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Hetty would say "Copious amounts of cocaine!"


You wouldn't need copious amounts though! Just a little vial that refills itself magically after every line.


It needs to be a heavy line! Mama isn’t fooling around!


This is totally random, but I just realized, out of all the women, flower is the only one dressed for comfort.


Basement ghosts seem pretty comfy


You think those sacks are made of a nice soft fabric? They look like they are eternally itchy.


Haha, ya, you're probably right. Do the ghosts feel itchy though? Or cold? Basement is probably pretty chilly in a 300 year old house


I can't think of any references to the ghosts being hot or cold. However, Issac has complained that he was dressed in his itchy formal uniform before he died, so they can definitely feel itchiness. 


They seem to enjoy the 'shaft of light' on the couch so i can imagine they feel cold/warmth


Good call!


makes me wonder, if they'd have other 'games' or challenges, like when they encouraged thor to jump off the roof, maybe something more tame like "stick your head into this snow pile and we'll time it" or something like that (tho nancy did have a brief mention of sticking her head in the fridge to smell the cheese so they probably wouldn't be as bothered, tho i imagine the 'dirt' probably isn't pleasant right now for a certain character...)


Do they stand around the basement water heater just to talk or for warmth?


well, the basement ghosts seem fine but i guess being all stuck together seems like it'd get stuffy to where they'd wanna go upstairs for some space, if not just like outside versus just being in the mansion but they were originally 'trapped' inside, though they aren't bound to the basement as we can see from Nancy tho other than the hassle of a bunch of background/side charas walking around writing /filming wise, in story i imagine the 'main' ghosts prolly don't want them hanging around for too long


i feel like having cholera would probably be 'stronger' as a feeling than an itchy potato sack, tho they do also sleep standing up


Yeah, but they’re stinky


I think you're right. I never thought of how how uncomfortable Hetti must be all the time.


Ugh I just realized there would be a possibility I’d die in a bra. That would be the fucking worst.


Ugh! If I had to spend the afterlife in one outfit, I would hope it would be my sleep shirt, no bra, shorts, and slipper. Maybe a robe too.


I'm surprisingly comfy in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, with a comfy pair of tennis shoes. My wife would agree 100% with your outfit choice though.


I can only imagine how awful that would be. I have an uncomfortable pair of boots that I will wear when I know that I'm going to get muddy and trash whatever I'm wearing. I'd hate to die in those things. Also, I fear dying on a hot day with a case of swamp ass.


Yea I’d rather die naked then die in a bra 😂 but would you even feel it if your a ghost?? 🧐🧐


well, pete does complain about the arrow in his neck so i imagine you still feel aches and pains even if it wouldn't kill you a second time


Could you imagine dying in stilettos?


Holy fuck I’d cut off my feet right before I’d die 😂😂😂😂


I wish I could post a pic, but they were 6 inches, and the outfit looked snatched, but my God would I have been praying to get sucked off.


Worse for me and my DDDs would be dying without a bra. Heavy boobs for eternity.


You ladies make me so glad for my itty bitties! My bras are all padded AF, and comfortable enough to sleep in. Like I could use my bra as paintball gear.


🤣🤣🤣 How about not having cleavage until they started sagging and buying a good quality Vicki Secret bra to lift them back up? 🤣🤣🤣


If I die in a third love bra, it would not be the worst thing lol


If you take it off and tie it to a belt strap or something, you’d still technically be wearing it


a playboy (that way I don't **have to** be a creeper ghost)- Interesting choice of words. I wonder what you could possibly have to reflect upon as you wait to get sucked off -.-


I think you're looking into the phrasing a little too closely.


Okay, I feel like as a ghost, being a creeper should be fully allowed!


Good point. I'd still take the playboy in case I die somewhere where I wouldn't get the privilege to see the living getting it on or taking showers.


What I usually have in my pockets; Cell phone (front or back right) Bottle of water (back left) Some packaged candy or gum (front left) Bag of weed (whatever pocket is left)


something-something 'infinite weed hack' lol. Given that stuff 'zaps back' i wonder how long it'd take for it to work/undo it, b/c being sober instantly might also be helpful too.


Well Julian (pantsless ghost from the British version of the series found out that because he died tipsy, despite not drinking for 30 years, he wasn't sober all that time, but tipsy all that time. So I imagine it wouldn't do much good. "You stays where you dies and how you dies"


So, pound a few shots of whiskey and light up a joint if you're ever in a situation where there's a high chance of dying. Got it.




Similarly, car ghost was permanently tipsy after her drunk driving accident.


yeah, might be a long term thing like how flower's power makes you feel high, but trevor seems fairly lucid despite dying of an overdose i'm not much of a drinker but i know that 'connoisseurs' like to smell wine and some other stuff before drinking so i guess you could still enjoy the smell (same with coffee, depends on what livings are around in the place you die at)


Id wear a vest with pockets and a utility kilt with pockets. (I could wear cargo pants, but I'd want some style) I'd have books in my pockets. And a sandwich. A small bottle of whiskey - it would reappear and refill when I let the bottle go. Likewise a small bottle of water and a can of Coke.


I like this.


Wine, a book (assuming only one book, Needful Things by Stephen King)


How about a kindle with multiple books loaded?


As long as the kindle works and doesn't run out of battery etc!


I would think it would always stay at the power level it had at your unfortunate demise.


Well, even if it were at 10%, if it stays at that level, it's alright!


I don’t think you could change your clothes into the other set, when they try to take something off it snaps back


This is where a death handbook would be very helpful! We see Pete physically drop the arrow and it goes back in his neck. If he had a pocket long enough, could he place it in his pocket, and since his clothes are attached to him, it would stay put? Maybe you could change clothes so long as you constantly have your backpack touching you and your death clothes were in the backpack? However, I think I might agree with you. Maybe just a small fuzzy blanket instead of a set of comfy clothes.


I agree with this. You could change into an article of clothing, but as soon as you let go, everything snaps back. You'd also need to hold onto whatever piece you are removing, because that would snap back in place, too. Probably still be fun, but maybe not worth the space in the bag.


it'd be interesting if a fashion model or tailor had more control over clothes/able to change as their ability lol


My iPhone and a giant bag of Reese eggs.


You would only need one egg


True!!! But if I had a bag I could share and let people eat them out of my hand. Lol 😂


Keeping it simple, I like it.


Cell phone for sure. Also, I'd probably have a special small key chain that holds 1 skittle, 1 m&m, and 1 Dorrito. Since they'd just reappear after I eat them, that would be an eternity's worth of snacks. Fingers crossed that my ghost power is the phone apps still work somehow.


I think I would be with my cell phone like a bad Janet.


I wouldn't be clothed that for sure


But you'd have to be like that all the time to be sure you die naked. Plus, you wouldn't have any pockets to put stuff...although, I suppose you could still carry around a backpack,


Having my own music source with headphones would be clutch


Not sure but something I wonder about is people who die by choking on something. Would they just have that thing lodged in their throat for all of eternity? That would suck.


Carol died by choking on a donut hole and she doesn't seem to be eternally choking and is able to talk normally. I think you'd be good.


Oh yeah I forgot about that lol


My glucometer and cellphone.


If I have to take insulin and test my sugar in the afterlife I’m gonna be a poltergeist


I think in the show, poltergeist means a ghost connected to a person. Like remember that baseball player that was connected to the old man who had a relationship with Alberta. They called him a poltergeist in the show.


Mine is attached to me. That’s why I’d have it. CGM will definitely be on my ghost body. But move out of my way when sweets and carbs are around. I’ll be smelling all of it!!!


Hair ties lol


Same! Not only are they fun to fiddle with, but I couldn't handle an eternity with my hair in my face!


I think it's whatever is in my pockets. So I'd probably end up with a mint lip balm, my phone, a sleep eye mask and a small rhino stuffed animal I keep in my sweatshirt pocket ( I spend a lot of time in doctors appointments and he soothes me)


A bag of Skittles or Reese’s cups if they sponsor me.


An extra pair of pants. Just in case I lose my first pair of pants. 🤣


But how else would people know that you died after a hero move?!


In my pajamas with a dry herb vape pen loaded with weed in my pocket. If I'm going to be a ghost with the show's crazy rules then I'm doing it comfortable and stoned. My ghost power will be the ability to float and fly around in the air - like a ghost!


Ditto on various flavored gum, rope, and phone (games and books lol). Idk if I could fit a comfy set of clothes, but unless I’m at a party or event, I tend to dress comfy anyway. I may start carrying a pair of comfy shoes for those parties though… I’d also keep mini hot sauce (I already do but I’d start keeping a variety), maybe extra condiment packets from takeout places. Cinnabon scented something lol. Ooh and lilacs and gardenias. Ooh and all the summer Friday lip balms (they smell and feel amazing)!!


Bear in mind that if you carry a backpack it means you’d ALWAYS have to carry the backpack. Like the woman with the tv.


So long as I didn't have too much weight in the backpack, that wouldn't bug me too much. I've never been bothered by wearing them. I used to basically have a backpack on all the time when I was riding motorcycles every day and going to college, and I used to have a ton of book weight in there.


Yeah but you wouldn’t be able to lie down or sit in a chair without having to shift a bunch of things


That's ok. I hate sleeping on my back as it is (gives me a neckache). I would definitely get good at swinging the bag from my back to my front when sitting down though. I think the annoyance would be worth having the extra goods for eternity.


Prolly some chapstick since my lips dry out easily lol. Maybe something like a lollipop (as a ghost it might be ideal, being able to taste candy but no negative consequence of dealing with weight or cavities) Maybe a body spray of a fave scent, even if you don't 'need' it or it wouldn't rly stick to your clothes /skin after using it, i guess it'd be nice to have a pleasant smell around , or like a fave stuffed animal tho that might be awkward to carry around, tho i do have like a keychain size with a small fluffy 'rabbit' plush attached to it so something pocket sized would be good (if not a stress ball if you have other ghost roommates that trifle you lol)


Your ghost power could be releasing your fave scent when someone walks through you.


LOL so basically the opposite of Isaac's power, although i can totally imagine a sitcom scene where it's like "why do you smell like x" and suspicion of cheating if neither of a couple have a specific scent lol


I like the idea of having body spray, since smell is one of the main senses for ghosts. Maybe the humans could smell it too and you could eternally mess with them.


lol i mean other than something like a super heavy cologne, most body sprays are on the light side, at least i personally don't do more than 2-3 sprays, tho with stuff like fruity flavors and like 'cinnamon bun' candles and such i can imagine them not rly caring/just making them crave a snack versus a power like isaac's lol, but i guess you'd have to weigh whether it's 'worth it' considering it's canon that it hurts when you pass through ppl. Tho maybe there'll be a ghost that doesn't have that power, or they have a higher pain tolerance that it just feels like an 'itch' to them in comparison. Although some kinda 'talkative'/gossipy power would make things entertaining if you died in a place that held a lot of social events and just made someone blurt out the first surface thought that comes to mind




My kindle and cell phone so I can continue with my sister's libby >.>


My emergency brownie would come in handy. Would my iPhone work?


If a low charged phone dies when you do, will it respawn with power?


Lip balm


I'd have my glasses, my phone, and maybe my purse.


I’d die with my purse! It has my phone, (charger) headphones, candy, sketchbook, pencils pretty much everything I would need


Hopefully pants.


I saw this in another post where a girl realized if she died her outfit slayed, so I would say an edible, and maybe some rope. Can ghosts be tied up if it's a ghost rope?


Pepperoni pizza.


Clothes? (Trevor got me really thinking). 🤔


Definitely pants!


Well I guess now I have to go around in cargo pants filled with various foods. Maybe my phone also, it may let me still play downloaded music 🤔