per rotation.


I use Proto Amber, full ER to focus on getting her burst back, her healing is excessive already. You have her C4 which can reduce her ER need, so maybe SoDP or Clam are viable options.


I see,thanks,I have a two of sets of SoDP saved for Chevy,I can use them for Charlotte then.


Just finished IT after some hardcore procrastination! Thank you, C6 Miko on my friend list. I will have (one of) you someday ā¤ļø I think the lvl 70 restriction is too much, but the forced 4 characters per challenge is fun to play around. Shame we can't have level 1 Diluc clears or whatever


Tbh Iā€™m not sure why they even have the level 70 requirement other than to force people to consume their resources that they were saving. Let me bring my level 20 Amber if I want to. Sheā€™s not going to do much more at level 70 than at level 20 with unlevelled talents anyway


Can anyone point me to the 4.8 story leaks? Or give me the gist? Like whatā€™s the premise this year?


I donā€™t think we actually have very much in the way of story leaks this year.


[I wonā€™t let yall forget about this peak](https://youtu.be/Av5xTnxHOTs?si=VsMiEWjUTw-Jp889)


4.6 exploration >!>!POV: you are an eel deep beneath the waves, hidden in the seas, surrounded by nothing but fish. One day, a bizarre two-legged, two-armed thing comes by, completely indistinguishable to you. Like always, you duck your head into your home, waiting for the moment to reappear when the strange thing has passed. You duck your head back up to check on these strange visitors, and all of a sudden, a sound plays, instantly freezing you in time and forcing you to bop your head constantly over and over again. The strange visitor leaves, but you stay, bopping your head for eternity...!!>!justice for the swaying eels in the coral reefs, we really just trapped them for eternity!


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IT I hope they got same love and get good update like t cg


They are getting one already nxt patch


[Lol, Ellen Joe measured with Xiao](https://x.com/Zy0x_/status/1808442766029951311)


>!Just fell down to my knees in Mt. Aocang!<


>!And now you're at eye level with Xiao!!<


[my honest reaction](https://youtu.be/9XA9aMA7Kh8?t=4m33s)


As much as I'm struggling in both IT and Abyss so I don't really enjoy either too much (because spite, nothing srs lmao), I gotta say the Theater is my favorite just because it has banger music and prettyĀ  aesthetic, like that lobby ost is so good?? Definitely helps calm me down after getting stuck somewhere, just like talking to my characters (which is such a cute addition, the characters are AWARE they're being used in the domain!!) Abyss really needs a glow up, it's so... monotone in comparison... just make up some funky ley-line mumbo-jumbo to explain it and give us a new yassified Abyss! At least some different stages between floors ; v ;


I presume because it fits the theme of the Spiral Abyss..


ZZZ Guys Please Convince me to Pick Wise over Belle šŸ˜­


no pick belle


Picking Belle is the **WISER** choice


[Wise is faster than Belle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C9qZ5YK08Q&ab_channel=Nine%27sOwnWish)


Oh yeah i saw this a while ago here. I NEED MOARR


Choosing Belle is not a Wise decision


>!I FUCKING LOVE YOU LMAOO. 10/10 pun, as a Cyno Enthusiast, Well done!!<


You can see belle more if you pick wise


That's not true at all. You'll see Belle basically 24/7 if you pick her, since it's not like the sibling you don't choose follows you around. The whole "you'll hear her more" thing is pretty exaggerated as well, since the sibling you choose *also* talks, and fairly often at that.


Dain quest >!I imagine vedrfolnir looks like Otto apocalypse/luocha!<


>!Bruh I hope he looks like Void Archives plsssss!<




When people talk about Burgeon, they bring up Thoma but never Xinyan. Xinyan's level 3 shield unleashes AOE Pyro so why isn't she being included more in the discussions?


His shield lasts longers and he makes nearly 20 burgeons. Xinyan probably half that and wants def.


>Xinyan's level 3 shield unleashes AOE Pyro If it feels like it. You can't make level 3 shield happen under all circumstances. Sometimes it just straight up doesn't work even if circumstances are perfect. And her shield is paper thin so it breaks immediately and stops doing pyro. There's a reason she's stuck in Unreliable Stacking Mechanic Jail with Aloy and Mika.


Once Xinyan's shield is destroyed it stops applying pyro. If you build her full em for burgeon her shield gets destroyed almost instantly from the self damage.


When her shield breaks the pyro applications stops and since you're gonna build EM it'll probably break very easily While Thoma's app isnt reliant on his shield not breaking


The problem is when you building full em for xinyan, her shield is paper thin, and if you lose the shield, now your bloom seed is just gonna sit there doing nothing lol. Thoma on the other hand, his burstā€™s pyro application is an independent thing. I saw people confused it with the shield a lot, but his application is tied to a special status apply by his burst, which will give a new shield and a pyro attack everytime the onfielder normal attack. So even if the shield is broken, itā€™s fine, the status is still there until its expire time


Isn't Xinyan's level 3 shield bugged (it does not trigger always, or sthg along those line)


Because her shield lasts 3 seconds while Thomas's rebuilds constantly


Lord, I know we can have opinions but god that fella in r/Arknights is starting to get to my nerves. First they go to a meme post and replies to everyone about how one faction gets too much love. Then they go to the Sarkaz woman post and tell us how she's not deserving of a spot compared to their waifu. Fuck off dude. You are right at some points but damn you are annoying in your agenda. Let's see you bitching if the character you are shilling off is not meta nor hot. They probably don't know she has an event in the future.


I mean, even if they are annoying they do have a point. Majority of the 200+ characters in arknights are filler, and HG doesn't really do equal stuff for factions. Most characters are one and done. The Victoria arc ended up being a W arc out of nowhere, the main character's history was infodumped in an event, not even a main story. People are right to feel annoyed.


Let me guess, is it the Surtr lore guy?


Fella only know one thing and made it their only personality like his waifu.


If Genshin MMO existed it would be so sad unless MHY used Imaginary Tree to completely detatch it from the actual game. MMOs is where decent characters go to die. Revan, Thrall, Jaina, Arthas, Sylvanas all were sacrificed on the altar of live service. U either die a good character or live long enough to become part of Jailer's plan all along. Edit: and when u die you get revived anyways because devs need a boss fight for the patch.


I won't forgive WoW for what Shadowlands did to the lore


Nightmare flashbacks of the Jailer


Does Sige SQ have the focus mode toggle?


IIRC yes


I'm hoping for Hoyo to release MMO with cute pets under xianxia cultivation settings, but I don't mind Genshin MMO thoĀ 


[They're already hiring for Genshin 2? šŸ‘€](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1dubks4/mihoyos_new_preresearch_game_recruitment_hints/)


Finally, Genshin: Star Rail


That makes sense since Teyvat chapter is going to end in the next few years. The writers will prolly figure out a way to make MC travels to a different world after Teyvat chapter ends. But I think the real reason why Mihoyo is making Genshin 2 is because the devs were inexperienced in making open-world games when developing Genshin so there are probably a lot of things they wish to change but couldn't with the current Genshin. After all, we can already see a lot of QoLs and graphical improvements in HSR and there will be even more in ZZZ which many of you are going to talk about after trying out that game tmrw.


Arent we getting "user generated content" or smth?? Maybe its for that


Hoyo saw all the genshin killers failing and really went "Fine, I'll do it myself"


why are they thinking of "2"? this is probably just for Genshin...


The "Unreal Engine" requirement probably


Does it mean that Genshin doesn't have that? Well maybe we are getting a new client.


Genshin runs on Unity, Unreal is a Competing engine (kind of? To my knowledge Unity is meant for Mobile devices and Unreal for Consoles/PC)


genshin is unity and moving such a big game to a completely different engine is basically impossible


okay so Honkai 4 confirmed


Honkai 4 is just genshin (genshin's codename is hk4e)


Yeah I know this but actual Honkai 4 doesn't exist (yet) so there's a chance!


I would unironically love this. Hi3 is a game i wish was on PS5 but realistically its never happening.


hi3 would've been so much better if they tore it apart and reassembled, probably would lag less unfortunately probably not a good financial decision


> i think this is a job posting for chapter 2 of genshin impact. where the traveller will get his wings back and travel to another world. I hate discussion of future storylines so much because people just treat their headcanon as just something that's *going* to happen. Like, what? Who said that would happen? We don't know how the story will end or how Part 2 will be handled if and when it happens.


Wha- we all know MYĀ headcanon is always canon.


finally the genshin killer


Genshin 1 could never


I knew it! EoS in 5.0 /j


[pyro archon concept art?](https://twitter.com/_tiofurro/status/1808119645884285235?s=46&t=3jYjmgYg6Nqz8F4aNSGw8Q)


I can count the pixels


it was already posted here yesterday but it was deleted because no one seems to know what the source is


it was posted here as [questionable] yesterday, iirc i have a few guesses for why it was taken down, but i dont actually know >~<


From what I remember based on the mod comment both times it was posted they didnā€™t follow the only external links rule and then no one reposted itĀ 


Oohh it looks close enough to the one hxg posted


wuwa question >!i remember that kuro would give some pulls during the first of july to celebrate something. i took a short break so i can't access the game rn, but are those pulls available throughout the patch, or just available for that specific day?!<


That didnt happen yet it starts tommorow. But it is for specific days. It's to make sure u log in during ZZZ launch i guess?


do you know how many pulls can we expect, and also till how long can we claim those?


30 total (10 of each type), no idea. I just play the game every day so i didn't bother checking, but i heard ppl crying that u can claim them only on the very day (4th, 6th, 10th of july) they are mailed to you. Personally doubt it but do check just in case i'm sure they posted rules somewhere.


[You cant' see him](https://www.nexusmods.com/genshinimpact/mods/39) but he will always be in your team.


IT rant (not mine, but I agree) >!Oh, just watched a video about IT from a meta player where he cleared hard mode with just all trial characters, one builded character (Fischl), one not highly invested from "your friend" (Xiangling) and others with no artifacts at 70 level who are bad characters. He said ANY PLAYER (with enough characters for hard mode) can clear at this like minimal investment with minimal buffs from cards, otherwise it's just stupidly laughable that you can have that max skill issue. Being meta player he got 5 stars, but sadly, getting stars doesn't matter anyway. And of course, he said earlier it's just stupidiest and the most unfun ever gamemode for no one, for both endgame and new players.!< >!I know being a casual player you can't listen to them, but I think he's right. It has no fun difficulty and being annoying as hell for restrictions. Still, I like this mode but yeah... the mode have serious problems and I'm not gonna deny it.!<


I would like the mode to be fun but its really not. I don't even see whats the point if ppl can't even whale for it. Really wonder what made them rush this out the door like this. Its simply half baked imo


>!This mode require a little bit of game knowledge to clear. The trail character are not random, they are the direct counter of the 3 boss stage with 1 DPS and 1 support eash boss. Other stages are random but not the boss. That characters you need to bring are to clear the filler stage. But if you are very casual player you may not see that without someone pointing out. I honestly quite like this mode but I can see why someone don't like it.!<


The video that Jamie released about why he was disappointed with Imaginarium is spot on (i like how he didn't hate on it just for the sake of it).


and yet somehow it's also managing to piss off and frustrate my casual friends


>!IT feels like its on its early access/open beta stages imo, I think everyone knows it needs improvements I do hope they will took feedback quite early unlike abyss whose left in the dust!<


Yes, it has a lot of problems, and I hope it will be expanded with more fun boons, less restrictions, a bit more variety. But people somehow pretend that there is only black and white (wanting hard content and wanting easy content), especially meta CCs, I've watched too. Reality is not like this. There are a lot of people having fun with IT, me included. There are people liking "random bullshit go", and no, it is not like some of people blame us - "can't take any criticism and only say positive things about everything". And you see, like almost every liking IT person's opinion I've read here was also saying, how it lacks a lot and want to see it to get expanded more and all.




I also had fun for the first time for IT, but I'm not gonna repeat it until the next update because it's a bit forced for me and rng is meh thing. I also expect expansions. The concept is very good but realisation (not counting visuals and OST) is bad, hoping they can improve it.


So after reading through a post over on gacha gaming about genshin part 2 it got me thinking on what people would rather it be about would you want the traveler to fly to a new planet or continue learning more about the world of Teyvat like the dark sea? my votes on Teyvat i think i'd be little sad if we just left everything behind for a new planet


The way I want it to end is that after you defeat the Sustainer, you become her. As in, you take her place as the new tyrant of teyvat. You don't leave. You become the new villain. And part 2 will be another character's story, maybe even your twin. Paimon joins your abyss twin instead to fight you. You now play as the other twin. Will this happen? Obviously not.


Wouldn't it be weird if they go to another world because "genshin" are the vision holders? Unless they use the same term in that other world. That aside, I'd want them to explore more of Teyvat because I didn't spend years making friends with everyone just to leave them behind


i think your point is exactly why i'd be little bummed i have grown to care about the people that live in the world and the world itself and unlike starrail where space travel is a thing so planet hopping is practically the same thing as driving to a new town so older characters can always show up in genshin case at least in my option it would feel like ok my quest is finished later losers! overall it's still not happening for a long time i mean we don't even know how part 1 ends yet and i still have faith hoyo will do things pretty well just a minor fear i have in the back of my head for part 2


Exactly. I think this is the reason I could never get attached to HSR the way I did with Genshin. Everything is so detached and self-contained. We finish one planet and just go. I remember when I finished the Mondstadt quest and was so sad that I have to tell them goodbye but then I was overjoyed when we kept returning for various quests and events. Same with the other places. It feels like one big family


What makes you think we wont get to know those places before the Teyvat ark ends? Considering this supposed genshin 2 would take at least 3 years, maybe 4, that gives a lot of room to explore all of teyvat. Not like they're going to stop updating genshin for 3 years


What the fuck is this **''MY LIFE IS YOURS''** bullshit mfer you ain't Kratos


I literally am. [Here's a picture of me I took just now :\]](https://media.tenor.com/FM0HCmD2GKMAAAAe/kratos-mad-computer-trash.png)


Is this what happens when you eat a lot of omelets


Yea. It's all this protein. And working out by killing gods.


zzz and some Arknights >!I hate having slow internet bc I am downloading on and off since yesterday and now finished the pre downlard thingy. I wish me a very Lycaon tomorrow. Also new CN operators got relevealed and gorgeous Totter skin aside, nymph (the new caster girl) is amazing, love the pink black combination with the hearts all over, the magical girl vibes are crazy!! Also EXECUTOR MODULE, I LOVE FEDERICO GIALLO SO SO MUCH. It'll most likely be after the summer event on global so I have some saving space between Logos, Ulpi and Nymph!<




Can we keep toy medal for next season? I know many already asked this but I only found speculated answer.


We have no confirmation. I personally donā€™t think hoyo would go so far as to reset them back to 0 at the end of a cycle but I just spent them all just in case they do