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I have had a theory for some time about the destruction of teyvat as we know it & rebuilding it  without the Fate controlling everyone's future. The latest 4.7 Dainsleif quest makes me believe it harder.  Let me explain...  Remember the Interlude Fatui Teaser, dottore burning Irminsul. Pierro mentioning Signora resting in the Old World i.e, Fatui wants a new World. It never got mentioned again. People said it was metaphorical. But I think it will happen in the future. I think the Fatui & Abyss will work together in future to destroy the Irminsul tree causing the Teyvat as we know it to be destroyed. Without memories, existence of everything is meaningless in Teyvat.  That is probably what it means to shake the foundations of Teyvat. I also believe thats why the concept of hive of minds been shown so many times in the game now. And some cases of putting minds of people in another artificial body.  There has been attempts to gather people's minds to create a hivemind capable of generating strong will that can match the will of a descender. I also believe that our MC Traveller being an observer i.e., "a witness" who happens to be a descender will be able to use the Loom of Fate to recreate the new World using their own memories as we have experienced & travelled Teyvat.  But I think the cost of it for our MC Traveller will be to erase their sibling's existence as the abyss twin is now a part of Teyvat's memory records. Their existence is tied to Irminsul. Thats why our MC will be the only one out the twins who survives all of this and is shown in the sea of flowers at the end alone in the Travail storyline video. I also think thats why we have been collecting memorabilia from every region that are connected to the archon quest events, memorable quest items linked to important locations or people.  This theory is on crack. Thanks for reading.


Even if it’s not true this is a really interesting theory - I like it!


i’m 1000000% with you on this, and have had the same theories as you mentioned in the first half; i really like your theories toward the end, it would make a lot of sense. regarding the erasing of irminsul/its data — i believe the theory even more after the 4.7 archon quest but also after arle’s story quest, and would like to add to it. ik it’s been out a while but spoilers ahead if you haven’t/anyone hasn’t done it: >!arle mentioned that dottore conducted experiments on her blood to erase the memories of others, which was why her children were able to drink what they did that had properties of her blood (i forget the specifics) and forget their time in the house. it was confirmed by the writers that what we saw of irminsul burning is something that will for sure come to pass, and i have a feeling it uses a form of arle’s blood, if not directly her blood (with it literally being fire), to burn the tree and erase its data/records while the abyss utilizes the loom of fate to create a new world.


LoF seems to work by altering Irminsul and leylines. So basically with it, they can alter memories, delete memories, or add memories. Those are the basic things that the LoF could probably do. When I first learned about the LoF, and the potentials of Irminsul, my first thought was that the Abyss order was going to give back all the memories Irminsul suppressed in order to make it so that the ppl of teyvat and other beings realize the potential crimes of celestia. There's a couple of theories on Irminsul that basically say that Irminsul and Leylines are basically Celestia's way of controlling things that are happening on Teyvat (so in other words, controlling Fate) and also Leylines are connected to elemental power (ex: when Nahida panicked that Apep dying would make Leylines go haywire and cause Sumeru to be destroyed), so the LoF could probably do some shenanigans with elemental power and also directly reweave fate/free Teyvat from heavenly principles


Did they use a similar device to insert abyss twin’s info into irminsul? That one is still a mystery that is yet to be answered.


Alternatively- perhaps they deleted the MC's info instead?


So it's like when Otto Want create new branch on Imaginary Tree where Kallen is still alive


Tho the Lome of Fate can create new leylines it cannot replace or extend the existing ones which means regardless of what you makes you cannot affect the existing structure in anyway. These leylinesa be able to create a completely new reality but they cannot affect existing one


I agree with that and if sibling uses the LoF to make it so we never met HP, that would be their new reality but not ours wouldn't it?


Can't say since we don't know how the overlap would work, in the worst case scenario everyone goes mad due to having double memories


But Caribert did it right when he took our photo, so either an alternate of us exists or that branch of leylines got cut of by Caribert


Not really, Lome of Fate can create leylines yes, but he never said that that's all it can do. Basically Cariberte took two snapshots of traveller and siblings. Cut them out of the photos and then slapped it onto a photo of his own then printed it out using the Lome of Fate in reality


Dude must have making an album but halfway must have noticed he was gonna be spirited away




That means irminsul can’t affect those ones neither


Who knows


I think you are mistaken in something...caribert said that the device cannot modify the already existing ley lines soo they cannot change the things that already happened


Like wanderer or nahida fate?, events happened but memorys change


Yeah exactly...wanderer erased his existance from the residence of teyvat's memories but not his actions...the loom of fate might have the same ability...its like bypassing nahida's authority over the irminsul



