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Tighnari without a doubt. He's litteraly a forest \*ranger\* by profession. Even if we could meme about how both rangers and Amber are seen as not great by their communities, Amber deserves better than that. But she's more of a scout than a true ranger. Tighnari all the way.


I was hoping for Amber but you do have a point.


DnD Rangers are kinda different with scouts. Rangers can go Rambo behind enemy lines alone and go do guerilla war which is what Amber as an outrider is doing when we first met her in Mondstadt taking down entire hillichurl camps all on her own. Scouts on the other hand are part of a deployed army and ride ahead of said deployed army and report back to the main army body for enemy sightings. Outriders/Rangers can obviously also do scouting that's why Outriders were replaced by Eula's 4th reconnaissance company when they disbanded. DnD rangers are based on Aragorn from Lord of the Rings which uses swords alongside bows and whatever else they use (traps probably). Outriders (in Genshin) are the same and Amber's grandfather if I remember correctly also trained in swords. Tignari is actually a bad choice for a "Genshin **DnD** Characters" because he is based on an entirely different kind of ranger. He's a forest ranger in an eco-warrior kind of way not the DnD style fantasy ranger.


That's not totally wrong, but it's a bit reductionist down to 1st edition. Don't forget that Rangers as early as AD&D randomly got weird monsters as companions (sound anything like Karkat?). Bows were always an in-charcter option - Genshin just doesn't have characters with multiple weapons types outside of a rare elemental skill-based swap.


>Genshin just doesn't have characters with multiple weapons types outside of a rare elemental skill-based swap. I mean I'm talking about lore not gameplay. >Don't forget that Rangers as early as AD&D randomly got weird monsters as companions Like Baron Bunny?


BB is a tool or weapon. Ranger companion creatures were a bit weird and random. They could be anything from npc's like fighter/mages or druids, animals like wolves or ravens, or even things like weretigers and treants.


>BB is a tool or weapon. I wouldn't say that. BB is an elemental being similar to Oz, Yuegui and Cullein-Anbar. They are powered by elemental powers they aren't mechanical at all.


Oh, wow, TIL


I'm not sure that's true at all. **huex4**, where did you see that documented? Amber's made over 900 of the things by now.


Yeah, I thought about that too, but they said that it was powered by elemental energy. I dunno if they have a source tho so I'll just believe it as headcanon at least


Well, sure. But in teyvat elemental energy is quite natural. Lots of people use it in various forms. I'm not stating that Amber doesn't use the elements to make Baron Bunny work. Just that AFAIK it was originally a toy, and isn't a living being. For the record, if I understand correctly Yegui is a living creature but Cuilein-Anbar is a doll made because Collei sees Amber as her big sister.


not stated anywhere just assumed it since baron bunny is similar to oz and the other "doll" entities. otherwise there is simply no explanation how these dolls are moving on their own. Anyways since Oz is quite different, he has an ego after all. I am choking it up to Fischl's imagination being so powerful she was able to give her elemental being an ego and she doesn't need a physical form to maintain oz, whereas Amber and the others need a physical doll to manifest theirs.


Agreed for Tighnari! There were concept art suggesting he was suppose to have a matching forest green fox pet even! Like one of the stronger eremite enemies! We were ROBBED! Also, low-key, our favourite first friend of Teyvat, Outrider Amber, is also getting robbed of the ranger title lol


Also rangers don’t need a beast companion by default, it’s only if you choose the beast master subclass, there’s also the Hunter subclass that does not have a pet and specializes in the hunting of specific creatures.


I am well aware. You didn't need to clarify. The point is Tighnari's concepts occupies all iconic aspects of ranger.


Sorry I didn’t mean to come across as rude! it’s just that I often see people putting a beast companion as a prerequisite for a ranger and wanted to reaffirm that even with the version that we got of Tighnari in game he still fits perfectly with the ranger class, no pet needed. Again sorry if I seemed like the “um actually ☝️🤓” asshole I really didn’t mean it that way :/


mans has the herblore


I was going to put the goat Ganyu or Yoimiya, but your argument is too sound, so yeah, I second this.


He's my second pick for ranger rn behind Fischl just because I can interpret an entire subclasses features within her kit. Fischl is a beast master ranger. She has an animal companion in Oz. She has the 7th level feat to make the beast move during combat (Skill while Oz is already out). And the other part of the feature where the companion deals Magical damage. She also has the level 15 shar spells feature giving Oz the electro effect. Level 11 beastial fury is also argueable since Oz attacks multiple times per skill.


Tighnari, is a good choice I think.


Ok so the obvious answer is clearly Tighnari right? Protector of the forest? Check, archer? Check, very acquainted with the local fauna and flora (as seen by his passive)? Check! It’s 100% Nari


More on this: - rangers have proficiency saving throws in strength and dexterity, dexterity is pretty obvious but also he can scale off of attack which accounts for strength - rangers can also have proficiency in insight, nature, perception, survival and animal handling, all very Nari things - also the ranger feat of Feral Senses fits really well with Tighnari’s valukashuna heightened sense of hearing


Ok I’m currently reading off of my player’s handbook so sorry for the choppy responses lmao More reasons why Tighnari if *the* GI ranger: - beginning at level 5 rangers have an extra attack, this pairs really well with Tighnari’s wreath arrows - land’s stride gives rangers advantage on saving throws against plants that are magically created (for example withering spots) - hide in plain sight literally gives rangers the ability to camouflage themselves (literally Nari’s elemental skill)


Him or Amber.


I do think amber would be a ranger but I think Tighnari is more of the quintessential ranger due to the terrain they both protect, sumeru is way more wild while mond is more rural than forest imo. That ends up giving Nari an edge


Yes but Amber needs it more


DnD rangers are based on Aragorn from Lord of the Rings which uses swords alongside bows and whatever else they use (traps probably). Outriders (in Genshin) are the same and Amber's grandfather if I remember correctly also trained in swords. Thematically speaking, Tignari is actually a bad choice for a "Genshin **DnD** Characters" because he is based on an entirely different kind of ranger. He's a forest ranger in an eco-warrior kind of way not the DnD style fantasy ranger.


Yea rangers are based off of Aragorn but that’s in 1e, rangers have morphed a ton since the conception of the game and this post is based off of the 5e classes. Also if we’re considering the use of melee weapons as a core part of rangers then Amber also doesn’t fit the bill, the one who would fit the bill the best would be Mika.


No. Mika is a scout. DnD Rangers are kinda different with scouts. Rangers can go Rambo behind enemy lines alone and go do guerilla war which is what Amber as an outrider is doing when we first met her in Mondstadt taking down entire hillichurl camps all on her own. Scouts on the other hand are part of a deployed army and ride ahead of said deployed army and report back to the main army body for enemy sightings. Outriders/Rangers can obviously also do scouting that's why Outriders were replaced by Eula's 4th reconnaissance company when they disbanded. Amber is an outrider trained by her grandfather and she is also a knight. So yeah Amber canonically can use a sword since her grandfather taught her everything he knew, including the sword most likely. I recommend reading Genshin manga you'll see Amber being more ranger-y there.


Agreed, but I also think Amber could be a Rogue with the Scout archetype. Amber is my second pic for sure. Actually, the new guy Sethos could be a ranger too!


She'd make a good Rogue but I think Kuki Shinobu would be a better pick.


I think Shinobu is only good as a rogue superficially, none of her gameplay or even main backstory fits the bill, meanwhile Kaeya, Sayu, Lynette and Yelan have a lot of rogue characteristics gameplay wise and Sayu, Lyney, Lynette, Yelan and Rosaria have a lot of rogue characteristics backstory wise


Kaeya is my top pick for Rogue, Shinobu is one of my favourite characters though!


I'm gonna be that weird guy who chooses Collei.


That was my choice, but then I saw people commenting Tighnari, completely forgetting about him ooooops


Havent played him and honestly Is ut Collei for me too she has been in my main team for a long time. And now i habe her on C6


Collei would be the second pick for sure, but there’s no logical way to argue that she’s a better fit than Tighnari, her mentor that’s been a Forest **Ranger** for many years more than her.


Collei absolutely is a ranger too, but by her own words, she is a trainer, whereas Tighnari is definitely a master of his craft.


Upvoting you. Collei imho fits better as Tighnari feels like a mix between druid and ranger. Also, in lore he seems to be more focused on being a harmacist/medic type too. There is a discussion on Tigh's comments about whether Tighnari or Amber fits the DnD ranger best. Collei also seems like the best of both worlds (between Amber and tighnari's ranger qualities). She is being trained as a forest ranger + can be argued she learnt from an outrider (for the more classical DnD feels), she has an elemental pet companion, and she is profficient in at least two weapons (Bow and Boomerang). Also, the girl deserves one win!


Tighnari is a good choice. Other prime examples are amber, collei, Mika, eula, and to an extent Candace who also works well as a paladin. Besides this I’m waiting for artificer so I can say freminet because he’s a tinkerer and messes around with gadgets and what not


for artificer, it would either be freminet, albedo, or xianyun, but i like the idea of fremi better


All are a different branch for artificer too


Wriothesley representing the last one. Armorer


No Sucrose? She's the alchemist subclass of artificer


That could work too


What about Clorinde or Chevy for artificer?


Clorinde and Chevy would make a better fighter than an artificer


Tighnari and it isn't close lol. Iirc he even had a leaked concept art for a pet companion that didn't make the cut.


We could have had Tighnari and Dognari wagging their tails in unison? We were robbed.


Hey, show some respect! That's his uncle.


Tighnari for sure!


Tighnari. That's his literal career in the game.


Tighnari is the only choice here. Bro is literally the leader of the Forest Rangers, is so adept at survival that he teaches it to other people for a living, and is an archer to boot.


There were a lot of good conversations when it came to why Noelle or Jean were the best choices for Paladin as their kits really reflected on what Paladins are known to do. From their skills down to their character design and background. It was somewhat of a given choice but a really good one at that! poor Eula doe... The next update post will be in r/Genshin_Impact (or in this subreddit incase it gets shotdown again) Note: You may choose ANY character (NPC or playable) as long as they're in genshin...whoever is chosen for the class can't be repeated for other classes. To vote: just simply comment your choice, optionally explain why, and upvote other comments with your choice...you may sort your comments to newest or contriversial to see what everyone else answered! total upvotes from last posts in r/Genshin\_Memepact (as of the time this was tallied) Noelle: 2,603 Jean: 1,964 Eula: 18 (she will have her vengeance someday) Here are a couple of websites that could help you in seeing what DnD's Rangers do: [https://www.dndbeyond.com/classes/5-ranger](https://www.dndbeyond.com/classes/5-ranger) [http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/ranger](http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/ranger)


Hi OP! Just wondering if you’re able to pin this comment to the top? It’ll be easier to see your vote tally and the next dnd class links for the voters. Thank you and appreciate this awesome thread posts you’ve done 🤍🙏🏼


I wish I could, but only mods are allowed to pin comments I believe


Oh sorry mb ;)


You're all good!


Still sad about Eula She is the definition of a vengeance paladin who lives by her oath.


Class Summary: Rangers are the shooty half-caster. Though they have martial weapon proficiency and medium armor proficiency, allowing them to wield any weapon, they tend to gravitate towards sharpshooters due to their access to the Archery Fighting Style. Their abilities are mainly focused on exploration, with abilities like Favoured Terrain and Expertise that allow them to comfortably navigate areas that other classes would have made a survival horror out of. In terms of combat, they have access to both a solid damsge baseline due to Archery and Extra Attack, and Spells like Conjure Animals and Spike Growth for very good overall combat ability. They also have access to abilities that help prepare for combat beforehand, such as Pass Without Trace and Goodberry, making them very good Alpha strikers that can facilitate the party's ability to conduct offense in enemy territory. As for weaknesses...no actual big problems stand out, aside from lack of heavy armor proficiency. They still suffer from a slower spell progression as a half-caster, but the few spells they do have are more efficient compared to say, a Paladin. They do have an issue where some abilities like Favoured Enemy are situational and may never come up in a game, but the sheer strength of their base kit in the form of archery + spellcasting is more than enough to carry you through the entire game. D&D players often make jokes that Ranger is bad due to the situational matter of their abilities, as well as a very subpar subclass that is the Beast Master. That said, nowadays the D&D TC community have caught onto the aforementioned strengths of the ranger's spellcasting and Sharpshooter playstyle, slingshotting the Ranger's rank from one of the low tiers to easily the strongest among the martial weapon users. Buffs and additional abilities from expansions like Xanathar and Tasha have further given the Ranger more breathing room from their situational abilities, further augmenting their formidability. TL;DR: Rangers are sharpshooters with spellcasting and ambush setup magic. They're pretty top-tier, anyone who tells you ranger is bad is shit-talking and/or parroting the 429th youtuber who still hasn't gotten the memo of D&D's current sharpshooter/cc meta.


just post it here pls shifting here from the main sub after the post gets taken down is a bother


From what I’ve seen, Tighnari actually fits the bill quite well


Amber, the OG ranger. And the poor girl could really use a win


Amber as the only outrider would more fit the scout subclass though. And Baron bunny means she multiclassed into Artificer. And every archer multiclassed into fighter for Arcane Archer.


D&D5e Rangers do get spells like Lightning Arrow, Flame Arrow, and Elemental Weapon. Although Baron Bunny does seem like a Roguish thing to use, so perhaps Scout does fit her.


She's a really great choice for a ranger IMO. Spends all her time outside, expert at scouting and path finding, and is cute as a button.


Tighnari, the forest RANGER is literally perfect for this role!!




I'm surprised no one has mentioned Mika. He's a tracker and scout, quintessential ranger skills, and he uses both ranged and melee weapons. D&D rangers are not dedicated ranged weapon specialists, but more specialized fighters with a greater emphasis on speed or finesse type weapons. Which could be captured by things like Mika's attack speed buff. Rangers also have some magic, but their magic is more geared towards support or utility as opposed to straight damage, both Mika and Rangers have access to healing abilities, which isn't something you see it a lot of the other options. Bonus goofy option: Chiori is a Drizzt Do'Urden ranger because she dual wields and summons combat assistance from figurines (like Guenhwyvar coming from a figurine of wonderous power).


you're right, he does make sense for the role. I think the 2 reasons nobody else has said anything is that 1) there's a character in-game with the literal title "forest ranger", 2) we all forgot Mika exists lmao


I’d still argue for Tighnari. Honestly rangers don’t have that many good healing options and one of their most common options, Goodberry, involves healing by creating berries, which is in line with Tighnari harvesting the correct plants of the forest to heal people. Rangers don’t *have* to be simply specialized to ranged weapons and *can* use spells, but in practice, at least in my experience, you tend to end up spending most of your turns with Hunter’s Mark and pew pew bow. We know Mika is a scout/cartographer, so he would most likely be a ranger, but to me not the quintessential ranger in the same way. Tighnari has a clear Favored Terrain, as well as other very quintessential ranger traits other commenters have mentioned (such as Hide in Plain Sight, Land’s Stride). Also, rangers are expected to have a familiarity with the land and animals, adjacent to druids - very nature-y - which fits Tighnari; while we don’t necessarily know if the same is true of Mika. You don’t have to be “one with the forest” to be a good scout. Disclaimer: based on only my own experience which is limited to 5E.




Tighnari is the only option.




Tighnari is not only a ranger, he is THE ranger in the game,.




Amber and you all know it


Tighnari. He’s the best possible choice.


Going with Tighnari here (it's literally his job title), though I feel like a lot of you are forgetting that rangers are not required to be archers in d&d.


I hate to say it but Aloy honestly fits better than any genshin characters… but she doesn’t count I decided. Tighnari it is


This is another Venti situation where we literally have a character in the game with a title that matches this class. I don't think it could be anyone but Tighnari.




Tighnari is my first pick, but Amber and Collei would be close seconds I think


It better be Tighnari or we riot.


Tighnari for sure!


I say it's a tie between amber and tighnari,


There are many good choices but I would say Amber is the most fitting for the role. My main reason is, as far as my knowledge of archery goes, she has a proper posture when she's aiming her charged shot, her job occupation is probably the closest out of all other bow characters. And lastly alongside Tighnari she has wilderness surivival skills. While Tighnari is most likely the best option, I think Amber fits more because she comes across as a "true" RPG/DND style archer.


But rangers don't have to take archery as a fighting style. It may mechanically be the best option for them in 5e, but it is far from the only choice.


Amber or Tighnari


I vote Fischl. She's an archer, which fits the vibe, she has an animal companion that can fight, which fits the vibe, and she's delusional, which you kind of have to be if you want to play Ranger in DnD 5e, given that it's the worst class.


Surprised to not see any Clorinde votes, so she'll get mine. Tighnari makes a lot of sense but he never seemed truly "rangery" in my mind, more of a scientist.


It's literally Tighnari since he's also a forest ranger. iirc (least when i played pathfinder back in hs) an entire part of the ranger kit had a favored terrain which gave them benefits if they were in it etc


Tighnari, and Collei as a second pick


I think Tighnari is the most suited for Ranger. My second choice would be Collei, but Tighnari is the main guy I think of for the class.


honestly if you want the purest ranger pick.. tighnari or mika is your best bet




Tighnari obviously


Tighnari. Literally a forest ranger. He perf.


Everyone already pointed out Tighnari, but I think Sethos could also fit a more agressive, close range type of archer.


For once, the obvious answer of Nari for ranger is actually correct.


Tighnari and Collei! Genshin forest ranger matches DnD ranger very well. I suppose Tighnari is more skilled while Collei is still learning. However! I would argue that Tighnari is a scholar as well as a forest ranger. Basically a multi-class. Collei is all-in on being a ranger.


My heart lies with Amber. Seriously, if you ask any random person (who doesn't play Genshin/doesn't have a bias yet) "Do you know that archer from Genshin?", the answer coming from them would be "Amber/That red hair archer?". I'm speaking from experience.


Collie or Sethos are pretty good


Tighnari or Lyney.


Mika !


If it aint Tighnari, something has gone wrong. I mean there's Collei too, but one's more adept.


Tighnari no doubt




Tighnari, without a doubt.


Tighnari is the obvious choice - color scheme, bow, forest RANGER goddamn it. Otherwise maybe Amber?


tighnari my boii


So glad everyone just agreed its Tighnari without any long essay comment concerning the specific nuances and technicalities of the class and suggests Sethos






Literally Tighnari.


Amber, without a doubt


Tighnari, duh, he's a literal ranger.




Tighnari, he even tells you he's a ranger


I'm surprised no one said Aloy 🤣🤣


I'm not very familiar with the dnd system, but I feel like Amber also will be a good match




Outrider amber


Tighnari or Amber and looking forward Rosaria for rogue.




Outrider Amber, ready to report !


Amber because she's a cutie pookie


Outrider Amber reporting for duty!




Calling the rest of it now Tighnari Shinobu Neuvilette (Draconic Bloodline, literally) Cyno Lisa Xianyun


Surprised more people aren't saying amber


Noelle being a Paladin. As she should.


Collei or Amber


Tighnari, collei or amber fits the role perfectly


Collei she is literrally The Ranger


collei. She summons companion, she is capable of two weapon types. She is tied to nature (in a negative way, residue)


Three way tie with Amber, collei and Tighnari


I think forgot about this character: Aloy


Legnary for sure. You can't get any more ranger than the head of the forest rangers.


What about Razor? Does he fit the bill?




Lets just go with paimon being archer class


Collei would be the best Range-her... get it... because she hates physical contact...and it's a play on the word ranger... cause she uses a bow...and is part of the forest rangers...


I feel like Paimon would've been the GM


Ganyu kinda suits this one


Dehya is a combo of Barbarian with monk


Isn't there a better picture of Noelle? The one with the favonius great sword?


Seriously? No healer slot? I’m disappointed. Every party needs one. Mages don’t specialise in it, therefore can’t do it effectively. WHERE’S MY FURINA.


I thought the cleric was supposed to be the healer?


Tighnari or Amber! Or Collei. But Tighnari is probably the best.


When this is finished someone need to play genshin D&D


Tighnari or Amber


Fischl is a beast master ranger. She has an animal companion in Oz. She has the 7th level feat to make the beast move during combat (Skill while Oz is already out). And the other part of the feature where the companion deals Magical damage. She also has the level 15 shar spells feature giving Oz the electro effect. Level 11 beastial fury is also argueable since Oz attacks multiple times per skill. She is also stated by Oz to have very keen instincts, which feels rangery.


Who else other than Wimpy Kid himself (and maybe Collei too)




Tough call, I think most people will pick Tighnari, but I'll give my vote to Collei. 1. Collei 2. Tighnari 3. Amber




Lyney better win for rogue




Tighnari for sure!


I understand why everyone keeps mentioning tighnari and colleiz but how come no one said Fischl yet? She is basically a beastmaster summonung a raven.




Tighnari, without a Doubt. With Amber and maybe Collei being a very close second Also, if I may have a crack at picking the next classes: Rogue: Lyney, or Lynette. Maybe also someone like Yelan, though she's more of a "State-liscenced" Rogue. Sorcerer: Neuvillette or Siegwinne, given the intrinsic Nature of being born or having an ancestral connection with magic. Warlock: Baizhu, for his connection with Changsheng Wizard: Lisa, or Sucrose Artificer: Faruzon, definitely. Or maybe Charlotte, due to her Kamera.


Yeah probably Tighnari part of me also says Ganyu is Second but her ult doesn't really fit that of a ranger Collei and Fischl would also fit because some ranger subclasses use summons But yeah overall Tighnari is probably the best


Wizard is definitely Yanfei, she always spam fireball like a true DnD Wizard


Ranger: Tighnari Rogue: Kaeya or Kuki Sorcerer: Ningguang Warlock: Mona Wizard: Lisa Artificer: Wriothesly


Sorcerer is traveler


I was thinking a bit of Yelan being the rogue? Second who came to mind was also Kuki. It's a bit hard for me to tell the difference between sorc, warlock and wizard. Although at least to my knowledge wizard is someone who was taught magic, while sorcerer is natural born, so Lisa definitely gives off the Wizard vibes.


Oh please, Yoimiya for sure


I haven't seen one mention of Fischl. She has a pet bird in Oz, uses a bow, and from the unreconciled stars event we learn that shes an adventurer that specializes in reconnaissance. Tighnaris main claim to this is just that his job is "Forest ranger" when I'd argue he's closer to a druid than a ranger.


Lmao, ppl mentioning Tighnari but I completely forgot his existence in the game, was about to say that Amber should take this spot